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The Hawaii Forest Bird Survey (HFBS) systematically characterized plant and bird communities across transects spanning all major Hawaiian Islands except O‘ahu. This extensive dataset has now been organized into a database and associated geographic information system (GIS) layers. This baseline provides an opportunity to assess how forest ecosystems and their constituent bird and plant populations have changed over time. As part of the HaBiTATS (Hawaiian Biodiversity Trends Across Time and Space) project, a select area on Hawai‘i Island was surveyed in 2015 with the objective of demonstrating the potential of using the HFBS methodology to reassess the status of bird and plant communities across multiple geographic...
The Hawaii Forest Bird Survey (HFBS) systematically characterized plant and bird communities across transects spanning all major Hawaiian Islands except O‘ahu. This extensive dataset has now been organized into a database and associated geographic information system (GIS) layers. This baseline provides an opportunity to assess how forest ecosystems and their constituent bird and plant populations have changed over time. As part of the HaBiTATS (Hawaiian Biodiversity Trends Across Time and Space) project, a select area on Hawai‘i Island was surveyed in 2015 with the objective of demonstrating the potential of using the HFBS methodology to reassess the status of bird and plant communities across multiple geographic...
Hawaiian hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) were captured at multiple locations on the east side of Hawaii Island from May 2019 to October 2019. Radio transmitters were affixed to captured bats and, when possible, radio telemetry was used to locate bats in trees used for day-roosts. In 2019, three maternity roosts were identified however only two were suitable for video recording. Thermal video recording at two maternal roosts was used to identify the time of bat departure and arrival at a roost. We examined an average of 2 hours during sunset and sunrise (range = 0.9 to 5.4 hours). The time of bat departure from a roost ranged from 53 minutes before sunset to 20 minutes after sunset (n = 48, mean = 2.7 minutes...
The Yǻyaguak (Mariana Swiftlet; Aerodramus bartschi) is an endangered cave-roosting species native to Guam and southern Mariana Islands, Micronesia. On May 24-25, 2023, Guam was hit by the category-4 Typhoon Mawar, which brought wide-spread destruction to the island. Approximately 6 weeks prior to the typhoon in April 2023 we conducted surveys of the three known colonies of Yǻyaguak at Mahlac, Maemong, and Fachi caves. This April 2023 pre-Mawar survey provided a baseline population estimate prior to Typhoon Mawar’s landfall. In July 2023, we re-surveyed the caves to estimate colony size and assess whether the cave colonies experienced significant declines in the immediate aftermath of the storm. In November 2023,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Guam,
Mariana swiftlet,
Typhoon Mawar,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
The yǻyaguak (Mariana swiftlet; Aerodramus bartschi) is an endangered cave-nesting species historically found on Guam and the southern Mariana Islands, Micronesia. The population on Guam has been severely impacted by the introduction of the brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis). Population status assessments have, however, been challenging due to the limitations of traditional counting methods, which rely on visual observations at cave entrances and are prone to inaccuracies. To improve count accuracy, we estimated yǻyaguak population size and relative nesting activity using thermal and near-infrared videography at Mahlac, Maemong and Fachi Caves from April 2019 to April 2023. This study demonstrates the potential...
Hawaiian hoary bats ('ōpe'ape'a; Lasiurus semotus) were captured and tracked back to roosting locations on Hawaiʻi Island from 2018-2021. We examined resource selection at multiple spatial scales - perch location within a roost tree, roost tree, and forest stand. We used a discrete choice modeling approach to investigate roost selection and describe attributes of day-roost trees including those used as maternity roosts. ‘Ōpe‘ape‘a were found roosting in a variety of tree species and in an assortment of habitat types including native and non-native habitats. This data release consists of six tabular datasets: (1) Hawaiʻi Island ʻōpeʻapeʻa roost perch metrics, 2019–2021, (2) Hawai‘i Island ʻōpeʻapeʻa roost tree metrics,...
