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Data and code release to evaluate a continuous-flow streamside toxicity test that was conducted with common logperch (Percina caprodes) and larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) to evaluate the risk posed by 4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol (TFM) sea lamprey control stream treatments to logperch. Logperch are a host to the parasitic glochidia life stage of the federally endangered snuffbox mussel (Epioblasma triquetra). Streams with an extant population of snuffbox must be treated before May 1st to prevent inadvertent take through TFM-related mortality of glochidia-infested fish. The concentration of TFM required to induce 99.9% mortality of sea lamprey was 6.52 mg/L and the concentration of TFM required to induce...
This study builds upon work conducted under the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) Technical Assistance Program that was funded to prepare and evaluate an alternative solid formulation of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) in a laboratory flume. The project aligns within the lampricide theme in the Sea Lamprey Research Program by improving lampricide performance, efficacy, and safety through the development of a more environmentally compatible lampricide formulation compared to the current surfactant-based TFM bar. The study involved performing field applications of experimental TFM pellets manufactured by collaborators at Northland College (Ashland, WI). Applications were conducted on small...
Six R code files were used to analyze data for the study entitled: Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayer Applications in Lentic Environments. The R program files included: code to summarize the distribution of niclosamide in the water column outside of the studied treatment plot. code to summarize the distribution of niclosamide in the water column inside of the studied treatment plot. code to summarize the distribution of niclosamide in the sediment inside of the studied treatment plot code to summarize the depth, temperature and pH of the water column inside of the studied treatment plot code to summarize the temperature of the sediment inside of the studied treatment plot pre and post granular...
These data consists of three related tables describing in-situ field conditions including pesticide concentration, water quality, and post-treatment survival of crayfish associated with the application of a pesticide to a stormwater retention pond and burrows to suppress or eradicate an invasive crayfish species, Procambarus clarkii, in support of high-priority research developing control methods to mitigate impacts of invasive crayfish within the Great Lakes Basin. Effectiveness of the treatment was accessed using an in-situ bioassay and by measuring pesticide concentrations in water, sediment, and caged crayfish. Water quality data, including temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity,...
This dataset contains the supplementary data to the dataset entitled "Assessments of the binary mixtures of four toxicants on Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) mortality." These data describe the exposure conditions to include water chemistry before, during, and after exposures as well as mussel condition throughout the study. Monitored water chemistry parameters include dissolved oxygen, temperature, and pH. Periodic measurements of alkalinity, total hardness, and specific conductance where taken before each exposure period. Mussel condition was also assessed at the initiation of each exposure. Mussel condition included shell length and tissue dry weight.
The granular formulation of Bayluscide [Bayluscide 3.2% Granular Sea Lamprey Larvicide, granular Bayluscide (gB)] is applied in lentic and lotic systems to survey (assessment) and kill (treatment) larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in the Great Lakes basin. Granules are spread on the water surface, settle to the sediment surface, and dissolve. The potential risk of niclosamide exposure [5 Chloro-N-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)-2-hydroxybenzamide], the active ingredient of gB, to non-target organisms located downstream of survey plots, is a concern of partner agencies (State-level Natural Resource Departments, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Ecological Service, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Species at Risk Branch)....
Five R Markdown files (.Rmd) were created for the study entitled: Assessments of the binary mixtures of four toxicants on Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) mortality. R codes were used to determine toxicant mixture ratios, summarize data, and analyze dose-response relationships in single toxicant and toxicant mixture trials. Files are described in the readme file in the order in which they were used for the study. Each R Markdown file has a complimentary R Script file (.R) with the same file name. All R Markdown files were created in RStudio version 1.2.1335 with R version 3.6.1 and Tidyverse version 1.3.0. Additional packages are listed in braces, “{},” with the corresponding R Markdown description.
This dataset captures the Zebra Mussel dose-response to four independent toxicants and each binary mixture of those toxicants. Toxicants included EarthTec QZ, Clam-Trol CT-2 (syn. Spectrus CT1300), niclosamide, and potassium chloride. Each dose of toxicant was verified with either ICP-OES or UHPLC, depending on analyte, and comparison to a standard curve. Mortality was tabulated for each observation.
