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Supporting datasets for the associated journal publication "Towards reproducible environmental modeling for decision support: a worked example". Includes source codes for the version of PEST++ and MODFLOW-2005 used, the pyEMU and FloPy python modules and the driver script "". Also included are the existing MODFLOW-2005 models supplied the Edwards Aquifer Authority
Groundwater age is an important indicator of groundwater susceptibility to anthropogenic contamination and a key input to statistical models for forecasting water quality. Numerical models can provide estimates of groundwater age, enabling interpretation of measured age tracers. However, to extend to national-scale groundwater systems where numerical models are not routinely available, a more efficient metamodeling approach can provide a less precise but widely applicable estimate of groundwater age, trained to make forecasts based on predictor variables that can be measured independent of numerical models. We trained gradient-boosted regression tree statistical metamodels to MODFLOW/MODPATH derived groundwater...
Residence time distribution (RTD) is a critically important characteristic of groundwater flow systems; however, it cannot be measured directly. RTD can be inferred from tracer data with analytical models (few parameters) or with numerical models (many parameters). The second approach permits more variation in system properties but is used less frequently than the first because large-scale numerical models can be resource intensive. With the data and computer codes in this data release users can (1) reconstruct and run 115 General Simulation Models (GSMs) of groundwater flow, (2) calculate groundwater age metrics at selected GSM cells, (3) train a boosted regression tree model using the provided data, (4) predict...
This model archive provides the necessary documentation of the numerical models developed for the Central Sands Lake study in central Wisconsin and will be included as a technical appendix (Appendix C) in the report to the Wisconsin State Legislature by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) in response to 2017 Wisconsin Act 10. This legislation directed DNR to determine whether existing and potential groundwater withdrawals are causing or are likely to cause significant reduction of mean seasonal water levels at Pleasant Lake, Long Lake, and Plainfield Lake (s. 281.34(7m)(2)(b), Wis. Stats.) in Waushara County, Wisconsin. To evaluate the potential hydrologic connection between groundwater withdrawals...
This model archive contains model files and a complete repeatable workflow for source water delineation for groundwater supply wells in the Neversink/Rondout Basins of New York. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the NYSDEC and NYSDOH, began an investigation in 2019 with the general objectives of (1) improving understanding of the regional groundwater flow system (2) delineating areas contributing recharge to eight priority production wells, and (3) quantifying the uncertainty of these contributing areas in a probabilistic way that can be used to inform decision-making related to priority well source water protection. To accomplish these objectives, a MODFLOW 6 groundwater model (version 6.2.1) was...
This model archive contains files for a set of groundwater flow, particle tracking, and management optimization models that simulate the area around the Navy-Northrop-Grumman contamination plume on Long Island, New York. These models were developed as in insets from the Long Island Regional “parent” Model, from which perimeter boundary conditions were inherited. In addition to input and output files for these models, this archive contains the modeling workflow python code and source data used to build the model. These materials have been included for repeatability and decision transparency.
This dataset contains modeled daily lake area, volume, constituent mass, and biogeochemical rates for 3,692 lakes in the Northern Highlands Lake District (NHLD) for one retrospective model run (1986-2010) and 12 model runs under future climate scenarios. This dataset was created using published tools developed to simulate detailed hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes for thousands of lakes and reservoirs over large spatiotemporal scales. The lake hydrology model utilized a computationally-efficient integrated surface water and groundwater modeling framework that informed a lake water budget model incorporating daily hydrologic inputs and exports from individual lakes within the modeling domain. The lake biogeochemical...
