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Data in this data release were obtained for water samples collected under Yellowstone National Park Research Permit YELL-05194 in 2017 through the Integrated Yellowstone Studies Project funded by the Mineral Resources Program. Isotope-spiked incubations were carried out to determine methylation and demethylation potential for Frying Pan spring, Crystal Sister East, Crystal Sister West, and Turbulent Pool, which were selected based on existing data on total mercury and methylmercury concentrations (see companion data release ( The data represent the experimental conditions of incubation experiments (temperature, time, and experimental spikes) and concentration data associated with...
This data release includes mercury concentrations and mercury stable isotope measurements measured in sediments and biological tissues collected from the Saint Louis River located in Minnesota. Sediments and biota were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and federal contractors (Battelle) from 2017-2021. Collection regions included nearshore zones within the main estuary, remedial sites within the lower river, and upstream reservoir sites. Sediments were analyzed for total mercury, methylmercury, and mercury stable isotopes by the U.S. Geological Survey Mercury Research Laboratory (MRL, Madison, Wisconsin). Biological samples were analyzed...
This dataset consists of concentration and isotopic data for a method designed to isolate and analyze methylmercury. Several matrices (lab-based, and natural) were tested to ensure that the method was capable of recovering methylmercury amendments. Additionally, natural matrices (plankton and sediment) with ambient methylmercury were also analyzed to ensure that the method could be successfully applied to natural matrices. Separation tests for sediment, water, and biotic matrices showed acceptable recoveries (98 ± 5%, n = 54) and reproducible δ202Hg isotope results (2SD < 0.15 ‰) down to 5 ng of MeHg. This dataset is part of a complimentary paper published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (
Water quality and fish tissue samples were collected and measured for mercury concentrations in a total of 23 small to medium size lakes in Minnesota to assess the impact that zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion had on mercury bioaccumulation. Water samples were collected in October and November of 2021 from 22 lakes and analyzed for total mercury, methylmercury, dissolved organic carbon, and suspended particulate matter at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mercury Research Laboratory (MRL). Tissue samples of walleye (Sander vitreus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were collected by researchers at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities from July to October in 2019 and 2021 and June to October in 2020...
Under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the U.S. Geological Survey Mercury Research Lab (USGS MRL) conducted a multiyear assessment of mercury across the Laurentian Great Lakes. Biannual sampling was conducted across all five lakes onboard the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) research vessel Lake Guardian (in years 2010–2014, 2018) at pelagic sampling locations established by the long-term US EPA Great Lakes monitoring program. In addition to the regularly scheduled biannual sampling, in September 2013 and 2014 Lake Michigan and Lake Erie (respectively) were sampled with increased focus on shallow nearshore locations. Throughout these sampling efforts, sediments, mussels, surface water, and plankton...
Great Salt Lake (GSL) is a designated Site of Hemispheric Importance for migratory birds by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. Elevated mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) levels related to current inputs and past industrial contamination pose a potential threat to GSL biota, in addition to waterfowl hunters that utilize GSL and surrounding wetland areas. Sediments, invertebrates (brine shrimp, brine flies, and spiders), and waterfowl (northern shoveler and cinnamon teal) were targeted within these studies to determine relative source contributions of Hg and trace elements to the GSL system, determine which sources of mercury are actively bioaccumulating in GSL food webs, assess controls on mercury...
This dataset includes field hydrologic measurements and laboratory analyses of surface and pore waters, sediments, benthic plants/biofilms, and biota along the Middle Snake River upgradient of the Hells Canyon Complex. The study region for this work focuses on a section of the Snake River heavily utilized for agriculture, with complex systems of irrigation diversion and return drainage, spanning 164 km above the Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon). The goal of this study was to identify potential loading sources of methylmercury from the upgradient Snake River into the reservoir complex, with a focus on the tributaries, irrigation return drains, and riparian zones adjacent to agricultural lands along the river....
Mercury (Hg) emission and deposition can occur to and from soils, and are an important component of the global atmospheric Hg budget. This paper focuses on synthesizing existing surface-air Hg flux data collected throughout the Western North American region and is part of a series of geographically focused Hg synthesis projects. A database of existing Hg flux data collected using the dynamic flux chamber (DFC) approach from almost a thousand locations was created for the Western North America region. Statistical analysis was performed on the data to identify the important variables controlling Hg fluxes and to allow spatiotemporal scaling. The results indicated that most of the variability in soil-air Hg fluxes...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
The data in this data release includes results from the analysis of water and fish from 76 sites in the Everglades National Park (ENP). Water and particulate matter samples were collected from 2008 to 2018 and analyzed for total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg). Filtered water samples were also analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA), and major anions. Fish samples (Eastern Mosquitofish, Flagfish, African Jewelfish, Golden Topminnow, and Mayan Cichlid species) were collected from 2007 to 2018 and analyzed for THg and MeHg and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. These data are important for analyzing hydrologic and geochemical controls on MeHg distribution and production...
