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Satellite video and individual image frames from the Tanana River, Alaska, July 14, 2020, for Particle Image Velocimetry : 3 Associated Items

Satellite video and individual image frames from the Tanana River, Alaska, July 14, 2020, for Particle Image Velocimetry  Constituent Of  Satellite video and field measurements of flow velocity acquired from the Tanana River in Alaska and used for particle image velocimetry (PIV)
Geo-referenced orthophotos of the Tanana River, Alaska, acquired July 24, 2019  related to  Satellite video and individual image frames from the Tanana River, Alaska, July 14, 2020, for Particle Image Velocimetry
Field measurements of flow velocity from the Tanana River, Alaska, July 24, 2019  related to  Satellite video and individual image frames from the Tanana River, Alaska, July 14, 2020, for Particle Image Velocimetry

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