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Inundation is a critical parameter of wetland hydrologic performance. This study uses Annual Habitat Survey data from 2004 to 2012 in the Rainwater Basin in south-central Nebraska to examine differences between the actual inundation conditions and three datasets: the National Wetland Inventory (NWI), the Soil Survey Geographic database (SSURGO), and LiDAR-derived depressions. The results show that current wetland inundated areas were well overlaid with these datasets (99.9% in SSURGO data, 67.9% in NWI data, and 87.3;% in LiDAR-derived depressions). However, the hydrologic degradation of playa wetlands was not reflected in these datasets. In SSURGO data, only 13.3% of hydric soil footprint areas were inundated and...
Prymnesium parvum (golden alga, GA) is a toxigenic harmful alga native to marine ecosystems that has also affected brackish inland waters. The first toxic bloom of GA in the western hemisphere occurred in the Pecos River, one of the saltiest rivers in North America. Environmental factors (water quality) associated with GA occurrence in this basin, however, have not been examined. Water quality and GA presence and abundance were determined at eight sites in the Pecos River basin with or without prior history of toxic blooms. Sampling was conducted monthly from January 2012 to July 2013. Specific conductance (salinity) varied spatiotemporally between 4408 and 73,786 mS/cm. Results of graphical, principal component...
Within the time frame of the longevity of tree species, climate change will change faster than the ability of natural tree migration. Migration lags may result in reduced productivity and reduced diversity in forests under current management and climate change. We evaluated the efficacy of planting climate-suitable tree species (CSP), those tree species with current or historic distributions immediately south of a focal landscape, to maintain or increase aboveground biomass, productivity, and species and functional diversity. We modeled forest change with the LANDIS-II forest simulation model for 100 years (2000–2100) at a 2-ha cell resolution and five-year time steps within two landscapes in the Great Lakes region...
The study examined the effects of forest harvest practices that approximate natural disturbance processes to evaluate whether these practices help conserve biodiversity. Past research has shown that management practices that mimic natural disturbance events such as forest fires is a successful habitat conservation strategy, particularly for boreal forest bird communities. The study investigated how bird communities differed between postharvest and postfire stands in the mid-boreal region of Alberta. The research found that the most significant difference between postfire and postharvest landscapes is the amount and orientation of residual live and dead trees. Postfire stands consist largely of standing dead trees...
Synopsis: Resource managers confronted with preserving ecosystems for prairie wetland birds in fragmented landscapes require landscape studies that direct conservation efforts over broad geographic regions. We investigated the role of local and landscape factors affecting habitat suitability by integrating remotely sensed wetland and land-cover data with wetland bird habitat models. We linked habitat models with locations of easement and fee-title wetlands to evaluate spatial location and extent of protected, suitable habitat. We also simulated impacts of the loss of small wetlands on suitability of larger wetlands for mobile species that use multiple wetlands. Lastly, we evaluated the efficacy of waterfowl habitat...
Synopsis: Species status assessments are often hindered by a paucity of demographic, abundance, or distributional data. Although extinction-risk correlates have been identified, their wide applicability may be compromised by differences in the variables examined, modeling technique, and phylogenetic or distributional scale. Here, we apply a common analytical approach to examine 14 possible extinction-risk correlates for mammals, fishes, and birds throughout Canada. Among mammals, risk is positively and strongly correlated with road density and age at maturity for land animals and weakly with body size for sea dwellers. Delayed maturity is of primary importance to predicting risk status in fishes, with small body...
Synopsis: Large-scale patterns of land use and fragmentation have been associated with the decline of many imperiled wildlife populations. Lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) are restricted to the southern Great Plains of North America, and their population and range have declined by > 90% over the past 100 years. Our objective was to examine scale-dependent relationships between landscape structure and change and long-term population trends for lesser prairie-chicken populations in the southern Great Plains. We used a geographic information system (GIS) to quantify landscape composition, pattern and change at multiple scales (extents) for fragmented agricultural landscapes surrounding 10 lesser...
These raster files showing wetland areas that were ponded during Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Survey. Annual Habitat Surveys (AHS) identify areas of wetland ponding and function (ponding and potential hydrophyte vegetation) during spring migration. The information is developed by Rainwater Basin Joint Venture to identifying how much habitat the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex provides to migratory waterfowl on an annual basis. AHS have been completed for 2004 and 2006-2020 where high-resolution aerial photos of the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex are classified using an image object classification software to determine land cover (hydrophyte water, agriculture water, hydrophytes, agriculture, or...