This study continues our investigations into the effects of lampricides on mussels by extending research into potential effects on behavioral and reproductive endpoints on the mussel plain pocketbook (Lampsilis cardium). We hypothesized that TFM and TFM:NIC would reduce the viability of free glochidia in a dose-dependent manner, that older glochidia would be more sensitive than younger glochidia, and that exposure of gravid females to TFM and TFM:NIC would cause a suite of behavioral and reproductive effects. These data could be important in documenting the presence (or absence) of potential behavioral and reproductive effects of lampricides on mussels and could inform management decisions. For example, these data...
Data to evaluate the Acute Toxicity of Lampricides to Non-target Species of Concern in the Lake Champlain Watershed. The toxicity of the lampricides TFM and TFM/1% Niclosamide to numerous non-target fishes of concern in the Great Lakes has been presented in previous studies. However, not many toxicity studies have been reported for Finger Lakes and Lake Champlain species of concern including: the fluted shell mussel (Lasmigona costata), the pocketbook mussel (Lampsilis ovata), the black sandshell mussel (Ligumia recta), the cylindrical papershell mussel (Anodontoides ferussacianus), young-of-year quillback (Carpiodes cyprinus), eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida), the channel darter (Percina copelandi), American...
Bayluscide, the 2-aminoethanol salt of niclosamide (2′, 5-dichloro-4′-nitrosalicylanilide), is a pesticide that is used in conjunction with TFM (4-Nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol) to treat streams tributary to the Great Lakes that are infested with invasive parasitic sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). The application TFM with 0.5 to 2.0 percent (%) Bayluscide can significantly reduce the amount of TFM required to achieve effective control. The current formulation of Bayluscide used in combination TFM during stream treatments conducted the Great Lakes Fishery Commission binational Sea Lamprey Control Program is an emulsifiable concentrate (EC). The Bayluscide EC formulation is highly effective; however, it degrades...
Controlling larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Great Lakes tributaries with of 4-Nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol (TFM, a lampricide) is essential to reducing the number of spawning-phase sea lamprey, an invasive species capable of collapsing Great Lakes fisheries. An important component of treating streams with lampricide is ensuring that the proper amount of TFM is applied, effectively controlling sea lamprey populations while minimizing effects on non-target species. In this study, the Trout, Ocqueoc and Sucker Rivers, were selected to complete replicated stream-side bioassays in May, July, and September 2021 to determine seasonal changes in sensitivity to TFM. Larvae were collected and bioassays were...
Categories: Data; Tags: Michigan, Great Lakes, biota
Temporal and spatial distribution of niclosamide in the water column and sediment were evaluated after the application of granular Bayluscide in six lentic Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) larval assessment plots. Water and sediment were collected 0.25, 1, 3, 5, and 7 hours after application and were analyzed for niclosamide, the active ingredient in granular Bayluscide. Water samples were collected from five heights in the water column (1 cm, 13 cm, 26 cm, ½ water column, and water surface) at five locations inside and four locations 10 m outside of each assessment plot. Sediment was collected from 18 locations within each plot. Niclosamide water concentrations inside and outside of the plots did not vary by depth...
The risk of lampricide applications (such as 4-Nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol, TFM) to non-target fauna continues to be a concern within the Great Lakes Fishery Commission sea lamprey control program, especially among imperiled aquatic species—such as native freshwater mussels. The Grand River (Ohio) is routinely treated for larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) and this river contains populations of the Round Hickorynut mussel (Obovaria subrotunda) which was Federally listed in 2023. Given the spatial overlap between areas treated with TFM and extant populations of O. subrotunda, information on its sensitivity to TFM is needed. This dataset was used to evaluate the acute toxicity of TFM to O. olivaria and O....
The dataset was generated to verify the suitability of the new TFM bar formulation for wide-scale use in the Sea Lamprey Control Program (SLCP). Dataset includes TFM concentrations of three streams (each used twice) where randomized experimental applications of new and old TFM bar formulation dissolution trials were conducted, TFM concentrations of 12 laboratory flume experimental applications of new and old TFM bar formulation dissolution trials, various collected water chemistry parameters, % Active ingredient data from both new and old TFM bar formulation under normal storage and elevated temperature storage conditions, and bar hardness data from both new and old TFM bar formulation under normal storage and elevated...
