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This data release contains water level data and analytical results from slug tests performed at 12 wells at Badger Army Ammunition Plant (BAAP), Sauk County, Wisconsin. Water-level data, representing the displacement and recovery of groundwater levels with time in wells during slug tests, are provided in comma delimited files. Analytical results are provided in AQUTESOLV files (*.aqt files) and *.pdf summary files. The methods used and results from this work are summarized in the USGS Scientific Investigation report by Haserodt and others, 2023:
This model archive makes available a calibrated, transient MODFLODW-NWT model and a MODPATH7 particle-tracking model used to simulate the groundwater flow system at the former Badger Army Ammunition Plant, in Sauk County, Wisconsin, during 1984–2020. The development of the MODFLODW-NWT and MODPATH7 models are described in the associated U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5040. This model archive contains all the files needed to document and run the groundwater flow and particle-tracking models. The directories in the archive are each presented as a separate .zip file and include an a "bin" directory, a "georef" directory, a "model” directory, an "output" directory, and a "source" directory....
A Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool (GW-NDST) for wells in Wisconsin was developed to assist resource managers with assessing how legacy and possible future nitrate leaching rates, combined with groundwater lag times and potential denitrification, influence nitrate concentrations in wells (Juckem et al. 2024). The GW-NDST relies on several support models, including machine-learning models that require numerous GIS input files. This data release contains all GIS files required to run the GW-NDST and its machine-learning support models. The GIS files are packaged into three ZIP files (,, and which are contained in this data release. Before running the GW-NDST, these ZIP...
A groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool (GW-NDST) for wells in Wisconsin was developed to assist resource managers with assessing how legacy and possible future nitrate leaching rates, combined with groundwater lag times and potential denitrification, influence nitrate concentrations in wells (Juckem et al. 2024). The GW-NDST relies on an ensemble of calibrated parameters to make nitrate predictions and to estimate the uncertainty of those predictions. This data release contains all of the calibrated parameter files required to run the tool. The files are packaged in a single ZIP file. To run the tool, the ZIP package needs to be downloaded and extracted within the pest/ies_parameter_ensembles/ subdirectory...
Ten groundwater piezometers and lake-level stilling wells were deployed in Upper Klamath Lake (UKL), Oregon during May through October 2017. Piezometers and stilling wells were deployed in pairs so that water levels could be measured relative to a common measuring point (MP) at each location. Piezometers and stilling wells were instrumented with recording pressure transducers. Discrete depth-to-water check measurements were collected at all ten locations at about two-week intervals using a calibrated electric water-level tape to verify and, if necessary, correct the continuous data record. This data set contains discrete depth-to-water check measurements.
This data set contains continuous measured groundwater and lake water-level data and continuous derived vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG) data. Water-levels were measured in paired groundwater piezometers and lake-level stilling wells with submerged pressure transducers during May through October 2017 at nine locations in Upper Klamath Lake (UKL), Oregon. Continuous water-level data was barometrically compensated, corrected for shifts, and converted to values of water level below MP using discrete depth to water-level measurements. Continuous groundwater and lake water-level data were used to calculate vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG). Any data that were determined to be unrepresentative (effects from waves or...
This USGS data release presents data used to estimate and summarize hydrologic budget components of the Harney Basin groundwater system, Southeastern Oregon, 1982-2016. The supplemental data consist of five child items. The child items are: (1) Harney Basin Boundaries: Hydrographic Area, Groundwater Evapotranspiration Area, Regions, Lowlands, Uplands, and Selected Watersheds in Harney Basin, Southeastern Oregon, (2) Evapotranspiration Units Delineated by Region in the Harney Basin Groundwater Evapotranspiration Area and Evapotranspiration-Unit Observations, Southeastern Oregon, (3) Mean Annual (1987-2015) Net Evapotranspiration in the Harney Basin Lowlands, Southeastern Oregon, Estimated with the Empirical Method,...
Ten groundwater piezometers and lake-level stilling wells were deployed in Upper Klamath Lake (UKL), Oregon during May through October 2017. Piezometers and stilling wells were deployed in pairs so that water levels could be measured relative to a common measuring point (MP) at each location. Piezometers were installed in the lakebed sediment, with screens from 3.92 to 4.92 feet below the sediment-water interface (lakebed). Stilling wells were screened open to the lake. Continuous water-level data were collected at nine locations using submerged pressure transducers. One barometric pressure transducer was deployed so that continuous water-level data could be barometrically compensated. Discrete depth-to-water check...
