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In 30 surveys, we mapped 21,486 birds comprising 88 species “interact with” the intertidal habitat. Each full “survey” represents a unique month-year-tide combination (but not necessarily a unique day). Specifically, for each of 15 months between January 2012 and March 2013 we conducted separate, but temporally adjacent high-tide and low-tide bird surveys (30 in total) throughout the intertidal habitats. Back to back surveys within the same month are not meant to be independent measures of bird abundance and should be averaged to get an idea of bird abundance in a particular month. Birds were counted if they were in the intertidal habitat. We also counted some species, like raptors, if they were perched in adjacent...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: California,
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve,
Santa Barbara County,
We collected detailed spatial data on the density and size distribution of intertidal snails as part of a broader effort to understand food webs in California estuaries. The survey area was Carpinteria Salt Marsh, California USA, which comprises 9 Ha tidal channels, 2 Ha salt flats, 17 Ha upland habitat, 6 Ha tidal pans, 52 Ha vegetated marsh, 2 Ha tidal flats. Using nearly 4,000 transects in potential snail habitat, we mapped snails throughout the estuary. Specifically, we systematically placed transects at intervals stratified within targeted habitat types: channels, pans, or marsh (or planar habitat that was mixed marsh and pan). At a quarter of the quadrats, we also estimated snail size-frequency distributions....
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve,
Santa Barbara County,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Each month (except March 2012), we collected detailed data on the infection status of intertidal snails from ten fixed sites as part of a broader effort to understand food webs in California Estuaries. The study site was Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve, California USA, (University of California Natural Reserve System), which comprises 9 Ha tidal channels, 2 Ha salt flats, 17 Ha upland habitat, 6 Ha tidal pans, 52 Ha vegetated marsh, 2 Ha tidal flats. Each site was a fixed location in channel or flat habitat, with a diameter approximately 50 m in size, centered at the site location marker used in Kuris et al. (2008). At each site/month, we collected, measured, sexed, and dissected ~58 snails (11,643 dissections total,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve,
Santa Barbara County,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Each month (except March 2012), we collected detailed data on the density, size distribution, and infection status of intertidal snails from ten fixed sites as part of a broader effort to understand food webs in California Estuaries. The study site was Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve, California USA, (University of California Natural Reserve System), which comprises 9 Ha tidal channels, 2 Ha salt flats, 17 Ha upland habitat, 6 Ha tidal pans, 52 Ha vegetated marsh, 2 Ha tidal flats. Each site was a fixed location in channel or flat habitat, with a diameter approximately 50m in size, centered at the site location marker used in Kuris et al. (2008). At each site/month, we collected, measured, sexed, and dissected ~58...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve,
Santa Barbara County,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This database is a compilation of marine mammal and seabird information collected along the Pacific coast of the United States and U.S. territories in the Pacific from surveys that were solicited among regional research communities and persons. Information from standardized surveys was gathered from 2015 to 2018 and includes programs and researchers who collected information regarding seabirds since 1960. These data support the following publication: Adams, J., Lafferty, K.D., Kelsey, E.C., and Johnston, C.A. 2019. Synopsis of Research Programs that can Provide Baseline and Monitoring Information for Offshore Energy Activities in the Pacific Region: Seabird and Marine Mammal Surveys in the Pacific Region. U.S....
Hourly wave-height observations at 32 sites throughout the Channel Islands National Park and San Nicolas Island, site-specific hind casts from the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP), and contemporary wave height, period, and direction from regional buoys taken during intervals between 2013 and 2017.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: California,
Channel Islands,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
ocean waves,
California’s Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) has a hind cast feature that allows one to model hourly height and period at known locations back to 2000. Fitting these hindcasts to observed height and periods indicates that the hindcasts have consistent biases that can be corrected for statistically. Past work generated bias corrections for 32 sites in the Channel Islands. We use these bias corrections to correct hourly height and period hindcasts at these sites from 2000 to 2017. Data columns include: year_utc, month_utc, day_utc, hour_utc, cdip_Hs_m, cdip_Tp_sec, cdip_Dp_degTrue, adjusted_cdip_Hs_m, mean_sensor_pressure_dbar, Transect_depth_m, ubr_Sensor, Tbr_sensor, wave_energy, date, juliand, season, wyr,...
