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This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections made from xenolith samples collected from the Sliderock Mountain and Susie Peak plutons, Montana, along with a shapefile representing the locations of the samples. The plutons are located north of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, which is exposed along the northern side of the Beartooth Mountains in Montana. To the north of the Stillwater Complex, a gravity anomaly is located where Phanerozoic rocks may unconformably overlie the complex. These Phanerozoic rocks are intruded by Cretaceous plutons that have gabbroid inclusions that resemble other metamorphosed rocks of the Stillwater Complex. Samples of the inclusions were collected, and thin sections were...
The Reef Package is a sequence of coarse-grained cumulates that host the J-M Reef Pd-Pt deposit in the Stillwater Complex of Montana. The top of the Reef Package marks the top of economic-grade platinum-group element mineralization and is identified by a distinct change in rock fabric, from the coarse-grained rocks of the Reef Package to finer-grained cumulates in the hanging wall. This dataset tabulates whole-rock major, minor, and trace element geochemistry of rock samples collected from diamond drill holes that intersect the textural discontinuity at the top of the Reef Package from the underground working of the Stillwater Mine. The dataset also tabulates rock fabric data collected by electron backscatter diffraction...
This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections of drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana, along with a shapefile representing the location of the drill hole. The core was drilled in order to study contact-type copper and nickel sulfide mineralization in the Stillwater Complex. The images of the entire thin section, both in plane- and cross-polarized light, were taken using a high-resolution digital camera on a macro stand. Each zip file, named with the drill hole identification number, contains the images for a single drill hole. In response to file size restrictions, the data were organized into two parts. The "p1" and "p2" folder designations represent parts 1 and 2. The data in each zip file...
This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections created from hand samples and drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana, along with a shapefile representing the locations of the underground samples and drill hole collars. The samples were collected and core was drilled in order to define platinum-group element resources associated with the J-M Reef at the Stillwater Mine in the Stillwater Complex. The images of the entire thin section, both in plane- and cross-polarized light, were taken using a high-resolution digital camera on a macro stand. The data in each zip file is organized into a folder containing the 'RAW' unprocessed .CR2 images (when available) and associated .xmp metadata files, and...
This dataset includes pdf representations of drill core logs showing associated drill core information, a pdf of the explanation for the lithology and structure sections of the logs, a shapefile of the locations of the drill holes, and eleven individual .csv files of tabular data that was compiled from hand written drill core logs. The drill core is from the Stillwater Complex, Montana and was drilled from 1969 to 1973 by the Anaconda Copper Company. The core was logged from 1982 to 1983. The pdf images and .csv files include lithologic, structure, grain size, sulfide, copper, and nickel mineralization information. The pdf logs were created using Golden software's Strater 5 drill core visualization software. The...
This dataset includes photographic and micrographic images of thin sections of drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana, along with a shapefile representing the locations of the drill holes. The core was drilled in order to study contact-type copper and nickel sulfide mineralization in the Stillwater Complex. See data release for accompanying drill log data. The images of the entire thin section, both in plane- and cross-polarized light, were taken using a high-resolution digital camera on a macro stand. The 4x and 10x resolution images were taken on an Olympus petrographic microscope using Stream Image Analysis Software. Each zip file, named with the drill hole identification...
This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections of drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana, along with a shapefile representing the locations of the drill holes. The core was drilled in order to study contact-type copper and nickel sulfide mineralization in the Stillwater Complex. The images of the entire thin section, both in plane- and cross-polarized light, were taken using a high-resolution digital camera on a macro stand. Each zip file, named with the drill hole identification number, contains the images for a single drill hole. The data in each zip file is organized into a folder containing the 'RAW' unprocessed CR2 images and a folder containing processed jpg images. Folders with a "p1"...
This dataset includes TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) images of graphic drill core logs showing associated drill core information, a TIFF image of the explanation for the lithology and structure sections of the logs, an Esri shapefile of the locations of the drill holes, and fourteen individual .csv files of tabular data that were compiled from handwritten drill core logs. The drill core is from the Stillwater Complex, Montana and was drilled from 1971 to 1980 by the Cyprus Mines Corporation. The core was logged in 1986. The data shown in the graphic drill logs and contained within the .csv files includes lithologic, structure, core recovery, grain size, chromite, sulfide, copper, and nickel mineralization information....
This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections created from hand samples and drill core sourced from the South Kawishiwi Intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota, along with two shapefiles representing the locations of the samples and drill hole collars. The samples were collected and core was drilled in order to define copper-nickel-platinum-group element resources associated with the South Kawishiwi Intrusion in the Duluth Complex. The images of the entire thin section, both in plane- and cross-polarized light, were taken using a high-resolution digital camera on a macro stand. The data is organized into five zip files, containing three zip files with images sourced from drill core, one zip file with images...
