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Low-altitude (80 and 100 meters above ground level) digital images were collected at Sage Lot Pond in Waquoit, Massachusetts, two sites on the Mill River in Taunton, MA, Great Marsh in Barnstable, MA, the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve in Wells, ME, and on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Quissett Campus in Woods Hole, MA using 3DR Solo unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) during 2018. These images were collected to support science and data needs in wetland research, topographic mapping, and landcover detection at the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center. The imagery and associated ground control points can be used to create Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), orthoimages,...
The natural resiliency of the New Jersey barrier island system, and the efficacy of management efforts to reduce vulnerability, depends on the ability of the system to recover and maintain equilibrium in response to storms and persistent coastal change. This resiliency is largely dependent on the availability of sand in the beach system. In an effort to better understand the system's sand budget and processes in which this system evolves, high-resolution geophysical mapping of the sea floor in Little Egg Inlet and along the southern end of Long Beach Island near Beach Haven, New Jersey was conducted from May 31 to June 10, 2018, followed by a sea floor sampling survey conducted from October 22 to 23, 2018, as part...
The natural resiliency of the New Jersey barrier island system, and the efficacy of management efforts to reduce vulnerability, depends on the ability of the system to recover and maintain equilibrium in response to storms and persistent coastal change. This resiliency is largely dependent on the availability of sand in the beach system. In an effort to better understand the system's sand budget and processes in which this system evolves, high-resolution geophysical mapping of the sea floor in Little Egg Inlet and along the southern end of Long Beach Island near Beach Haven, New Jersey was conducted from May 31 to June 10, 2018, followed by a sea floor sampling survey conducted from October 22 to 23, 2018, as part...
In June 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, collected high-resolution geophysical data, in Nantucket Sound to understand the regional geology in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal. This effort is part of a long-term collaboration between the USGS and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to map the State’s waters, support research on the Quaternary evolution of coastal Massachusetts, resolve the influence of sea-level change and sediment supply on coastal evolution, and strengthen efforts to understand the type, distribution, and quality of subtidal marine habitats. This collaboration produces high-resolution geologic data that serve the needs of...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, GeoTIFF, Map Service, Raster; Tags: Atlantic Ocean, CMHRP, CZM, Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, DOI, All tags...
Low-altitude (80 and 100 meters above ground level) digital images were collected at Sage Lot Pond in Waquoit, Massachusetts, two sites on the Mill River in Taunton, MA, Great Marsh in Barnstable, MA, the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve in Wells, ME, and on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Quissett Campus in Woods Hole, MA using 3DR Solo unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) during 2018. These images were collected to support science and data needs in wetland research, topographic mapping, and landcover detection at the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center. The imagery and associated ground control points can be used to create Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), orthoimages,...
Geophysical and geological survey data were collected off Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, in May and July 2016. Approximately 130 linear kilometers of subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, sea floor photographs, and (or) video at 26 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 19 of the 26 sampling sites and video and (or) photographic imagery of the sea floor were taken at all 26 sites. These survey data are used to characterize the sea floor by identifying sediment-texture, seabed morphology, and underlying geologic structure and stratigraphy. Data collected...
Categories: Data; Tags: Atlantic Ocean, CMGP, Cape Cod, Cape Cod Bay, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, All tags...
Geophysical and geological survey data were collected off Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, in May and July 2016. Approximately 130 linear kilometers of subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, sea floor photographs, and (or) video at 26 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 19 of the 26 sampling sites and video and (or) photographic imagery of the sea floor were taken at all 26 sites. These survey data are used to characterize the sea floor by identifying sediment-texture, seabed morphology, and underlying geologic structure and stratigraphy. Data collected...
High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of sea-floor mapping and shallow subsurface imaging tools in the challenging environmental conditions found across delta fronts (for example, variably distributed water column stratification and widespread biogenic...
High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of sea-floor mapping and shallow subsurface imaging tools in the challenging environmental conditions found across delta fronts (for example, variably distributed water column stratification and widespread biogenic...
Low-altitude (70 m above ground level) aerial images were collected over five areas of interest within the northern portion of Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS) in mid-October, 2022. These images were collected to generate photogrammetric products (e.g. digital surface model (DSM), reflectance orthomosaic) to support science and data needs of National Park managers attempting to locate invasive Phragmites australis expansion. A DJI Matrice 600 uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) was equipped with a MicaSense Altum-PT multispectral camera and a Ricoh GRII true-color RGB camera to collect images simultaneously with sufficient overlap for photogrammetric processing. Ground control points (GCPs), black and white...
Low-altitude (70 m above ground level) aerial images were collected over five areas of interest within the northern portion of Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS) in mid-October, 2022. These images were collected to generate photogrammetric products (e.g. digital surface model (DSM), reflectance orthomosaic) to support science and data needs of National Park managers attempting to locate invasive Phragmites australis expansion. A DJI Matrice 600 uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) was equipped with a MicaSense Altum-PT multispectral camera and a Ricoh GRII true-color RGB camera to collect images simultaneously with sufficient overlap for photogrammetric processing. Ground control points (GCPs), black and white...