Intraspecific variation in the seasonal reproductive timing of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.) has importantimplications for the resilience of salmon and for organisms in freshwater and terrestrial communities that dependon salmon resources. Stream temperature has well known associations with salmon spawn timing buthow stream and watershed geomorphology relates to the variation in salmon spawn timing is less understood.We used multivariate statistics applied to five environmental variables to compare conditions across36 watersheds in the Wood River basin in southwest Alaska. We found that the environmental conditionsin the first two axes of a principal components analysis (PCA) explained 76% of the variation in...
Synopsis: The study examined the effects of road networks on suburbanizing ecosystems, using grassland bird distribution to explore the relative ecological importance of variables relative to linear disturbances and the effect of road traffic volumes. The study found that roads primarily affect ecological variables for 1) distance from road and 2) habitat patch size. The study also found that road traffic volumes are correlated to avian distribution, suggesting that traffic volumes have an ecological effect. The research suggests that traffic noise is the primary ecological effect of roads and that roads with higher traffic volumes extend the road effect zone outwards of 100 m and up to 1,200 m. Given the ecological...
Conclusions: Soil texture, native prairie and grassland cover, and proximity to linear disturbances affect habitat suitability for burrowing owls. Native prairie coverage was considered the most critical variable in determining the most suitable habitat. The higher the percentage of native prairie, the more suitable it is for burrowing owl habitat.*Note that this study generated landscape level models with coarse variables, and the thresholds and values used may not be directly applicable to other areas or for site-specific analysis. Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: This report provides information on the habitat suitability requirements of the burrowing owl. Due to limited available data, the model that this...
Conclusions: Presents environmental indicators for the purpose of guiding future planning efforts. These include 16 key indicators incorporating 64 separate measures highlighting the status and trends in environmental issues, as well targets to guide planning efforts. Thresholds/Learnings: Road density thresholds: Grizzly Bear 0.4km/km2; Black Bear 1.25km/km2; Elk 0.62 km/km2; and Bull Trout 0.1-1.31 km/km2 Synopsis: This document represents British Columbia’s third environmental indicators report, including 16 key indicators incorporating 64 separate measures highlighting the status and trends in environmental issues. The information is grouped into six theme areas: biodiversity, water, stewardship, human health...
Synopsis: This paper describes the spatial distribution of pH measurements from 60 sites distributed throughout the Kychlan River catchment, a 67km⊃2; boreal watershed in northern Sweden. Water samples were collected during a period of winter baseflow and during a spring flood episode. Chemical analyses included pH, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), major cations (K, Mg, Na, Ca) and total filterable aluminum. Spring flood pH was shown to be highest in larger, lower altitude catchments underlain by fine sorted sediments, and lowest in small, higher altitude catchments underlain by a mixture of peat wetlands and forested till. There was also a trend with distance downstream of higher pH, acid neutralizing capacity and...
Conclusions: The proportion of wetlands in the watershed at different scales affects dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in downstream lakes and rivers. Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: This study quantifies how the proportion of wetlands in the watershed at different scales affects dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in downstream lakes and rivers. Whether the watershed influence varies with season or hydrologic type of lake was also examined. The scaling and modelling approach used offered a useful way to examine heterogeneity of land cover types within the watershed and spatial arrangements, while allowing generality of conclusions with a large sample size. Zones of increasing distance from...
Conclusions: Seismic cutline proportion did not explain landscape use by grizzly bears, but secondary effects of cutlines on landscape structure did. Declining use was mainly associated with increasing proportions of closed forest, and increasing variation of inter-patch distances, while use was mainly increasing with increasing mean patch size. Thresholds/Learnings: Bears appear to use areas more when landscape patches tend to be larger, and mean patch size is generally reduced with additional seismic cutlines. Also, bears appear to use areas more when landscape patches are consistently spaced, and the spacing between landscape patches becomes more variable with additional seismic cutlines. Synopsis: This study...
Conclusions: Increasing seismic line density from 0 to 8 km/km2 resulted in a 38% decline and an 82% decline in bird abundance when individuals used lines as territory boundaries or avoided edges by 50 m, respectively. When tested with ovenbirds, male ovenbirds showed a distinct use of one side of the seismic line, suggesting lines acted as territory boundaries. Ovenbirds declined with seismic line density when a threshold seismic line density of 8.5 km/km2 was reached. Above the threshold, Ovenbirds declined 19% for each 1 km/km2 increase in seismic line density. Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: In the boreal plains of Alberta, Canada, energy sector exploration has resulted in extensive dissection of the landscape...
