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Historical and projected climate data and water balance data under three GCMs (CNRM-CM5, CCSM4, and IPSL-CM5A-MR) from 1980 to 2099 was used to assess projected climate change impacts in North Central U.S. We obtained required data from MACA data ( Historical time period ranges from 1980 to 2005, and projected time period ranges from 2071 to 2099. The climate data includes temperature and precipitation whereas water balance data includes Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) and Moisture Index (MI) estimated using Penman-Monteith and Thornthwaite methods defining as Penman PET, Penman MI, Thornthwaite PET and Thornthwaite MI. Both types of MI was estimated as a ratio of...
Historical and projected climate data and water balance data under three GCMs (CNRM-CM5, CCSM4, and IPSL-CM5A-MR) from 1980 to 2099 was used to assess projected climate change impacts in North Central U.S. We obtained required data from MACA data ( Historical time period ranges from 1980 to 2005, and projected time period ranges from 2071 to 2099. The climate data includes temperature and precipitation whereas water balance data includes Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) and Moisture Index (MI) estimated using Penman-Monteith and Thornthwaite methods defining as Penman PET, Penman MI, Thornthwaite PET and Thornthwaite MI. Both types of MI was estimated as a ratio of...
Historical and projected suitable habitat of 14 tree and shrub species a under CCSM4 GCMs from 2000 to 2099 was predicted to assess projected climate change impacts in forest communities of North Central U.S. We obtained presence/absence record of each species from Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data. required ata. Historical tme period ranges from 1971 to 2000, and projected time period ranges from 2071 to 2100. Random Forest was used to project historical and future suitable habitat of all species across West U.S. using the Biomod2 software programmed in R environment. We adopted a climate change scenarios generated from the experiments conducted under fifth assessment of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project...
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It provides a measure of vulnerability based on temperature change using a watershed-based analysis. The values range from 0 to 1 and are unitless, where Vtw = Et x (1-Aw). The original floating point values ranging from 0-1.0 were multiplied by 100 and converted to integer format for this dataset.
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It provides a measure of vulnerability based on biome velocity and using a terrestrial (moving window) anlaysis. The values range from 0 to 1 and are unitless, where Vhg = Eh x (1-Ag). The original floating point values ranging from 0-1.0 were multiplied by 100 and converted to integer format for this dataset.
Abstract (from Projected climate change at a regional level is expected to shift vegetation habitat distributions over the next century. For the sub-alpine species whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis), warming temperatures may indirectly result in loss of suitable bioclimatic habitat, reducing its distribution within its historic range. This research focuses on understanding the patterns of spatiotemporal variability for future projected P.albicaulis suitable habitat in the Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) through a bioclimatic envelope approach. Since intermodel variability from General Circulation Models (GCMs) lead to differing predictions...
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It provides a measure of vulnerability based on climate velocity using a terrestrially-based analysis. The values range from 0 to 1 and are unitless, where Vvg = Ev x (1-Ag). The original floating point values ranging from 0-1.0 were multiplied by 100 and converted to integer format for this dataset.
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It represents terrestrially-defined adaptive capacity, where values run from 0 to 1.0 and is calculated as the complement of the degree of human modification (1-H). The original floating point values ranging from 0-1.0 were multiplied by 100 and converted to integer format for this dataset.
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It provides a measure of vulnerability based on climate velocity using a watershed-based analysis. The values range from 0 to 1 and are unitless, where Vvw = Ev x (1-Aw). The original floating point values ranging from 0-1.0 were multiplied by 100 and converted to integer format for this dataset.
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It is an exposure variable that represents the temperature change (degrees C) from baseline (1950-2000) to future (2061-2080).
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It is an exposure variable that represents the climate velocity for Rehfeldt biome-habitat types (from 2000 to 2060), where units are in km/year.
Historical and projected climate data and water balance data under three GCMs (CNRM-CM5, CCSM4, and IPSL-CM5A-MR) from 1980 to 2099 was used to assess projected climate change impacts in North Central U.S. We obtained required data from MACA data ( Historical time period ranges from 1980 to 2005, and projected time period ranges from 2071 to 2099. The climate data includes temperature and precipitation whereas water balance data includes Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) and Moisture Index (MI) estimated using Penman-Monteith and Thornthwaite methods defining as Penman PET, Penman MI, Thornthwaite PET and Thornthwaite MI. Both types of MI was estimated as a ratio of...
