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This child item contains bathymetric measurements of the channel geometry suitable for use in computing cross-sectional area for each field site. Each Field Site is abbreviated in various files in this data release. File and folder names quickly identify which site a particular file or dataset represents. The following abbreviations are used: ACS: Anthracite Creek at Somerset, Colorado, USA BRA: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in August 2023) BRJ: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in June 2023) CRG: Colorado River below Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA CRR: Colorado River above Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA ERW: Eagle River below Milk Creek near Wolcott,...
This dataset contains data collected during science flights using the drone-based QCam, which is a Doppler (velocity) radar designed to measure surface velocity and compute river discharge when channel bathymetry is known. Five science flights were conducted on four rivers including the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska. Data are presented in a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alaska,
North America,
United States,
A series of field measurements of surface water velocity derived from video and Doppler velocity radar collected by small unoccupied aircraft systems (sUAS) and portable sensors were collected at seven locations in Colorado, USA, during the summer of 2023. The measurements were utilized to compute surface velocity and discharge using the Probability Concept, Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV), and Space-Time Image Velocimetry (STIV) methods. This data release includes the original videos, radar spectra, and ancillary data necessary to produce the surface water velocity and streamflow results. Data are grouped into sections (child items) based on the data type and purpose: Ancillary Scripts: this child...
Tags: Anthracite Creek, Gunnison County, Colorado, United States of America,
Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado, United States of America,
Blue River, Summit County, Colorado, United States of America,
Colorado River, Garfield County, Colorado, United States of America,
Dillon, Summit County, Colorado, United States of America,
This child item contains the raw acoustic Doppler velocity profiler (ADCP) measurements collected by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrographers at each site to validate Image and Radar velocimetry results. The discharge measurements were collected as part of routine and standard streamflow gaging direct measurement workflows at established USGS gaging locations. The zip file included in this release contains folders for each site. Within each folder are the associated raw ADCP files. For all field sites except BRJ, official discharge records are approved and available in the National Water Information System (NWIS) database. For those measurements with NWIS official measurements, the Site Visit Notes report is...
This child item contains the raw videos captured by small Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (sUAS) at each field site. It also includes a summary file with metadata for each video. Each Field Site is abbreviated in various files in this data release. File and folder names quickly identify which site a particular file or dataset represents. The following abbreviations are used: ACS: Anthracite Creek at Somerset, Colorado, USA BRA: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in August 2023) BRJ: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in June 2023) CRG: Colorado River below Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA CRR: Colorado River above Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA ERW: Eagle River below...
This child item contains information about associating the calibration images and video to real-world distances using ground control points for each field site. The data included here can be used to provide a pixel ground scale distance for each video. Each Field Site is abbreviated in various files in this data release. File and folder names quickly identify which site a particular file or dataset represents. The following abbreviations are used: ACS: Anthracite Creek at Somerset, Colorado, USA BRA: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in August 2023) BRJ: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in June 2023) CRG: Colorado River below Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA CRR: Colorado River...
The U.S. Geological Survey deployed seven submersible pressure transducers on the bottom of the Salcha River in July 2018. An additional transducer was left out of the water to correct for barometric pressure fluctuations. At the time of deployment, the bank position near each transducer and the water-surface elevation were measured with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) equipment. The transducers recorded a depth measurement every 15-min until the recovery of five of the seven in October. We adjusted the water elevation measured at deployment by the difference between the depth measured at deployment and each subsequent depth measurement to derive the water-surface elevation at 15-min intervals. The data...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alaska,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
water surface elevation
This data release consists of three child items distinguishing the following types of data: light detection and ranging (lidar) point clouds (LPCs), digital elevation models (DEMs), and snow depth raster maps. These three data types are all derived from lidar data collected on small, uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS) at study areas in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, from 2020 to 2022. These data were collected and generated as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Next Generation Water Observing Systems (NGWOS) Upper Colorado River Basin project.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is actively investigating the use of innovative remote-sensing techniques to estimate surface velocity and discharge of rivers in ungaged basins and river reaches that lack the infrastructure to install conventional streamgaging equipment. By coupling discharge algorithms and sensors capable of measuring surface velocity, streamgage networks can be established in regions where data collection was previously impractical or impossible. One of the remote-sensing techniques uses a Doppler (velocity) radar (QCam) mounted and integrated on a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS or drone). QCam measures the along-track surface velocity by spot dwelling in a river cross section at a vertical...
These digital elevation models (DEMs) were generated from light detection and ranging (lidar) point clouds (LPCs) derived from lidar data collected during multiple field campaigns at three study areas near Winter Park, Colorado. Small, uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS) were used to collect lidar datasets to represent snow-covered and snow-free periods.