The project is located at Carpinteria Salt Marsh, part of the University of California Reserve System. The marsh is located at 34.40°N, 119.53°W, which is near the city of Carpinteria, CA. The "exp_recruitment" data set includes information on site name (site), latitude (lat) and longitude (long) of each site, cage number (cage), the number of egg-transmitted (egginf) and miracidium-transmitted (mirainf) trematode infections per cage, the biomass of snails within a cage (cagebmdens), and the influence (g^3/4) of final hosts that carry egg-transmitted (eggfhi) and miracidium-transmitted (mirafhi) trematodes. The "exp_risk" data set includes information on site name (site), latitude (lat) and longitude (long) of each...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Carpinteria Salt Marsh,
Cerithideopsis californica,
Complex life cycle,
We collected spatial data on birds as part of a broader effort to understand food webs in California Estuaries. The survey area was Carpinteria Salt Marsh, California USA, which comprises 9 Ha tidal channels, 2 Ha salt flats, 17 Ha upland habitat, 6 Ha tidal pans, 52 Ha vegetated marsh, and 2 Ha tidal flats. A fixed transect was walked and birds were mapped if they were in the intertidal habitat. We also included some species, like raptors, if they were perched in adjacent upland habitats, but potentially interact with the estuary. With GIS, these data can be used to evaluate bird distributions, by species, in space and time, in this habitat. There are two data files in this release (1) Bird distribution surveys...
Executive Summary The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has a long history of advancing the traditional Earth science disciplines and identifying opportunities to integrate USGS science across disciplines to address complex societal problems. The USGS science strategy for 2007-2017 laid out key challenges in disciplinary and interdisciplinary arenas, culminating in a call for increased focus on a number of crosscutting science directions. Ten years on, to further the goal of integrated science and at the request of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), a workshop with three dozen invited scientists spanning different disciplines and career stages in the Bureau convened on February 7-10, 2017, at the USGS John Wesley...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
We designed a 12.2 km walking transect so that an observer would pass within 50m of all habitat in the estuary and also minimize fording large channels. This transect was drawn using the path tool in Google Earth on a satellite image of the survey area. The path was printed on top of paper maps and used by observers as a map in the field. Most often, the entire transect was walked by two observers, one starting in the far West, the other in the middle of the estuary. Observers were permitted to deviate from the map to get clear views of certain features like incised channels or to identify a particular bird. The transect spacing worked for most birds, but was too sparse to accurately count Belding’s Savannah Sparrows....
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: California,
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve,
Santa Barbara County,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
We present correction coefficients for hourly wave height and period hind casts for 32 sites throughout the Channel Islands National Park and San Nicolas Island. Each site is described in terms of its location, orientation, and transect depth. To use this table, first generate a site-specific wave height and period hind cast using the California Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) Monitoring and Prediction (MOP) System (
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: California,
Channel Islands,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
We identified five common habitat types in Carpinteria Salt Marsh: channels, pans (flats), marsh, salt flat and upland. We then drew polygons around each habitat type identified from a registered and orthorectified aerial photograph and created a GIS shapefile. Polygons were ground-truthed in the field. From these habitat polygons, one can use GIS applications to estimate the area of each habitat type in this estuary. These data support the following publications: Kuris, Armand M., et al. "Ecosystem energetic implications of parasite and free-living biomass in three estuaries." Nature 454.7203 (2008): 515-518. Hechinger, Ryan F., Kevin D. Lafferty, Andy P. Dobson, James H. Brown, and Armand M. Kuris. "A common...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Carpinteria,
Carpinteria Salt Marsh,
Salt Marsh,
Salt Marsh,