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Groundwater Quality Data from the Upper Hudson and Central New York River Basins, New York, 2017 : 4 Associated Items

Groundwater Quality Data from the Upper Hudson and Central New York River Basins, New York, 2017  related to  Groundwater Quality in Central New York, 2007
Groundwater Quality Data from the Upper Hudson and Central New York River Basins, New York, 2017  related to  Ground-Water Quality in the Upper Hudson River Basin, New York, 2007
Groundwater Quality Data from the Upper Hudson and Central New York River Basins, New York, 2017  related to  Groundwater quality in the Upper Hudson River Basin, New York, 2012
Groundwater Quality Data from the Upper Hudson and Central New York River Basins, New York, 2017  related to  Groundwater quality in central New York, 2012

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