Sulfide- and chromite-bearing samples of the Basal and Ultramafic series of the Stillwater Complex are known to contain elevated concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE). Thin sections were prepared from drill core and surface samples from the Chrome and Iron Mountain areas. Core samples are from exploration drilling programs by AMAX in the 1960s and 1970s and Beartooth Platinum in 2004-2007. The degree to which PGE occur in the rocks as discrete platinum-group minerals was investigated using a TESCAN Integrated Mineral Analyser (TIMA-X) based on a TESCAN MIRA 3 field-emission scanning electron microscope coupled with an EDAX energy-dispersive spectrometer. TIMA-X combines backscattered electron (BSE) imaging...
This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections created from hand samples collected from the Crocodile Lake and Cucumber Lake Intrusions, Duluth Complex, Minnesota, along with a shapefile representing the locations of the samples. The samples were collected in order to define copper-nickel-platinum-group element resources associated with the Crocodile Lake and Cucumber Lake Intrusions in the Duluth Complex. The images of the entire thin section, both in plane- and cross-polarized light, were taken using a high-resolution digital camera on a macro stand. The data in each zip file is organized into a folder containing the 'RAW' unprocessed .CR2 images and associated .xmp metadata files, and a folder containing...
This dataset includes TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) images of graphic drill core logs showing associated drill core information, a TIFF image of the explanation for the lithology and structure sections of the logs, an Esri shapefile of the locations of the drill holes, and 17 individual .csv files of tabular data that were compiled from handwritten drill core logs. The drill core is from the Mountain View area of the Stillwater Complex, Montana and was drilled from 1988 to 1990 by the Chrome Corporation of America. The data shown in the graphic drill logs and contained within the .csv files includes lithologic, structure, grain size, sulfide, chromite, chromium, platinum, palladium, copper, and nickel mineralization...
This dataset includes pdf representations of drill core logs showing associated drill core information, a pdf of the explanation for the lithology and structure sections of the logs, a shapefile of the locations of the drill holes, and sixteen individual .csv files of tabular data that was compiled from hand written drill core logs. The drill core is from the Stillwater Complex, Montana and was drilled from 1969 to 1977. The core was logged from 1979 to 1993. The data in the pdf images and .csv files includes lithologic, structure, core recovery, grain size, chromite, sulfide, copper, and nickel mineralization information. The pdf logs were created using Golden software's Strater 5 drill core visualization software....
This dataset includes a point shapefile representing structural measurements taken from a study area near the South Kawishiwi Intrusion in the Duluth Complex, Minnesota and a line shapefile representing the surface traces of the structural measurements. The structural measurements point file consists of a compilation of data from multiple published and unpublished sources. The surface trace file was created from these point data using an ArcGIS toolbox 'surface trace' tool (Open-File Report 2019-1136). The surface trace lines represent the lateral extension, projected onto the ground surface, of a geologic feature represented by the structural measurements.
Sulfide- and chromite-bearing samples of the Basal and Ultramafic series of the Stillwater Complex are known to contain elevated concentrations of chromium, nickel, copper, cobalt, gold, and platinum-group elements (PGE). Drill core and surface samples were collected from the Chrome and Iron Mountain areas for whole rock geochemical analysis, with specific interest in PGE, cobalt, and gold concentrations. Core samples are from exploration drilling programs by AMAX in the 1960s and 1970s and Beartooth Platinum in 2004-2007. Reported whole rock data were measured using the following methods: major elements by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF), 60 trace elements by inductively coupled plasma-optical...
This dataset includes five Esri grids representing the copper-nickel-platinum group element (Cu-Ni-PGE) mineralized zone found in the South Kawishiwi, Bathtub, and Partridge River intrusions, Duluth Complex, Minnesota. The data are also presented in .csv format to provide an open-source file type. We are using the term "basal mineralized zone" (bmz) as an informal term representing the mineralized units found in the South Kawishiwi, Bathtub, and Partridge River intrusions. The mineralized rock units located in the South Kawishiwi intrusion are collectively known as the Basal Mineralized Zone. However, the mineralized rock units found in the Bathtub and Partridge River intrusions do not have standardized names and...
From February 12 to March 8, 1981, EG and G Geometrics conducted an aeromagnetic survey in Montana for Anaconda Copper Company. A Piper Navajo aircraft was used to conducted the survey. The survey was flown along north-south flightlines spaced 660 feet at a nominal height of 450 feet above the terrain. Five uniformly spaced east-west tie-lines were also flown. During processing, the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) of 1975 was updated to 1981 and removed from the survey observations. The resultant anomalous magnetic field was contoured at a 4.0 gamma interval and plotted to map sheets. In 2016, the map sheets were scanned, registered, and the contours were digitized. The point data released here...