A series of Jupyter notebooks documenting a self-guided, interactive curriculum for the PEST++ family of software codes for uncertainty analysis, parameter estimation, and management optimization. For a currently maintained version of these materials, please visit
Fluid circulation in the Earth's crust plays an essential role in surface, near surface, and deep crustal processes. Flow pathways are driven by hydraulic gradients but controlled by material permeability, which varies over many orders of magnitude and changes over time. Although millions of measurements of crustal properties have been made, including geophysical imaging and borehole tests, this vast amount of data and information has not been integrated into a comprehensive knowledge system. A community data infrastructure is needed to improve data access, enable large-scale synthetic analyses, and support representations of the subsurface in Earth system models. Here, we describe the motivation, vision, challenges,...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
We have developed pyEMU, a python framework for Environmental Modeling Uncertainty analyses, open-source tool that is non-intrusive, easy-to-use, computationally efficient, and scalable to highly-parameterized inverse problems. The framework implements several types of linear (first-order, second-moment (FOSM)) and non-linear uncertainty analyses. The FOSM-based analyses can also be completed prior to parameter estimation to help inform important modeling decisions, such as parameterization and objective function formulation. Complete workflows for several types of FOSM-based and non-linear analyses are documented in example notebooks implemented using Jupyter that are available in the online pyEMU repository. Example...
This model archive provides input and output for Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) models developed for the Central Sands Lake study in central Wisconsin; this archive supplements the technical appendix in a report to the Wisconsin State Legislature written by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) in response to 2017 Wisconsin Act 10. This legislation directed DNR to determine whether existing and potential groundwater withdrawals are causing or are likely to cause significant reduction of mean seasonal water levels at Pleasant Lake, Long Lake, and Plainfield Lake (s. 281.34(7m)(2)(b), Wis. Stats.) in Waushara County, Wisconsin. The Soil-Water-Balance code (Westenbroek and others, 2018) partitions precipitation...
Fluid circulation in the Earth’s crust plays an essential role in surface, near surface, and crustal dynamics. Near the surface, soil water and groundwater interact with each other and with rivers, lakes and wetlands, affecting weathering, soil formation, ecosystem evolution and biogeochemical cycles. Further down (1km), fluid flow affects diagenesis, hydrocarbon maturation and migration, ore deposits, faulting and earthquakes, and geothermal resources. The myriad flow pathways are driven by hydraulic gradients but controlled by the permeability of the crust material. To date, a large‐scale dataset of crustal permeability does not exist, inhibiting the understanding of large‐scale processes and the integration of...
This archive contains the code and other files to demonstrate the creation and application of an impulse-response emulator for process-based groundwater flow and transport models in MODFLOW/MT3D. This includes creating a synthetic modeling environment in MODFLOW/MT3D, using PEST++ to derive an impulse-response (A) matrix (as described in White et al., 2020), using this A matrix to create a groundwater transport emulator model, and providing a workflow to evaluate the performance of this emulator across a range of flow and transport model parameters.

    map background search result map search result map pyEMU: a python framework for environmental model uncertainty analysis Data and Scripts for Metamodeling for Groundwater Age Forecasting in the Lake Michigan Basin Lake Biogeochemical Model Output for One Retrospective and 12 Future Climate Runs in Northern Wisconsin & Michigan, USA Towards reproducible environmental modeling for decision support: a worked example Data for three-dimensional distribution of groundwater residence time metrics in the glaciated United States using metamodels trained on general numerical simulation models MODFLOW models used to simulate groundwater flow in the Wisconsin Central Sands Study Area, 2012-2018 Soil-Water-Balance model developed to simulate net infiltration, irrigation water requirements, and other water budget components in support of the Central Sands Lakes Study, Wisconsin Groundwater Model Archive and Workflow for Neversink/Rondout Basin, New York, Source Water Delineation MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow and a proposed remediation system in the sole-source aquifer system in southeastern Nassau County, New York MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow and a proposed remediation system in the sole-source aquifer system in southeastern Nassau County, New York Groundwater Model Archive and Workflow for Neversink/Rondout Basin, New York, Source Water Delineation Lake Biogeochemical Model Output for One Retrospective and 12 Future Climate Runs in Northern Wisconsin & Michigan, USA MODFLOW models used to simulate groundwater flow in the Wisconsin Central Sands Study Area, 2012-2018 Soil-Water-Balance model developed to simulate net infiltration, irrigation water requirements, and other water budget components in support of the Central Sands Lakes Study, Wisconsin Towards reproducible environmental modeling for decision support: a worked example Data and Scripts for Metamodeling for Groundwater Age Forecasting in the Lake Michigan Basin Data for three-dimensional distribution of groundwater residence time metrics in the glaciated United States using metamodels trained on general numerical simulation models pyEMU: a python framework for environmental model uncertainty analysis