Arizona's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, or CWCS, was accepted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Acceptance Advisory Team in 2006. It was the culmination of a 2-year effort during which the Arizona Game and Fish Department solicited input from numerous experts, resource professionals, federal and state agencies, sportsmen groups, conservation organizations, Native American tribes, recreational groups, local governments, and private citizens and integrated those ideas and concerns into a single, comprehensive vision for managing Arizona’s fish, wildlife, and wildlife habitats over the next ten years. In the intervening five years, Arizona and its’ wildlife have seen many changes. To...
The rapidly increasing demands being placed on our deserts points to the urgent need for a connectivity assessment that spans multiple jurisdictional boundaries and promotes the partnerships needed to implement a regional conservation strategy for this diverse and striking landscape. The vast scale of renewable energy developments proposed in the California deserts are likely to impact habitat connectivity, alter essential ecosystem functions, and eliminate opportunities for species to shift their ranges in response to climate change. The potential impacts of energy development on our existing public lands, specifically to wildlife and their ability to move across the landscape, are enormous. The primary goal of...
Rural Arctic communities are vulnerable to climate change and residents seek adaptive strategies that will protect public health. In the Inupiat community of Selawik, climate change is impacting the weather, land, river, wildlife, plants, and the lives of the people who live there. This report identifies health concerns related to food and water security and community infrastructure. This report documents these issues as described by the local people and interpreted through the lens of public health. It is the fifth report in a series describing climate change in Northwest Alaska.

map background search result map search result map Environmental Trends in British Columbia 2002 Modeling and field-testing of Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapillus) responses to boreal forest dissection by energy sector development at multiple spatial scales. Changes in bird communities in boreal mixedwood forest: harvest and wildfire effects over 30 years. Landscape indictors of human impacts to riverine systems Road traffic and nearby grassland bird patterns in a suburbanizing landscape. Seismic cutlines, changing landscape metrics, and grizzly bear landscape use in Alberta A landscape approach to conserving wetland bird habitat in the prairie pothole region of eastern South Dakota. Multi-scale effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on lesser prairie-chicken populations in the US souther Great Plains. Correlates of Vertebrate Extinction Risk in Canada. Spatial heterogeneity of the spring flood acid pulse in a boreal stream network. Burrowing Owl A Linkage Network for the California Deserts Nevada Springs Conservation Plan Arizona’s State Wildlife Action Plan: 2012 - 2022 Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Surveys: Annual Ponding 2004-20 Publication: Climate-suitable planting as a strategy for maintaining forest productivity and functional diversity Examining Playa Wetland Inundation Conditions for National Wetland Inventory, Soil Survey Geographic Database, and LiDAR Data Association between geomorphic attributes of watersheds, water temperature, and salmon spawn timing in Alaskan streams Climate Change in Selawik, Alaska.  Strategies for Community Health Publication: Golden alga presence and abundance are inversely related to salinity in a high-salinity river ecosystem, Pecos River, USA Road traffic and nearby grassland bird patterns in a suburbanizing landscape. Seismic cutlines, changing landscape metrics, and grizzly bear landscape use in Alberta Examining Playa Wetland Inundation Conditions for National Wetland Inventory, Soil Survey Geographic Database, and LiDAR Data Multi-scale effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on lesser prairie-chicken populations in the US souther Great Plains. Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Surveys: Annual Ponding 2004-20 Association between geomorphic attributes of watersheds, water temperature, and salmon spawn timing in Alaskan streams A landscape approach to conserving wetland bird habitat in the prairie pothole region of eastern South Dakota. A Linkage Network for the California Deserts Publication: Golden alga presence and abundance are inversely related to salinity in a high-salinity river ecosystem, Pecos River, USA Arizona’s State Wildlife Action Plan: 2012 - 2022 Changes in bird communities in boreal mixedwood forest: harvest and wildfire effects over 30 years. Nevada Springs Conservation Plan Modeling and field-testing of Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapillus) responses to boreal forest dissection by energy sector development at multiple spatial scales. Publication: Climate-suitable planting as a strategy for maintaining forest productivity and functional diversity Spatial heterogeneity of the spring flood acid pulse in a boreal stream network. Environmental Trends in British Columbia 2002 Climate Change in Selawik, Alaska.  Strategies for Community Health Correlates of Vertebrate Extinction Risk in Canada. Landscape indictors of human impacts to riverine systems