Hawaiian hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) were captured at multiple locations on the east side of Hawaii Island from May 2018 through September 2019. Radio transmitters were affixed to captured bats and, when possible, radio telemetry was used to locate bats in trees used for day-roosts. A total of 23 bat day-roosts were identified to tree and used by 18 bats (10 male; 8 female; 17 adult; 1 juvenile). Three maternity roosts were confirmed. One maternity roost was determined to be a bat that was not captured or radio-tagged but was visually located in a roost tree that was also in use by a radio-tagged bat. During the period of monitoring of telemetered bats (less than one month), multiple roosts were located...
The Hawaii Forest Bird Survey (HFBS) systematically characterized plant and bird communities across transects spanning all major Hawaiian Islands except O‘ahu. This extensive dataset has now been organized into a database and associated geographic information system (GIS) layers. This baseline provides an opportunity to assess how forest ecosystems and their constituent bird and plant populations have changed over time. As part of the HaBiTATS (Hawaiian Biodiversity Trends Across Time and Space) project, a select area on Hawai‘i Island was surveyed in 2015 with the objective of demonstrating the potential of using the HFBS methodology to reassess the status of bird and plant communities across multiple geographic...
The Hawaii Forest Bird Survey (HFBS) systematically characterized plant and bird communities across transects spanning all major Hawaiian Islands except O‘ahu. This extensive dataset has now been organized into a database and associated geographic information system (GIS) layers. This baseline provides an opportunity to assess how forest ecosystems and their constituent bird and plant populations have changed over time. As part of the HaBiTATS (Hawaiian Biodiversity Trends Across Time and Space) project, a select area on Hawai‘i Island was surveyed in 2015 with the objective of demonstrating the potential of using the HFBS methodology to reassess the status of bird and plant communities across multiple geographic...
The endemic subspecies of the Pacific sheath-tailed bat (payeyi; Emballonura semicaudata rotensis), and the Mariana swiftlet (chachaguak; Aerodramus bartschi) once inhabited many of the islands that comprise the Mariana archipelago (Lemke 1986, Flannery 1995, Ellison et al. 2003, Cruz et al. 2008). Both are insectivorous species that roost or nest almost exclusively in natural limestone caves (Pratt et al. 1987). Population threats to these two species primarily include habitat loss from past clearing of native forest for agriculture, with subsequent replacement by invasive vegetation (particularly Lantana camara), habitat degradation from feral goat browsing, persistent disturbance of nests and roosts, pesticide...
Categories: Data,
Tags: USFWS Science Applications,
SA Science Catalog,
Habitat use, diet, prey availability and foraging ecology of the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus, Vespertilionidae), was examined in the east Maui region inclusive of the Waihou Mitigation Area, Pu‘u Makua Restoration Area and the wind power facility operated by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC. Research funding to study bat ecology was provided by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC in order to fulfill requirements for mitigating bat fatalities under it's approved incidental take permit. This study included the first genetic analysis of Hawaiian hoary bat diet items, and broadly confirms the major arthropod orders (Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and Blattodea) found in previous microscopy-based...
Habitat use, diet, prey availability and foraging ecology of the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus, Vespertilionidae), was examined in the east Maui region inclusive of the Waihou Mitigation Area, Pu‘u Makua Restoration Area and the wind power facility operated by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC. The study was conducted to inform the mitigation and management requirements of Auwahi Wind Energy, research funding was provided by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC (Auwahi Wind) to fulfill requirements for mitigating bat fatalities under its approved incidental take permit. Acoustic monitoring over the three-year period demonstrated that bats are present and actively feed year-round at the Waihou Mitigation Area....
Categories: Data;
Tags: DNA barcode library,
Hawaii, USA,
Hawaiian hoary bat diet,
Waihou, Maui,
The Hawaii Forest Bird Survey (HFBS) systematically characterized plant and bird communities across transects spanning all major Hawaiian Islands except O‘ahu. This extensive dataset has now been organized into a database and associated geographic information system (GIS) layers. This baseline provides an opportunity to assess how forest ecosystems and their constituent bird and plant populations have changed over time. As part of the HaBiTATS (Hawaiian Biodiversity Trends Across Time and Space) project, a select area on Hawai‘i Island was surveyed in 2015 with the objective of demonstrating the potential of using the HFBS methodology to reassess the status of bird and plant communities across multiple geographic...