Low-altitude (80 and 100 meters above ground level) digital images were taken over an area of the Plum Island Estuary and Parker River National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Massachusetts using 3DR Solo uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) on November 14, 2017 and March 28, 2019. These images were collected as part of an effort to document marsh stability over time and quantify sediment movement using UAS technology. Each UAS was equipped with either a Ricoh GR II digital camera for true color photos, which can be used to produce digital elevation models and ortho images, or a MicaSense RedEdge multispectral camera for five-banded imagery (blue, green, red, red edge, and near-infrared spectral bands), which can be used to...
Small Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (sUAS) were used to collect aerial remote sensing data over Marsh Island, a salt marsh restoration site along New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts. Remediation of the site will involve direct hydrological and geochemical monitoring of the system alongside the UAS remote sensing data. On August 21st, 2024, USGS personnel collected natural (RGB) color images, multispectral images, thermal images, lidar, GPS check points, and ground control points. These data were processed to produce a high resolution lidar point cloud (LPC), digital elevation models (surface and terrain), and natural-color, multispectral reflectance, and thermal image orthomosaics. Data collection is related to USGS Field...
Low-altitude (80 and 100 meters above ground level) digital images were taken over an area of the Plum Island Estuary and Parker River National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Massachusetts using 3DR Solo unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) on February 27, 2018. These images were collected as part of an effort to document marsh stability over time and quantify sediment movement using UAS technology. Each UAS was equipped with either a Ricoh GRII digital camera for natural color photos, used to produce digital elevation models and ortho images, or a MicaSense RedEdge multi-spectral camera that captures five specific bands of the visible spectrum (blue, green, red, red edge, and near-infrared), which can be used to classify...
Two marine geological surveys were conducted in Long Island Sound, Connecticut and New York, in fall 2017 and spring 2018 by the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Connecticut, and University of New Haven through the Long Island Sound Mapping and Research Collaborative. Sea-floor images and videos were collected at 210 sampling sites within the survey area, and surficial sediment samples were collected at 179 of the sites. The sediment data and the observations from the images and videos are used to identify sediment texture and sea-floor habitats.
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Atlantic Ocean, Beckman Coulter Multisizer 3, CMHRP, CSV, Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, All tags...
Two marine geological surveys were conducted in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts, in May 2016 and May 2017 by the U.S. Geological Survey as part of an agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management to map the geology of the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. Samples of surficial sediment and photographs of the sea floor were collected at 76 sampling sites within the survey area, and sea-floor videos were collected at 75 of the sites. The sediment data and the observations from the photos and videos are used to explore the nature of the sea floor; in conjunction with high-resolution geophysical data, the observations are used to make interpretive maps of sedimentary environments and validate acoustic...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Atlantic Ocean, CMHRP, CZM, Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, MA CZM, All tags...
High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of sea-floor mapping and shallow subsurface imaging tools in the challenging environmental conditions found across delta fronts (for example, variably distributed water column stratification and widespread biogenic...
The purpose of this field data collection was to test and compare the OceanInsight HDX Mini Spectrometer as an accessible alternative against the more expensive ASD Fieldspec for collecting ground-based hyperspectral reflectance profiles for landcover analysis. The data collection took place in Dog Head Marsh and South Cape Beach within the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (WBNERR). The hyperspectral profiles were collected side-by-side with both field-spectrometers using comparable sensor collection settings for various ground cover samples. The terrain and vegetation type of these sample were described as well as surveyed using Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS). This data...
High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of sea-floor mapping and shallow subsurface imaging tools in the challenging environmental conditions found across delta fronts (for example, variably distributed water column stratification and widespread biogenic...
Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), in three locations along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinities of Braddock Bay, Sodus Bay, and Chimney Bluffs State Park, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from the UAS GPS; tables with updated estimates of camera positions and attitudes based on the photogrammetric reconstruction; tables listing locations of the base stations, ground control...
