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PAD-US poster maps are available to increase awareness of PAD-US and aid user interpretation. The maps provide a general overview of management, not ownership, as Federal and other designated areas may overlap state, private, and other inholdings. The maps include U.S. States only (not Territories) based on the PAD-US 2.1 Combined Proclamation (Tribal areas and military lands are provided for context), Marine, Fee, Designation, Easement feature class, published by the USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS), Gap Analysis Project (GAP). The All Managers and Federal Managers maps illustrate the land or marine management agency. The Protection Status map depicts GAP Status Code (a measure of management intent to...
Categories: Data Release - In Progress
PAD-US poster maps are available to increase awareness of PAD-US and aid user interpretation. The maps provide a general overview of management, not ownership, as Federal and other designated areas may overlap state, private, and other inholdings. The maps include U.S. States only (not Territories) based on the PAD-US 2.1 Combined Proclamation (Tribal areas and military lands are provided for context), Marine, Fee, Designation, Easement feature class, published by the USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS), Gap Analysis Project (GAP). The All Managers and Federal Managers maps illustrate the land or marine management agency. The Protection Status map depicts GAP Status Code (a measure of management intent to...
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) - Gap Analysis Project (GAP) manages the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US), an Arc10x geodatabase, that includes a full inventory of areas dedicated to the preservation of biological diversity and to other natural, recreation, historic, and cultural uses, managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means. The PAD-US is developed in partnership with many organizations, including coordination groups at the [U.S.] Federal level, lead organizations for each State, and a number of national and other non-governmental organizations whose work is closely related to the PAD-US. Learn more about the USGS...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Biodiversity,
Data integration,
IUCN Category,
Land use and land cover,
As an aggregated inventory, PAD-US contains thousands of spatial data sources integrated into one combined database. The policy of USGS is to integrate agency source data boundaries “as is” and translate attributes into the PAD-US format. Boundaries created by a specific agency or data steward may not fully align with those of another, creating GIS topology errors (mostly minor boundary discrepancies) associated with fee parcel ownership. In addition, more than one agency may submit an area for PAD-US without complete or accurate attributes to differentiate the fee owner and land manager. The FGDC Federal Lands Working Group (FLWG, and...
PAD-US poster maps are available to increase awareness of PAD-US and aid user interpretation. The maps provide a general overview of management, not ownership, as Federal and other designated areas may overlap state, private, and other inholdings. The maps include U.S. States only (not Territories) based on the PAD-US 2.1 Combined Proclamation (Tribal areas and military lands are provided for context), Marine, Fee, Designation, Easement feature class, published by the USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS), Gap Analysis Project (GAP). The All Managers and Federal Managers maps illustrate the land or marine management agency. The Protection Status map depicts GAP Status Code (a measure of management intent to...
Categories: Data Release - In Progress
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