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This dataset includes hourly stream temperature data for 139 temperature logger sites throughout the Lahontan Basin Region of Northern Nevada and Eastern California. Data loggers were part a study beginning in 2017, with data available through 2019 for most locations. The spatial data layer contains site locations, geographic information, data summaries, mean August stream temperatures, and modeled NorWeST stream temperatures. The Wet-Dry delineation file contains daily flow status estimates derived from stream temperature data for each site. The Site Visit file contains the date and time of the site visit along with associated information on site flow conditions, water depths, logger conditions, and stream logger...
IMPORTANT NOTE: More recent versions of these data release are available at this link. This dataset includes spatial locations where streamflow permanence observations (continuous flow, discontinuous flow, and dry) were recorded using the FLOwPER (FLOw PERmanence) field survey available in the Survey 123 and S1 mobile application. Additional information to describe the field conditions are included as part of the survey. Field observations in the FLOwPER Database have not been processed for quality control including spatial data accuracy or association with a stream network such as the National Hydrography Dataset. Streamflow permanence observations are collected from several governmental and non-governmental organizations...
Streams are classified as perennial (flowing uninterrupted, year-round) or intermittent (flowing part of the year) or ephemeral (flowing only during rainfall events). The classifications of “streamflow permanence” were primarily established in the middle 20th century and are often outdated and inaccurate today if they were not adjusted for changes in land use, wildfires, or climate. Understanding where streams are perennial is important for a variety of reasons. For example, perennial streams receive special regulatory protections under a variety of statutes, and provide important habitat for fish, wildlife, and other species. To predict the likelihood that streams are perennial, we compiled nearly 25,000 observations...
This dataset includes georeferenced, high-resolution, airborne thermal infrared (TIR) and high-resolution true-color imagery, a polyline shapefile of the channel centerline, a polyline shapefile with TIR sample points for longitudinal stream temperature profiles, and a tabular file with longitudinal stream temperature profiles for the Donner und Blitzen River and its tributaries, Oregon. The aerial TIR surveys were conducted with a helicopter by NV5 Geospatial and are published as 17 raster mosaics in GeoTiff format with a resolution of 0.3 meters (m). The TIR mosaics contain corrected surface temperatures in degrees Celsius (C) (multiplied by 10 to create an unsigned integer pixel type). The longitudinal stream...
Climate vulnerability can be evaluated by multiple organismal responses. We developed a climate vulnerability framework focused on growth potential of redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss newberri). We employed a bioenergetics model to evaluate spatial variability in growth potential in relation to constraints on body size imposed by stream flow, physiological responses linked to variable thermal regimes, and variation in physiological adaptive capacity inferred from field respirometry. Results indicate that maximum size (g) of redband trout increases with stream discharge. Growth potential is strongly linked to body size, with smaller individuals performing better relative to larger fish in cooler thermal regimes....
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
THE RISING RISK OF DROUGHT. Droughts of the twenty-first century are characterized by hotter temperatures, longer duration, and greater spatial extent, and are increasingly exacerbated by human demands for water. This situation increases the vulnerability of ecosystems to drought, including a rise in drought-driven tree mortality globally (Allen et al. 2015) and anticipated ecosystem transformations from one state to another—for example, forest to a shrubland (Jiang et al. 2013). When a drought drives changes within ecosystems, there can be a ripple effect through human communities that depend on those ecosystems for critical goods and services (Millar and Stephenson 2015). For example, the “Millennium Drought”...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Growth potential of redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss newberri) was simulated across 175 river segments in the Donner und Blitzen River basin for water years 1980 through 2021 using a bioenergetics model. A previously published framework for assessing climate vulnerability of redband trout was used to simulate the growth potential of redband trout in relation to constraints on body size, physiological responses linked to variable thermal regimes, and variation in physiological adaptive capacity. For body size, three starting sizes of redband trout, 10 g, 50 g, and 150 g, were used for each day of the simulations. For thermal regimes, daily stream temperatures were estimated from PRISM. To account for variation...
Abstract (from One Earth): Novel forms of drought are emerging globally, due to climate change, shifting teleconnection patterns, expanding human water use, and a history of human influence on the environment that increases the probability of transformational ecological impacts. These costly ecological impacts cascade to human communities, and understanding this changing drought landscape is one of today’s grand challenges. By using a modified horizon-scanning approach that integrated scientists, managers, and decision-makers, we identified the emerging issues in ecological drought that represent key challenges to timely and effective responses. Here we review the themes that most urgently need attention, including...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
This data release contains spatial stream network (SSN) objects and R scripts to run SSN models to predict mean monthly stream temperature between May and August and water presence on May 15, June 15, July 15, and August 15 in the Willow/Whitehorse watershed during 2015, 2016, and 2017 and the Willow/Rock watershed during 2016 and 2017. Functions referenced within the script may accessed in the SSN package version 1.1.13. (Ver Hoef et al., 2014). All functions and packages were compiled under R version 3.5.3 (R Development Core Team, 2014). The R script can be executed from any R console (R version 3.5.3) or from the RStudio GUI (version 1.1.463; R scripts to fit water temperature and...
Bull Trout is the most cold-adapted fish in freshwaters of the Pacific Northwest. The species is listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, but climate warming may place the species at further risk. Climate warming may lead to warming of streams in summer and increasing probability of floods in winter, leading to widespread loss of habitat projected for Bull Trout. This project sought to further elaborate how these climate-related threats influence Bull Trout across five western states (OR, WA, ID, MT, NV). These states form the southern margin of the species’ range. We used predictions of temperatures in streams across approximately two-thirds of this extent to map coldwater streams or “patches”...