Abstract (from Many protected areas may not be adequately safeguarding biodiversity from human activities on surrounding lands and global change. The magnitude of such change agents and the sensitivity of ecosystems to these agents vary among protected areas. Thus, there is a need to assess vulnerability across networks of protected areas to determine those most at risk and to lay the basis for developing effective adaptation strategies. We conducted an assessment of exposure of U.S. National Parks to climate and land use change and consequences for vegetation communities. We first defined park protected-area centered ecosystems (PACEs) based on ecological...
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It represents terrestrially-defined adaptive capacity, where values run from 0 to 1.0 and is calculated as the complement of the degree of human modification (1-H). The original floating point values ranging from 0-1.0 were multiplied by 100 and converted to integer format for this dataset.
Abstract (from Managers of protected natural areas increasingly are confronted with novel ecological conditions and conflicting objectives to preserve the past while fostering resilience for an uncertain future. This dilemma may be pronounced at range peripheries where rates of change are accelerated and ongoing invasions often are perceived as threats to local ecosystems. We provide an example from City of Rocks National Reserve (CIRO) in southern Idaho, positioned at the northern range periphery of pinyon-juniper (P-J) woodland. Reserve managers are concerned about P-J woodland encroachment into adjacent sagebrush steppe, but the rates...
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It is an exposure variable that represents the climate velocity (km/year) which is computed as the mean rate of change in temperature over time (future-baseline; degrees C/km) divided by the rate of temperature change over space (degrees C/km).
This dataset is one of a dozen or so datasets that provide the basis for a vulnerability assessment of the Great Northern LCC that examines land use and climate changes at landscape scales, for the full LCC boundary. It represents hydrologically-defined adaptive capacity, where values run from 0 to 1.0 and is calculated as the complement of the degree of human modification (1-H), and are then averaged using hierarchical watersheds. The original floating point values ranging from 0-1.0 were multiplied by 100 and converted to integer format for this dataset.
This is a combined shapefile of all Greater Widland Ecosystems. We first created shapefiles for each GWE using hydrological units, contiguous habitat, human influence (25 km buffer) taking into account of federal, private, and tribal lands. We then combined them.

map background search result map search result map Ag: terrestrially defined adaptive capacity for Great Northern LCC Aw: hydrologically-defined adaptive capacity for Great Northern LCC Vhg: terrestrially-defined vulnerability, biome velocity for Great Northern LCC Vtg: terrestrially-defined vulnerability, temperature change for Great Northern LCC Vtw: hydrologically-defined vulnerability, temperature change for Great Northern LCC Vvg: terrestrially-defined vulnerability, climate velocity for Great Northern LCC Vvw: hydrologically-defined vulnerability, climate velocity for Great Northern LCC Ehv: climate velocity for Rehfeldt biome-habitat types (km/year). Et: temperature change (degrees C) from baseline (1950-2000) to future (2061-2080) for Great Northern LCC Ev: climate velocity (km/year) for Great Northern LCC Boundary of all Greater Wildland Ecosystems Combined Water balance across regional climate gradients:  A comparison of two potential evapotranspiration metrics (1980-2099). Habitat Suitability of Dominant Tree and Shrub Species to Support Wolverine Management Across North West U.S. (1971-2100) Under Climate Change Boundary of all Greater Wildland Ecosystems Combined Habitat Suitability of Dominant Tree and Shrub Species to Support Wolverine Management Across North West U.S. (1971-2100) Under Climate Change Water balance across regional climate gradients:  A comparison of two potential evapotranspiration metrics (1980-2099). Vvw: hydrologically-defined vulnerability, climate velocity for Great Northern LCC Ag: terrestrially defined adaptive capacity for Great Northern LCC Aw: hydrologically-defined adaptive capacity for Great Northern LCC Vhg: terrestrially-defined vulnerability, biome velocity for Great Northern LCC Vtg: terrestrially-defined vulnerability, temperature change for Great Northern LCC Vvg: terrestrially-defined vulnerability, climate velocity for Great Northern LCC Ehv: climate velocity for Rehfeldt biome-habitat types (km/year). Et: temperature change (degrees C) from baseline (1950-2000) to future (2061-2080) for Great Northern LCC Ev: climate velocity (km/year) for Great Northern LCC Vtw: hydrologically-defined vulnerability, temperature change for Great Northern LCC