The supplemental data presented here contains raster data in .tif format of the empirically estimated mean annual (1987-2015) net evapotranspiration (ETnet) for the Harney Basin Groundwater Evapotranspiration Area. The final mean annual ETnet estimate for the Harney Basin was determined using both empirical and physics-based methods. The final ETnet estimate was combined with additional data to estimate groundwater discharge through evapotranspiration (ET) in the Harney Basin. See Garcia and others (2022) for a detailed description of how these data were estimated and evaluated.
A Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool (GW-NDST) for wells in Wisconsin was developed to assist resource managers with assessing how legacy and possible future nitrate leaching rates, combined with groundwater lag times and potential denitrification, influence nitrate concentrations in wells (Juckem et al. 2024). Running and using the GW-NDST software involves downloading the software code (version 1.1.0) from the code repository (, downloading GIS data for the machine learning support models (child data release "GIS files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin"), downloading the parameter uncertainty file (child data release "Parameter ensemble...
A multivariate regression model was developed to predict zero-order oxygen reduction rates (mg/L/yr) in aquifers across the State of Wisconsin. The model used a combination of dissolved oxygen concentrations and mean groundwater ages estimated with sampled age tracers from wells in the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System and previously published project reports from state agencies and universities. The multivariate regression model was solved using the Microsoft Excel solver, with 461 wells used for training and 46 wells held-out for validation. A total of 31 predictor variables were used for model development (56 were tested), including basic well characteristics, soil properties, aquifer properties,...
The supplemental data presented here contain shapefiles of the hydrographic area, regions, groundwater evapotranspiration areas, and select watersheds in Harney Basin used in the hydrologic budget of the Harney Basin groundwater system, 1982-2016 report.
The supplemental data presented here contain tabular data (in .csv format) including measured and estimated daily and water-year (1982–2016) streamflow for selected watersheds and estimated springflow at Page Springs in Harney Basin. Daily streamflow data are a composite of measured streamflow and extended streamflow records from short-term streamgages in gaged watersheds. Short-term or discontinuous records in gaged watersheds were extended to the period 1982–2016 using the Kendal-Thiel Robust Line (KTRL) method (Helsel and Hirsch, 2020) and ordinary-least squares (OLS) linear regression. Springflow estimates were provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
This model archive contains model files and a complete repeatable workflow for source water delineation for groundwater supply wells in the Neversink/Rondout Basins of New York. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the NYSDEC and NYSDOH, began an investigation in 2019 with the general objectives of (1) improving understanding of the regional groundwater flow system (2) delineating areas contributing recharge to eight priority production wells, and (3) quantifying the uncertainty of these contributing areas in a probabilistic way that can be used to inform decision-making related to priority well source water protection. To accomplish these objectives, a MODFLOW 6 groundwater model (version 6.2.1) was...
The supplemental data presented here contains three raster datasets representing the evapotranspiration (ET) units for northern, southern, and western regions of Harney Basin (raster datasets in .tif format) and one vector dataset of ET-unit observations used to delineate ET units (vector dataset in .shp format). Eleven ET units were identified from ET-unit observations of land cover and include bare soil or playa (1), marsh (2), dry meadow (3), wet meadow (4), open water (5), riparian (6), mixed shrubland (7), phreatophyte shrubland (8), xerophyte shrubland (9), sagebrush shrubland (10), and xerophyte grassland (11). Irrigated areas are excluded from ET units. Unpublished land-cover datasets collected by the U.S....
This model archive contains files for a set of groundwater flow, particle tracking, and management optimization models that simulate the area around the Navy-Northrop-Grumman contamination plume on Long Island, New York. These models were developed as in insets from the Long Island Regional “parent” Model, from which perimeter boundary conditions were inherited. In addition to input and output files for these models, this archive contains the modeling workflow python code and source data used to build the model. These materials have been included for repeatability and decision transparency.
The supplemental data presented here contains four vector datasets (in .shp format) and one tabular dataset (in .csv format) representing the unpublished land-cover observation data used to generate ET-unit observations within Harney Basin. Unpublished land-cover field observations collected by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) were used to generate the ETunit_field_obs.shp file located one level up in the main ET units child item.
