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The National Hydrologic Assessment Tool (NATHAT) is based on a hydrologic classification of streams by Poff (1996) involving 420 gaging stations across the contiguous United States (Figure 1). The Hydrologic Index Tool (HIT) is available for batch processing of multiple USGS gauge records to compute the 171 hydroecological indices for specified periods of record. If you have daily and peak (optional) streamflow data for a period of record, you can use NATHAT to establish a hydrologic baseline (reference time period), establish environmental flow standards, and evaluate past and proposed hydrologic modifications. Six stream classes are available in NATHAT. However, a national stream classification tool is not available....
Categories: Data
Shale gas is a key source of onshore domestic energy for the United States and production of this resource is increasing rapidly. Development and extraction of shale gas requires hydraulic fracturing, which entails horizontal drilling, perforation of steel casing and cement grout using explosive charges, and expansion of fractures using fluids under high pressure. Concern over potential environmental effects of shale gas development is growing and based on a recent review there is very little information in the scientific literature on potential environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing. We propose to conduct the first broad scale, data-based assessment of the potential effects of hydraulic fracturing on water...
This chapter made use of examples based on extending the quantile regression analyses used in the water quality and hydrofracking (Bowen et al. 2015) and atmospheric nitrogen deposition and plant species richness (Simkin et al. 2016) working group publications. All the R code and data sets are archived on ScienceBase.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Data included in this data set are for blue vane trap captured native bees from Logan County, Colorado starting in 2012 and ending in 2014. Data collected were the number of bees captured per date, per field, and identified to genus. Net level data contains 16,229 records.
Identifying ecologically relevant reference sites is important for evaluating ecosystem recovery, but the relevance of references that are temporally static is unclear in the context of vast landscapes with varying disturbance and environmental contexts over space and time. This question is pertinent for landscapes dominated by sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) which face a suite of threats from disturbance and development but also have lengthy recovery times. Here, we applied a dynamic reference approach to studying and projecting recovery of sagebrush on former oil and gas well pads in southwest Wyoming, USA, using over 3 decades of remote sensing data (1985-2018). We also used quantile regression to evaluate factors...
Identifying ecologically relevant reference sites is important for evaluating ecosystem recovery, but the relevance of references that are temporally static is unclear in the context of vast landscapes with varying disturbance and environmental contexts over space and time. This question is pertinent for landscapes dominated by sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) which face a suite of threats from disturbance and development but also have lengthy recovery times. Here, we applied a dynamic reference approach to studying and projecting recovery of sagebrush on former oil and gas well pads in southwestern Wyoming, USA using over 3 decades of remote sensing data (1985-2018). We also used quantile regression to evaluate factors...
Blossom is an interactive program for making statistical comparisons with distance-function based permutation tests and for testing parameters estimated in linear models with permutation procedures. Blossom provides a user friendly statistical software package specifically for biological and ecological applications. Statistical procedures used in Blossom are unique from those offered in commercially available software and include the multi-response permutation procedures and regression quantile estimates and permutation tests for linear models. The availability of these procedures allows scientists to better address natural resource issues important to managers. Blossom is written to run on 32-bit Intel computers...
Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has been shown to decrease plant species richness along regional deposition gradients in Europe and in experimental manipulations. However, the general response of species richness to N deposition across different vegetation types, soil conditions, and climates remains largely unknown even though responses may be contingent on these environmental factors. We assessed the effect of N deposition on herbaceous richness for 15,136 forest, woodland, shrubland, and grassland sites across the continental United States, to address how edaphic and climatic conditions altered vulnerability to this stressor. In our dataset, with N deposition ranging from 1 to 19 kg N⋅ha -1⋅y -1, we found...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
This data release is comprised of a data set that contains specific conductance and chloride concentration data in HUC-8 watersheds that intersect with areas with unconventional oil and gas plays, and a data set that contains atmospheric nitrogen deposition rates and herbaceous plant species richness values across sample sites in the USA. Associated publication: Koenker, R., Chernozhukov, V., Xuming. and Peng, L., 2017, Handbook of quantile regression: Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press.
