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Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning : 7 Associated Items

Temporary refugia for coral reefs in a warming world  product of  Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning
Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning Final Report  product of  Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning
Google Earth KMZ tool  product of  Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning
Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning Data Results RAW  product of  Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning
Opposite latitudinal gradients in projected ocean acidification and bleaching impacts on coral reefs  product of  Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning
Downscaled projections of Caribbean coral bleaching that can inform conservation planning  product of  Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning
Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning Data Results compressed  product of  Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning

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