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Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest : 12 Associated Items

Delineation and characterization of remotely sensed vegetation conditions in spring-dependent ecosystems, Harney County, Oregon  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Analysis of remotely-sensed vegetation conditions during droughts and a mountain pine beetle outbreak, Gearhart Mountain Wilderness, Oregon  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Springs as hydrologic refugia in a changing climate? A remote‐sensing approach  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Oases of the Future? Springs as Potential Hydrologic Refugia in Drying Climates  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Final Report: Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
A guidebook to spatial datasets for conservation planning under climate change in the Pacific Northwest [PDF version]  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Drought Refugia: Remote Sensing Approaches and Management Applications  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Refugia from drought and mountain pine beetle in a whitebark and lodgepole pine ecosystem  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Distribution and protection of climatic refugia in North America  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Springs as refugia in a changing climate? A remote-sensing approach to quantify resilience in spring-dependent ecosystems  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Landscape Topoedaphic Features Create Refugia from Drought and Insect Disturbance in a Lodgepole and Whitebark Pine Forest  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Analysis of drought sensitivity in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, and Idaho) from 2000 through 2016  product of  Identifying and Evaluating Refugia from Drought and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest

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