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The USGS Water Mission Area (WMA) - Ecosystems Mission Area (EMA) EcoDrought project is comprised of interdisciplinary teams in five pilot regions across the country. The over-arching project goal is to measure streamflow in headwater streams and to relate flow variation to stream fish population dynamics. In the northeast, the New England Water Science Center (NewEngWSC) partnered with the fish ecology group at the S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Lab (Conte), a part of the EMA’s Eastern Ecological Science Center. The Conte fish ecology team has been collecting ecological and stream water temperature data in the West Brook watershed located in Whately, Massachusetts, since 1997, where they developed novel methods...
This Data Release contains stream temperature observations for 28 sites in the Antietam Creek Watershed (Maryland) during summer 2021. Data were collected using Onset ProV2 temperature gages within perforated PVC cases attached to stream substrates with rebar. Temperature gages were deployed and retrieved by volunteers with the Antietam-Conococheague Watershed Alliance. Temperature records are provided for 20-minute increments between June 1 and August 31, 2021 (92 days, 6625 observations per site, and a total of 185,500 observations in the dataset). Site location coordinates are provided.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing ecology and conservation by enabling species recognition from photos and videos. Our project evaluates the capacity to expand AI for individual fish recognition for population assessment. The success of this effort would facilitate fisheries analysis at an unprecedented scale by engaging anglers and citizen scientists in imagery collection.This project is one of the first attempts to apply AI towards fish population assessment with citizen science. Principal Investigator : Nathaniel P Hitt Co-Investigator : Natalya I Rapstine, Mona (Contractor) Arami, Jeff T Falgout, Benjamin Letcher, Nicholas Polys Cooperator/Partner : Sophia Liu, Fraser Hayes, Ky Wildermuth, Bryan...
This QR project resulted in a report and a publication. The Kentucky arrow darter (Etheostoma spilotum, KAD) is a species of conservation concern due to its fragmented distribution and threats from anthropogenic stressors. In this report, I evaluate the relationship between KAD abundance and stream conductivity in the upper Kentucky River basin. Stream conductivity represents an indicator of exposure to headwater mining operations and/or shale gas development and may have direct or indirect effects on stream fish distributions. I used nonlinear regression techniques to evaluate change points and associated confidence intervals for KAD abundance related to conductivity levels. I also evaluated blackside dace (Chrosomus...
Brook trout is a species of conservation concern in the eastern US. In 2016, we evaluated brook trout movement patterns in response to food and cover treatments in an experimental stream system using RFID monitoring techniques at the USGS Leetown Science Center in Kearneysville, WV. Brook trout were tagged with 12mm HDX Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags and monitored with Multi-Antenna HDX Readers within each experimental stream riffle. We collected associated data on stream temperature using HOBO temperature loggers (Onset Pro V2) and water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen, conductivity and pH (YSI Professional Plus multiparameter instrument).
This Data Release includes records of stream temperature during summer months of 2019 (10 sites) and records of Blue Ridge sculpin (Cottus caeruleomentum) weight for fish held in experimental enclosures for 45 days during the temperature sampling period (5 sites).
Rapid advances in video technology are enabling new strategies for species abundance estimation. Here we provide estimates of fish abundance derived from video data collected in a series of stream pools in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (n=41). Two 360-degree cameras were simultaneously used at each pool site where 15-minutes of underwater footage was collected. Environmental data are provided describing pool morphology, canopy cover, and fish cover (boulders, large woody debris, and undercut banks).
This Data Release provides brook trout abundance records for pool habitats within 2 streams in Shenandoah National Park (Staunton River and Paine Run). The data were collected with 3-pass backpack electrofishing conducted during baseflow conditions between 2012-2021. This dataset enables spatial analysis of brook trout population responses to drought conditions.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Mission Area (WMA) - Ecosystems Mission Area (EMA) EcoDrought project is comprised of interdisciplinary teams in five pilot regions across the country. The over-arching project goal is to measure streamflow in headwater streams and to relate flow variation to stream fish population dynamics. For the catchments located in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, the Virginia/West Virginia Science Center and the New England Water Science Center (NewEngWSC) partnered with the fish ecology group at Leetown Science Center, a part of the EMA’s Eastern Ecological Science Center, in order to establish gaging stations in headwater streams with ongoing ecological data collection and modeling...
This Data Release contains stream temperature observations for 10 sites in the Sleepy Creek Watershed (West Virginia) during summer 2021. Data were collected using Onset ProV2 temperature gages within perforated PVC cases attached to stream substrates with rebar. Temperature gages were deployed and retrieved by volunteers with the Sleepy Creek Watershed Association. Temperature records are provided for 30-minute increments between June 1 and August 31, 2021 (92 days, 4416 observations per site, total of 44160 observations). Site location coordinates are provided.
This Data Release contains data on fish species abundance for selected streams of the Potomac River basin in eastern North America. This dataset supports analysis of karst streams in the Chesapeake Bay headwaters region and was funded by USGS Chesapeake Bay studies.
Brook trout are the only native fish from the salmon family in the southeastern United States. Despite their recreational and cultural significance, human activities, such as habitat degradation and introduction of non-native species, have led to serious declines of brook trout populations in the region. Stream temperature and flow alterations from climate change are projected to impact this cold-water species even further. Recent studies show that there is much site-to-site variation in how climate affects stream temperature and flow. Therefore, vulnerability of local trout populations to climate change also varies. Understanding local variation in climate responses across the region is critical to maintaining...
This Data Release contains stream temperature data for 28 sites within the headwaters of the Potomac River basin. Data were collected between June 1, 2021-February 5, 2023 at 30-minute increments. We collected data using Onset ProV2 gages in perforated PVC cases mounted to stream substrates with rebar. This work was funded by the USGS Priority Ecosystem Science program for the Chesapeake Bay.