Blossom is an R package with functions for making statistical comparisons with distance-function based permutation tests developed by P.W. Mielke, Jr. and colleagues at Colorado State University and for testing parameters estimated in linear models with permutation procedures developed by B. S. Cade and colleagues at the Fort Collins Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey. This implementation in R has allowed for numerous improvements not supported by the Cade and Richards Fortran implementation, including use of categorical predictor variables in most routines. Statistical procedures available include: A permutation testing version of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression that parallels the least absolute deviation...
Heightened concern regarding the potential effects of unconventional oil and gas development on regional water quality has emerged, but the few studies on this topic are limited in geographic scope. Here we evaluate the potential utility of national and publicly available water-quality data sets for addressing questions regarding unconventional oil and gas development. We used existing U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data sets to increase understanding of the spatial distribution of unconventional oil and gas development in the U.S. and broadly assess surface water quality trends in these areas. Based on sample size limitations, we were able to estimate trends in specific conductance...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
This is a comma separated values (csv) file used to conduct the logistic quantile regression analyses in R provided by Cade et al. (2017. Logistic quantile regression provides improved estimates for bounded avian counts: A case study of California spotted owl fledgling production. The Auk: Ornithological Advances). The data set consists of records of California spotted owl fledgling counts on 88 territories on the Lassen National Forest, CA from 1991-2010. Climatic conditions for various time periods by year for each territory were obtained from PRISM and landscape habitat conditions surrounding owl territories were obtained from LANDFIRE. The owl data were provided by J. J. Keane of the U.S. Forest Service,...
Identifying ecologically relevant reference sites is important for evaluating ecosystem recovery, but the relevance of references that are temporally static is unclear in the context of vast landscapes with disturbance and environmental contexts varying over space and time. This question is pertinent for landscapes dominated by sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) which face a suite of threats from disturbance and development but also have lengthy recovery times. Here, we applied a dynamic reference approach to studying and projecting recovery of sagebrush on former oil and gas well pads in southwestern Wyoming, USA, using over 3 decades of remote sensing data (1985–2018). We also used quantile regression to evaluate factors...
Identifying ecologically relevant reference sites is important for evaluating ecosystem recovery, but the relevance of references that are temporally static is unclear in the context of vast landscapes with varying disturbance and environmental contexts over space and time. This question is pertinent for landscapes dominated by sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) which face a suite of threats from disturbance and development but also have lengthy recovery times. Here, we applied a dynamic reference approach to studying and projecting recovery of sagebrush on former oil and gas well pads in southwestern Wyoming, USA, using over 3 decades of remote sensing data (1985-2018). We also used quantile regression to evaluate factors...
Context Anticipating where an invasive species could become abundant can help guide prevention and control efforts aimed at reducing invasion impacts. Information on potential abundance can be combined with information on the current status of an invasion to guide management towards currently uninvaded locations where the threat of invasion is high. Objectives We aimed to support management by developing predictive maps of potential cover for cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), a problematic invader that can transform plant communities. We integrated our predictions of potential abundance with mapped estimates of current cover to quantify invasion potential within lightly invaded areas. Methods We used quantile regression...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation

    map background search result map search result map California spotted owl fledgling counts, climate, and landscape habitat at territories on the Lassen National Forest, CA 1991-2010 Water quality, atmospheric nitrogen deposition and herbaceous plant species richness in the USA, 1970-2011 Native Bee Genera in Colorado Conservation Reserve Program Fields, Collected from 2012-2014 Sagebrush recovery analyzed with a dynamic reference approach in southwestern Wyoming, USA 1985-2018 Projected sagebrush recovery in greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat from energy development across southwestern Wyoming Datasets to analyze sagebrush recovery with a dynamic reference approach in southwestern Wyoming, USA 1985-2018 Projected sagebrush recovery from energy development across southwestern Wyoming Native Bee Genera in Colorado Conservation Reserve Program Fields, Collected from 2012-2014 California spotted owl fledgling counts, climate, and landscape habitat at territories on the Lassen National Forest, CA 1991-2010 Sagebrush recovery analyzed with a dynamic reference approach in southwestern Wyoming, USA 1985-2018 Projected sagebrush recovery in greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat from energy development across southwestern Wyoming Datasets to analyze sagebrush recovery with a dynamic reference approach in southwestern Wyoming, USA 1985-2018 Projected sagebrush recovery from energy development across southwestern Wyoming Water quality, atmospheric nitrogen deposition and herbaceous plant species richness in the USA, 1970-2011