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Estimation of irrigation water use provides essential information for the management and conservation of agricultural water resources. The blue water evapotranspiration (BWET) raster dataset at 30-meter resolution is created to estimate agricultural irrigation water consumption. The dataset contains seasonal total (1 May to 30 September) BWET time series (1986 – 2020) for the croplands across the U.S. High Plains aquifer region. The BWET estimates are generated by integrating an energy-balance ET model (Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance model) and a water-balance ET model (Vegetation ET model). BWET in croplands reflects crop consumptive use of irrigation water extracted from surface water and groundwater...
This dataset includes 800m resolution long-term average estimates of the contributions to the quick-flow runoff component of the water budget over the time period from 2000-2013 and annual estimates for the individual years. These estimates were developed with a new empirical regression for surface runoff data generated from a USGS-developed hydrograph separation program (PART) run on streamflow data from 1434 gaged watersheds as a function of surficial geology type (USGS), precipitation (PRISM), and soil hydraulic conductivity (STATSGO). Irrigated water quantities reported in the 2000, 2005, and 2010 USGS Water Use datasets are also incorporated as effective additional precipitation. The contributing input datasets...
In 1969, researchers developed the first global circulation model (Ruttiman 2006); however, it was not until 2014 that modelers first attempted a global ecosystem and biodiversity model that included human pressures (i.e., the Madingley Model) (Harfoot et al. 2014). Other large-scale models of biodiversity exist, such as GLOBIO (Alkemade et al. 2009), but to date there are no well accepted global biodiversity models similar to global circulation models that can help guide global biodiversity policy development and targets. The lack of global biodiversity models compared to the extensive array of general circulation models provides a unique opportunity for climate, ecosystem, and biodiversity modeling experts to...
Note: this data release is currently being revised and is temporarily unavailable. The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is a nation of more than thirty low-lying atolls and islands, most of which are inhabited, dispersed across an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) over 770,000 square miles in the tropical central North Pacific Ocean. Monitoring environmental conditions for potential drought risk is challenging in such a dispersed Island nation, and current drought hazard products provide generalities regarding conditions on a broad geographic scale. A team of USGS scientists and managers of natural resources and natural hazards in the RMI used IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM) satellite estimates...
Understanding how different crops use water over time is essential for planning and managing water allocation, water rights, and agricultural production. The main objective of this paper is to characterize the spatiotemporal dynamics of crop water use in the Central Valley of California using Landsat-based annual actual evapotranspiration (ETa) from 2008-2018 derived from the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model. Crop water use for ten crops are characterized at multiple scales. The Mann-Kendall trend analysis revealed a significant increase in area cultivated with almonds and their water use, with an annual rate of change of 16,327 hectares in area and 13,488 ha-m in water use. Conversely,...
The surface psychrometric constant (spc) is a key model parameter in actual evapotranspiration modeling using the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model for establishing model boundary limits for the dry/bare and wet/vegetated surface conditions. The inverse of the constant (1/spc) represents the temperature difference (dT) between the bare/dry surface and the air temperature at the canopy level. The main output of the SSEBop model is an ET fraction (0-1) and, when combined with reference (“maximum”) ET, produces an actual ET estimate from satellite-observed land surface temperature. This dT is determined using net radiation inputs under gray-sky radiations from the ERA-5 datasets, i.e., Surface...
To describe calling activity of Pseudacris crucifer in relation to temperature, precipitation, and wetland water levels, we programmed an acoustic recorder (Wildlife Acoustics) to sample seasonal amphibian calls remotely at study site SC4DAI2 in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway from 2008 to 2012. We programmed the recorder to sample for five minutes at the top of every hour of every day from late winter/early spring through late summer. We used the Songscape option in Songscope software to generate annual summaries of all of our acoustic samples from SC4DAI2. These summaries included a median dB level for each prescribed frequency within each recording. Pseudacris crucifer, the spring peeper, inhabited SC4DAI2...
The evaluation of historical water use in the Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB), United States and Mexico, using Landsat-derived actual evapotranspiration (ETa) from 1986 to 2015 is presented here as the first study of its kind to apply satellite observations to quantify long-term, basin-wide crop consumptive use in a large basin. The rich archive of Landsat imagery combined with the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model was used to estimate and map ETa across the basin and over irrigated fields for historical characterization of water-use dynamics. Monthly ETa estimates were evaluated using six eddy-covariance (EC) flux towers showing strong correspondence (r2 > 0.80) with reasonable error rates...