This dataset includes spatial capture-recapture data for a restored population of Blue Ridge sculpin (Cottus caeruleomentum) with stream temperature and stream flow observations in Big Hunting Creek, Maryland.
This Data Release compiles records of brook trout abundance from 745 unique sites across the southern Appalachian mountains from 1958-2021. Records were compiled from 10 institutions, primarily state natural resource agencies. Data were collected from wadeable stream environments with standard backpack electrofishing methods, and observed abundances of adult and juvenile brook trout are reported for each electrofishing pass within sample sites.
Climate change affects seasonal weather patterns, but little is known about the relative importance of seasonal weather patterns on animal population vital rates. Even when such information exists, data are typically only available from intensive fieldwork (e.g., mark-recapture studies) at a limited spatial extent. Here, we investigated effects of seasonal air temperature and precipitation (fall, winter, and spring) on survival and recruitment of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) at a broad spatial scale using a novel stage-structured population model. The data were a 15-year record of brook trout abundance from 72 sites distributed across a 170-km-long mountain range in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA....
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
We provide annotated fish imagery data for use in deep learning models (e.g., convolutional neural networks) for individual and species recognition. For individual recognition models, the dataset consists of annotated .json files of individual brook trout imagery collected at the Eastern Ecological Science Center's Experimental Stream Laboratory. For species recognition models, the dataset consists of annotated .json files for 7 freshwater fish species: lake trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, brook trout, rainbow trout, walleye, and northern pike. Species imagery was compiled from Anglers Atlas and modified to remove human faces for privacy protection. We used open-source VGG image annotation software developed...
This Data Release provides imagery data for the development of deep-learning models to recognize individual brook trout (n=435). Images were collected at the Paint Bank State Fish Hatchery (Paint Bank, VA) on August 9, 2021 using a GoPro Hero 9 camera mounted approximately 50 cm above a fish board. The Paint Bank State Fish Hatchery is operated by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources.
This Data Release provides records of fish species abundance collected during summer 2015 using single pass backpack electrofishing within sections of Owens Creek, Big Hunting Creek, and Blue Blazes Creek (a tributary to Big Hunting Creek) in Maryland (USA). We also provide water and air temperature data collected during at 30 minute increments summers of 2015 and 2016. Stream physical habitat data are also reported for fish sampling sites.
This Data Release provides hourly records of air and water temperature within 5 watersheds (Beaver Creek, Dry River, Mossy Creek, Passage Creek & Spout Run) in the Shenandoah Valley, VA in the summer of 2017. Data loggers were deployed and retrieved by Trout Unlimited personnel and volunteers.

map background search result map search result map Landscape modeling of Kentucky arrow darter (Etheostoma sagitta spilotum) occurrence and response to water quality parameters Stream fish species abundance and associated physical habitat data in Catoctin Mountain Park (2015-2016) Water and air temperature data from Shenandoah Valley streams, Virginia (2017) Brook trout movement data related to cover and forage in an experimental stream system with associated water quality parameters Video data for trout abundance estimation Brook Trout Population Responses to Climate Variation Across the Southeast USA Stream temperature and sculpin growth data collected from Catoctin Mountain Park in 2019 Annotated fish imagery data for individual and species recognition with deep learning USGS EcoDrought Stream Discharge, Gage Height, and Water Temperature Data in Massachusetts Stream temperature observations during summer 2021 for sites in the Sleepy Creek watershed, West Virginia USGS EcoDrought Stream Discharge, Gage Height, and Water Temperature in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (ver. 2.0, November 2023) Fish species abundance data for selected streams of the Potomac River basin Stream temperature observations during summer 2021 for sites in the Antietam Creek watershed, Maryland Stream temperature data for sites in the Potomac River headwaters during 2021 to 2023 (ver. 2.0, May 2023) Brook trout abundance in streams across southern Appalachia from 1958-2021 Brook trout abundance within pools of Staunton River and Paine Run in Shenandoah National Park from 2012-2021 Capture-recapture data for a restored population of Blue Ridge sculpin (Cottus caeruleomentum) with environmental covariates Brook trout movement data related to cover and forage in an experimental stream system with associated water quality parameters Stream fish species abundance and associated physical habitat data in Catoctin Mountain Park (2015-2016) Capture-recapture data for a restored population of Blue Ridge sculpin (Cottus caeruleomentum) with environmental covariates Stream temperature and sculpin growth data collected from Catoctin Mountain Park in 2019 Stream temperature observations during summer 2021 for sites in the Antietam Creek watershed, Maryland Video data for trout abundance estimation Stream temperature observations during summer 2021 for sites in the Sleepy Creek watershed, West Virginia USGS EcoDrought Stream Discharge, Gage Height, and Water Temperature Data in Massachusetts Stream temperature data for sites in the Potomac River headwaters during 2021 to 2023 (ver. 2.0, May 2023) Fish species abundance data for selected streams of the Potomac River basin Brook trout abundance within pools of Staunton River and Paine Run in Shenandoah National Park from 2012-2021 USGS EcoDrought Stream Discharge, Gage Height, and Water Temperature in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (ver. 2.0, November 2023) Water and air temperature data from Shenandoah Valley streams, Virginia (2017) Landscape modeling of Kentucky arrow darter (Etheostoma sagitta spilotum) occurrence and response to water quality parameters Brook trout abundance in streams across southern Appalachia from 1958-2021 Brook Trout Population Responses to Climate Variation Across the Southeast USA Annotated fish imagery data for individual and species recognition with deep learning