These are the datasets for the Hawaii Forest Bird Survey (HFBS) and the Hawaiian Biodiversity Trends Across Time and Space project that systematically characterized plant and bird communities. The HFBS sampled from transects spanning all major Hawaiian Islands except O‘ahu. This extensive dataset has now been organized into a database and associated geographic information system (GIS) layers. This baseline provides an opportunity to assess how forest ecosystems and their constituent bird and plant populations have changed over time. As part of the HaBiTATS project, a select area on Hawai‘i Island was surveyed in 2015 with the objective of demonstrating the potential of using the HFBS methodology to reassess the...
The yǻyaguak (Mariana swiftlet; Aerodramus bartschi) is an endangered cave-nesting species historically found on Guam and the southern Mariana Islands, Micronesia. The population on Guam has been severely impacted by the introduction of the brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis). Population status assessments have, however, been challenging due to the limitations of traditional counting methods, which rely on visual observations at cave entrances and are prone to inaccuracies. To improve count accuracy, we estimated yǻyaguak population size and relative nesting activity using thermal and near-infrared videography at Mahlac, Maemong and Fachi Caves from April 2019 to April 2023. This study demonstrates the potential...
Hawaiian hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) were captured at multiple locations on the east side of Hawaii Island from May 2018 through September 2019. Radio transmitters were affixed to captured bats and, when possible, radio telemetry was used to locate bats in trees used for day-roosts. In 2019, three maternity roosts were identified however only two were suitable for acoustic recording. Acoustic detectors were used to record acoustic activity (i.e., echolocation pulses) at two maternity roosts. Song Meter SM4BAT FS ultrasonic recorders (Wildlife Acoustics, Maynard, MA) with SMX-US ultrasonic microphones (Wildlife Acoustics, Maynard, MA) were deployed within 5-m of each maternity roost tree and configured...
Habitat use, diet, prey availability and foraging ecology of the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus, Vespertilionidae), was examined in the east Maui region inclusive of the Waihou Mitigation Area, Pu‘u Makua Restoration Area and the wind power facility operated by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC. The study was conducted to inform the mitigation and management requirements of Auwahi Wind Energy, research funding was provided by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC (Auwahi Wind) to fulfill requirements for mitigating bat fatalities under its approved incidental take permit. This study included the first genetic analysis of Hawaiian hoary bat diet items, and broadly confirms the major arthropod orders (Coleoptera,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Hawaii, USA,
Hawaiian hoary bat,
Insect prey availability,
Waihou, Maui,
Hawaiian hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) were captured at multiple locations on the east side of Hawaii Island from May 2018 through September 2019. Radio transmitters were affixed to captured bats and, when possible, radio-telemetry was used to locate bats in forest stands used for day-roosting. A roost’s forest stand was defined as a 50-m radius circle around a roost location, which was established in two ways: 1) a bat was tracked to a specific roost tree location using radio telemetry and/or visual confirmation of a bat’s presence was made, or 2) when a specific roost tree could not be identified, the multiple points and compass bearings recorded during radio-tracking were analyzed with LOAS software...
Waihou Mitigation Area, Maui Island, bat acoustic activity, diet and prey availability, 2015 to 2018
Habitat use, diet, prey availability and foraging ecology of the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus, Vespertilionidae) were examined in the east Maui region inclusive of the Waihou Mitigation Area, Pu'u Makua Restoration Area and the wind power facility operated by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC. The study was conducted to inform the mitigation and management requirements of Auwahi Wind Energy, and fulfill requirements for mitigating bat fatalities under its approved incidental take permit. Acoustic monitoring over the three-year period demonstrated that bats are present and actively feed year-round at the Waihou Mitigation Area. This study included the first genetic analysis of Hawaiian hoary bat...
Habitat use, diet, prey availability and foraging ecology of the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus, Vespertilionidae), was examined in the east Maui region inclusive of the Waihou Mitigation Area, Pu‘u Makua Restoration Area. Research funding was provided by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC, in order to fulfill its requirements for mitigating bat fatalities under its approved incidental take permit. Acoustic monitoring over the three-year period demonstrated that bats are present and actively feed year-round at the Waihou Mitigation Area. A comparison of simultaneous recordings between SM2 acoustic detectors equipped with SMX-US and newer SMX-U1 ultrasonic microphones was performed to assess whether...