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Study layers for Harrisonville MO FIM application. Layers include Muddy Creek flood-inundation water depths.
Version 10.0 of these data are part of a larger U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) project to develop an updated geospatial database of mines, mineral deposits, and mineral regions in the United States. Mine and prospect-related symbols, such as those used to represent prospect pits, mines, adits, dumps, tailings, etc., hereafter referred to as “mine” symbols or features, have been digitized from the 7.5-minute (1:24,000, 1:25,000-scale; and 1:10,000, 1:20,000 and 1:30,000-scale in Puerto Rico only) and the 15-minute (1:48,000 and 1:62,500-scale; 1:63,360-scale in Alaska only) archive of the USGS Historical Topographic Map Collection (HTMC), or acquired from available databases (California and Nevada, 1:24,000-scale...
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Alabama (AL), Alaska (AK), Arizona (AZ), Arkansas (AR), California (CA), All tags...
This is version 2.0 of Tungsten Deposits in the United States. This data release provides the descriptions of approximately 100 U.S. sites that include mineral regions, mineral occurrences (deposits), and mine features that contain enrichments of tungsten (W). This data release reports on U.S. mines and deposits with greater than or equal to 215 metric tons of tungsten metal (30,000 short ton units of tungsten trioxide). Sites in this database occur in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, Utah and Washington. As a part of the process set forth by Executive Order 13817, the USGS National Minerals Information Center (NMIC) identified W as a critical mineral...
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Adit, Alaska, Alluvial placer Sn, Arc-related porphyry Mo, Area, All tags...
Shallow subsurface electrical conductivity was mapped at selected U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service managed lands in northeast Montana and northwest North Dakota using the DUALEM421 electromagnetic sensor (Dualem, Inc., ON, Canada) in the winters of 2017 and 2018. Data were acquired by towing the DUALEM421 sensor on a sled behind an all-terrain vehicle or snow machine, with the sensor at a nominal height of 0.3 meters (m) above ground surface. Approximately 427 line-kilometers (km) of data were acquired over an area of nearly 26 square-kilometers. Data were manually edited to remove sensor dropouts, lag corrected for apparent offsets between recorded GPS location and data locations for each coil pair, and averaged...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Anderson, Beaver Lake, Bigslough, Divide County, ND, Dog Leg, All tags...
This feature estimates the geographic extent of the sagebrush biome in the United States. It was created for the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agency’s (WAFWA) Sagebrush Conservation Strategy publication as a visual for the schematic figures. This layer does not represent the realized distribution of sagebrush and should not be used to summarize statistics about the distribution or precise location of sagebrush across the landscape. This layer is intended to generalize the sagebrush biome distribution using Landsat derived classified vegetation rasters (Rigge at al. 2019), Bureau of Land Management-designated Habitat Management Areas, state-designated Priority Areas for Conservation for sage-grouse, the...
These data depict reptile species richness within the range of the Greater Sage-grouse. Species boundaries were defined as the total extent of a species geographic limits. This raster largely used species range data from "U.S. Geological Survey - Gap Analysis Project Species Range Maps CONUS_2001", however in order for a more complete picture of species richness, additional sources were used for species missing from the Gap Analysis program.
First, we would like to thank the wildland fire advisory group. Their wisdom and guidance helped us build the dataset as it currently exists. Currently, there are multiple, freely available fire datasets that identify wildfire and prescribed fire burned areas across the United States. However, these datasets are all limited in some way. Their time periods could cover only a couple of decades or they may have stopped collecting data many years ago. Their spatial footprints may be limited to a specific geographic area or agency. Their attribute data may be limited to nothing more than a polygon and a year. None of the existing datasets provides a comprehensive picture of fires that have burned throughout the last...
***This data set is superseded by Welty, J.L., and Jeffries, M.I., 2021, Combined wildland fire datasets for the United States and certain territories, 1800s-Present: U.S. Geological Survey data release,*** This dataset is comprised of four different zip files. Zip File 1: A combined wildfire polygon dataset ranging in years from 1878-2019 (142 years) that was created by merging and dissolving fire information from 12 different original wildfire datasets to create one of the most comprehensive wildfire datasets available. Attributes describing fires that were reported in the various source data, including fire name, fire code, ignition date, controlled date, containment date, and...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides the descriptions of 11 U.S. sites that include mineral regions, mines, and mineral occurrences that contain enrichments of niobium (Nb). To be included in this data release, a site must have a contained resource and (or) past production of Nb metal greater than 10,000 metric tons, which was the approximate consumption of Nb in the U.S. in 2019 (U.S. Geological Survey, 2020). Sites in this dataset occur in Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and Texas. Niobium primarily occurs in oxide minerals of the pyrochlore group, which are most commonly found in carbonatites and alkaline granite-syenite complexes. Globally, the largest Nb deposits occur in Brazil and...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Alaska, Arkansas, BLM, Bureau of Land Management, Colorado, All tags...
