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Aerial photographs for Pools 1-13 Upper Mississippi River System and Pools, Alton-Marseilles, Illinois River were collected in color infrared (CIR) in August of 2010 at 8”/pixel and 16”/pixel respectively using a mapping-grade Applanix DSS 439 digital aerial camera. In August 2011, CIR aerial photographs for Pools 14-Open River South, Upper Mississippi River and Pools Dresden-Lockport, Illinois River were collected at 16”/pixel with the same camera. All CIR aerial photos were orthorectified, mosaicked, compressed, and served via the UMESC Internet site. The CIR aerial photos were interpreted and automated using a 31-class LTRMP vegetation classification. The 2010/11 LCU databases were prepared by or under the supervision...
The U.S. Geological Survey's Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has created a high-resolution land cover/use data set for Mississippi River Navigation Pool 8 from 1:10,000-scale color infrared aerial photos collected August 26th, 2004. The photos were interpreted using a 1-acre 10% minimum vegetation cover to delineate land cover/land use, percent vegetation cover, tree height, and hydrology regime. The geographic extent of Navigation Pool 8 is the section of the river upstream of Lock and Dam 8 (river mile 679.2) located near Genoa, WI, to Lock and Dam 7 (river mile 702.5) located near Dresbach, MN.
Aerial photographs for Pools 1-13 Upper Mississippi River System and Pools, Alton-Marseilles, Illinois River were collected in color infrared (CIR) in August of 2010 at 8”/pixel and 16”/pixel respectively using a mapping-grade Applanix DSS 439 digital aerial camera. In August 2011, CIR aerial photographs for Pools 14-Open River South, Upper Mississippi River and Pools Dresden-Lockport, Illinois River were collected at 16”/pixel with the same camera. All CIR aerial photos were orthorectified, mosaicked, compressed, and served via the UMESC Internet site. The CIR aerial photos were interpreted and automated using a 31-class LTRMP vegetation classification. The 2010/11 LCU databases were prepared by or under the supervision...
The Great River Environmental Action Team (GREAT) was a federal/state multi-agency cooperative program established in the late 1970's to evaluate current resource management practices and develop management strategies for the Upper Mississippi River (UMR). One of the problems facing the GREAT project was the lack of available information on many of the river's components. One project implemented by GREAT was the creation of a land cover/land use (LCU) database derived from color infrared aerial photography collected in 1975. Mississippi River Pools 3 through 10 were photographed at a scale of 1:9,600, and Lock and Dam 10 to the Ohio River were photographed at a scale of 1:24,000. The program's photo interpreters...
The Upper Mississippi River Basin Data Portal (UMRBDP) supports the research, science and monitoring missions of the USGS's Midwest Region (MWR) and others by allowing the users to discover, visualize, share, and retrieve geographic information and data sets related to the Upper Mississippi and other large rivers in the MWR.
Categories: Collection
The U.S. Geological Survey provides a wide range of scientific information to an even wider group of stakeholders. Understanding what capacities are needed and if and or where these capacities exist across the USGS landscape is critical in moving science to the next level of use, implementation, and visualization. The concept behind the groups organized to conduct and interpret the survey that collected these data took advantage of the USGS’s position as a science organization with expertise spanning a wide range of science disciplines, stakeholders, and responsibilities. A survey was conducted of USGS employees (Sep 20-Nov 20) to get a current sample of the capacities that exist across the USGS.
In the late 1880's and early 1900's the Mississippi River Commission (MRC) conducted an extensive high-resolution survey of the Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois to Minneapolis, Minnesota. These data were published as a series of 89 survey maps and index. In the 1990's, the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) in conjunction with the US Army Corps of Engineers Upper Mississippi River Restoration- Environmental Management Program -- Long Term Resource Monitoring Program element (LTRMP) for the Upper Mississippi River automated the maps' land cover/use symbology to create a turn of the century/pre-impoundment land cover/use data set. Other data on the maps that were not automated include; elevation...
This coverage contains arcs representing the sailing line for the center of the navigation channel for the Upper Mississippi River, that is maintained by the Corps of Engineers.
