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Concentrations of inorganic constituents, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), tritium, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and pharmaceuticals were measured in groundwater samples collected from 254 wells in 2019 and 2020. Concentrations of inorganic constituents, DOC, VOCs, and pharmaceuticals were measured at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Laboratory in Lakewood, Colorado. Concentrations of tritium were measured at the USGS Tritium Laboratory in Menlo Park, California. Concentrations of PFAS were measured at SGS Laboratory in Orlando, Florida. In addition, several geospatial parameters were determined, including: percentages of selected land uses...
The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) initiated the Oil and Gas Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) to assess effects of oil and gas development on groundwater designated for any beneficial use. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the technical lead in conducting the RMP through the California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater (COGG) Program, working in cooperation with the State Water Board, and in partnership with other State and local agencies. The USGS collected and analyzed groundwater, surface water, and associated quality control (QC) samples in the Poso Creek Oil Field study area during February 2020-December 2021. Groundwater samples were collected from eleven irrigation, two domestic,...
This data release contains oil well annular cement and casing damage data from parts of the South Belridge and Lost Hills Oil Fields in western Kern County, California. The study area coincides with where groundwater with less than 10,000 milligrams per liter total dissolved solids and outside an exempt aquifer are located overlying oil-producing zones in these fields. In the study areas, hydraulic fracturing is occurring in mature oil fields where oil and gas development has occurred for approximately a century. The data were compiled from records of the California Department of Conservation, Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM). The data compiled include construction information for oil wells, drilling...
Natural resource planning at all scales demands methods for assessing the impacts of resource development and use, and in particular it requires standardized methods that yield robust and unbiased results. Building from existing probabilistic methods for assessing the volumes of energy and mineral resources, we provide an algorithm for consistent, reproducible, quantitative assessment of resource development impacts. The approach combines probabilistic input data with Monte Carlo statistical methods to determine probabilistic outputs that convey the uncertainties inherent in the data. For example, one can utilize our algorithm to combine data from a natural gas resource assessment with maps of sage grouse leks and...
Categories: Data, Publication; Types: Citation
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board collected produced water and gas samples in the Midway-Sunset, Poso Creek, and Buena Vista Oil Fields in Kern County in 2020 and 2021. Sampled sites included oil wells; injectate from tanks, pipelines, and injection wells where produced water from many wells, after removal of oil, is stored or transported prior to underground injection; and integrated produced water from many oil wells collected from pipelines before oil removal. This digital dataset contains the site information, analyzing laboratories and methods, and water and gas chemistry and quality-control results for these samples. Chemistry results include...
Groundwater samples were collected from domestic and public-supply wells in the Eagle Ford study area in 2015–16, in the Fayetteville study area in 2015, and in the Haynesville study area in 2014–15. One sample of produced water was collected from a gas well in the Haynesville  Shale in Rusk County, Texas in 2010, and 5 samples of produced water were collected from oil and condensate wells in the Eagle Ford Shale in Gonzales and Lavaca Counties, Texas in 2015. Groundwater samples were analyzed for major ions, nutrients, and trace elements; methane, methane H and C isotopic compositions, and C1-C5 gas composition; H and O isotopic composition of water; noble gas concentrations and isotopic compositions; tritium,...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Angelina County, Texas, Atascosa County, Texas, Benzene, Bienville County, Louisiana, Bossier County, Louisiana, All tags...
Chemical data from 43,334 wells were used to examine the role of land surface-soil-aquifer connections in producing elevated manganese concentrations (>300 µg/L) in United States (U.S.) groundwater. Elevated manganese and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were associated with shallow water tables and organic-carbon rich soils, suggesting soil-derived DOC supported manganese reduction. Manganese and DOC concentrations were higher near rivers than farther from rivers, suggesting river-derived DOC also supported manganese reduction. Anthropogenic nitrogen may also affect manganese concentrations in groundwater. In parts of the northeastern U.S. containing poorly buffered soils, ~40% of the samples with...
Resource assessments constitute a key part of the USGS mission, and represent a crucial contribution toward Department of the Interior (DOI) and broader Federal objectives. Current USGS energy and mineral assessment methods evaluate total technically recoverable resources (energy) or economically exploitable materials (minerals); the fiscal year 2010 budget for this work is $82M. To help stakeholders respond to escalating national and worldwide demand for energy, mineral, water, and biological resources, the USGS will expand existing assessment methods to include the environmental and human-health impacts of resource extraction and use, along with multi-resource dependencies and conflicts. This Powell Center working...
This data release documents four tables that contain data for assessing the susceptibility of groundwater using environmental tracers collected from public-supply wells located in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain (NACP) Aquifer System and Piedmont and Blue Ridge Crystalline-Rock Aquifers of Eastern United States. Results for two modeling support studies located within the NACP are also included. Table 1 provides the primary results of this study and it contains condensed results from dissolved gas modeling and calculated environmental tracer concentrations, as well as results of the tritium age classification, susceptibility index, the mean groundwater age, fraction of Modern water (water that was recharged after...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board collected produced water samples from four petroleum wells in the southern San Joaquin Valley on November 5, 2014. This digital dataset contains the site information, analyzing laboratories and methods, and water chemistry and quality control results for these samples. Water chemistry results include concentrations of dissolved hydrocarbon gases and their isotopic composition; concentrations of inorganic constituents including salinity, major ions, and nutrients; dissolved organic carbon; and stable isotopes of water and strontium dissolved in water. Samples were analyzed by 5 laboratories operated or contracted...
