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This child item contains ground penetrating radar (GPR) data collected over a small alpine wetland between Mogul Mine and Cement Creek located near Silverton, Colorado. Mine-impacted water is transported to Cement Creek via surface channels and groundwater through this wetland. The GPR method transmits radar pulses into the ground and measures the returned amplitude from these pulses over time. Variations in subsurface electromagnetic (EM) properties (dielectric permittivity, electrical conductivity, and magnetic susceptibility) affect the timing and amplitude of returned radar energy. For example, variation in water or mineral content are physical properties that often influence the EM properties that are observed...
This child item contains frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM) data collected along and around Cement Creek and California Gulch near Silverton, Colorado in support of other data collected at the site. The FDEM tool generates an EM field and measures eddy currents generated by conductive and/or magnetic materials in the subsurface in response to the applied field. A Geophex GEM-2 instrument with GPS was used with 5 frequencies ranging from 450 Hz to 18330 Hz. Additional details are contained in the ‘readme.txt’ files within each zip data directory.
In June 2018, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected geophysical measurements to help evaluate the suitability of a proposed landfill site for disposing mine-waste materials in Fredericktown, MO. Frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) induction data were collected along the edge of the water. The antenna was placed on a plastic frame and held approximately 1 m above the water surface. The antenna was mounted on a raft that was towed behind a canoe. All unprocessed and processed data including the in-phase and quadrature components in parts per million, electrical conductivity (EC) in milliSiemens per meter (mS/m), and magnetic susceptibility in...
This child item contains fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS) data collected along the streambed interface of two streams named Cement Creek and California Gulch Creek located near Silverton Colorado. The FO-DTS method utilizes the temperature-dependent backscatter of light pulses emitted along armored fiber-optic cables to evaluate temperature at discrete linear sampling locations. For these deployments a Salixa XT-DTS control unit (Salixa Ltd, Hertfordshire, UK) was used, and measurements were made over several day increments at 0.508 m linear resolution along the streambed interface. Specific locations for collected data are located within the data files, and additional details are contained in...
This child item contains ground penetrating radar (GPR) data collected over a small alpine wetland between Mogul Mine and Cement Creek located near Silverton, Colorado. Mine-impacted water is transported to Cement Creek via surface channels and groundwater through this wetland. The GPR method transmits radar pulses into the ground and measures the returned amplitude from these pulses over time. Variations in subsurface electromagnetic (EM) properties (dielectric permittivity, electrical conductivity, and magnetic susceptibility) affect the timing and amplitude of returned radar energy. For example, variation in water or mineral content are physical properties that often influence the EM properties that are observed...
This child item contains self-potential (SP) data collected over a small alpine wetland between Mogul Mine and Cement Creek located near Silverton, Colorado. Mine-impacted water is transported to Cement Creek via surface channels and groundwater through this wetland. The SP method measures passive voltages in the subsurface using a high impedance voltmeter with one fixed electrode at a base station and one mobile electrode. Strong self-potential anomalies have been associated with ore bodies and sharp redox fronts. Data were collected with an Agilent U1252B multimeter with STELTH3 Ag-AgCl Model SRE-011-SPB porous pot electrodes. Additional details are contained in the ‘readme.txt’ file within this directory.
This child item contains frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM) data collected along and around Cement Creek California Gulch, and the Animas River near Silverton, Colorado in support of other data collected at the site. The FDEM tool generates an EM field and measures eddy currents generated by conductive and/or magnetic materials in the subsurface in response to the applied field. A Geophex GEM-2 instrument with GPS was used with frequencies ranging from 450 Hz to 47970 Hz. Additional details are contained in the ‘readme.txt’ files within each zip data directory.
In June 2018, U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected geophysical measurements to help evaluate the suitability of a proposed landfill site for disposing mine-waste materials in Fredericktown, MO. Shear-wave (Vs) refraction surveys were collected to measure the shear-wave velocity of the subsurface, which can be used for estimating the depth to rock with the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) passive seismic reconnaissance method. A secondary objective was to determine the depth of interfaces for comparison to the resistivity surveys and frequency domain electromagnetic profiles.
In June 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected geophysical measurements to help evaluate the suitability of a proposed landfill site for disposing mine-waste materials in Fredericktown, Missouri. Geophysical methods were used to evaluate and characterize the unconsolidated sediment (i.e., regolith) above the crystalline bedrock as well as determine depth bedrock. Land-based geophysical methods included frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM), electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio passive seismic (HVSR), and shear-wave seismic refraction. Water-borne methods included FDEM surveys to characterize...
This child item contains magnetometer (MAG) data collected along and around the Animas River near Silverton, Colorado in support of other data collected at the site. The MAG tool measures the magnetic field from one or multiple sensors. A Geometrics G-858AP instrument with GPS and backpack was used, with two magnetometers vertically mounted on the operator-carried staff to enable measurement of the magnetic field gradient. Additional details are contained in the ‘readme.txt’ files within each zip data directory.
This dataset has been archived; it has been superseded by version 2.0 (May 2022) which can be found at Near-surface geophysical data from within the Bonita Peak Mining District in Silverton, Colorado, USA are presented. The data include fiber optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS) and frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM) data collected in and around roughly 1 km reaches of Cement Creek and California Gulch. Additional data, including ground penetrating radar (GPR) and self potential (SP), were gathered from a peatland that intercepts acid mine drainage from Mogul Mine into Cement Creek. The peatland is located off the eastern bank of Cement Creek in the northern...
In June 2018, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected geophysical measurements to help evaluate the suitability of a proposed landfill site for disposing mine-waste materials in Fredericktown, MO. Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) images were acquired at two locations to characterize the temperature of the water and the embankment along the shoreline of City Lake to evaluate potential groundwater discharge locations. The images were collected in the evening dusk to avoid reflections off the water surface while pointing at the shoreline. Visual true-color photographs and FLIR thermal images were collocated to help identify the location of potential...
In June 2018, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected geophysical measurements to help evaluate the suitability of a proposed landfill site for disposing mine-waste materials in Fredericktown, MO. Two survey profiles were collected, each including dipole-dipole and Wenner-Schlumberger configurations. For each survey a total of 28 electrodes spaced 1.0 meter (m) apart were used. During the ERT measurement, current is injected through two current electrodes and voltage is measured sequentially across multiple pairs of potential electrodes; the known current and the measured voltages are used to determine the apparent resistivity of the subsurface....
From June 25 to June 28, 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected temperature measurements to help evaluate the thermal properties at two locations along the shoreline of City Lake in Fredericktown, MO. The in-situ temperature of surface water and saturated sediments was monitored to support calculations of seepage flux. Temperature measurements Celsius were collected every 30 minutes at depths of 0.04, 0.15,0.30,0.61, and 0.91 m below the water bottom. The thermal conductivity of saturated sediments was also measured.
This child item contains self-potential (SP) data collected over a small alpine wetland between Mogul Mine and Cement Creek located near Silverton, Colorado. Mine-impacted water is transported to Cement Creek via surface channels and groundwater through this wetland. The SP method measures passive voltages in the subsurface using a high impedance voltmeter with one fixed electrode at a base station and one mobile electrode. Strong self-potential anomalies have been associated with ore bodies and sharp redox fronts. Data were collected with an Agilent U1252B multimeter with STELTH3 Ag-AgCl Model SRE-011-SPB porous pot electrodes. Additional details are contained in the ‘readme.txt’ file within this directory.
n June 2018, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected geophysical measurements to help evaluate the suitability of a proposed landfill site for disposing mine-waste materials in Fredericktown, MO. Frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) induction data were collected above the land surface along the cleared paths through the proposed disposal cell locations. The data were collected with a hand-held, multi-frequency antenna carried approximately 1 meter (m) above the land surface at walking speeds using a multi-frequency tool. All unprocessed and processed data including the in-phase and quadrature components in parts per million, electrical conductivity...
This Data Release includes temperature measurements collected using a wrapped fiber-optic tool in a Cape Cod, MA streambed on 06/06/2016 to demonstrate the application of the manuscript: Kurylyk, B.L., Irvine, D.J, Carey, S., Briggs, M.A., Werkema, D., and Bonham, M., 2017, Heat as a hydrologic tracer in shallow and deep heterogeneous media: analytical solution, spreadsheet tool, and field applications, Hydrological Processes. The directory RAW_DATA contains the measured temperature time series at varied depth in the streambed along the vertical fiber-optic HRTS tool as described in the local file. The OUTPUT directory contains simple statistical analysis (min/max, mean, stdev) of the raw temperature data...
Near-surface geophysical data from within the Bonita Peak Mining District in Silverton, Colorado, USA are presented. These data were collected in 2019. The data include fiber optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS) and frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM) data collected in and around roughly 1 km reaches of Cement Creek and California Gulch. Additional data, including ground penetrating radar (GPR) and self potential (SP), were gathered from a peatland that intercepts acid mine drainage from Mogul Mine into Cement Creek. The peatland is located off the eastern bank of Cement Creek in the northern portion of the reach surveyed with FO-DTS and FDEM. In 2021, an FO-DTS, FDEM, and magnetometer (MAG)...
In June 2018, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected geophysical measurements to help evaluate the suitability of a proposed landfill site for disposing mine-waste materials in Fredericktown, MO. A total of 35 horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) passive seismic measurements were collected at the site. The HVSR technique uses a three-component seismometer to measure the vertical and horizontal components of ambient seismic noise. Seismic noise in the range of approximately 0.1 to 1 Hertz (Hz) is caused by ocean waves, large regional storms, and tectonic sources. A resonance frequency (f0) is induced in the unconsolidated sediments when there...
This child item contains fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS) data collected along the streambed interface of two streams named Cement Creek and California Gulch Creek, as well as the Animas River, located near Silverton Colorado. The FO-DTS method utilizes the temperature-dependent backscatter of light pulses emitted along armored fiber-optic cables to evaluate temperature at discrete linear sampling locations. For these deployments a Salixa XT-DTS control unit (Salixa Ltd, Hertfordshire, UK) was used, and measurements were made over several day increments at 0.508 m linear resolution along the streambed interface. Specific locations for collected data are located within the data files, and additional...

    map background search result map search result map Streambed temperature data for the manuscript: Heat as a hydrologic tracer in shallow and deep heterogeneous media: analytical solution, spreadsheet tool, and field applications Geophysical Data Collected for an Assessment of a Proposed Landfill Site in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Forward looking infrared (FLIR) imaging in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) surveys collected in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) seismic surveys in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Shear-wave velocity (Vs) surveys collected in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Water-borne frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) surveys collected in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Near-surface geophysical data collected along streams near Silverton, Colorado, USA Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing data collected in mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM) data collected around mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data collected in a mine-impacted wetland near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Self-potential (SP) data collected in a mine-impacted wetland near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Depth-dependent temperature and thermal conductivity Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Near-surface geophysical data collected along streams near Silverton, Colorado, USA (ver. 2.0, May 2022) Frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM) data collected around mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 and 2021 (ver. 2.0, March 2022) Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing data collected in mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 and 2021 (ver. 2.0, May 2022) Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data collected in a mine-impacted wetland near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Magnetometry (MAG) data collected around mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2021 Self-potential (SP) data collected in a mine-impacted wetland near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Geophysical Data Collected for an Assessment of a Proposed Landfill Site in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Forward looking infrared (FLIR) imaging in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) surveys collected in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) seismic surveys in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Shear-wave velocity (Vs) surveys collected in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Water-borne frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) surveys collected in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Depth-dependent temperature and thermal conductivity Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018 Near-surface geophysical data collected along streams near Silverton, Colorado, USA Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing data collected in mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM) data collected around mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data collected in a mine-impacted wetland near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Self-potential (SP) data collected in a mine-impacted wetland near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data collected in a mine-impacted wetland near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Self-potential (SP) data collected in a mine-impacted wetland near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 Near-surface geophysical data collected along streams near Silverton, Colorado, USA (ver. 2.0, May 2022) Frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM) data collected around mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 and 2021 (ver. 2.0, March 2022) Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing data collected in mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2019 and 2021 (ver. 2.0, May 2022) Magnetometry (MAG) data collected around mine-impacted streams near Silverton, Colorado in September 2021