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The LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data Product was utilized for evaluation and validation of the Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) land cover and land cover change products for Hawaii. The LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data Product includes the collection of an independent dataset of 600 30-meter by 30-meter plots across Hawaii. This dataset was collected via manual image interpretation to aid in validation of the land cover and land cover change products as well as area estimates. The LCMAP Reference Data Product collected variables related to primary and secondary land use, primary and secondary land cover(s), change processes, and other ancillary variables annually across Hawaii from 2000–2019.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: LCMAP,
Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection,
Land Use Change,
Remote Sensing,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
The LCMAP Intensification Reference Data Product was utilized for evaluation and validation of the Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) land cover and land cover change products. The LCMAP Intensification Reference Data Product includes the collection of an independent dataset of 2,000 30-meter by 30-meter plots selected via stratified random sampling across the conterminous United States (CONUS). This dataset was collected via manual image interpretation to aid in validation of the land cover and land cover change products as well as area estimates. The LCMAP Intensification Reference Data Product collected variables related to primary and secondary land use, primary and secondary land cover(s),...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Conterminous United States (CONUS),
Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection,
Land Use Change,
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection Collection 1.1 annual land cover products (1985–2019) for the Conterminous United States was conducted with an independently collected reference data set. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (1984–2018) to a reference sample of 24,971 randomly-selected Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. The interpreted land cover attributes were crosswalked to the LCMAP annual land cover classes: Developed, Cropland, Grass/Shrub, Tree Cover, Wetland, Water, Snow/Ice and Barren. Validation analysis directly compared reference labels with annual LCMAP land cover map attributes by...
The Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) products were validated using an independently collected series of reference data. The intial collection included 25,000 reference data plots across the conterminous United States (CONUS) that included land cover, land use, and change process attributes collected from 1984-2018. These collected attributes and plot locations are available as a seperate data collection product. Future collections related to additional years, geographic regions, etc. may occur.
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection annual land cover products (2000–2019) for Hawaii was conducted with an independently collected reference data set. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (2000–2019) to a stratified random reference sample of 600 Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. The LCMAP and reference dataset labels for each pixel location are recorded for each year, 2000–2019.
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection Collection 1.2 annual land cover products (1985–2018) for the Conterminous United States was conducted with an independently collected reference dataset. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (1984–2018) to a reference sample of 26,971 Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. These pixels were selected from a sample frame of all pixels in the ARD grid system which fell within the map area (Dwyer et al., 2018). Interpretation used the TimeSync reference data collection tool which visualizes Landsat images and Landsat data values for all usable images in the time series (1984–2018)...
This product contains plot location data in a .shp format as well as annual land cover, land use, and change process variables for each reference data plot in a separate .csv table. The same information available in the.csv file is also provided in a .xlsx format. The LCMAP Reference Data Product was utilized for evaluation and validation of the Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) land cover and land cover change products. The LCMAP Reference Data Product includes the collection of an independent dataset of 25,000 randomly-distributed 30-meter by 30-meter plots across the conterminous United States (CONUS). This dataset was collected via manual image interpretation to aid in validation of...
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection Collection 1 annual land cover products (1985–2017) for the Conterminous United States (CONUS) was conducted with an independently collected reference data set. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (1984–2018) to a reference sample of 24,971 randomly-selected Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. The LCMAP and reference dataset labels for each pixel location are recorded for each year, 1985–2017.
This product contains LCMAP CONUS Reference plot location data in a .shp format as well as annual land cover, land use, and change process variables for each reference data plot in a separate .csv table. The same information available in the.csv file is also provided in a .xlsx format. The LCMAP Reference Data Product was utilized for evaluation and validation of the Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) land cover and land cover change products. This LCMAP Reference Data Product includes the collection of an independent dataset of 25,000 randomly-distributed and 2,000 stratified random 30-meter by 30-meter samples across the conterminous United States (CONUS). The 2,000 samples were selected...
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection Collection 1.3 annual land cover products (1985–2021) for the Conterminous United States was conducted with an independently collected reference dataset. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (1984–2021) to a reference sample of 26,971 Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. The LCMAP and reference dataset labels for each pixel location are recorded for each year, 1985-2021. LCMAP Collection 1.0 annual land cover products covered years 1985–2017 and the validation of the Collection 1.0 products were reported in the LCMAP Version 1.0 Annual Land Cover and Land Cover...
