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Algal growth potential tests using the green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata (=Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata = Selenastrum capricornutum) were performed on ambient waters collected from 6 Idaho streams from September 7 to 21, 2007. Tests were conducted by a contract laboratory, GEI/Chadwick Ecological Division, Littleton, Colorado.
Pollutant loads have been increasing over time in the Elk River, B.C. due to coal mining operations and runoff from associate spoil piles. The Elk River is a tributary to the Kootenay/Kootenai River and Lake Koocanusa. Extensive water chemistry monitoring has been conducted in Lake Koocanusa to assess the impacts from the Elk River, however, this is not the case for the Kootenai River downstream of Lake Koocanusa, downstream of Libby Dam ( This study generated data on selenium and nutrient concentrations and loads in the Kootenai River (Libby Dam to Canadian border), which will help to differentiate between local loads and loads transported via Lake Koocanusa. Working in...
Selenium loads have been increasing over time in the Elk River, British Columbia, Canada, due to coal mining operations and runoff from associate spoil piles. The Elk River is a tributary to the Kootenay/Kootenai River and Lake Koocanusa. Extensive fish tissue monitoring has been conducted in Lake Koocanusa to assess the potential impacts of selenium from the Elk River ( However, fewer data are available for the Kootenai River downstream of Lake Koocanusa (downstream of Libby Dam). This 2018-2019 study generated baseline data on selenium and mercury concentrations in fish tissue and selenium and nutrient data in the water column of the Kootenai River and principal tributaries...
Working in cooperation with EPA, the USGS coordinated the collection of fish tissue for processing and analyses by the EPA Region 10 Manchester Environmental Laboratory located in Port Orchard, WA. This effort was being tied to existing operations work performed by state wildlife agencies in Idaho and Montana (Ross and others, 2018). Annually, in late August and September, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MTFWP), and the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho conduct population surveys on the Kootenai River. During the 2018 electrofishing population surveys, state wildlife agency personnel also retained collected fish for the present tissue sampling effort. Design...
We used in situ nutrient diffusing artificial substrates (NDS) to test for nutrient limitation of benthic algae. Concentrated nutrients are enclosed in vials with diffusive fritted glass tops, which allow nutrients contained in an agar gel to slowly leach through the substrates. Periphyton accumulates on diffusive surfaces when NDS are deployed in natural waters, and differences in accumulation rates between nutrient treatments and controls are interpreted as evidence of periphyton nutrient limitation. The NDS data are original, whereas the associated ambient data have been previously released in Brightbill and Frankfurter (2010) and Mebane and others (2014), and are repeated here for convenience References Brightbill,...
The objectives of the Metals Mixtures Project included developing quantitative models that describe and predict harm or lack thereof to aquatic organisms from multiple metals in mineralized rock drainages. Work consists of data analyses and model development using existing data, and original data from laboratory mesocosm and field studies. This product reports data generated from a series of four experiments conducted over four years, testing the toxicity of several metals with aquatic insect communities that were colonized in the field and then transferred and tested in experimental streams at the Fort Collins Science Center. The results are expected to be of interest to those preparing environmental impact...
Data regarding the evaluation of the toxicity of zinc in 1-, 3-, 8-, 24-, and 48-hour exposures with a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia), and in 1-, 3-, 8-, 24-, and 96-hour exposures with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on survival and mobility of test organisms.
This dataset is from the fourth of four experiments which test the toxicity of several metals with aquatic insect communities that were colonized in the field and then transferred and tested in experimental streams. Here we report original data from testing the toxicity of cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), and nickel (Ni), singly and in mixtures, to natural benthic communities including aquatic insect and algal communities. The methods are the same as those used in Experiment 3, except for the metals combinations. Trays of cleaned gravel were placed in a stream (the Cache La Poudre River, Colorado) and allowed to colonize for about 40 days before being translocated to Aquatic Experimental Stream Laboratory (AXL) which was...
This dataset is from the second of four experiments which test the toxicity of several metals with aquatic insect communities that were colonized in the field and then transferred and tested in experimental streams. Here we report original data from testing the toxicity of cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) singly and in mixtures, to natural aquatic insect communities. Thus, the exposures reproduced those in experiment 1, with the addition of a third metal, Cu Trays of cleaned gravel were placed in a stream (the Cache La Poudre River, Colorado) and allowed to colonize for about 40 days before being translocated to Aquatic Experimental Stream Laboratory (AXL) which was located at the USGS Fort Collins Science...
The purpose of this sampling was to collect matched aquatic insect and water samples to support metals mixture toxicity modeling. This is part of a larger study that included exposing naturally colonized insect communities to metals mixtures in long-term laboratory toxicity tests, field surveys, and modeling (Schmidt and others, 2019). The Panther Creek sampling was conducted to give a field comparison to laboratory exposures of aquatic insect communities to cobalt (Co) plus copper (Cu) mixtures, the results of which were presented as part 4 of Schmidt and others (2019). The water samples from the Panther Creek area were collected to interpret metals concentrations in the tissues of mayflies and caddisflies relative...
Nutrient limitation tests were performed with a laboratory bioassay that uses a macrophyte, Lemna minor L. (duckweed) and attached epiphytes to characterize the status of ambient and nutrient-enriched waters. In summary, we measured morphological (number of fronds, longest surface axis, root length) and population-level (number of plants, dry mass) responses of L. minor, and community-level (ash free dry mass [AFDM] and chlorophyll a [chl a]) responses of epiphytes to nutrient enrichment. About 90L of water were collected on 23April2008 from streams expected to have low with low nitrogen (N) and low phosphorus (P) (Big Cottonwood and Stalker Creeks, respectively) and were transported to the Stream Ecology Center...