Land cover change plays a critical role in influencing hydrological responses. Change in land cover has impacted runoff across basins with substantial human interference; however, the impacts in basins with minimal human interference have been studied less. In this study, we investigated the impacts of directional land cover changes (forest to/from combined grassland and shrubland) in runoff coefficient (RC; ratio of runoff to precipitation) and runoff volume across 603 low human interference reference basins in the conterminous United States (CONUS). The results indicate basins with significant (p<0.05) increasing trends in runoff and RC were across the northeast and northwest regions of CONUS, and basins with...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Floods have become increasingly prominent in recent decades causing devastating effects on lives and livelihoods worldwide. Efficient tools to assess the drivers of floods, such as increasing urbanization, could help to minimize flood hazards. Urbanization increases the design peak flow (maximum potential surface water flow from a precipitation event with an average probability of occurring once in a specific recurrence interval), which is a key information needed for designing stormwater management infrastructures such as culverts and storm sewers. A web-based application was developed to explore the potential changes (1985 to 2020) in design peak flow of urban areas across the conterminous United States driven...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is the most water-scarce region with only two percent of the global average annual rainfall, hence underground aquifers are the major source of water. The need to improve water productivity and increase aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is driving the efforts for this acceleration of aquifer storage and recovery project. The objective was to model runoff in the study area using multi-source satellite data and identify regions of runoff retention and recharge. Daily runoff is simulated using a saturation excess principle with the VegET model (Senay 2008). It is a spatially explicit (500m grid cell), one-dimensional root-zone water balance model that is driven by precipitation,...
CONUS-wide actual ET (ETa) from Landsat thermal imagery-using the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model (version 4) in the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing platform. Over 150,000 Landsat satellite images were used to produce 10 years of annual ETa (2010-2019).
The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is a sovereign Small Island State in the tropical central North Pacific Ocean. RMI is a nation of more than thirty atolls and islands, most of which are inhabited, dispersed across an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) over 2 million square kilometers. This data release contains raster datasets for vegetation and water monitoring including Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Landscape Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (L-WRSI), and Soil Moisture Index (SMI) for selected locations and precipitation (dekadal (10-day) sum) for the entire RMI from 2017-2022. These data were compiled to support a 2022-2023 U.S. Geological Survey project for developing methods to apply...
Remote sensing-based evapotranspiration (ET) can be derived using various methods, from soil moisture accounting to vegetation-index based approaches to simple and complex surface energy balance techniques. Due to the complexity of fully representing and parameterizing ET sub-processes, different models tend to diverge in their estimations. However, most models appear to provide reasonable estimations that can meet user requirements for seasonal water use estimation and drought monitoring. One such model is the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop). This study presents a formulation of the SSEBop model using the psychrometric principle for vapor pressure/relative humidity measurements where the...
This dataset includes 1km resolution monthly timescale estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) for the 2000-2015 timespan. These new SSEBop-WB estimates were developed by combining a previously published long-term annual average evapotranspiration map based on water balance constraints with the SSEBop remote sensing ET product (see Associated Items). The combination aims to leverage the advantages of each approach in gaining both the temporal resolution of remote sensing data and the long-term magnitude constraints of ground-based data. This data release also includes other supporting data associated with the publication of these estimation methods in a concurrent journal article. Analyses in the journal article included...
Global food and water insecurity could be serious problems in the upcoming decades with growing demands from the increasing global population and more frequent effect of climatic extremes. As the available water resources are diminishing and facing continuous stress, it is crucial to monitor water demand and water availability to understand the associated water stresses. This study assessed the water stress by applying the water supply stress index (WaSSI) in relation to green (WaSSIG) and blue (WaSSIB) water resources across six major cropland basins including the Mississippi (North America), San Francisco (South America), Nile (Africa), Danube (Europe), Ganges-Brahmaputra (Asia), and Murray-Darling (Australia)...
