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This folder contains data contributed to the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) Data System by the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership (SARP). SARP was recognized as a partner of NFHP in October 2007.
This geodatabase contains the official boundary of the Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership with State Boundaries. The boundary was originally developed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and was updated in 2020 to reflect revisions from the Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership, a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) of the National Fish Habitat Partnership.
Partnership - Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership The Harpeth River drains nearly 900 square miles in middle Tennessee and flows through one of the fastest growing regions in the country. It is a state designated Scenic River in Davidson County, within 30 minutes of downtown Nashville. The river is one of the most archeologically and historically significant rivers in the state. However, the project area was listed on the U.S. EPA Section 303(d) list for siltation and habitat alteration, nutrient enrichment and low dissolved oxygen. Low dissolved oxygen was particularly an issue above a 6.2 foot low head dam near Franklin, Tennessee. Dissolved oxygen measurements at this dam were below state standards, and...
Partnership – Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership The Nueces River basin has some of the most pristine streams, creeks, and rivers in Texas. The Nueces River basin supplies approximately two-thirds of the recharge to the Edwards Aquifer, which serves as a drinking water supply for millions of Texans. Since 2007, a riparian invasive plant, Arundo donax (giant reed), has been spreading at a rapid rate. Giant reed forms dense colonies that can grow to more than 20 feet in height and channelize streams, significantly altering instream habitat conditions for native aquatic species. In the early spring of 2010, landowners along the Nueces River began to notice the explosive expansion of Giant reed and large...
Partnership – Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership The Guadalupe Bass ( Micropterus treculii) is the Texas state fish, endemic to central Texas, and an economically important stream sport fish. It is also listed as threatened due to habitat degradation, stream flow alteration, and hybridization with non-native Smallmouth Bass stocked in the 1970’s and 80’s. The headwaters of the Blanco River bubble up from springs near the city of Blanco in the Texas Hill Country. Historically this river was home to a good population of Guadalupe Bass, but recent surveys found only Guadalupe/Smallmouth Bass hybrids. It was thought efforts to remove Smallmouth Bass were impractical. However, in 2011 during the height...
Stream fish data providers for 2015 national assessment of stream fish habitats.
Partnerships - Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership and Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Both the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership (SARP) and Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) supported marsh restoration/living shoreline projects on the Tolomato River in the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR) near St. Augustine, Florida. These projects are located on the southern portion of the Guana Peninsula and are creating a contiguous swath of restored marsh that is: improving and enhancing fish habitat; preventing shoreline erosion; and fostering opportunities for community stewardship and involvement that will provide benefits for years to come. The...
Partnership - Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership Dams and man-made barriers pose to impeding the movement of fish and blocking fish from their spawning grounds and habitat connectivity is listed as a top priority of the Southeast Aquatic Habitat Plan, the strategic plan of the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership (SARP). To help address this issue, SARP, together with the Nature Conservancy (TNC) has completed a large scale assessment of dams in the Southeastern United States. The Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project ( SEACAP), funded by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC), supports planners and managers in their efforts to target fish passage and other aquatic...
This item contains two datasets of SARP Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs) as determined by the SARP Steering Committee and SARP Coastal Committee. To determine inland COAs, each Member State within the Steering Committee has selected 5 inland HUC 8 basins to be designated as SARP COAs. In addition, the SARP Coastal Committee has designated Coastal COAs.
This geodatabase contains the official boundary of the Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership. The boundary was originally developed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and was updated in 2020 to reflect revisions from the Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership, a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) of the National Fish Habitat Partnership.
Partnership - Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership Eleven of the fourteen species, subspecies, and other unique forms of black bass are found in the southeastern U.S. and nowhere else in the world. Several undescribed species and subspecies of black bass are also found in the region and almost all are in need of conservation measures to prevent them from becoming imperiled. In an effort to focus and coordinate actions to secure healthy, fishable populations of the diversity of black basses, the Southeastern Aquatic Restoration Partnership (SARP) led the development of the Native Black Bass Initiative (NBBI). The NBBI is guided by a 10-year, $30 million plan that was assembled in partnership with the National...
Partnership – Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership The Green River and Green River Lake provide aquatic habitat in the Green River Wildlife Management Area near Campbellsville, KY. The river is in declining condition due to severe erosion over almost four decades. Its rehabilitation will allow it to support improved populations of white bass, smallmouth bass, rock bass, flathead catfish, walleye, and muskellunge along with providing important sportfishing opportunities for anglers. A 1,400 linear foot section of the river bank was chosen as the site for restoration, due to its rapid rate of erosion - a rate of 20 feet per year. Sediment loss from this section of the river bank fell into the river and eventually...
Partnership - Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership A population of the Gulf Coast strain (GCS) of Walleye ( Stizostedion vitreum) in Mackeys Creek, a headwater stream of the Tombigbee River, had been in decline since the 1970s. Due to downstream modifications of the stream channel, the stream bank had washed out and excessive sedimentation (a key process that forms and controls fish habitat) has degraded habitat and reduced water quality, which did not support spawning or juveniles. Additionally, the existing habitat compromised a number of native species including the Crystal Darter, Alabama Hog Sucker, Southern Sand Darter, Tombigbee Darter, Rock Darter, Freckled Darter, and Spotted Bass. The Southeast...

    map background search result map search result map Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership Fish Habitat Partnerships Making A Difference with Regional Assessments and Decision Support Tools to Guide Fish Passage in the Southeastern United States Eastern Gulf of Mexico States - Tolomato River Coastal Restoration Project, Florida Fish Habitat Partnerships Making a Difference: Green River Enhancement within the Green River Wildlife Management Area, KY Fish Habitat Partnerships Making a Difference with Native Fish Populations in Southern US Rivers and Streams Fish Habitat Partnerships Making a Difference Low Dam Removal on the Harpeth River, Tennessee Official Recognized Boundary of Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership, 2020 Official Recognized Boundary of Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership with State Boundaries, 2020 SARP Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs) Fish Habitat Partnerships Making A Difference with Regional Assessments and Decision Support Tools to Guide Fish Passage in the Southeastern United States Fish Habitat Partnerships Making a Difference with Native Fish Populations in Southern US Rivers and Streams Fish Habitat Partnerships Making a Difference: Green River Enhancement within the Green River Wildlife Management Area, KY Fish Habitat Partnerships Making a Difference Low Dam Removal on the Harpeth River, Tennessee Eastern Gulf of Mexico States - Tolomato River Coastal Restoration Project, Florida SARP Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs) Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership Official Recognized Boundary of Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership, 2020 Official Recognized Boundary of Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership with State Boundaries, 2020