The Great River Environmental Action Team (GREAT) was a federal/state multi-agency cooperative program established in the late 1970's to evaluate current resource management practices and develop management strategies for the Upper Mississippi River (UMR). One of the problems facing the GREAT project was the lack of available information on many of the river's components. One project implemented by GREAT was the creation of a land cover/land use (LCU) database derived from color infrared aerial photography collected in 1975. Mississippi River Pools 3 through 10 were photographed at a scale of 1:9,600, and Lock and Dam 10 to the Ohio River were photographed at a scale of 1:24,000. The program's photo interpreters...
Categories: Data; Types: Shapefile; Tags: Land Cover, Land Cover Land Use, Mapping
In the late 1880's and early 1900's the Mississippi River Commission (MRC) conducted an extensive high-resolution survey of the Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois to Minneapolis, Minnesota. These data were published as a series of 89 survey maps and index. In the 1990's, the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) in conjunction with the US Army Corps of Engineers Upper Mississippi River Restoration- Environmental Management Program -- Long Term Resource Monitoring Program element (LTRMP) for the Upper Mississippi River automated the maps' land cover/use symbology to create a turn of the century/pre-impoundment land cover/use data set. Other data on the maps that were not automated include; elevation...
The purpose of the Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse project was twofold. First, the project aimed to increase discoverability and accessibility of the wealth of learning resources that have been developed to inform and train scientists about data management in the Earth sciences. Secondly, the project team wanted to facilitate the use of these learning resources by providing descriptive information (metadata) that can help research scientists, students, or teachers assess whether the resource would be appropriate and useful for their needs. The project team established the following objectives for the project: Create an online, searchable, and browsable clearinghouse of learning resources on data...
Aerial photographs for Pools 1-13 Upper Mississippi River System and Pools, Alton-Marseilles, Illinois River were collected in color infrared (CIR) in August of 2010 at 8”/pixel and 16”/pixel respectively using a mapping-grade Applanix DSS 439 digital aerial camera. In August 2011, CIR aerial photographs for Pools 14-Open River South, Upper Mississippi River and Pools Dresden-Lockport, Illinois River were collected at 16”/pixel with the same camera. All CIR aerial photos were orthorectified, mosaicked, compressed, and served via the UMESC Internet site. The CIR aerial photos were interpreted and automated using a 31-class LTRMP vegetation classification. The 2010/11 LCU databases were prepared by or under the supervision...
Aerial photographs for Pools 1-13 Upper Mississippi River System and Pools, Alton-Marseilles, Illinois River were collected in color infrared (CIR) in August of 2010 at 8”/pixel and 16”/pixel respectively using a mapping-grade Applanix DSS 439 digital aerial camera. In August 2011, CIR aerial photographs for Pools 14-Open River South, Upper Mississippi River and Pools Dresden-Lockport, Illinois River were collected at 16”/pixel with the same camera. All CIR aerial photos were orthorectified, mosaicked, compressed, and served via the UMESC Internet site. The CIR aerial photos were interpreted and automated using a 31-class LTRMP vegetation classification. The 2010/11 LCU databases were prepared by or under the supervision...
Technology doesn’t stand still and neither does the vegetation mapping program. With 9X9 film and film cameras becoming increasingly rare, the 2010 systemic aerial photo effort will use a digital mapping camera to collect 8”/pixel imagery above Lock & Dam (L&D) 13 and 16”/pixel imagery below L&D 13 and along the Illinois River floodplain. There are two main reasons for this distinction; 1) the floodplain above L&D 13 is narrower and contains a greater amount and diversity of aquatic vegetation, and 2) below L&D 13, the Upper Mississippi River is largely channelized, with less aquatic vegetation, and wider, leveed floodplains dominated by agricultural use. This holds true for much of the Illinois River as well...
Categories: Project; Types: Collection
In the late 1880's and early 1900's the Mississippi River Commission (MRC) conducted an extensive high-resolution survey of the Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois to Minneapolis, Minnesota. These data were published as a series of 89 survey maps and index. In the 1990's, the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) in conjunction with the US Army Corps of Engineers Upper Mississippi River Restoration- Environmental Management Program -- Long Term Resource Monitoring Program element (LTRMP) for the Upper Mississippi River automated the maps' land cover/use symbology to create a turn of the century/pre-impoundment land cover/use data set. Other data on the maps that were not automated include; elevation...
The Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) is an interdisciplinary group of scientists and biologists responsible for long-term monitoring and research efforts on grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE). The team was formed by the Department of the Interior (DOI) in 1973 as a direct result of controversy surrounding the closure of open pit garbage dumps within Yellowstone National Park during 1968-72. IGBST members are representatives from the U.S. Geological Survey, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Tribal Fish and Game Department, and the States of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. This interagency approach ensures...
Telemetry data for 59 Northern Leopard Frogs (Lithobates pipiens) breeding in ponds in Houston and Winona Counties, MN; 2001-2002. Agricultural intensification is causing declines in many wildlife species, including Northern Leopard Frogs (Lithobates pipiens). Specific information about frog movements, habitat selection, and sources of mortality can be used to inform conservation-focused land management and acquisition. We studied Northern Leopard Frogs in southeastern Minnesota, part of the Driftless Area ecoregion, characterized by hills and valleys and a mix of agriculture, forests, small towns and farmsteads. In this area, small farm ponds, originally built to control soil erosion are used by the species for...
The Large River Monitoring Forum focuses on fish, fish habitat research, and monitoring approaches, including: scientific objectives for comparisons within and among aquatic ecosystems; scientifically sound monitoring design; methods for data collection and analysis; and best practices for data and information management. This forum enhances agency capacity by sustaining collaboration among USGS expert staff as well as provide opportunity for collaborating agencies and tribes to contribute to the development of recommendations for the implementation of a national network.
Cataloging data and publications for projects associated Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC).
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) GLRI effort is being coordinated and managed by the USGS Midwest Region in accordance with the USGS science strategy - one that is driven by cross-disciplinary integrative science and conducted in collaboration with partners to provide resource managers with the information and decision-making tools they need to help restore the Great Lakes.

map background search result map search result map Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) Great Lakes Restoration Initiative UMRS LTRMP 2010/11 LCU Mapping -- Illinois River LaGrange Reach UMRS LTRMP 2010/11 LCU Mapping -- Illinois River Marseillies Reach 1890's Land Cover/Use - Mississippi River Commission Surveys, Open River 2 1890's Land Cover/Use - Mississippi River Commission Surveys, Pool 10 1890's Land Cover/Use - Mississippi River Commission Surveys, Pool 11 1975 UMRS Land Cover/Land Use -- Open River 1 1975 UMRS Land Cover/Land Use -- Pool 26 UMRS Sail Line 2002 UMRS Land Cover Land Use Pool 08 2010 Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) Program Land Cover Data: Mississippi & Illinois Rivers Large River Monitoring Forum (LRMF) Habitat selection, movement patterns, and hazards encountered by Northern Leopard Frogs (Lithobates pipiens) in an agricultural landscape: Data UMRS LTRMP 2010/11 LCU Mapping -- Mississippi River Navigation Pool 15 UMRS LTRMP 2010/11 LCU Mapping -- Mississippi River Navigation Pool 16 USGS Earthmap Capacity Assessment Dataset UMRS LTRMP 2010/11 LCU Mapping -- Mississippi River Navigation Pool 15 2002 UMRS Land Cover Land Use Pool 08 UMRS LTRMP 2010/11 LCU Mapping -- Mississippi River Navigation Pool 16 1890's Land Cover/Use - Mississippi River Commission Surveys, Pool 10 UMRS LTRMP 2010/11 LCU Mapping -- Illinois River Marseillies Reach 1890's Land Cover/Use - Mississippi River Commission Surveys, Pool 11 1975 UMRS Land Cover/Land Use -- Pool 26 UMRS LTRMP 2010/11 LCU Mapping -- Illinois River LaGrange Reach 1975 UMRS Land Cover/Land Use -- Open River 1 2010 Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) Program Land Cover Data: Mississippi & Illinois Rivers UMRS Sail Line Habitat selection, movement patterns, and hazards encountered by Northern Leopard Frogs (Lithobates pipiens) in an agricultural landscape: Data Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Large River Monitoring Forum (LRMF) Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) USGS Earthmap Capacity Assessment Dataset