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As part of the State Wildlife Grant Fund, states are required to submit State Wildlife Plans (SWAPs) every 10 years detailing threats to habitats and species and conservation plans. However, incorporating climate change in SWAPs is voluntary, and capacity/expertise limitations at state agencies have resulted in varied and often only partial consideration of climate change impacts. In response, the MW CASC will conduct literature reviews to assess climate stressors and impacts to habitats and key species and to identify relevant adaptation actions for 13 different Level 2/3 EPA Ecoregions contained within the MW CASC area states. This work will provide a foundation for future habitat vulnerability assessments. ...
Virtually all species are experiencing the effects of modern climate change. Climate-induced extinction rates are accelerating, and up to one-sixth of species are predicted to go extinct by the end of this century. Given the unprecedented rate of modern climate change, species will be increasingly unable to shift in lockstep with emerging climate spaces, and as a result, phenotypic variation (e.g., body size, coat color, morphology) is a critical pathway by which species can adapt. Ecologists have documented remarkable examples of phenotypic plasticity in nature (changes in an organism's behavior, morphology, and physiology in response to a unique environment), but when the degree of plasticity can no longer match...
Climate change threatens plants and animals across the US, making it important to have tools that can efficiently assess species’ vulnerabilities. In this project, CASC scientists and NatureServe are collaborating to update a popular Climate Change Vulnerability Index to include the latest scientific data, improved metrics, and new user-friendly technology. The tool will help state biologists and scientists prioritize conservation efforts, and in time for preparing updates to State Wildlife Action Plans that are due by 2025. Climate change is impacting our nation’s plants and animals. To take preventative actions, public land managers need to know which species are most threatened, and how. In other words, biologists...
Many amphibian species are highly susceptible to changes in precipitation timing and volume because of their reliance on intermittently flooded surface water pools, which are primarily filled through snowmelt and precipitation runoff. ​With increasing evapotranspiration (i.e. transfer of water from land to the atmosphere) due to climate change, the timing and availability of water in key amphibian reproductive habitats will likely be altered. This project will assess the future risk to amphibian populations in the Midwest, identifying present and future richness hotspots and those wetland species and populations most at risk of habitat loss due to climate change. The research team will model landscape level changes...
Emydoidea blandingii (Holbrook, 1838; Blanding’s turtles) are a species of medium-sized, long-lived, semiaquatic, freshwater turtles with a wide distribution across the northern and eastern United States and southern Canada. They have an annual activity cycle consisting of late autumn and winter overwintering and spring emergence, spring movement and foraging, spring and summer nesting, and summer and autumn foraging and nonnesting movement. In response to changes in average and extreme temperatures, Blanding’s turtles are likely to experience increased physiological stress and reduced reproductive success. Variability in precipitation may affect the availability of freshwater habitats for overwintering, shelter,...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Lake sturgeon are a fish of strong subsistence, cultural, and spiritual importance for many Tribal nations. But lake sturgeon are especially vulnerable to climate change given their unique life history and historical mass declines. Therefore, there is a great need to incorporate Tribal perspectives on lake sturgeon shifts and information needs into adaptation planning to conserve these fish in a changing climate. This project aims to synthesize documented and projected potentiall effects of climate change on lake sturgeon; synthesize Indigenous perspectives and experiences with lake sturgeon in a changing climate; and identify information needs, future research avenues, and potential adaptation options to support...
Motivated by the need for a means to rapidly assess the vulnerability of species to climate change, NatureServe developed a Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) in the early 2010s. The CCVI has gone through several revisions, including the widely used version 3.0 in 2016. This latest release (4.0), represents the first revision since 2016 and is now available as a web-based online version and as a downloadable Excel Workbook version. The CCVI uses a scoring system that integrates a species’ exposure to projected climate change within an assessment area, including consideration of sea level rise where applicable, and three sets of factors associated with adaptive capacity, each supported by published studies:...
Ambystoma barbouri (streamside salamanders) are stream-breeding mole salamanders that rely on seasonally intermittent, fishless streams for egg and larval development but are primarily fossorial as adults. Climate-driven changes are likely to alter streamflow duration, peak, and seasonality within the range of A. barbouri, reducing reproductive habitat and larval survival. Although future changes in precipitation volume within the geographic range of A. barbouri are uncertain, in the next 90 years, increasing temperatures will likely increase potential evapotranspiration. Decreasing ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration will likely shorten flow duration for intermittent streams, potentially causing...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Acipenser fulvescens (Rafinesque, 1817; lake sturgeon) are the only sturgeon species native to the Great Lakes region and are threatened across most of their range. They are historically vulnerable because of overfishing and habitat fragmentation with the potential for climate change acting as an increasing stressor in the future. Lake sturgeon span multiple habitats during their long lifespans, including high gradient streams, nearshore areas, and deep rivers and lakes. Climate change is projected to strongly affect the suitability of these habitats through increasing precipitation and temperatures and decreasing ice cover and snowmelt. Changes in flow timing and amount can affect movement to spawning and nursery...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
The snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus), an endangered, wetland-dependent raptor, is highly sensitive to changes in hydrology. Climate-driven changes in water level will likely affect snail kite populations—altering reproductive success and survival rates. Identifying the mechanisms mediating the direct and indirect effects of climate on snail kite populations and the range of future climate conditions is important to the conservation of this species. When water levels are low, snail kite nest initiation and nest success decrease owing to decreased availability of their primary prey applesnails (Pomacea spp.), unstable nesting sites, and increased predator access. Dry events also lead to decreased adult...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
This U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report provides brief syntheses of the direct and indirect effects of climate change to priority species and ecosystems in the United States. Each chapter focuses on changes in climate and related effects to the life cycle, interspecific interactions, and habitats of a fish or wildlife species of conservation concern. These reports are independent species-specific summaries of relevant literature, current and historic climate conditions, and future climate projections.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Plecoptera (stoneflies) are an order of insects where most species rely on clean, fast-moving freshwater for an aquatic larval stage followed by a short terrestrial adult stage. Most species of Plecoptera seem to be restricted to specific stream types and thermal regimes. Climate-driven changes are likely to alter stream temperatures and flow, resulting in physiological stress, reduced reproductive success, and possibly latitudinal or elevational distribution shifts. This report focuses on climate projections and the resulting ecological effect for three species of Appalachian stoneflies: Remenus kirchneri, Acroneuria kosztarabi, and Tallaperla lobata. Although species-specific information is sparse for these three...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation

    map background search result map search result map Mapping Effects of Wetland Change on Amphibians in the Upper Midwest State Wildlife Action Planning in the Midwest Indigenous Perspectives on Lake Sturgeon and the Potential Impact of Climate Change Developing a next-generation Climate Change Vulnerability Index in support of climate-informed natural-resource management The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in the Adaptive Capacity of Midwestern Fish and Wildlife Mapping Effects of Wetland Change on Amphibians in the Upper Midwest Indigenous Perspectives on Lake Sturgeon and the Potential Impact of Climate Change State Wildlife Action Planning in the Midwest The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in the Adaptive Capacity of Midwestern Fish and Wildlife Developing a next-generation Climate Change Vulnerability Index in support of climate-informed natural-resource management