The data release for the geology of Payette National Forest and vicinity, west-central Idaho, is a Geologic Map Schema (GeMS)-compliant version that updates the GIS files for the geologic map published in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Professional Paper 1666 (Lund, 2004). The updated digital data present the attribute tables and geospatial features (points, lines and polygons) in the format that meets GeMS requirements. This data release presents the geologic map as shown on the plates and captured in geospatial data for published Professional Paper 1666. Minor errors, such as mistakes in line decoration or differences between the digital data and the map image, are corrected in this version. The database represents...
A database of geologic map of Three Sisters Volcanic Cluster as described in the original abstract: The geologic map represents part of a late Quaternary volcanic field within which scores of eruptions have taken place over the last 50,000 years, some as recently as ~1,500 years ago. No rocks of early Pleistocene (or greater) age crop out within the map area, although volcanic and derivative sedimentary rocks of Miocene and Pliocene age are widespread to the east and west and are certainly buried beneath the younger volcanic field. Of the 145 volcanic map units described herein, only 22 are certainly older than late Pleistocene (>126 ka), and 12 are postglacial (<15 ka). The oldest unit identified yields an age...
The Hudson Canyon begins on the outer continental shelf off the east coast of the United States at about 100-meters (m) water depth and extends offshore southeastward across the continental slope and rise. A multibeam survey was carried out in 2002 to map the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon and adjacent slope and rise. The survey covered an area approximately 205 kilometers (km) in the offshore direction, extending from about 500 m to about 4,000 m water depth, and about 110 km in the alongshore direction, centered on the Hudson Canyon. The sea floor was mapped using a SeaBeam Instruments 2112 multibeam echosounder aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Citation, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP), Esri binary grid, Hudson Canyon, Middle Atlantic Bight, NOAA ship Ronald H. Brown, All tags...
The data are .csv files of tagged sea otter re-sighting locations (henceforth, resights) collected in the field using a combination of VHF radio telemetry and direct observation using high powered (80x) telescopes. Sea otters were tracked by shore based observers from the date of tagging until the time of radio battery failure or the animal’s death, whichever comes first. The frequency of re-sighting was opportunistic, depending on logistical factors such as coastal access, but generally ranged from daily to weekly. Location coordinates are reported as X and Y coordinates in the projection/datum California Teale-Albers NAD 1927. Each file contains resight data for one individual sea otter collected over a period...
Lidar-derived digital elevation models often contain a vertical bias due to vegetation. In areas with tidal influence the amount of bias can be ecologically significant, for example, by decreasing the expected inundation frequency. We generated a corrected digital elevation model (DEM) for wetlands throughout Collier county using a modification of the Lidar Elevation Adjustment with NDVI (LEAN) technique (Buffington et al. 2016). GPS survey data (15,223 points), NAIP-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (2010), a 10 m lidar DEM from 2007, and a 10 m canopy surface model were used to generate a model of predicted bias across marsh, mangrove, and cypress habitats. The predicted bias was then subtracted from...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is providing online maps of water-table and potentiometric-surface altitude in the upper glacial, Magothy, Jameco, Lloyd, and North Shore aquifers on Long Island, New York, April–May 2016. Also provided is a depth-to-water map for Long Island, New York, April–May 2016. The USGS makes these maps and geospatial data available as REST Open Map Services (as well as HTTP, JSON, KML, and shapefile), so end-users can consume them on mobile and web clients. A companion report, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3398 (Como and others, 2018; further describes data collection and map preparation and presents 68x22 in. Portable Document...
This digital dataset release of the La Junta, Colorado and Kansas quadrangle is composed of previously published elevation contours, structure contours on the limits of the Morrison, Dakota, and Purgatorie Formations, and geologic formational data. The digitizing of this map is to provide a more accessible dataset to be available for public usage. The original dataset was part of an eight-part series of maps in Colorado and Kansas, this map modified in part by reconnaissance by G.R. Scott in 1968. The entirety of this dataset includes both spatial and non-spatial data held in a singular, GeMS compliant geodatabase. This geodatabase includes a geologic map, geologic map feature class holding contact and fault lines,...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Big Basin Formation, Colorado, Cretaceous, Dakota Sandstone, Dockum Group, All tags...