In a series of 4 experiments conducted over 4 years, natural lotic macroinvertebrate communities were colonized by placing baskets of large gravel in a riffle in the upper Cache La Poudre River, Colorado and leaving the baskets in place for 30-40 days. The communities were then exposed in experimental streams to different combinations of five metals (cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn). The metals exposures and associated counts of larval insects and other invertebrates remaining in the experimental streams are detailed in Child Items 1-4 of this Data Release. In this dataset (child item #5), we report the associated adult insect counts by day that successfully metamorphosed during...
Little is known about how design and testing methodologies affect the macroinvertebrate communities that are held captive in mesocosms. To address this gap, we conducted a 32-day test to determine how seeded invertebrate communities changed once removed from the natural stream and introduced to the laboratory. We evaluated larvae survival and adult emergence in controls from 4 subsequent experiments, as well as corresponding within-river community changes. The experimental streams maintained about 80% of the invertebrates that originally colonized the introduced substrates. Many macroinvertebrate populations experienced changes in numbers through time suggesting that these taxa are unlikely to maintain static populations...
This dataset is from the first of four experiments which test the toxicity of several metals with aquatic insect communities that were colonized in the field and then transferred and tested in experimental streams. Here we report original data from an experiment testing the toxicity of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn), singly and in mixtures, to natural aquatic insect communities. Trays of cleaned gravel were placed in a stream (the Cache La Poudre River, Colorado) and allowed to colonize for about 40 days before being translocated to Aquatic Experimental Stream Laboratory (AXL) which was located at the USGS Fort Collins Science Center. There the insects were exposed for 30 days to metal mixtures in ratios and concentrations...
This data release includes results from 3 series of laboratory and in situ nutrient limitation tests using water from, or conducted in place in streams in the upper Snake River basin, Idaho. The data are organized into 3 "child" items: Child item #1: "Green algae tests" inclues results of growth stimulation bioassays with water from 6 streams with a range of ambient nutrient concentrations that were further amended by nitrogen or phosphorus addtions using the green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata (also known as Selenastrum capricornutum or Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata); Child item #2: "Duckweed" includes results of growth stimulation bioassays using a field-collected macrophyte (duckweed, Lemna minor)...
This dataset is from the third of four experiments which test the toxicity of several metals with aquatic insect communities that were colonized in the field and then transferred and tested in experimental streams. Here we report original data from testing the toxicity of copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn), singly and in mixtures, to natural aquatic insect communities. Methods are the same as those in Experiment 2, with the addition of in situ, in-vivo fluorescence measurements of benthic algae. Cu Trays of cleaned gravel were placed in a stream (the Cache La Poudre River, Colorado) and allowed to colonize for about 40 days before being translocated to Aquatic Experimental Stream Laboratory (AXL) which was...

    map background search result map search result map Data for understanding the captivity effect on invertebrate communities transplanted into an experimental stream laboratory 1. Green algae growth stimulation testing 2. Duckweed and epiphyte growth stimulation testing 3. Algal accrual on nutrient diffusing substrates (NDS) Acute and latent effects of zinc on two commonly tested species (Ceriodaphnia dubia and Oncorhynchus mykiss) Metals concentrations in insect tissues and water from the Panther Creek watershed, Idaho, September 2015 Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, part 1 (2013): Cd and Zn exposures: aquatic chemistry and larval counts Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, part 2 (2014): Cd, Cu, and Zn exposures: aquatic, biofilm, tissue and sediment chemistry and larval aquatic insect counts Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, part 3 (2015): Cu, Ni, and Zn exposures: aquatic, biofilm, tissue and sediment chemistry; larval aquatic insect counts, and algal biomass Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, part 4 (2016): Co, Cu, and Ni exposures: aquatic, biofilm, tissue and sediment chemistry; larval aquatic insect counts, and algal biomass Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, parts 1 through 4 (2013-2016): Adult emergence counts Selenium and mercury in fish tissues from the Kootenai River, Montana and Idaho, September 2018 Selenium in water from the Kootenai River and principal tributaries, Montana and Idaho, 2018-2019 Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, part 1 (2013): Cd and Zn exposures: aquatic chemistry and larval counts Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, part 2 (2014): Cd, Cu, and Zn exposures: aquatic, biofilm, tissue and sediment chemistry and larval aquatic insect counts Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, part 3 (2015): Cu, Ni, and Zn exposures: aquatic, biofilm, tissue and sediment chemistry; larval aquatic insect counts, and algal biomass Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, part 4 (2016): Co, Cu, and Ni exposures: aquatic, biofilm, tissue and sediment chemistry; larval aquatic insect counts, and algal biomass Metal-mixtures experimental stream study, parts 1 through 4 (2013-2016): Adult emergence counts Acute and latent effects of zinc on two commonly tested species (Ceriodaphnia dubia and Oncorhynchus mykiss) Metals concentrations in insect tissues and water from the Panther Creek watershed, Idaho, September 2015 Data for understanding the captivity effect on invertebrate communities transplanted into an experimental stream laboratory 2. Duckweed and epiphyte growth stimulation testing Selenium and mercury in fish tissues from the Kootenai River, Montana and Idaho, September 2018 Selenium in water from the Kootenai River and principal tributaries, Montana and Idaho, 2018-2019 3. Algal accrual on nutrient diffusing substrates (NDS) 1. Green algae growth stimulation testing