The data set includes the daily streamflow predictions from (Long Short-Term Memory) LSTM models for 45 basins (27 basins in New England region and 18 basins in Great Basin region) in contrasting hydroclimate regions (water-limited Great Basin region and energy-limited New England region) in the United States. Also, the shapefiles of study basins and hydroclimate regions, and data to support the statistical results, figures, and tables are included.
The associated geotiff rasters represents the total actual evapotranspiration (ETa) from June through September for the years 2004, 2006, 2008-2010, and 2013-2016 for the entire Klamath Basin in southern Oregon. The ETa was created using Landsat imagery and the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model to estimate actual ET and the Python scripts to complete that process is also provided. Additionally, the June-September average (mean) ETa for the "base years" of 2004, 2006, 2008-2010 and ETa Anomaly (deviation from the base years average mean) for each year between 2013-2016 is provided. Text files of SSEBop daily actual ET along with actual ET from Ameriflux eddy co-variance flux tower sites...
The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is a sovereign Small Island State in the tropical central North Pacific Ocean. RMI is a nation of more than thirty atolls and islands, most of which are inhabited, dispersed across an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) over 2 million square kilometers. This data release contains files of daily precipitation estimates beginning in 2001 for 23 inhabited sites in the RMI derived from Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG; The files contain either "Late IMERG" data or "Final IMERG" data and are in millimeter per day. These data were compiled to support a 2022-2023 U.S. Geological Survey project to develop methods to apply Earth Observation...

map background search result map search result map Annual average quick-flow runoff across the CONUS, 2000-2013 Combined remote sensing and water-balance evapotranspiration estimates (SSEBop-WB) for the conterminous United States Daily calling activity for Pseudacris crucifer at site SC4DAI2 in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway from 2008 to 2012, as indicated by the results of integrating daily median dB values across 2900 to 3200 Hz and 2100 to 2300 h Crop Water Use in the Central Valley of California using Landsat-derived evapotranspiration Assessing the impact of irrigation curtailment using Landsat satellite data: A case study in the Upper Klamath Lake basin Modeling accumulated surface runoff and water availability for aquifer storage and recovery in the MENA region from 1984-2015 Annual SSEBop ET rasters at Landsat scale from 2010-2019 for the CONUS Global gray-sky dT: the inverse of the surface psychrometric constant parameter in the SSEBop evapotranspiration model Satellite precipitation estimates for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 2.0, February 2024) Vegetation and Water Monitoring Datasets for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands from 2017-2022 A Web-Based Application for Exploring Potential Changes in Design Peak Flow of US Urban Areas Driven by Land Cover Change Streamflow Predictions (2006-2014) from LSTM Models in Water- and Energy-limited Regions in the United States Seasonal Blue Water Evapotranspiration 1986 – 2020 for the Croplands in the High Plains Aquifer Region Monthly Satellite-Estimated Precipitation Reports for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 2.0, February 2024) (Under Revision) Assessing the impact of irrigation curtailment using Landsat satellite data: A case study in the Upper Klamath Lake basin Daily calling activity for Pseudacris crucifer at site SC4DAI2 in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway from 2008 to 2012, as indicated by the results of integrating daily median dB values across 2900 to 3200 Hz and 2100 to 2300 h Modeling accumulated surface runoff and water availability for aquifer storage and recovery in the MENA region from 1984-2015 Crop Water Use in the Central Valley of California using Landsat-derived evapotranspiration Vegetation and Water Monitoring Datasets for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands from 2017-2022 Monthly Satellite-Estimated Precipitation Reports for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 2.0, February 2024) (Under Revision) Seasonal Blue Water Evapotranspiration 1986 – 2020 for the Croplands in the High Plains Aquifer Region Satellite precipitation estimates for selected locations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 2.0, February 2024) Streamflow Predictions (2006-2014) from LSTM Models in Water- and Energy-limited Regions in the United States Combined remote sensing and water-balance evapotranspiration estimates (SSEBop-WB) for the conterminous United States Annual average quick-flow runoff across the CONUS, 2000-2013 Annual SSEBop ET rasters at Landsat scale from 2010-2019 for the CONUS A Web-Based Application for Exploring Potential Changes in Design Peak Flow of US Urban Areas Driven by Land Cover Change Global gray-sky dT: the inverse of the surface psychrometric constant parameter in the SSEBop evapotranspiration model