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This data release contains motorboat-towed floating transient electromagnetic data collected from the Columbia River near Hanford WA. Data were collected using a ~16 foot (4.9 meters) outboard motorboat during two field campaigns: July 2021 and April 2022. In total, several hundred linear kilometers of data were collected from a reach of the Columbia that extends from approximately Vernita Bridge to Richland, WA with some additional data collected in the Horn area north of White Bluffs in April 2022. An Aarhus Geoinstruments FloaTEM system was used to collect these data. The depth of investigation of the FloaTEM system is variable but ranged from approximately 50 to 100 meters. Previously collected high-resolution...
This data release provides information on the chemistry and character of bed sediments accumulated in the 1.6-mile long impoundment behind Enloe Dam on the Similkameen River in Okanogan County, WA. Sediment samples were collected during four weeks in October – December 2019. The sampling locations were distributed among 10 transects that ranged from 0.1-0.2 miles apart along the length of the reservoir. Surficial grab samples of bed material were collected at 27 locations representing the left, right or center of the channel cross-section where sampling was possible using a Ponar sampler. Sediment cores were collected with a Vibracore at 12 locations at or near the surficial grab sample transects, and discrete sediment...
This data release contains four data sets that support ongoing U.S. Geological Survey investigations, in cooperation with the U.S. Navy, at the Bremerton Naval Complex (BNC), Sinclair Inlet, Washington. Child item #1 includes reported concentrations of mercury isotopes in 28 samples of new (2018-19) or archived (2008-09) particulate samples from the BNC, surface sediment from Sinclair Inlet, or surface sediment from representative bays in Puget Sound. Child item #2 includes the output data and geospatial locations of the cable deployment from the georeferenced fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS) survey along the Operable Unit A unwalled shoreline. Child Item #3 includes the georeferenced near-bed...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), conducted a study to describe the current understanding of the regional groundwater system of the lower Duwamish River valley and groundwater and surface-water interactions in the lower Duwamish Waterway. A nearshore site along the western shoreline of the Duwamish River, about 1.5 mi upstream from the river mouth, was selected for focused groundwater data collection by USGS. Data loggers were deployed in seven groundwater wells and one stilling well in the Duwamish River to measure specific conductance, temperature, and depth at 15-minute intervals for a period of about 2 years.This data release contains...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers scheduled repair on parts of an 850-ft long levee located along the Green River near S. 180th St. and Highway 181 downstream of Kent, WA. There is a Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Usual and Accustomed treaty area fishing site immediately downstream from the proposed bank work area and the Tribe is concerned that the levee rehabilitation project may cause changes to this fishing site. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) was contracted to measure and document river channel bathymetry at the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe fishing site in the immediate vicinity of the levee repair project. We made four site visits, one immediately before levee repair work on 7/30/2015, and three after the levee...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), conducted a study to describe the current understanding of the regional groundwater system of the lower Duwamish River valley and groundwater and surface-water interactions in the lower Duwamish Waterway. A nearshore site along the western shoreline of the Duwamish River, about 1.5 mi upstream from the river mouth, was selected for focused groundwater data collection by USGS. Data loggers were deployed in seven groundwater wells and one stilling well in the Duwamish River to measure specific conductance, temperature, and depth at 15-minute intervals for a period of about 2 years.This data release contains...
Water temperature and the availability of cold-water refugia are important parameters during summer baseflows when stream water temperatures are at their maximum. The U.S. Geological Survey measured near-streambed and surface water temperatures along the lower Quinault River, on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington between August 9-12, 2016, during summer baseflow conditions. The survey occurred downstream from Lake Quinault from approximately River Kilometer (RK) 4 to approximately RK 49 (45 kilometers total). Near-streambed temperatures and water depths were measured at 1-second intervals, which occur on average at an approximately 1-meter water surface distance interval. Near-streambed temperature and depth were...
The Quillayute River Basin in northwestern Washington consists of the Quillayute River and the river systems of its major tributaries, the Dickey, Sol Duc, and Bogachiel Rivers. With a drainage area of 629 square miles, the Quillayute River Basin provides important habitat for 23 distinct runs of anadromous steelhead and salmon, representing one of the largest and most productive watersheds on the Washington coast (Nelson, 1982; Hunter, 2006). The Quileute Tribe maintains treaty-protected fisheries at usual and accustomed areas in the Quillayute River Basin; however, these fisheries are currently at risk during the late summer as water temperatures within these areas may exceed the specific thermal tolerances of...