Controlling larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Great Lakes tributaries with 4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol (TFM, a pesticide) stream treatments reduces the number of spawning-phase sea lamprey, an invasive species capable of collapsing Great Lakes fisheries. An important component of stream treatments is ensuring that the proper amount of TFM is applied that will effectively control sea lamprey populations and minimize the effects on non-target species. In this study, replicated streamside bioassays were conducted in May, July, and September at six sea lamprey infested rivers in Michigan to determine potential seasonal changes in sensitivity of lamprey to TFM. Larvae (≥ 60 mm) were collected with backpack...
Data were collected associated with the application of a pesticide to a stormwater retention pond and burrows to suppress or eradicate an invasive crayfish species, Procambarus clarkii, in support of high-priority research developing control methods to mitigate impacts of invasive crayfish within the Great Lakes Basin. Effectiveness of the treatment was accessed using an in-situ bioassay and by measuring pesticide concentrations in water, sediment, and caged crayfish. Water quality data, including temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, and turbidity, in stormwater ponds was collected to evaluate whether environmental conditions may impact treatment effectiveness and...
This R code is intended to evaluate the sinking rate of Bayluscide® 3.2% Granular Sea Lamprey Larvicide (GB) and determine its implications. GBsinkingrate.R determines the average sinking rate of GB, prediction intervals on GB sinking rate, average time to Bayluscide release from GB, prediction intervals on Bayluscide release time, maximum application depth with GB based on GB sinking rate and Bayluscide release time prediction intervals, and necessary buffer regions/plot adjustment for lotic environment treatments with GB Downstreamvelocity.R displays a plot that shows the downstream velocity of GB over time.

map background search result map search result map Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayer Applications in Lentic Environments data Field Evaluation of an Improved Solid TFM Formulation for Use in Treating Small Tributary Streams, data Determination of the seasonality effect on sea lamprey and TFM efficacy – Year One (data) Field and laboratory data to determine lethal pesticide concentrations for control of invasive crayfish Field and laboratory data to determine lethal pesticide concentrations for control of invasive crayfish-Field data Data Release for Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayluscide Applications in Lotic Systems Behavioral and Reproductive Effects of the Lampricides TFM and TFM:1% Niclosamide on Native Freshwater Mussels - SPSS Code Release Data Release for Laboratory and field comparisons of TFM bar formulations used to treat small streams for larval sea lamprey Data and Code Release - Acute Toxicity of Lampricides to Non-target Species of Concern in the Lake Champlain Watershed Data and Code Release: Determination of Larval Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Seasonal Sensitivity Differences to Lampricide Treatment Data and code release: Acute toxicity of TFM to multiple life stages of Obovaria subrotunda, its host (Percina maculata), and a surrogate species (O. olivaria) Data and code release—Comparative toxicity of emulsifiable concentrate and suspension concentrate formulations of 2′,5-dichloro-4′-nitrosalicylanilide ethanolamine salt Data and Code Release:Technical Assistance Bioassay to Compare Sea Lamprey and Logperch Sensitivity to TFM Field and laboratory data to determine lethal pesticide concentrations for control of invasive crayfish Field and laboratory data to determine lethal pesticide concentrations for control of invasive crayfish-Field data Field Evaluation of an Improved Solid TFM Formulation for Use in Treating Small Tributary Streams, data Data and code release: Acute toxicity of TFM to multiple life stages of Obovaria subrotunda, its host (Percina maculata), and a surrogate species (O. olivaria) Determination of the seasonality effect on sea lamprey and TFM efficacy – Year One (data) Data Release for Laboratory and field comparisons of TFM bar formulations used to treat small streams for larval sea lamprey Data and Code Release: Determination of Larval Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Seasonal Sensitivity Differences to Lampricide Treatment Behavioral and Reproductive Effects of the Lampricides TFM and TFM:1% Niclosamide on Native Freshwater Mussels - SPSS Code Release Data and Code Release:Technical Assistance Bioassay to Compare Sea Lamprey and Logperch Sensitivity to TFM Data Release for Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayluscide Applications in Lotic Systems Data and code release—Comparative toxicity of emulsifiable concentrate and suspension concentrate formulations of 2′,5-dichloro-4′-nitrosalicylanilide ethanolamine salt Data and Code Release - Acute Toxicity of Lampricides to Non-target Species of Concern in the Lake Champlain Watershed Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayer Applications in Lentic Environments data