This data release contains groundwater elevation data and the associated model/code used to create groundwater elevation surfaces in and around select oil fields in California. The data and model provided here are intended to supplement interpretative manuscripts. Specific study areas will be added as Child Items found in this data release. Groundwater elevations are usually collected from individual wells at discrete times. However, we are often interested in looking at a continuous surface of groundwater levels for a variety of reasons including to examine potential gradients, or directions of groundwater flow. Therefore, we created continuous space-time models of groundwater elevations using a Gaussian process....
Water samples from 50 domestic wells located <1 kilometer (km) (proximal) and >1 km (distal) from shale-gas wells in upland areas of the Marcellus Shale region were analyzed for chemical, isotopic and groundwater-age tracers. Uplands were targeted because natural mixing with brine and hydrocarbons from deep formations is less common in those areas compared to valleys. Methane (CH4) -isotope and pre-drill CH4 data indicate one proximal sample (5 percent of proximal samples) contains thermogenic CH4 (2.6 milligrams per liter (mg/L)) associated with shale-gas production. Chloride (Cl), bromide (Br), lithium (Li), and neon-20 (20Ne)/argon-36 (36Ar) data suggest that CH4 leaked from a nearby gas well in a gas phase....
In 2018, groundwater samples were collected from aquifers in the Williston Basin in parts of eastern Montana, western North Dakota, and northwestern South Dakota. This dataset includes quality-control data for volatile organic compounds that include data for source-solution blanks and field blanks. The dataset also includes data for sulfur hexafluoride in environmental samples of groundwater.
Data from 38,105 wells were used to characterize fluoride occurrence in untreated United States groundwater. The data were retrieved from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Information System (NWIS). Groundwater samples were collected from 1988 to 2017 in the conterminous United States. Data for groundwater included in this dataset are pH, water temperature, and concentrations of dissolved oxygen, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, alkalinity, chloride, fluoride, silica, sulfate, aluminum, iron, manganese, and total dissolved solids.
This data release documents seven tables that contain environmental tracer data and lumped parameter model (LPM) results that are used for assessing the distribution of groundwater age in 21 Principal Aquifers of the continental United States. Groundwater samples were collected from 1,279 sites and analyzed for environmental tracers: tritium, tritiogenic helium-3, sulfur hexafluoride, carbon-14, and radiogenic helium-4. For each sample, groundwater age distributions were estimated by fitting LPMs to the environmental tracers using the computer program TracerLPM (Jurgens and others, 2012). Calibrated lumped parameter models provide the optimal distribution of ages in a sample that explain the measured concentrations...
Categories: Data Release - Revised; Tags: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Basin and Range basin-fill aquifers (BNRF), Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifers (BNRC), All tags...

    map background search result map search result map Produced water chemistry data for samples from four petroleum wells, Southern San Joaquin Valley, California, 2014 Methane and benzene in drinking-water wells overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale hydrocarbon production areas Data for Elevated Manganese Concentrations in United States Groundwater, Role of Land Surface-Soil-Aquifer Connections Data for Assessing the Susceptibility of Groundwater Using Environmental Tracers in Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifer System and Piedmont and Blue Ridge Crystalline-Rock Aquifers of Eastern United States Data Release for Hydrocarbons in Upland Groundwater, Marcellus Shale Region, Northeastern Pennsylvania and Southern New York, USA Data for Fluoride Occurrence in United States Groundwater Quality-Control Data for Volatile Organic Compounds and Environmental Sulfur-Hexafluoride Data for Groundwater Samples from the Williston Basin, USA Geochemical and Geospatial Data for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water in the Eastern United States Data for Distribution of Groundwater Age in Aquifers Used for Public Supply in the Continental United States, 2004 - 2017 (Version 1.1: June 2022) Groundwater elevation data and models in and around select California oil fields (ver. 2.0, May 2024) Oil well annular cement and casing damage data in mature oil fields undergoing hydraulic fracturing, South Belridge and Lost Hills Oil Fields, California Water Chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater sites in the Poso Creek Oil Field study area, February 2020-December 2021, Kern County, California Produced water chemistry data collected from the Poso Creek, Midway-Sunset, and Buena Vista Oil Fields, 2020-21, Kern County, California Water Chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater sites in the Poso Creek Oil Field study area, February 2020-December 2021, Kern County, California Groundwater elevation data and models in and around select California oil fields (ver. 2.0, May 2024) Produced water chemistry data collected from the Poso Creek, Midway-Sunset, and Buena Vista Oil Fields, 2020-21, Kern County, California Data Release for Hydrocarbons in Upland Groundwater, Marcellus Shale Region, Northeastern Pennsylvania and Southern New York, USA Quality-Control Data for Volatile Organic Compounds and Environmental Sulfur-Hexafluoride Data for Groundwater Samples from the Williston Basin, USA Methane and benzene in drinking-water wells overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale hydrocarbon production areas Data for Assessing the Susceptibility of Groundwater Using Environmental Tracers in Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifer System and Piedmont and Blue Ridge Crystalline-Rock Aquifers of Eastern United States Geochemical and Geospatial Data for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water in the Eastern United States Data for Fluoride Occurrence in United States Groundwater Data for Elevated Manganese Concentrations in United States Groundwater, Role of Land Surface-Soil-Aquifer Connections Data for Distribution of Groundwater Age in Aquifers Used for Public Supply in the Continental United States, 2004 - 2017 (Version 1.1: June 2022)