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__USGS Central Midwest Water Science Center
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Bathymetric survey data of the Brandon Road Dam spillway was collected on May 27 and May 28, 2015 by the US Geological Survey (USGS) using Trimble Real-Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS) equipment. The base station was set up over a temporarily installed survey pin on both days. This pin was surveyed into an existing NGS benchmark (PID: BBCN12) within the Brandon Road Lock property. In wadeable sections, a GPS rover with 2.0 meter range pole and flat-foot was deployed. In sections unable to be waded, a 2.0 meter range pole was fix-mounted to a jon boat, and a boat-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was used to collect the depth data. ADCP depth data were reviewed in the WinRiver II...
Water velocities and discharge were measured in the lock chamber and immediately downstream of Brandon Road Lock on the Des Plaines River at river mile 286 on December 9-10, 2014 using Teledyne RDI Rio Grande 600 and 1200 kHz acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP). The data were georeferenced with a differential GPS receiver with submeter accuracy. These ADCP measurements were collected in support of the US Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS). Velocity measurements were processed using the Velocity Mapping Toolbox (Parsons and others, 2013) to derive temporally- and spatially-averaged water velocity values. Discharge measurements were processed with the QRev discharge...
These data were collected during a travel time and dissolved oxygen study along a 1-mile reach of the Blue River downstream from 58th Street in Kansas City, Missouri. The study was a cooperative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Urban Waters Federal Partnership program, and the Kansas City, Missouri, Water Services Department. This is part of a larger USGS effort supporting the Middle Blue River Basin Urban Waters Federal Partnership. This data release contains continuous water-quality measurements (Blue_River_CQWM.csv), rhodamine dye sensor data (Blue_River_dye_profiles.csv), analytical data from synoptic water-quality samples (Blue_River_QWDATA.csv), manual...
As part of the Lake Michigan Diversion Accounting (LMDA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District (USACE-Chicago) uses Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) models to estimate runoff from the ungaged portion of the diverted Lake Michigan watershed. Simulation accuracy is evaluated at nine gaged watersheds in or adjacent to the diverted watershed. This data release consists of an Excel file containing 18 Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) attributes summarized using various aggregation methods for gaged and ungaged areas in the LMDA system. The gaged areas are comprised of the nine gaged watersheds used for HSPF model calibration and three gaged upstream basins. The ungaged areas are...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has started monitoring water surface flow reversals, commercial vessel traffic, and temperature and specific conductance in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Electric Dispersal Barrier System (EDBS) on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago, Illinois. Data are collected during each water year. These data are planned to be released on USGS ScienceBase annually. Data monitored during a water year is released in a separate child item in this page. The metadata in each child item details the data sources and processes used to derive the final data files, and attribute information of each data files.
In August 2015, water velocities around a fully-loaded commercial barge tow were measured as the barge tow traveled upstream through the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal from a starting position in Lockport Pool, and passed through the Electric Dispersal Barrier System at river mile (RM) 296 near Romeoville, IL. Velocity measurements were made in and alongside the gap formed by the junction between the boxed stern of a rake hopper barge and the raked bow of a rake tanker barge (herein referred to as the rake-to-box junction gap) using two SonTek Argonaut SW 3kHz acoustic Doppler velocity meters (ADVM). One ADVM was mounted 0.091 meters below the water surface, facing downward in the center of the rake-to-box junction...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with DuPage County Stormwater Management Department, maintains a watershed data management (WDM) database of hourly meteorological and hydrologic data for use in a near real-time streamflow simulation system. These data are stored daily in the WDM database by USGS staff and are initially provisional and subject to change due to periodic equipment malfunctions and/or weather related issues. This system is used for the management and operation of reservoirs and other flood-control structures in the West Branch DuPage River (WBDR) watershed in DuPage County, Illinois. The WDM database is updated with quality-assured and quality-controlled (QA/QC) meteorological and...
Water velocities were measured in the Calumet Harbor for 5 dates in 2015 and 2016 using Teledyne Rio Grande 600 kHz acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP). The data were georeferenced with differential Dlobal Positioning System (GPS) receivers with submeter accuracy. These velocity data were collected in cooperation with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. ADCP data were collected on the following dates and for the following purposes: May 12, 2015: Water velocities in the Calumet Harbor and Calumet River. Unsteady discharges in the Calumet River mouth. September 9, 2015: Water velocities in the Calumet Harbor and Calumet River mouth. October 5, 2015: Water velocities in the Calumet Harbor and Calumet...
Water pressure, ground velocity and ground acceleration data were collected May 19-22, 2014 at Brandon Road Lock and Dam near Joliet, Illinois and also June 2-5, 2014 in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Lemont, Illinois. The data were collected to measure water pressures and ground velocities produced from the firing of a seismic water gun.