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection Version 1 annual land cover products (1985–2017) for the Conterminous United States was conducted with an independently collected reference data set. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (1984–2018) to a reference sample of 24,971 randomly-selected Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. The interpreted land cover attributes were crosswalked to the LCMAP annual land cover classes: Developed, Cropland, Grass/Shrub, Tree Cover, Wetland, Water, Ice/Snow and Barren. Validation analysis directly compared reference labels with annual LCMAP land cover map attributes by cross...
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection Collection 1.2 annual land cover products (1985–2018) for the Conterminous United States was conducted with an independently collected reference dataset. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (1984–2018) to a reference sample of 26,971 Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. The LCMAP and reference dataset labels for each pixel location are recorded for each year, 1985-2018. LCMAP Collection 1.0 annual land cover products covered years 1985–2017 and the validation of the Collection 1.0 products were reported in the LCMAP Version 1.0 Annual Land Cover and Land Cover...
This preliminary product contains annual land cover, land use, and change process variables for reference data plots in a .csv table. The same information available in the.csv file is also provided in a .xlsx format. The LCMAP Preliminary Duplicate Attributes Collection for Reference Data includes the attributes collected from 30-meter by 30-meter plots across the conterminous United States (CONUS) that were randomly selected during data collection to have 2 independent interpretations. These duplicate interpretations were utilized in the quality assurance and quality control processes for the creation of the final, authoritative LCMAP Reference Data Product. These attributes were collected via manual image interpretation....
The LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data Product was utilized for evaluation and validation of the Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) land cover and land cover change products for Hawaii. The LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data Product includes the collection of an independent dataset of 600 randomly-distributed 30-meter by 30-meter plots across Hawaii. This dataset was collected via manual image interpretation to aid in validation of the land cover and land cover change products as well as area estimates. The LCMAP Reference Data Product collected variables related to primary and secondary land use, primary and secondary land cover(s), change processes, and other ancillary variables annually across Hawaii...
Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) represents a new generation of land cover mapping and change monitoring from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. LCMAP answers a need for higher quality results at greater frequency with additional land cover and change variables than previous efforts. By utilizing a suite of operational automated algorithms to identify different forms of change and to characterize the large variety of land cover types, uses, and conditions that exist across the United States and beyond, LCMAP products provide land change science information in understanding changes in the type, intensity, condition, location, and time of...
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection Collection 1.1 annual land cover products (1985–2019) for the Conterminous United States was conducted with an independently collected reference data set. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (1984–2018) to a reference sample of 24,971 randomly-selected Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. The LCMAP and reference dataset labels for each pixel location are recorded for each year, 1985–2018. LCMAP Version 1.0 annual land cover products covered years 1985–2017 and the validation of the Version 1.0 products were reported in the LCMAP Version 1.0 Annual Land Cover and...
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection Collection 1.3 annual land cover products (1985–2021) for the Conterminous United States was conducted with an independently collected reference dataset. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (1984–2021) to a reference sample of 26,971 Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. These pixels were selected from a sample frame of all pixels in the ARD grid system which fell within the map area (Dwyer et al., 2018). Interpretation used the TimeSync reference data collection tool which visualizes Landsat images and Landsat data values for all usable images in the time series (1984–2021)...
Validation is an integral part of land cover and land change remote sensing, providing a measure of map accuracy for use in evaluating the appropriateness of a map for a particular application. The LCMAP project collected reference data for the LCMAP land-cover annual products at 25,0000 randomly selected sample plots across the conterminous United States. The sample plot data will be used to provide a quantitative measure of the accuracy and consistency of LCMAP land cover and land cover change products.
Area estimates of land cover and land cover change are often based on reference class labels determined by analysts interpreting satellite imagery and aerial photography. Different interpreters may assign different reference class labels to the same sample unit. This dataset include land cover attributes for the year 2000 assigned by 7 image analysts, working independently of each other, to a set of 300 sample locations from a region of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. This data was used in an evaluation of the impact of interpreter variability on variance estimation.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center,
Land Use Change,
Land Use/ Land Cover,
A validation assessment of Land Cover Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection annual land cover products (2000–2019) for Hawaii was conducted with an independently collected reference data set. Reference data land cover attributes were assigned by trained interpreters for each year of the time series (2000–2019) to a reference sample of 600 Landsat resolution (30m x 30m) pixels. The interpreted land cover attributes were crosswalked to the LCMAP annual land cover classes: Developed, Cropland, Grass/Shrub, Tree Cover, Wetland, Water, Snow/Ice and Barren. Validation analysis directly compared reference labels with annual LCMAP land cover map attributes by cross tabulation. The results of that assessment are reported...