The supplemental data presented here contain a macro-driven Microsoft Excel workbook (Office 365 format) that was developed to simultaneously balance streamflow with precipitation distributions in the Harney Basin for streamgaged and ungaged upland watersheds and other upland areas. The workbook allows for as many as five precipitation ranges to be manually specified. Precipitation for the area within each range is summed by watershed or ungaged area and multiplied by a fitted coefficient to estimate precipitation-derived streamflow.
This model archive makes available the calibrated Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model used to simulate upland recharge from infiltration of precipitation and snowmelt in the Harney Basin, Oregon, 1982-2016. The model was calibrated using annual values of runoff, evapotranspiration, and baseflow for eight watersheds in the basin. The Harney Basin SWB model was used to create output at the scale of 1-kilometer grid cells. The simulations were used to create daily grids of potential recharge. The calibrated SWB model and its use is described in the associated U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021–5128 (Garcia and others, 2022; The directory structure of the model...

    map background search result map search result map Depth-to-water data and calculated vertical hydraulic gradient at the sediment-water interface in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Discrete groundwater and lake depth-to-water check-measurement data, Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Continuous depth-to-water data and calculated vertical hydraulic gradient at the sediment-water interface in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model archive used to simulate annual upland recharge from infiltration of precipitation and snowmelt in the Harney Basin, Oregon, 1982-2016 Data to support a Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin Slug test analysis results from unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers at Badger Army Ammunition Plant, Sauk County, Wisconsin, 2020 (1) Harney Basin Boundaries: Hydrographic Area, Groundwater Evapotranspiration Area, Regions, Lowlands, Uplands, and Selected Watersheds in Harney Basin, Southeastern Oregon (2) Evapotranspiration Units Delineated by Region in the Harney Basin Groundwater Evapotranspiration Area and Evapotranspiration-Unit Observations, Southeastern Oregon (3) Empirically Estimated Mean Annual (1987-2015) Net Evapotranspiration in the Harney Basin Lowlands, Southeastern Oregon (4) Measured and Estimated Streamflow and Estimated Spring-Flow Data in Harney Basin, Southeastern Oregon, 1982-2016 Groundwater Model Archive and Workflow for Neversink/Rondout Basin, New York, Source Water Delineation Harney Basin Supplemental Land-Cover Observations (5) Analytical Model Relating Precipitation Distributions to Streamflow, Harney Basin, Southeastern Oregon MODFLOW-NWT model of the Former Badger Army Ammunition Plant, Wisconsin Multivariate regression model for predicting oxygen reduction rates in groundwater for the State of Wisconsin MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow and a proposed remediation system in the sole-source aquifer system in southeastern Nassau County, New York GIS files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin Parameter ensemble files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin Slug test analysis results from unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers at Badger Army Ammunition Plant, Sauk County, Wisconsin, 2020 MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow and a proposed remediation system in the sole-source aquifer system in southeastern Nassau County, New York MODFLOW-NWT model of the Former Badger Army Ammunition Plant, Wisconsin Depth-to-water data and calculated vertical hydraulic gradient at the sediment-water interface in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Discrete groundwater and lake depth-to-water check-measurement data, Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Continuous depth-to-water data and calculated vertical hydraulic gradient at the sediment-water interface in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2017 Groundwater Model Archive and Workflow for Neversink/Rondout Basin, New York, Source Water Delineation (2) Evapotranspiration Units Delineated by Region in the Harney Basin Groundwater Evapotranspiration Area and Evapotranspiration-Unit Observations, Southeastern Oregon (3) Empirically Estimated Mean Annual (1987-2015) Net Evapotranspiration in the Harney Basin Lowlands, Southeastern Oregon Harney Basin Supplemental Land-Cover Observations (4) Measured and Estimated Streamflow and Estimated Spring-Flow Data in Harney Basin, Southeastern Oregon, 1982-2016 (5) Analytical Model Relating Precipitation Distributions to Streamflow, Harney Basin, Southeastern Oregon (1) Harney Basin Boundaries: Hydrographic Area, Groundwater Evapotranspiration Area, Regions, Lowlands, Uplands, and Selected Watersheds in Harney Basin, Southeastern Oregon Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model archive used to simulate annual upland recharge from infiltration of precipitation and snowmelt in the Harney Basin, Oregon, 1982-2016 Data to support a Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin Multivariate regression model for predicting oxygen reduction rates in groundwater for the State of Wisconsin Parameter ensemble files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin GIS files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin