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The Midwest has experienced some of the costliest flooding events in U.S. history, including many billions of dollars during the past decade alone. The Midwest’s susceptibility to flooding has been exacerbated by a long-term increase in total precipitation and extreme rainfalls, with the 2010s being the region’s wettest decade on record Climate models strongly indicate that these recent trends will continue, such that the warming Midwest will experience wetter winters and springs, shortened snow seasons, and extreme year-round precipitation in the future. Despite this high level of confidence in climate trends, there is limited knowledge of how these will translate to flood likelihood and the associated societal...
Researchers downscaled projections of maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation across a large extent east of the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Coast. The data is probabilistic in nature, providing flexibility in incorporating climate information into impact assessments. Statistical techniques were used for the downscaling and it retains a reasonable representation of daily extreme events, such as intense precipitation or extreme temperatures. A web-based client is in creation to host and distribute the data. This project produced: Statistically downscaled precipitation, and maximum and minimum temperature at approximately a 0.1° by 0.1° resolution, at daily time scales, for all global climate models...
The MW CASC strives to be collaboration-driven by bringing together scientists, natural and cultural resource managers, and members of the public to develop relevant, actionable science for the Midwest region, including Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. The MW CASC is a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey and a consortium made up of 8 institutions: University of Minnesota (host), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Michigan State University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Indiana University, College of Menominee Nation, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, and The Nature Conservancy. During the period of 2021 - 2026, the MW CASC consortium...
This project analyzies projected changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events across the Great Lakes region, namely heat waves, cold spells, heavy precipitation events, and droughts, using a statistically downscaled climate product produced by the Climate Working Group of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI). It will perform a probabilistic exploration of weather extremes, ideally tailored toward decision-makers who are developing impact assessments at a regional scale across the Great Lakes region.

    map background search result map search result map Downscaling climate in the Great Lakes region for regional climate impact assessment Future Changes in Weather Extremes Derived from Statistically Downscaled Climate Projections for the Great Lakes Region The Combined Effects of Seasonal Climate and Extreme Precipitation on Flood Hazard in the Midwest Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center Consortium - Hosted by University of Minnesota (2021-2026) The Combined Effects of Seasonal Climate and Extreme Precipitation on Flood Hazard in the Midwest Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center Consortium - Hosted by University of Minnesota (2021-2026) Future Changes in Weather Extremes Derived from Statistically Downscaled Climate Projections for the Great Lakes Region Downscaling climate in the Great Lakes region for regional climate impact assessment