The Cook County Bureau of Technology (BOT) identified a need for bathymetric and water-quality surveys of the surface water bodies within Cook County to inform management of surface-water and stormwater resources, aid emergency responders during search and rescue operations, inform construction permitting, and improve understanding of aquatic habitat. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the BOT worked closely together to designate specific water bodies to be surveyed. The size, accessibility, availability of existing data, and use of the water body were considered during selection. The objectives of this joint study between the USGS and the BOT are to collect, process, and analyze bathymetric and ancillary water-quality...
These data were collected in support of a multi-agency effort to evaluate the feasibility of using carbon dioxide to create a barrier and prevent upstream passage of invasive fish through navigational locks. The auxiliary lock at Lock and Dam 14 on the Mississippi River near Pleasant Valley, Iowa, was chosen for a field-scale trial of the carbon dioxide barrier to be conducted in 2018. In preparation for this trial, the mixing in the lock chamber during routine operations and the fate and transport of lock water released to the pool downstream was studied using a dye tracer. In June 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) performed two injections of Rhodamine WT dye into the auxiliary lock chamber as the lock was...
The bathymetric data set was collected in Rock Run on Dec. 10, 2015 by USGS ILWSC staff Clayton Bosch and Louis Pappas. The bathymetric data were collected with an RD Instruments 1200 kHz ADCP (S/N 8617) and Trimble Ag 162 GPS mounted on the M/V La Moine. A temporary reference point (TRP) was established on the north side of the footbridge over the connecting channel to the Des Plaines River. The mean water surface elevation (504.97 feet, WGS 84) during the survey was established from a temporary reference point whose elevation was later established by GPS survey. The measured depths were then converted to a lake bed elevation. The location and depth data were compiled into a bathymetry dataset (Rock Run Bathymetry...
These data files include georeferenced water-quality data with associated time stamps (Central Standard Time) for basic water-quality parameters as measured by a towed multiparameter sonde (YSI 6920 sonde) from a manned boat in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. Data were collected on February 25-27, 2010, and again on March 2-3, 2010. The data collected in February 2010 had the sonde on a fixed mount about 1 foot below the surface. The data collected in March 2010 had the sonde on a towed cable about 7-9 feet below the surface. All data have been edited and reviewed. Omitted data have been flagged with a data value of -9999 in the data files.
These data files include georeferenced water-quality data with associated time stamps (CDT) for basic water-quality parameters (temperature, specific conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen) for 13 stationary multi-parameter sondes in the vicinity of the lake water release structure. One stationary sonde also collected chlorphyll and turbidity data. These data were collected at 5 minute intervals. Cross-sectional water-quality data (basic water-quality parameters plus chlorophyll and turbidity) were also collected at three transect lines (40-50 feet wide) located in the outlet channel downstream of the structure at varying time intervals. All sonde probes were located approximately 1.5 to 2.5 feet below water surface....
The U.S. Geological Survey Central Midwest Water Science Center completed a report (Over and others, 2023) documenting methods, results, and applications of an updated flood-frequency study for the State of Illinois. This landing page contains data releases associated with Over and others (2023), which include data related to the peak-flow frequency analysis at streamgages in Illinois, digital datasets of basin characteristics considered in the study, hydro-conditioned geographic information systems (GIS) layers used in the Illinois StreamStats application, and tables of data used to develop regional regression equations for ungaged areas of Illinois. References Cited: Over, T.M., Marti, M.K., O'Shea, P.S., Sharpe,...
Water velocities were measured in the Des Plaines River from approximately river mile 286 to river mile 284 on October 19–21, 2015 using Teledyne Rio Grande 1200 kHz acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP). The data were georeferenced with differential GPS receivers with submeter accuracy. These velocity data were collected in support of the US Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS), and
These data were collected during a dye tracing study of the lower Des Plaines River and lower Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (CSSC) in November 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey. The study attempted to identify potential inflows of Des Plaines River water through the fractured bedrock that separates the two water bodies. Data include Rhodamine WT dye concentrations measured every 3 or 10 minutes by means of Turner Designs C3 and C6 fluorometers with internal dataloggers at three fixed locations on the Des Plaines River, in three groundwater monitoring wells, at two fixed locations on the CSSC, and from a mobile vessel in the CSSC.
On August 31, 2015, USGS Illinois Water Science Center staff deployed a 2000 kHz side-looking acoustic Doppler velocity meter (ADVM) in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (CSSC) at the Electric Dispersal Barrier System (EDBS). These data were collected as a fully loaded commercial barge tow traversed the EDBS and passed the ADVM three times, and as several smaller vessels and an unloaded barge tow passed the ADVM. The ADVM was mounted to a rigid 2-inch PVC pipe in compliance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) operational safety protocols for working in or near the EDBS. The pipe with ADVM was lowered 4.5 feet below the water surface on the west (right) bank of the canal at a location approximately 477 feet...