Tags: Bogachiel River, Calawah River, Clallam County, Dickey River, Hydrology, All tags...
This data release child item contains fiber-optic distributed temperature sensor (FO-DTS) data collected along the western unwalled shoreline of the Bremerton Naval Complex, Bremerton, Washington, USA from July 30, 2020, to August 11, 2020. Continuous profiles of water temperature were collected along a spatially georeferenced fiber optic cable deployed in an out-and-back U-shape with approximately 2- meter distance between the parallel cable lengths by a Sensornet® Oryx DTS FO-DTS (Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensor). Data were collected in a single ended configuration with two channels, Channel_1 and Channel_2, where water temperature was spatially averaged over 1.01- meter linear intervals by the Oryx...
This data release includes time series data collected at the Bremerton Naval Complex, Bremerton WA. Groundwater levels and water quality parameters in two monitoring wells were recorded every 15 minutes during a 7-month deployment. Time series data were collected from June 29, 2018, to February 26, 2019. Field deployment details and quality assurance methods are included in the following paragraphs. Groundwater monitoring well MW-709 was monitored using two data loggers. The first data logger is a non-vented pressure transducer (In-Situ Rugged TROLL 100) that was deployed resting on the well bottom (BOT). The well measurement point (MP) elevation is 16.86 feet above NAVD88 with a total depth from MP of 30.00 feet...
This Data release includes time series data collected at Operable Unit 1, Naval Base Kitsap, Keyport, WA and bounding surface water bodies over a 3 week period from 07/12/2018 to 08/08/2018. Groundwater altitudes in nineteen monitoring wells and surface water altitude and water quality parameters in five surface water bodies were monitored. Time series data were collected covered a period that included neap and spring tides. Field deployment details and quality assurance methods are included in Open-File Report 2018-####, “Groundwater Response to Tidal fluctuations, OU1, Naval Base Kitsap, Keyport, Washington”. Groundwater altitudes are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). Groundwater horizontal...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), conducted a study to describe the current understanding of the regional groundwater system of the lower Duwamish River valley and groundwater and surface-water interactions in the lower Duwamish Waterway. A nearshore site along the western shoreline of the Duwamish River, about 1.5 mi upstream from the river mouth, was selected for focused groundwater data collection by USGS. A bathymetric survey of the embayment adjacent to the nearshore site was conducted in 2021 to support the understanding of groundwater and surface-water interactions. This data release contains the bathymetric data support the larger...
This Data release includes time series data collected at Operable Unit 2, Area 8, at Naval Base Kitsap, Keyport, WA. Groundwater elevations and water quality parameters in five monitoring wells, along with tide levels in Port Orchard Bay, were monitored every 15 minutes during a 3-week duration. Time series data were collected from October 24, 2017, to November 16, 2017, a period that included neap and spring tides. Field deployment details and quality assurance methods are included in Open-File Report 2018-1082, “Analysis of Groundwater Response to Tidal fluctuations, Operable Unit 2, Area 8, Naval Base Kitsap, Keyport, Washington”. Tidal altitudes were adjusted by an estimated offset to be approximately comparable...
This data release includes time series data of stage, water velocity and water quality parameters at multiple locations in the tidally-influenced reaches of the Nisqually River and McAllister Creek, and tidal channels of the Nisqually River Delta. In total, time series data were collected at multiple sites from February 11, 2016 to March 19, 2018 during separate but generally overlapping periods over a range of tidal and hydrologic conditions for augmenting hydrodynamic models that will be used to inform river delta restoration alternatives. Time series data were collected at 10 sites in the study area: 3 sites in the lower Nisqually River, defined here as the tidally-influenced reach downstream from Mounts Road;...
