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Abstract (from Ecology and Society): Coastal ecosystems in the eastern U.S. have been severely altered by human development, and climate change and other stressors are now further degrading the capacity of those ecological and social systems to remain resilient in the face of such disturbances. We sought to identify potential ways in which local conservation interests in the Lowcountry of South Carolina (USA) could participate in a social process of adaptation planning, and how that process might ultimately be broadened to engage a more diverse set of partners. We engaged participants through a combination of informal meetings, workshops, and other collaborative interactions to explore how the conservation community...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
1) Raw parcel-level habitat data for the South Carolina Lowcountry surrounding Cape Romain NWR and Francis Marion NF, from current current conditions and for three projected sea-level rise futures based on SLAMM model outputs, NLCD land cover and the projected distribution of sea levels for 2050. 2) a table of parcel identification numbers (without georeference) with parcel size (Ha) and sub-group identity. 3) Optimization-model derived reserve design portfolios that define the Pareto-optimal frontier for each sub-group and for four budget scenarios along axes of reserve design benefits and risk.
We illustrate the utility of expert elicitation, explicit recognition of uncertainty, and the value of information for directing management and research efforts for invasive species, using tegu lizards (Salvator merianae) in southern Florida as a case study. We posited a post-birth pulse, matrix model, which was parameterized using a 3-point process to elicit estimates of tegu demographic rates from herpetology experts. We fit statistical distributions for each parameter and for each expert, then drew and pooled a large number of replicate samples from these to form a distribution for each demographic parameter. Using these distributions, we generated a large sample of matrix models to infer how the tegu population...
This dataset provides demographic information for the Svalbard population of pink-footed geese from 1991 to 2018. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
This data release includes the data and computer code that we produced to fit two open-robust design removal models developed to simultaneously model population dynamics, temporary emigration, and imperfect detection: a random walk linear trend model (estimable without ancillary information), and a 2-age class integrated population model (IPM) that used prior information for age-structured vital rates and relative juvenile availability. To evaluate the effectiveness of management programs, we applied both models to a multi-year, removal trapping time-series data set of a large invasive lizard (Argentine black and white tegu, Salvator merianae) in three management areas of South Florida collected from 2016-1018....
The dataset contains estimates (low, estimate, high) of 12 population parameters for the wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) from the literature and experts.
Coastal ecosystems in the Eastern U.S. have been severely altered by processes associated with human development, including drainage of wetlands, changes in hydrology, land clearing, agricultural and forestry activity, and the construction of structures that “harden” the coast. Sea-level rise and the changing frequency of extreme events associated with climate change are now further degrading the capacity of those ecological and social systems to remain resilient. As custodians of ecological goods and services valued by society, coastal National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs) have a particularly important role to play in helping socio-ecological systems adapt to global-change processes. To help refuges address this challenge,...
Abstract (from PLOS One): Conversion of wild habitats to human dominated landscape is a major cause of biodiversity loss. An approach to mitigate the impact of habitat loss consists of designating reserves where habitat is preserved and managed. Determining the most valuable areas to preserve in a landscape is called the reserve design problem. There exists several possible formulations of the reserve design problem, depending on the objectives and the constraints. In this article, we considered the dynamic problem of designing a reserve that contains a desired area of several key habitats. The dynamic case implies that the reserve cannot be designed in one time step, due to budget constraints, and that habitats...
Abstract (from Ecological Society of America (ESA): Climate change and urban growth impact habitats, species, and ecosystem services. To buffer against global change, an established adaptation strategy is designing protected areas to increase representation and complementarity of biodiversity features. Uncertainty regarding the scale and magnitude of landscape change complicates reserve planning and exposes decision makers to risk of failing to meet conservation goals. Conservation planning tends to treat risk as an absolute measure, ignoring the context of the management problem and risk preferences of stakeholders. Application to conservation of risk management theory emphasizes diversification of portfolio of...
Abstract (From National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs) in the United States play an important role in the adaptation of social-ecological systems to climate change, land-use change, and other global-change processes. Coastal refuges are already experiencing threats from sea-level rise and other change processes that are largely beyond their ability to influence, while at the same time facing tighter budgets and reduced staff. We engaged in workshops with NWR managers along the U.S. Atlantic coast to understand the problems they face from global-change processes and began a multidisciplinary collaboration to use decision science to help address them. We are applying a...
Abstract (from USGS Publications Warehouse): This final report summarizes activities, outcomes, and lessons learned from a 3-year project titled “Climate Change Adaptation for Coastal National Wildlife Refuges” with the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and local partners in the surrounding South Carolina Lowcountry. The Lowcountry is classified as the 10-county area encompassing the coastal plain of South Carolina (this report specifically focuses on Berkeley, Charleston, and Georgetown Counties). The goals of this work, sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey’s Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (SECASC), were to foster active engagement with stakeholders; to develop a comprehensive definition...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Coastal National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs) provide a myriad of beneficial services, including buffering storm surge, improving water quality, supporting commercial fisheries, and providing habitat for imperiled wildlife and plants. Yet in the last century, coastal ecosystems in the eastern U.S. have been severely altered by human development activities as well as sea-level rise and more frequent extreme events related to climate change. These influences threaten the goods and services provided by NWRs and pose decision-making challenges for refuge managers. The purpose of this project was to explore how structured decision-making – a formal, systematic method for analyzing decisions – could help NWR staff make informed...
Coastal ecosystems in the eastern U.S. have been severely altered by local processes associated with human development, including drainage of coastal wetlands, hydrologic alterations affecting sediment supply, and land-use change, and by global-scale ecological changes including sea-level rise and other effects associated with climate change. Together, these forces are degrading the capacity of ecological and social systems to respond to disturbance. The goal of this project was to foster active engagement with stakeholders; develop a comprehensive problem definition that expressed local values, knowledge, and perceptions; and encourage building of effective networks and trust across organizations and individuals...
These data provide estimates of abundance and measures of harvest pressure for five species (mallard, American green-winged teal, wood duck, ring-necked duck, and Common and Barrows' goldeneyes combined) of ducks breeding in the Atlantic Flyway of North America, 1998-2017. Abundance data are based on federal and state surveys encompassing southern Ontario, Quebec, and Maine south to Florida. Harvest rates are provided for those species with adequate band recovery data (mallard wood duck, green-winged teal), and absolute harvest is provided for those that do not (ring-necked duck, goldeneyes). Indices of harvest pressure are based on federal surveys. Also included are the number of wings of each species received...

    map background search result map search result map Informing Conservation Management Decision-Making at Coastal National Wildlife Refuges Abundance, harvests, and harvest rates of selected duck species in the Atlantic Flyway, 1998-2017 Demographic Parameters for Svalbard Pink-Footed Geese, 1991-2018 Data from: "Evaluating the effect of expert elicitation techniques on population status assessment in the face of large uncertainty" Data for analysis of open removal models with temporary emigration and population dynamics to inform invasive animal management Informing Conservation Management Decision-Making at Coastal National Wildlife Refuges Data from: "Evaluating the effect of expert elicitation techniques on population status assessment in the face of large uncertainty" Demographic Parameters for Svalbard Pink-Footed Geese, 1991-2018 Abundance, harvests, and harvest rates of selected duck species in the Atlantic Flyway, 1998-2017