Water velocities were measured in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (CSSC) in 2010 and 2011 using Teledyne Rio Grande 600 kHz and 1200 kHz acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP). The data were georeferenced with differential GPS receivers with submeter accuracy. Data were processed using the Velocity Mapping Toolbox (Parsons et al., 2013). Any data assigned a value of "­-9999" are bad or missing data and should not be used for analysis. Parsons, D. R., Jackson, P. R., Czuba, J. A., Engel, F. L., Rhoads, B. L., Oberg, K. A., Best, J. L., Mueller, D. S., Johnson, K. K. and Riley, J. D. (2013), Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT): a processing and visualization suite for moving-vessel ADCP measurements. Earth Surf....
Note: this data release has been deprecated due to errors found in the ARGNXX.wdm file. Please see the detail in new data release at The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with DuPage County, Illinois, maintains a Watershed Data Management (WDM) database consisting of hourly dewpoint temperature, air temperature, solar radiation, wind speed data based on the data collected at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and hourly potential evapotranspiration computed from them using the computer program LXPET (Lamoreux Potential Evapotranspiration). Child items in this folder contain annual updates of this database.

map background search result map search result map Acoustic Doppler current profiler velocity data collected in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in 2010 and 2011 in support of the interbasin transport study for invasive Asian carp Spatial distribution of Rhodamine WT dye concentration measured in the Des Plaines River and the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago, IL in November 2011 Water-quality distribution in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, USGS towed multiparameter sonde, Daily tow data files (Feb. 25-27, 2010 and March 2-3, 2010) Velocity profiling in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near the US Army Corps of Engineers Electric Dispersal Barrier near Romeoville, Illinois Hydroacoustic measurements of velocities in and near the rake-to-box junction gap of a moving, fully-loaded commercial barge tow Acoustic Doppler current profiler velocity data collected during 2015 and 2016 in the Calumet Harbor, Illinois Meteorological Database, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois Bathymetric survey of the Brandon Road Dam Spillway, Joliet, Illinois Seismic water gun data collected at Brandon Road Lock and Dam near Joliet and in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Lemont, Illinois Bathymetric survey of Rock Run Rookery Lake, Will County, Illinois Acoustic Doppler current profiler velocity and discharge measurements collected in and near the lock chamber of Brandon Road Lock and Dam, Joliet, Illinois, USA in December 2014 Summaries of selected SSURGO soil attributes within the Lake Michigan Diversion Accounting (LMDA) system Water-quality data at Emiquon Lake Outlet near Havana, Illinois from multiple water-quality sondes from October 19 to October 26, 2016 (COPY) Data associated with a dye tracer study in the auxiliary lock at Lock and Dam 14 on the Mississippi River near Pleasant Valley, Iowa, June 2017 Watershed Data Management (WDM) Database for West Branch DuPage River Streamflow Simulation, DuPage County, Illinois Travel Time and Dissolved Oxygen Data from August 2020 Along a 1-Mile Reach of the Blue River near 58th Street, Kansas City, Missouri Bathymetry and Water-Quality Data of Surface Water Bodies in Cook County, Illinois, 2022 to Present Data associated with a dye tracer study in the auxiliary lock at Lock and Dam 14 on the Mississippi River near Pleasant Valley, Iowa, June 2017 Acoustic Doppler current profiler velocity and discharge measurements collected in and near the lock chamber of Brandon Road Lock and Dam, Joliet, Illinois, USA in December 2014 Travel Time and Dissolved Oxygen Data from August 2020 Along a 1-Mile Reach of the Blue River near 58th Street, Kansas City, Missouri Bathymetric survey of the Brandon Road Dam Spillway, Joliet, Illinois Acoustic Doppler current profiler velocity data collected during 2015 and 2016 in the Calumet Harbor, Illinois Water-quality data at Emiquon Lake Outlet near Havana, Illinois from multiple water-quality sondes from October 19 to October 26, 2016 (COPY) Seismic water gun data collected at Brandon Road Lock and Dam near Joliet and in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Lemont, Illinois Acoustic Doppler current profiler velocity data collected in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in 2010 and 2011 in support of the interbasin transport study for invasive Asian carp Spatial distribution of Rhodamine WT dye concentration measured in the Des Plaines River and the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago, IL in November 2011 Water-quality distribution in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, USGS towed multiparameter sonde, Daily tow data files (Feb. 25-27, 2010 and March 2-3, 2010) Bathymetry and Water-Quality Data of Surface Water Bodies in Cook County, Illinois, 2022 to Present Summaries of selected SSURGO soil attributes within the Lake Michigan Diversion Accounting (LMDA) system