This dataset includes vertical velocity profiles and river discharge at the cross section of interest where velocity measurements were taken on the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska. Each profile contains measurements from at least six depths across the cross section in order to have a full two-dimensional cross-section velocity profile across the river. Each profile contains measurements at various depths at the y-axis, which is the vertical in the cross-sectional profile where the maximum velocity (umax) occurs.These measurements were taken using a Flowtracker2 instrument (SonTek, 2020) when wading was possible; if wading was not possible, measurements were...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alaska,
North America,
United States,
A USGS Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS) Aquatic Airshow field testing and demonstration event occurred March 20–21, 2018, on the Arkansas River at Parkdale, CO, USA. At the airshow, a group of USGS scientists and technicians gathered to test non-contact sensors for measuring stream discharge using UAS and a sensor mounted on a tag line. Scientists at the event performed a series of tests to measure river discharge with experimental non-contact techniques. USGS scientists and field personnel traditionally conduct a discharge measurement either by wading or working from a boat. Due to the potential danger and high risk to personnel safety, hydrologic measurement work is limited during very high flow events, ice break-up,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Canon City,
Remote Sensing,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Water Resources,
These light detection and ranging (lidar) point clouds (LPCs) were generated from lidar data collected during multiple field campaigns in three study areas near Winter Park, Colorado. Small, uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS) collected lidar datasets to represent snow-covered and snow-free periods. More information regarding the sUAS used and data collection methods can be found in the Supplemental Information and process step sections of each study area metadata file.
HYDRoSWOT – HYDRoacoustic dataset in support of Surface Water Oceanographic Topography – is a data set that aggregates channel and flow data collected from the USGS streamgaging network and includes 200,000+ records of USGS acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) discharge measurements. The data set includes a variety of fields including: mean depth, mean velocity, discharge, stage, water-surface width, maximum depth, maximum velocity, and streamgage metadata for more than 5,000 stations in the United States. The hydraulic and channel geometry data is stored in the USGS hydroacoustic Doppler current profiler tables reported in the SiteVisit field measurement database and polled from 45 individual National Water...
These snow depth raster maps were generated from digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from light detection and ranging (lidar) data collected during multiple field campaigns in the three study areas near Winter Park, Colorado. Small, uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS) collected lidar datasets to represent snow-covered and snow-free periods. More information regarding the sUAS used and data collection methods can be found in the Supplemental Information and process step sections of each study area individual metadata file.
The sensor ensemble (DEbris and Floodflow Early warNing System, DEFENS) was deployed in Waldo Canyon, Pike National Forest, Colorado, which was burned during the Waldo Canyon fire in the summer of 2012. The ensemble consists of noncontact, ground-based (near-field), Doppler velocity (velocity) and pulsed (stage or gage height) radars, rain gages, and a redundant radio communication network. This ensemble of instruments was used to calculate stream channel characteristics derived from light detection and ranging (lidar) data. These data were leveraged to predict mean channel velocities based on Manning's equation, which were needed to compute the kinematic celerity and uncertainties and include water level, cross-sectional...
This child item contains Doppler radar velocimetry spectra measurements for each field site where the radars were deployed. Each Field Site is abbreviated in various files in this data release. File and folder names quickly identify which site a particular file or dataset represents. The following abbreviations are used: ACS: Anthracite Creek at Somerset, Colorado, USA BRA: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in August 2023) BRJ: Blue River below Dillon, Colorado, USA (collected in June 2023) CRG: Colorado River below Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA CRR: Colorado River above Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA ERW: Eagle River below Milk Creek near Wolcott, Colorado, USA MCA: Maroon...
This Science Base Community is a home for data collected by unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or drones and from non-contact sensors on fixed-mount and near-field platforms such as bridges, for water related projects. The goal is to make it easier to publish remotely sensed hydrologic data and create a collection of remotely sensed hydrologic data sets.
Near-field remote sensing methods were used to collect Doppler velocity and pulsed stage radar data at 10 conventional U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in river reaches with varying hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics. Basin sizes ranged from 381 to 66,200 square kilometers and included agricultural, desert, forest, mixed, and high-gradient mountain environments. During the siting and operational phases, radar-derived mean-channel (mean) velocity and discharge were computed using the Probability Concept (PC) and were compared against conventional instantaneous measurements and stage-discharge time series. During siting phase, radars were located, installed, and PC parameters computed. To test the efficacy...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alaska,
This dataset contains survey data including wading and real-time kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS) of water surface elevation and channel bed topography at cross section 5 (xs5) on March 20, 2018, which is adjacent to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgage at Arkansas River at Parkdale, Colorado (USGS 07094500). The RTK Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) surveys were performed using a local base station associated with the streamgage and Trimble R8 and R10 receivers while wading the channel at cross section 5. The survey data were postprocessed by performing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) correction of the static observations...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Colorado,
North America,
United States,