Fish collected for taxonomic and systematic purposes are often preserved and then archived in museum collections. Preserved fish are commonly first fixed in a formalin solution and then transferred to ethanol for long-term storage. The wet preservation method can potentially introduce mercury (Hg) contamination or unintentionally extract Hg from tissue. An experiment was designed to test the utility of museum preserved fishes in reconstructing spatiotemporal trends in methylmercury (MeHg) concentration and Hg stable isotope ratios, which is used to trace Hg sources to fishes. Wet preserved fish specimens from the Congo River and river basins within Gabon were subsampled from archives at the the Royal Museum of Africa...
The dataset presented here represents the concentrations and stable isotopic composition of gaseous mercury (Hg) for 31 sites across the United States. This national-scale monitoring effort was performed by the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) and the USGS over a two-year period (March 2016 - May 2018). The network includes a highly diverse set of sites ranging from remote (e.g. Denali National Park, AK and Mauna Loa, HI) to highly urbanized (e.g. Bronx, NY and Boston, MA). Air samples were collected using a custom designed bulk air sampler, in which air was pumped at approximately 1 L/min through particulate and soda lime filters prior to passing through two quartz tubes containing gold coated glass...
Laboratory experiments were performed between 2019 and 2020 to examine how dissolved organic matter (DOM) and phytoplankton (Raphidocelis subcapitata) cells alter mercury (Hg) uptake and isotope fractionation. Experiments were performed at ambient Hg to thiol ratios using natural organic matter isolates received from collaborators at the University of California-Davis. Two types of experiments were performed: (1) one set with SRFA isolates at two concentrations and Hg, termed uptake experiment, and (2) one set with DOM isolates, Hg, and cultured Raphidocelis subcapitata cells, termed sunlight exposure experiment. For additional experimental details, including culturing conditions, experimental set-up, and analysis,...
Anthropogenic manipulation of aquatic habitats can profoundly alter mercury (Hg) cycling and bioaccumulation. The impoundment of fluvial systems is among the most common habitat manipulations and is known to increase fish Hg concentrations immediately following impoundment. However, it is not well understood how Hg concentrations differ between reservoirs and lakes at large spatial and temporal scales or how reservoir management influences fish Hg concentrations. This study evaluated total Hg (THg) concentrations in 64,386 fish from 883 reservoirs and 1387 lakes, across the western United States and Canada, to assess differences between reservoirs and lakes, as well as the influence of reservoir management on fish...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
This dataset includes laboratory analyses of surface water samples and sediment trap material collected from (1) locations upstream, downstream, and within the Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon) of the Snake River, (2) tributaries of the Snake River, and (3) two reservoirs near Boise, Idaho, from 2014 to 2022. The study area spans approximately 232 river miles of the Snake River and includes: two sites on the main stem of the Snake River upstream of the Hells Canyon Complex (Snake River mile 447.6, 399.0, and 345.6), six sites within Brownlee Reservoir (Snake River mile 318, 314, 310, 305, 300, and 286), one site within Oxbow Reservoir (Snake River mile 273), two sites within Hells Canyon Reservoir (Snake River...
Large-scale assessments are valuable in identifying primary factors controlling total mercury (THg) and monomethyl mercury (MeHg) concentrations, and distribution in aquatic ecosystems. Bed sediment THg and MeHg concentrations were compiled for > 16,000 samples collected from aquatic habitats throughout the West between 1965 and 2013. The influence of aquatic feature type (canals, estuaries, lakes, and streams), and environmental setting (agriculture, forest, open-water, range, wetland, and urban) on THg and MeHg concentrations was examined. THg concentrations were highest in lake (29.3 ± 6.5 μg kg^-1) and canal (28.6 ± 6.9 μg kg^-1) sites, and lowest in stream (20.7 ± 4.6 μg kg^-1) and estuarine (23.6 ± 5.6 μg...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Fish represent high quality protein and nutrient sources, but Hg contamination is ubiquitous in aquatic ecosystems and can pose health risks to fish and their consumers. Potential health risks posed to fish and humans by Hg contamination in fish were assessed in western Canada and the United States. A large compilation of inland fish Hg concentrations was evaluated in terms of potential health risk to the fish themselves, health risk to predatory fish that consume Hg contaminated fish, and to humans that consume Hg contaminated fish. The probability that a fish collected from a given location would exceed a Hg concentration benchmark relevant to a health risk was calculated. These exceedance probabilities and their...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Samples were collected from Clear Lake, California from 2019-2022 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) California Water Science Center, the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC), the US Environmental Protection Agency, and EA Engineering Science and Technology Inc. to assess the extent and cycling of legacy mercury (Hg) contamination from Sulphur Bank Mine. Samples of waste rock, sediments, groundwater, and biological tissue (zooplankton, bluegill, smallmouth bass, Mississippi silversides, and largemouth bass) were analyzed for Hg stable isotopes by the U.S. Geological Survey Mercury Research Laboratory. Mercury concentrations for sediments, waste rocks, and groundwaters are included within...
