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The data set consists of 12 input data rasters that cover San Diego County, California. These input rasters represent criteria used in a Pareto ranking algorithm in the manuscript. These include three rasters related to fire threats, three rasters related to habitat fragmentation threats, four rasters related to species biodiversity, and two rasters related to genetic biodiversity. (see the PLOS ONE paper for details). These data support the following publication: Tracey JA, Rochester CJ, Hathaway SA, Preston KL, Syphard AD, Vandergast AG, et al. (2018) Prioritizing conserved areas threatened by wildfire and fragmentation for monitoring and management. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0200203.
This habitat model was developed to delineate suitable habitat for coastal cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) in southern California. A primary purpose of the model is to identify potential restoration sites that may not currently support cactus patches required by wrens, but which are otherwise highly suitable. These are areas that could be planted with cactus to increase wren populations, an important management objective for many land managers. We used the Partitioned Mahalanobis D2 modeling technique to construct alternative models with different combinations of environmental variables. Variables were calculated at each point in the center of a 150 m x 150 m cell in a grid of points across the landscape....
This habitat model was developed to delineate a sampling frame for regional monitoring of coastal California gnatcatchers (Polioptila californica californica) to determine: 1) percent area occupied (PAO) in high and very high suitability habitat across conserved lands and participating military lands in the U.S. range in southern California; 2) changes in PAO over time; and 3) extinction and colonization rates. One purpose of the model is to identify areas recovering from disturbance, such as wildfire, that may not currently support coastal sage scrub vegetation used by coastal California gnatcatchers, but are otherwise highly suitable. In this way, we can monitor gnatcatcher occupancy associated with habitat changes...
Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.)-dominated shrublands are one of the most widespread ecosystems in western North America but also among the most imperiled due to interactions among land use, fire, and exotic plants. Global climate change models predict an accelerated loss of sagebrush due to synergistic feedbacks among disturbance patterns and vegetation response; only 20% would remain under the most extreme scenario of >6° C increase by the end of this century (Fig. 1). Much of the current sagebrush distribution within the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) would be lost. The conservation status of Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), the most visible of >350 plant and wildlife species...
This habitat model was developed to identify suitable habitat for the federally-endangered least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) across its current and historic range in California. The vireo disappeared from most of its range by the 1980s, remaining only in small populations in southern California. Habitat protection and management since the mid-1980s has led to an increase in southern California vireo populations with small numbers of birds recently expanding into the historic range. Predictions from this model will be used to focus surveys in the historic range to determine where vireos are recolonizing and to track the status and distribution of populations over time. We used the Partitioned Mahalanobis...

    map background search result map search result map Raster data files for “Prioritizing conserved areas threatened by wildfire for monitoring and management." Least Bell's Vireo Habitat Suitability Model for California (2019) Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Suitability Model for Southern California (2015) Coastal California Gnatcatcher Habitat Suitability Model for Southern California (2015) Raster data files for “Prioritizing conserved areas threatened by wildfire for monitoring and management." Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Suitability Model for Southern California (2015) Coastal California Gnatcatcher Habitat Suitability Model for Southern California (2015) Least Bell's Vireo Habitat Suitability Model for California (2019)