Categories: Data; Tags: 3DR Solo quadcopter, Agisoft Photoscan, Braddock Bay, Braddock Bay Park, Braddock Bay Wildlife Management Area, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Braddock West camera locations and attitudes for low-altitude aerial images collected during unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Braddock Bay, New York in July 2017 High-resolution geophysical data collected along the Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2017-003-FA Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P tracklines, USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84) Seismic Reflection, EdgeTech SB-512i chirp profile images,USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (PNG images) Seismic Reflection, Geometrics multi-channel streamer tracklines, USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84) True color aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights and image locations: Plum Island Estuary and Parker River NWR (PIEPR), February 27th, 2018 2016-037-FA Sampling Survey Data Location of bottom photographs along with images collected in July 2016 by the U.S. Geological Survey off Town Neck Beach, Sandwich, Massachusetts, during field activity 2016-037-FA (JPEG images, point shapefile, and CSV file) Location and grain-size analysis results of sediment samples collected in Long Island Sound, Connecticut and New York, in fall 2017 and spring 2018 by the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Connecticut, and University of New Haven during field activities 2017-056-FA and 2018-018-FA (simplified point shapefile and CSV files) Sea-floor videos and location of bottom video tracklines collected in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts, in May 2016 and May 2017 by the U.S. Geological Survey during field activities 2016-005-FA and 2017-022-FA (MP4 video files and polyline shapefile) Chirp seismic reflection data from the Edgetech 512i collected in Little Egg Inlet and offshore the southern end of Long Beach Island, NJ, during USGS field activity 2018-001-FA (shotpoints point shapefile, survey trackline shapefile, PNG profile images, and SEG-Y trace data). Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P tracklines collected in Little Egg Inlet and offshore the southern end of Long Beach Island, NJ, during USGS Field Activity 2018-001-FA (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84) Multispectral aerial imagery collected during unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) operations in Massachusetts between March 2018 - September 2018 Ground control points collected during unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) operations in Massachusetts and Maine between March 2018 - September 2018 Multispectral aerial imagery collected during uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) operations: Plum Island Estuary and Parker River NWR (PIEPR), Massachusetts, November 14, 2017 and March 28, 2019 Multibeam backscatter data collected in Nantucket Sound Massachusetts in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal, during USGS Field Activity 2022-001-FA using a Teledyne SeaBat Integrated Dual-Head (IDH) T20-P multibeam echosounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, 1-m resolution) Multispectral aerial imagery collected during uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) operations: Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS), MD, October 10 - 14, 2022 Vegetation surveys, ground reference data, and photos collected during uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) operations: Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS), MD, October 10 - 14, 2022 Topographic and multispectral reflectance products, aerial imagery, ground spectra, vegetation, and associated GPS data collected during uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) operations - Dog Head Marsh at South Cape Beach, Mashpee, MA, October 7-8, 2021 Lidar point cloud, elevation models, GPS data, imagery, and orthomosaics from multispectral and true-color aerial imagery data, collected during UAS operations at Marsh Island, New Bedford, MA on August 21st, 2024 Topographic and multispectral reflectance products, aerial imagery, ground spectra, vegetation, and associated GPS data collected during uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) operations - Dog Head Marsh at South Cape Beach, Mashpee, MA, October 7-8, 2021 Lidar point cloud, elevation models, GPS data, imagery, and orthomosaics from multispectral and true-color aerial imagery data, collected during UAS operations at Marsh Island, New Bedford, MA on August 21st, 2024 Multispectral aerial imagery collected during uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) operations: Plum Island Estuary and Parker River NWR (PIEPR), Massachusetts, November 14, 2017 and March 28, 2019 Braddock West camera locations and attitudes for low-altitude aerial images collected during unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Braddock Bay, New York in July 2017 True color aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights and image locations: Plum Island Estuary and Parker River NWR (PIEPR), February 27th, 2018 Location of bottom photographs along with images collected in July 2016 by the U.S. Geological Survey off Town Neck Beach, Sandwich, Massachusetts, during field activity 2016-037-FA (JPEG images, point shapefile, and CSV file) 2016-037-FA Sampling Survey Data Sea-floor videos and location of bottom video tracklines collected in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts, in May 2016 and May 2017 by the U.S. Geological Survey during field activities 2016-005-FA and 2017-022-FA (MP4 video files and polyline shapefile) Multibeam backscatter data collected in Nantucket Sound Massachusetts in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal, during USGS Field Activity 2022-001-FA using a Teledyne SeaBat Integrated Dual-Head (IDH) T20-P multibeam echosounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, 1-m resolution) Multispectral aerial imagery collected during unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) operations in Massachusetts between March 2018 - September 2018 Chirp seismic reflection data from the Edgetech 512i collected in Little Egg Inlet and offshore the southern end of Long Beach Island, NJ, during USGS field activity 2018-001-FA (shotpoints point shapefile, survey trackline shapefile, PNG profile images, and SEG-Y trace data). Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P tracklines collected in Little Egg Inlet and offshore the southern end of Long Beach Island, NJ, during USGS Field Activity 2018-001-FA (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84) Location and grain-size analysis results of sediment samples collected in Long Island Sound, Connecticut and New York, in fall 2017 and spring 2018 by the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Connecticut, and University of New Haven during field activities 2017-056-FA and 2018-018-FA (simplified point shapefile and CSV files) Seismic Reflection, Geometrics multi-channel streamer tracklines, USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84) Seismic Reflection, EdgeTech SB-512i chirp profile images,USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (PNG images) Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P tracklines, USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84) High-resolution geophysical data collected along the Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2017-003-FA Ground control points collected during unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) operations in Massachusetts and Maine between March 2018 - September 2018