This dataset includes timber harvest treatments; mercury concentrations in aquatic macroinvertebrates, salamanders, and riparian songbirds; carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in aquatic macroinvertebrates and salamanders; and Bayesian estimates of food web length, basal resource diversity, and isotopic niche size for individual feeding guilds.
The Hells Canyon Complex (HCC) is comprised of a series of three consecutive reservoirs (Brownlee, Oxbow, and Hells Canyon) along a 145 km reach of the Snake River bordered by Idaho to the east and Oregon to the west. Due to concerns regarding mercury (Hg) contamination within the HCC, in cooperation with Idaho Power Company, the U.S. Geological Survey has been leading an investigation into the sources, transport, microbial transformations, chemical speciation and bioaccumulation of Hg in this complex river-reservoir environment. This data release is focused on the sediment component of this larger effort and includes data collected between 2014 and 2018 from shallow surface sediment (≤ top 5 cm) and from sectioned...
The Northeast Stream Quality Assessment (NESQA) performed mercury (Hg) isotope analysis of prey fish, game fish, and sediments from 29 sites across an urban to forested land-use gradient. The data presented here includes the chemical analysis of Hg concentrations and isotopes, capture information for fish species, land use, and stream water quality variables. Using these parameters it was determined that the preservation of Hg isotope signatures, which are indicative of source (e.g. atmospheric deposition, industrial point discharge), were dependent on land use, proximity to point sources, and variables related urbanization (e.g. road density and impervious surface cover). Additional Information regarding the interpretation...

map background search result map search result map Chemical and Physical Controls on Mercury Source Signatures in Stream Fish from the Northeastern United States Regional Trends of Isotopic Composition in Total Gaseous Mercury Across the United States Isolation of Methylmercury Using Distillation and Anion-Exchange Chromatography for Isotopic Analyses in Natural Matrices Data Release Trask River Watershed Study Area Forestry Bioaccumulation Dataset, 2011-2015 Biogeochemical Data for Mercury and other Constituents in Surface Sediment and Deep Cores from the Hells Canyon Reservoir Complex, Idaho and Oregon 2014-2018 Chemical characterization of water and suspended sediment of the Snake River and Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon) (ver. 3.0, November 2023) Mercury concentrations in surface water, sediment, and biota in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2005 through Present Total and Methyl Mercury Water and Fish Concentrations within Everglades National Park Isotopic Examination of Mercury Methylation and Demethylation Rates in Yellowstone National Park Thermal Features Measurements of mercury stable isotopes during planktonic uptake and photochemical demethylation of methylmercury Walleye (Sander vitreus), Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) and Surface Water Mercury Concentrations in Minnesota Lakes African fish mercury burden and isotopic composition from archived museum specimens Assessment of Mercury and Mercury Stable Isotopes in Sediments and Biota from Reservoirs and Remedial Zones within the Saint Louis River, Minnesota Mercury stable isotopes in biota, sediment, groundwater, and waste piles, Clear Lake area, Lake County, California, 2019-2022 Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022 Assessment of Mercury, Mercury Stable Isotopes, and Trace Metals in Waters, Sediments, and Biota from Great Salt Lake, Utah Measurements of mercury stable isotopes during planktonic uptake and photochemical demethylation of methylmercury Trask River Watershed Study Area Forestry Bioaccumulation Dataset, 2011-2015 Mercury stable isotopes in biota, sediment, groundwater, and waste piles, Clear Lake area, Lake County, California, 2019-2022 Biogeochemical Data for Mercury and other Constituents in Surface Sediment and Deep Cores from the Hells Canyon Reservoir Complex, Idaho and Oregon 2014-2018 Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022 Total and Methyl Mercury Water and Fish Concentrations within Everglades National Park Isotopic Examination of Mercury Methylation and Demethylation Rates in Yellowstone National Park Thermal Features Assessment of Mercury, Mercury Stable Isotopes, and Trace Metals in Waters, Sediments, and Biota from Great Salt Lake, Utah Isolation of Methylmercury Using Distillation and Anion-Exchange Chromatography for Isotopic Analyses in Natural Matrices Data Release Chemical characterization of water and suspended sediment of the Snake River and Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon) (ver. 3.0, November 2023) Walleye (Sander vitreus), Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) and Surface Water Mercury Concentrations in Minnesota Lakes Chemical and Physical Controls on Mercury Source Signatures in Stream Fish from the Northeastern United States Mercury concentrations in surface water, sediment, and biota in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2005 through Present Regional Trends of Isotopic Composition in Total Gaseous Mercury Across the United States African fish mercury burden and isotopic composition from archived museum specimens