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Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) hotspot data are defined as areas of statistically high land surface temperature (LST). A pixel is determined as statistically high if it exceeds one standard deviation above the mean of all pixels with similar land cover type. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual maximum land surface temperature (MaxLST) – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. The data is further separated into persistent urban and new urban outputs. Persistent Urban is defined as areas that are reported as urban in 1985 and...
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) intensity data is intended to quantify the difference between urban surface temperatures and the surrounding non-urban environment. The calculation takes the difference between a specific urban pixel’s land surface temperature (LST) and the mean of the cities non-urban LST. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual LST – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. NOTE: While a previous version is available from the author, all datasets for pilot cities can be found in version 5..0.
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) hotspot data are defined as areas of statistically high land surface temperature (LST). A pixel is determined as statistically high if it exceeds one standard deviation above the mean of all pixels with similar land cover type. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual maximum land surface temperature (MeanLST) – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. The data is further separated into persistent urban and new urban outputs. Persistent Urban is defined as areas that are reported as urban in 1985 and...
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...
The USGS Land Cover project has combined concepts and methodology from the legacy LCMAP and NLCD projects, along with modern deep learning convolutional neural networks, to produce promising prototypes of next generation land cover products. The new land cover algorithm will serve as the new baseline for USGS land cover production. Annual NLCD is a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science initiative implemented at the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center that harnesses the remotely sensed Landsat data record to provide state-of-the-art land surface change information needed by scientists, resource managers, and decision-makers. Annual NLCD uses a modernized, integrated approach to map, monitor, synthesize,...
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) intensity data is intended to quantify the difference between urban surface temperatures and the surrounding non-urban environment. The calculation takes the difference between a specific urban pixel’s maximum land surface temperature (MeanLST) and the mean of the cities non-urban MeanLST. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual MeanLST – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. NOTE: While a previous version is available from the author, all datasets for pilot cities can be found in version 5.0.
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) intensity data is intended to quantify the difference between urban surface temperatures and the surrounding non-urban environment. The calculation takes the difference between a specific urban pixel’s maximum land surface temperature (MaxLST) and the mean of the cities non-urban MaxLST. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual MaxLST – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. NOTE: While a previous version is available from the author, all datasets for pilot cities can be found in version 5.0.
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) hotspot data are defined as areas of statistically high land surface temperature (LST). A pixel is determined as statistically high if it exceeds one standard deviation above the mean of all pixels with similar land cover type. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual land surface temperature (LST) – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. The data is further separated into persistent urban and new urban outputs. Persistent Urban is defined as areas that are reported as urban in 1985 and remained urban...
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...
NASS USDA estimates the irrigated croplands at county level every five years. But this estimation does not provide the geospatial information of the irrigated croplands. To provide a comprehensive, consistent, and timely geospatially detailed information about irrigated cropland conterminous U.S. (CONUS), the "Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Irrigated Agriculture Dataset for the United States (MIrAD-US)" product was produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center with funding from several USGS programs (National Land Imaging and National Water-Quality Assessment). A primary objective was to identify, and map irrigated agricultural areas to...
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) extent, intensity, and hotspots data of land surface temperature (LST) are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. The annual land surface temperature (LST) were derived from Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD). The time series land surface Temperature (LST) and land cover change products were used to produce SUHI intensity and hotspots products. The data ranges from 1985-present, and covers data within 5 km of each city. SUHI Intensity data is intended to quantify the difference between urban surface temperatures and the surrounding non-urban environment. The calculation takes the difference between a specific urban pixel’s land surface temperature (LST) and...
Categories: Data Release - Revised;
Tags: 5 km buffer zones,
Landsat ARD,
Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD),
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in association with the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium, produces the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) for the United States. The MRLC, a consortium of federal agencies who coordinate and generate consistent and relevant land cover information at the national scale for a wide variety of environmental, land management, and modeling applications, have been providing the scientific community with detailed land cover products for more than 30 years. Over that time, NLCD has been one of the most widely used geospatial datasets in the U.S., serving as a basis for understanding the Nation’s landscapes in thousands of studies and applications, trusted by scientists,...
Categories: Collection;
Tags: GIS,
Image processing,
Land Use Change,
Land Use Land Cover Theme,
Land cover,
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...
Categories: Data;
Tags: USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
United States,
crop cover mapping,
Spatially accurate annual crop cover maps are an important component to various planning and research applications; however, the importance of these maps varies significantly with the timing of their availability. Utilizing a previously developed crop classification model (CCM), which was used to generate historical annual crop cover maps (classifying nine major crops: corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay/non alfalfa, fallow/idle cropland, and ‘other’ as one class for remaining crops), we hypothesized that such crop cover maps could be generated in near real time (NRT). The CCM was trained on 14 temporal and 15 static geospatial datasets, known as predictor variables, and...