IMPORTANT NOTE: This dataset includes spatial locations where streamflow permanence observations (continuous flow, discontinuous flow, and dry) were recorded using the FLOwPER (FLOw PERmanence) field survey available in the Survey 123. Additional information to describe the field conditions are included as part of the survey. Field observations in the FLOwPER Database have not been processed for quality control including spatial data accuracy or association with a stream network such as the National Hydrography Dataset. Streamflow permanence observations are collected from several governmental and non-governmental organizations on a continuing basis. This data release is formatted as a shapefile that includes streamflow...
Institutional authority and responsibility for allocating water to ecosystems (“ecologically available water” [EAW]) is spread across local, state, and federal agencies, which operate under a range of statutes, mandates, and planning processes. We use a case study of the Upper Missouri Headwaters Basin in southwestern Montana, United States, to illustrate this fragmented institutional landscape. Our goals are to (a) describe the patchwork of agencies and institutional actors whose intersecting authorities and actions influence the EAW in the study basin; (b) describe the range of governance mechanisms these agencies use, including laws, policies, administrative programs, and planning processes; and (c) assess the...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Biological invasions represent an important and unique case of ecological transformation that can strongly influence species and entire ecosystems. Challenges in managing invasions arise on multiple fronts, ranging from diverse and often divergent values associated with native and introduced species, logistical constraints, and transformation via other change agents (e.g., climate and land-use change). We address biological invasions considering the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework for addressing ecological transformation. Because RAD is focused on decisions, we address both social and ecological factors that influence preferences for decision alternatives. We address social factors first as these can constrain...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
This dataset includes stream temperatures from a network of 100 data loggers that was installed throughout the Willow-Whitehorse watershed of SE Oregon in September 2014, as well as 10 additional sites that were installed in 2011 and 2012, before and after a 2012 fire that burned nearly the entire watershed. Data loggers were downloaded in August 2015. A spatial data layer contains the site locations and associated information about the sites, along with summary temperature information and a comparison to modeled stream temperatures (NorWeST).
This update was provided to FWS on March 21, 2013. The assessment incorporates an evaluation of climate and non-climate threats, and potential interactions among them to evaluate potential bull trout persistence. In summary, it includes the following steps: 1) Map suitable habitat "patches" across the species' range in the conterminous United States; 2) Attribute patches with information on local and climate related threats; 3) Map and attribute migratory habitats for the species and their relationship to "patches;" and 4) model persistence of bull trout in relation to local and climate related threats in patches and migratory habitats. For more information, contact Jason Dunham, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest...
IMPORTANT NOTE: This dataset includes spatial locations where streamflow permanence observations (continuous flow, discontinuous flow, and dry) were recorded using the FLOwPER (FLOw PERmanence) field survey available in the Survey 123 and S1 mobile application. Additional information to describe the field conditions are included as part of the survey. Field observations in the FLOwPER Database have not been processed for quality control including spatial data accuracy or association with a stream network such as the National Hydrography Dataset. Streamflow permanence observations are collected from several governmental and non-governmental organizations on a continuing basis. This data release is formatted as a...
This data release is superseded by Thorson, J.M., Dunham, J.B., Heck, M.P., Hockman-Wert, D.P., and Mintz, J.M., 2022, Stream Temperature in the Northern Great Basin region of Southeastern Oregon, 2016-2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release, Please contact for original data set. This dataset includes hourly stream and air temperature data from 124 sites throughout the Northern Great Basin region of SE Oregon. Data loggers were deployed June through September of 2016 and downloaded each subsequent summer through 2019. The spatial data layer contains site locations, geographic information, data summaries, mean August stream temperatures, and modeled NorWest...

map background search result map search result map Stream Temperature Data in the Willow-Whitehorse watershed of SE Oregon, 2011-15 Stream temperature data from Willow-Whitehorse and Little Blitzen watersheds, southeast Oregon, 2011-2015 Stream Temperature and Water Presence Models of Willow/Whitehorse and Willow/Rock Watersheds, Oregon and Nevada Stream Temperature in the Northern Great Basin region of Southeastern Oregon, 2016-2019 FLOwPER Database: StreamFLOw PERmanence field observations, August 2019 - October 2019 Stream Temperature in the Lahontan Basin of Nevada and California, 2017-2019 FLOwPER Database: StreamFLOw PERmanence field observations, April 2020 - Nov 2020 Airborne Thermal Infrared and High-resolution True-color Imagery and Longitudinal Profiles of Stream Temperatures, Upper Donner und Blitzen River Basin, Oregon, August 2020 Simulated growth potential of redband trout in the Donner und Blitzen River Basin, southeastern Oregon, using a bioenergetics model FLOwPER Database: StreamFLOw PERmanence field observations, Jan 2021 - Dec 2021 Stream Temperature Data in the Willow-Whitehorse watershed of SE Oregon, 2011-15 Stream temperature data from Willow-Whitehorse and Little Blitzen watersheds, southeast Oregon, 2011-2015 Simulated growth potential of redband trout in the Donner und Blitzen River Basin, southeastern Oregon, using a bioenergetics model Airborne Thermal Infrared and High-resolution True-color Imagery and Longitudinal Profiles of Stream Temperatures, Upper Donner und Blitzen River Basin, Oregon, August 2020 Stream Temperature and Water Presence Models of Willow/Whitehorse and Willow/Rock Watersheds, Oregon and Nevada Stream Temperature in the Northern Great Basin region of Southeastern Oregon, 2016-2019 Stream Temperature in the Lahontan Basin of Nevada and California, 2017-2019 FLOwPER Database: StreamFLOw PERmanence field observations, April 2020 - Nov 2020 FLOwPER Database: StreamFLOw PERmanence field observations, August 2019 - October 2019 FLOwPER Database: StreamFLOw PERmanence field observations, Jan 2021 - Dec 2021