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This data release contains channel cross sections of the Nooksack River near North Cedarville, WA, collected during routine streamgaging and discharge measurement efforts at USGS streamgage 12210700. All cross sections were collected using an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) from the downstream side of the Highway 542 bridge. Raw ADCP measurement data were processed using a combination of WinRiver II and AreaComp2. The mean gage height during the measurement was used to convert ADCP depth measurements into elevations relative to the gage datum. The known offset between local gage datum and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) was further used to convert gage datum elevations to absolute elevations...
This repository contains CSV files summarizing tabular data associated with analyses of proglacial geomorphic change presented in Anderson and Shean (2021). The included zip file contains three CSVs summarizing volumetric change, Landsat NDVI values, and longitudinal profiles along valley floors presented in that publication. Each CSV has an associated metadata file contained in the zip file providing details of individual datasets.
This data release summarizes discrete suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) measurements and continuous estimates of SSC for the Yakima River at Kiona (USGS 12510500) for the period between June 01, 2018 and September 30, 2022. Continuous estimates of SSC were derived primarily through calibrated turbidity records. These data were collected to support a better understanding of how water quality influenced stream metabolism and water stargrass growth in the lower Yakima River.
This data release provides suspended-sediment (concentration and load) and water temperature data for two locations along the Suiattle River (USGS 12187900 and 12188380) and a tributary, Downey Creek (USGS 12187985) in Washington State for partial periods over 2013-2017. Suspended-sediment and water temperature data were collected over two summer seasons from May through September 2016 and 2017 at USGS 12187900. Suspended-sediment and water temperature data were collected that approximately covers the Water Year 2017, extending from October 24, 2016 to November 16, 2017 at USGS 12187985. Suspended-sediment and water temperature data were collected from December 2013 through September 2017 at USGS 12188380. This...
This Data Release contains supporting data to evaluate fine sediment infiltration into gravels in identified locations of Chinook spawning habitat at three sites on the Sauk River, located in western Washington. Fine sediment infiltration into the river substrate that salmonid fish species use to spawn has been shown to increase mortality during the incubation and pre-emergence phase when salmonids are still residing in the subsurface gravels. The contents of this data release include; 1) geographic coordinates for the three site locations along the Sauk River, 2) hourly dissolved oxygen concentration in the subsurface at the three site locations, and 3) grainsizes, defined as fraction finer than a given sieve size...
This data release is a repository for data presented in Anderson and Shean (2021), a publication looking at topographic change in proglacial and glacier-marginal areas on Mount Rainier between 1960 and 2017. Datasets include all newly derived digital elevation models, shapefiles defining various areas of analysis, and tabular summaries of data presented in figures. See individual child items and original publication for more details.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fish Passage Facility, located on the White River, Washington State, collects upstream-migrating fish and transfers them to trucks, allowing the fish to access the watershed upstream of Mud Mountain Dam. The structure, constructed in 2019, includes an impoundment held by gates that can be raised or lowered remotely. Those gates are typically lowered during higher flows to allow sediment trapped in the impoundment to flush downstream. Starting in 2020, the USGS collected repeat bathymetric surveys of the White River in the immediate vicinity of the facility to help document how the local channel bed responded to various gate operation strategies. Surveys were generally conducted as...
This repository contains a suite of digital elevation models (DEMs), derived from aerial or satellite imagery, covering glacier and proglacial areas on Mount Rainier between 1960 and 2017. Data are available for the Emmons, Winthrop, Nisqually, and South Tahoma Glaciers and their associated proglacial areas. These data were used in Anderson and Shean (2021) to calculate DEMs of Difference (DoDs) and assess topographic change in these proglacial settings. Aerial lidar datasets used in that analysis are available through the Washington Department of Natural Resources lidar repository ( The DEMs stored here have been coregistered to the 2008 Mount Rainier aerial lidar dataset. Differencing...
This repository contains suites of shapefiles defining areas of analysis used in Anderson and Shean (2021). Three types of shapefiles are included, each bundled into a zip file: First, polygons delineating areas with elevation changes we judge to be overwhelmingly due to sediment motion (as opposed to snow or ice melt), used to calculate final volumes of change reported in Anderson and Shean (2021). File names indicate basin and DoD interval associated with a given polygon. Second, polygons defining areas used for averaging Landsat NDVI values. Third, regular valley-spanning cross sections used to calculate longitudinal profiles of the valley floors over time. Calculating the minimum elevation across these cross...
Boat-mounted acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCPs) were used to collect velocity data on the Columbia River in a small area near Northport, WA. Velocity surveys were collected during two surveys at high-flow, high-stage conditions in May 2018. Bathymetric data were also collected during one of the surveys using a single-beam echo-sounder. The datasets here provide 1) raw ADCP and single-beam survey data, 2) processed summaries of the data, primarily in geospatial data formats, and 3) summary visualizations of transect-averaged velocity and depth characteristics of the surveyed reach.

    map background search result map search result map Velocity and Bathymetry Surveys of the Columbia River near Northport, Washington, May 2018 Suspended sediment and water temperature data in the Suiattle River and the Downey Creek Tributary, Washington for select time periods over 2013 - 2017 (ver. 2.0, October 2021) Supporting Datasets for Proglacial Topographic Change Analyses on Mount Rainier, 1960 to 2017 Photogrammetrically Derived Digital Elevation Models of Mount Rainier Proglacial Areas, 1960 to 2017 Shapefiles Defining Areas of Analysis for Proglacial Sediment Studies on Mount Rainier, 1960 to 2017 Tabular Data Summaries for Proglacial Studies on Mount Rainier, 1960 to 2017 Channel Cross Sections of the Nooksack River near North Cedarville, WA, 2017-2021 Suspended-Sediment Data for the Yakima River at Kiona (USGS 12510500), Washington, June 2018 through September 2022 Sediment and dissolved oxygen data to support fine sediment intrusion in Chinook salmon spawning gravels, Sauk River, Washington Bathymetric Surveys of the White River at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fish Passage Facility, December 2020 to September 2022 Channel Cross Sections of the Nooksack River near North Cedarville, WA, 2017-2021 Velocity and Bathymetry Surveys of the Columbia River near Northport, Washington, May 2018 Bathymetric Surveys of the White River at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fish Passage Facility, December 2020 to September 2022 Suspended sediment and water temperature data in the Suiattle River and the Downey Creek Tributary, Washington for select time periods over 2013 - 2017 (ver. 2.0, October 2021) Sediment and dissolved oxygen data to support fine sediment intrusion in Chinook salmon spawning gravels, Sauk River, Washington Supporting Datasets for Proglacial Topographic Change Analyses on Mount Rainier, 1960 to 2017 Photogrammetrically Derived Digital Elevation Models of Mount Rainier Proglacial Areas, 1960 to 2017 Shapefiles Defining Areas of Analysis for Proglacial Sediment Studies on Mount Rainier, 1960 to 2017 Tabular Data Summaries for Proglacial Studies on Mount Rainier, 1960 to 2017