This dataset provides a zipfile containing 20 shapefiles with geo-referenced longitudinal stream temperature profiles (LTPs; .shp). Profiles were obtained from longitudinal “Lagrangian” drag-probe temperature surveys ("float surveys") of the Quillayute River, Washington. Near-streambed and near-surface water temperature and conductivity were measured at three-second intervals using HOBO U24 sensors and the spatial location of each measurement was recorded using a GPS while drifting downstream in a kayak at ambient stream velocity following the method of Vaccaro and Maloy (2006). The study area consisted of the Quillayute River from its upstream-most point at the confluence of the Sol Duc and Bogachiel Rivers to...
This dataset presents cross-sectional measurements of water temperature and specific conductance at varying depths in cross sections located in three oxbow ponds adjacent to the Quillayute River in Washington. Three oxbow ponds in the abandoned meander were identified as having sufficient water depth for conducting water quality cross-section surveys. Each pond name identifier in downstream order is as follows: Gravel Pond (GP), Hockey Pond (HP) and Long Pond (LP). Each pond length was measured and partitioned into equally spaced cross-section locations. A pack raft with one team member equipped with water quality probe recorded data at each cross-section. Data was collected August 29-31, 2022, at a time when surface-water...

    map background search result map search result map Water temperature and depth data for the lower Quinault River during summer baseflow, Washington, August 2016 and 2017 Stage, water velocity and water quality data collected in the Lower Nisqually River, McAllister Creek and tidal channels of the Nisqually River Delta, Thurston County, Washington, February 11, 2016 to September 18, 2017 (ver. 1.1, December, 2019) Groundwater and Tidal Time Series Data, Operable Unit 2, Area 8, Naval Base Kitsap, Keyport, Washington Groundwater, Surface water and Tidal Time Series Data at OU1 Naval Base Kitsap, Keyport, WA Groundwater and Tidal Time-Series Data, Bremerton Naval Complex, Bremerton Washington Sediment chemistry and characteristics of samples collected in 2019 from the Similkameen River above Enloe Dam, Okanogan County, Washington (ver. 3.0, March 2022) Particulate mercury isotope results, fiber optic thermal survey data, and nearshore surface sediment results at the Bremerton Naval Complex, Washington, USA, 2020-21 2. Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing survey along the unwalled shoreline of Operable Unit A, Bremerton Naval Complex, WA, July 30 - August 11, 2020 Floating Transient Electromagnetic Survey Data from the Columbia River near Hanford, WA Water Temperature Dynamics in the Quillayute River Basin, Washington, 2021 - 2023 3. Longitudinal Stream Temperature Profiles from Float Surveys of the Quillayute River, August 2021 and 2022 6. Water Temperature and Specific Conductance Cross Sections of the Quillayute River Oxbow Ponds, August 2022 Bathymetry data for embayment in Duwamish River on left bank between river miles 1.4 and 1.5, 2021 Groundwater and Tidal Time Series Data, Operable Unit 2, Area 8, Naval Base Kitsap, Keyport, Washington Bathymetry data for embayment in Duwamish River on left bank between river miles 1.4 and 1.5, 2021 Groundwater, Surface water and Tidal Time Series Data at OU1 Naval Base Kitsap, Keyport, WA 6. Water Temperature and Specific Conductance Cross Sections of the Quillayute River Oxbow Ponds, August 2022 Particulate mercury isotope results, fiber optic thermal survey data, and nearshore surface sediment results at the Bremerton Naval Complex, Washington, USA, 2020-21 2. Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing survey along the unwalled shoreline of Operable Unit A, Bremerton Naval Complex, WA, July 30 - August 11, 2020 Groundwater and Tidal Time-Series Data, Bremerton Naval Complex, Bremerton Washington 3. Longitudinal Stream Temperature Profiles from Float Surveys of the Quillayute River, August 2021 and 2022 Stage, water velocity and water quality data collected in the Lower Nisqually River, McAllister Creek and tidal channels of the Nisqually River Delta, Thurston County, Washington, February 11, 2016 to September 18, 2017 (ver. 1.1, December, 2019) Water temperature and depth data for the lower Quinault River during summer baseflow, Washington, August 2016 and 2017 Water Temperature Dynamics in the Quillayute River Basin, Washington, 2021 - 2023 Floating Transient Electromagnetic Survey Data from the Columbia River near Hanford, WA