This dataset includes TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) images of graphic drill core logs showing associated drill core information, a TIFF image of the explanation for the lithology and structure sections of the logs, an Esri shapefile of the locations of the drill holes, and 12 .csv files of tabular data that were compiled from handwritten drill core logs. The drill core is from the Stillwater Mine area of the Stillwater Complex, Montana and was drilled from 1983 to 1989 by the Stillwater Mining Company and Anaconda Copper Corp. The data shown in the graphic drill logs and contained within the .csv files includes lithologic, structure, percent recovery, grain size, sulfide, nickel, copper, platinum, and palladium...
This data release includes four .csv files and one Esri shapefile which contain data on titanium-vanadium deposits hosted in mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions and massif anorthosite intrusions from around the world. Some of the data was used to create a grade and tonnage model for titanium-vanadium deposits hosted in mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions. Only deposits with reported grade and tonnage information were included in this data compilation. The Titanium_vanadium_deposits.csv and Titanium_vanadium_deposits.shp files list the deposits and associated information such as the host intrusion, location, grade, and tonnage data, along with other miscellaneous descriptive data about the deposits. The Titanium_vanadium_column_headings.csv...
This dataset includes a line shapefile of surface traces that were calculated using structural measurements taken in the Stillwater Complex, Montana (Stillwater_Complex_Surface_Traces.shp), along with a .csv file of full references for the published sources used (Stillwater_SurfaceTrace_sources.csv). The surface traces represent the lateral extension of geologic features. The structural measurements which were used to calculate the surface traces are published as a USGS data release and are available here: The surface traces were created from the structural measurement point data using an updated version of the ArcGIS 'surface trace' tool, published as USGS Open-File Report 2019-1136,...

map background search result map search result map Missouri Breaks Project, Montana - Digitized aeromagnetic data Titanium-vanadium deposits hosted in mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions and massif anorthosite intrusions from around the world TIMA-X bright phase analysis of platinum-group minerals in selected samples from the Chrome and Iron Mountain areas of the Stillwater Complex, Montana Lithogeochemistry of selected surface and drill core samples from the Chrome and Iron Mountain areas of the Stillwater Complex, Montana Stillwater Complex, Montana - Logs of core drilled by AMAX, 1969 to 1977 Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Anaconda in the Benbow area, 1969 to 1973 Thin section images of drill core from the Chrome Lake area in the Stillwater Complex, Montana Thin section images of AMAX drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Cyprus in the Chrome Lake area, 1971 to 1980 Thin section images of xenoliths from north of the Stillwater Complex, Montana Thin section images of drill core and hand samples from the South Kawishiwi Intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota Thin section images of hand samples from the Crocodile Lake and Cucumber Lake Intrusions, Duluth Complex, Minnesota Geochemistry of rocks and rock fabric data near the hanging wall contact to the Reef Package, Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Chrome Corporation of America in the Mountain View area, 1988 to 1990 Structural measurements and their calculated surface traces, South Kawishiwi area, Duluth Complex, Minnesota Surfaces representing the basal mineralized zone in the South Kawishiwi, Bathtub, and Partridge River Intrusions, Duluth Complex, Minnesota Surface Traces Calculated from Structural Measurements Taken in the Stillwater Complex, Montana Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Chrome Corporation of America in the Mountain View area, 1988 to 1990 Thin section images of drill core from the Chrome Lake area in the Stillwater Complex, Montana Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Cyprus in the Chrome Lake area, 1971 to 1980 Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Anaconda in the Benbow area, 1969 to 1973 Stillwater Complex, Montana - Logs of core drilled by AMAX, 1969 to 1977 Thin section images of AMAX drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana Lithogeochemistry of selected surface and drill core samples from the Chrome and Iron Mountain areas of the Stillwater Complex, Montana TIMA-X bright phase analysis of platinum-group minerals in selected samples from the Chrome and Iron Mountain areas of the Stillwater Complex, Montana Thin section images of xenoliths from north of the Stillwater Complex, Montana Thin section images of hand samples from the Crocodile Lake and Cucumber Lake Intrusions, Duluth Complex, Minnesota Geochemistry of rocks and rock fabric data near the hanging wall contact to the Reef Package, Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA Thin section images of drill core and hand samples from the South Kawishiwi Intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota Surface Traces Calculated from Structural Measurements Taken in the Stillwater Complex, Montana Structural measurements and their calculated surface traces, South Kawishiwi area, Duluth Complex, Minnesota Surfaces representing the basal mineralized zone in the South Kawishiwi, Bathtub, and Partridge River Intrusions, Duluth Complex, Minnesota Titanium-vanadium deposits hosted in mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions and massif anorthosite intrusions from around the world