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
In cooperation with more than 10 local, State, and Federal stakeholders, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) is studying the aquifer systems in and near the Mississippi River alluvial plain ( This data release consists of continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) data collected by the USGS to characterize the electrical properties of geomorphological features in the part of the Mississippi River alluvial plain from Money, Miss. to Steiner, Miss. A total of 68 kilometers of multiple CRP profiles were obtained. The CRP data were collected by using the Ohmmapper TR-5 system (Geometrics, Inc., 2016) to determine if different geomorphological features...
This data release contains water level displacement data and analytical type-curve matches for selected hydraulic tests that support USGS Open-File Report 2019-1102, "Slug-test analysis of selected wells at an earthen dam site in southern Westchester County, New York." In 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey began a cooperative study with New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) to characterize the local groundwater-flow system and identify potential sources of seeps on the southern embankment of the Hillview Reservoir in southern Westchester County, New York. The earthen embankment comprises low-permeability glacial clays that were excavated from the site and rest on a veneer of low-permeability...
The Hudson Canyon begins on the outer continental shelf off the east coast of the United States at about 100-meters (m) water depth and extends offshore southeastward across the continental slope and rise. A multibeam survey was carried out in 2002 to map the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon and adjacent slope and rise. The survey covered an area approximately 205 kilometers (km) in the offshore direction, extending from about 500 m to about 4,000 m water depth, and about 110 km in the alongshore direction, centered on the Hudson Canyon. The sea floor was mapped using a SeaBeam Instruments 2112 multibeam echosounder aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Citation, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP), GeoTIFF image, Hudson Canyon, Middle Atlantic Bight, NOAA ship Ronald H. Brown, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Geospatial Data Collected from Tagged Sea Otters in Central California, 1998-2012 GeoTIFF image of the backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon region (100-m resolution, Mercator, WGS 84) Bathymetry of the Hudson Canyon region (100-m resolution Esri binary grid and 32-bit GeoTIFF, Mercator, WGS 84) Water Table Contours in the Upper Glacial and Magothy Aquifers, April-May 2016 Prospect- and Mine-Related Features from U.S. Geological Survey 7.5- and 15-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Maps of the United States (ver. 10.0, May 2023) The use of Continuous Resistivity Profiling to Evaluate Geomorphologic Controls on Aquifer Recharge in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain from Money to Steiner, Mississippi, August 2016 to November 2016 Data and analytical type-curve match for selected hydraulic tests at an earthen dam site in Southern Westchester County, New York Reptile Richness in the Range of the Sage-grouse, Derived From Species Range Maps The Sagebrush Biome Range Extent, as Derived from Classified Landsat Imagery LEAN-Corrected Collier County DEM for wetlands Niobium Deposits in the United States Tungsten Deposits in the United States (ver. 2.0, August 2020) Ground conductivity measurements at selected National Wildlife Refuges, Montana and North Dakota, 2017-2018 Combined wildfire datasets for the United States and certain territories, 1878-2019 Database for the Geologic Map of Three Sisters Volcanic Cluster, Cascade Range, Oregon GIS Data for Geology of the Payette National Forest and Vicinity, West-Central Idaho Digital Database of the Previously Published Geologic and Structure Contour Map of the La Junta Quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas Muddy Creek Inundation Depths Vanleer, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Muddy Creek Inundation Depths Data and analytical type-curve match for selected hydraulic tests at an earthen dam site in Southern Westchester County, New York Vanleer, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 The use of Continuous Resistivity Profiling to Evaluate Geomorphologic Controls on Aquifer Recharge in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain from Money to Steiner, Mississippi, August 2016 to November 2016 Database for the Geologic Map of Three Sisters Volcanic Cluster, Cascade Range, Oregon Ground conductivity measurements at selected National Wildlife Refuges, Montana and North Dakota, 2017-2018 Water Table Contours in the Upper Glacial and Magothy Aquifers, April-May 2016 LEAN-Corrected Collier County DEM for wetlands Digital Database of the Previously Published Geologic and Structure Contour Map of the La Junta Quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas GIS Data for Geology of the Payette National Forest and Vicinity, West-Central Idaho Bathymetry of the Hudson Canyon region (100-m resolution Esri binary grid and 32-bit GeoTIFF, Mercator, WGS 84) GeoTIFF image of the backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon region (100-m resolution, Mercator, WGS 84) Geospatial Data Collected from Tagged Sea Otters in Central California, 1998-2012 Reptile Richness in the Range of the Sage-grouse, Derived From Species Range Maps The Sagebrush Biome Range Extent, as Derived from Classified Landsat Imagery Niobium Deposits in the United States Tungsten Deposits in the United States (ver. 2.0, August 2020) Combined wildfire datasets for the United States and certain territories, 1878-2019 Prospect- and Mine-Related Features from U.S. Geological Survey 7.5- and 15-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Maps of the United States (ver. 10.0, May 2023)