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These bat location estimates have been reported by Bogan and others (In press) and come in the form of a GIS shape file. Three species of nectar-feeding phyllostomid bats migrate north from Mexico into deserts of the United States (U.S.) each spring and summer to feed on blooms of columnar cacti and century plants (Agave spp). However, the habitat needs of these important desert pollinators are poorly understood. We followed the nighttime movements of two species of long-nosed bats (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae and L. nivalis) in an area of late-summer sympatry at the northern edges of their migratory ranges. We radiotracked bats in extreme southwestern New Mexico during 22 nights over two summers and acquired location...
On an island largely devoid of native vertebrate seed dispersers, we monitored forest succession for seven years following ungulate exclusion from a 5-hectare area and adjacent plots with ungulates still present. The study site was in northern Guam on Andersen Air Force Base (13°37’N, 144°51’E) and situated on a coralline limestone plateau. We established 22 plots and six 0.25-m2 subplots to measure trees and understory canopy. Data were collected in February or March, during the dry season from 2005-2011.
These data were analyzed for the publication 'Accounting for sampling patterns reverses the relative importance of trade and climate for the global sharing of exotic plants': Aim: Exotic species’ distributions reflect patterns of human-mediated dispersal, species’ climatic tolerances, and a suite of other biotic and abiotic factors. The relative importance of each of these factors will shape how the spread of exotic species is affected by ongoing economic globalization and climate change. However, patterns of trade may be correlated with variation in scientific sampling effort globally, potentially confounding studies that do not account for sampling patterns. Location: Global. Methods: We used data from the Global...
This contains data from 1,030 surveys returned in 2017 from across the United States. Data were collected via a mail-out survey stratified by the population of each state. Data collected include nature-related activity participation, attitudes and barriers to hunting and birdwatching, knowledge of others who hunt and birdwatch, preferred birds, involvement in conservation activities, preferences for information channels on nature-related topics, trust in sources on nature-related topics, wetlands knowledge/visitation, evaluation of wetlands' ecosystem services, and demographics. The purpose of this survey was to inform the 2018 update of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan.
This data release includes video files and image-processing results used to conduct the analyses of hibernation patterns in groups of bats reported by Hayman et al. (2017), "Long-term video surveillance and automated analyses reveal arousal patterns in groups of hibernating bats.” Thermal-imaging surveillance video cameras were used to observe little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) in a cave in Virginia and Indiana bats (M. sodalis) in a cave in Indiana during three winters between 2011 and 2014. There are 740 video files used for analysis (‘Analysis videos’), organized into 7 folders by state/site and winter. Total size of the video data set is 14.1 gigabytes. Each video file in this analysis set represents one...
Management of transportation networks is affected by, and has effects on, natural and cultural resources through direct and indirect interactions. Until recently, the availability of such spatially explicit information has been limited; however, the data released here to the public will prove valuable for comparing existing networks and planning options with respect to potential impact to, or from, environmental factors across broad areas, for example, States and Agency Planning Regions. Integrated network and resource analyses can provide insights into potential construction and maintenance costs as well as safety risks and environmental impacts during project planning and assessment. A cooperative project was...
This data bundle contains some of the inputs, all of the processing instructions and all outputs from a single VisTrails/SAHM workflow. This model specifically includes location data for Bombina orientalis and random background locations. Predictors include climatic, topographic, and land cover rasters. The three bundle documentation files are: 1) '_archive_bundle_metadata.xml' which contains FGDC metadata describing the archive bundle. 2) '_archive_raster_inputs.csv' a list of the raster inputs that were used to generate these model results. These are not included in the archive bundle due to size constraints but are identified in this file as well as the metadata document. 3) '_archive_workflow_Final runs.vt'...
The purpose of the Physical Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM) is to simulate a relationship between streamflow and physical habitat for various life stages of a species of fish or a recreational activity. The basic objective of physical habitat simulation is to obtain a representation of the physical stream so that the stream may be linked, through biological considerations, to the social, political, and economic world. In order to improve the ability to make measurable tradeoffs between the various uses, the PHABSIM models were developed to analyze and display the relationship between streamflow and physical habitat, or between streamflow and recreational river space. This relationship is a function between the...
7 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1949. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
8 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1958. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
To identify potential biomarkers of salt stress in the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata, we examined transcriptional responses of the common mussel Elliptio complanata to controlled NaCl exposures. The data set is a table of counts, with the rows being the transcripts detected in the samples in the experiment and the columns identifying the samples. Four mussles were exposed to normal freshwater and four mussels were exposed to high salinity (two ppt), for a period of seven days.
4 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1982. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
8 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1939. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
Aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 2003, however the 2003 IKONOS satellite imagery is proprietary and therefore cannot be served here. The channel delineations for all years, including 2003, and the delineation of the outer flood-plain boundary are stored as shapefiles and are included in this data release. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved...
The data set consists of 3 spreadsheets: counts, efforts, and location that detail the 10-year removal effort of invasive Veiled Chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus) on the island of Maui. Recorded are the number of lizards removed from each site, the level of search effort at each site, and the centroid location of each sampled site.
4 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1974. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
CloseTest is a Windows program for testing capture-recapture data for closure, where closure means no individuals were added to or lost from the population of interest over the sampling period. Test statistics are computed using the closure test presented in Stanley, T.R., and K.P. Burnham. 1999. A closure test for time-specific capture-recapture data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 6: 197-209. For additional information on how to use the program and its results, please see Stanley, T.R., and J.D. Richards. 2005. Software review: a program for testing capture-recapture data for closure. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(2): 782-785. System Requirements Windows 2000 and XP, 4MB disk space
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
The endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) has declined dramatically and continuing threats have made it necessary to understand population dynamics and life history throughout the year. Specifically, demographic information (e.g., population size, reproductive success, survival) from the summer range where females raise their young in maternity colonies is difficult to estimate precisely using traditional techniques (such as emergence counts). Further, the familial makeup of maternity colonies is unknown. Genetic mark-recapture methods are increasingly being used to estimate demographic parameters in species where traditional techniques are problematic and can also provide insight into relatedness among individuals....
The pre1939 shapefile displays the boundary between the floodplain and the uplands (a boundary that remains constant), while the 1939-2003 shapefiles (assicated with the geoTIFFs) display both the constant boundary between the floodplain and uplands and the changing boundary between the channel and the floodplain. The pre1939 shapefile is included to represent the floodplain formed before the earliest imagery in 1939. Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. There are no aerial images...
5 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1995. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...

map background search result map search result map Compilation and Assessment of Resource Values and Hazards to Inform Transportation and Associated Land-use Planning Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1939 Dataset: Forest growth in and around an ungulate enclosure on Northern Guam, 2005-2011 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1949 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1958 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1974 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1982 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1995 Long-term video surveillance and automated analyses of hibernating bats in Virginia and Indiana, winters 2011-2014. Removal count data of Veiled Chameleons on Maui, 2002-2012 Radio telemetry data on nighttime movements of two species of migratory nectar-feeding bats (Leptonycteris) in Hidalgo County, New Mexico, late-summer 2004 and 2005 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 2003 Results of a U.S. General Public Survey to Inform the 2018 North American Waterfowl Management Plan Update (2017) Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, pre1939 Dataset: Forest growth in and around an ungulate enclosure on Northern Guam, 2005-2011 Removal count data of Veiled Chameleons on Maui, 2002-2012 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 2003 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, pre1939 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1958 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1939 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1982 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1995 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1949 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1974 Radio telemetry data on nighttime movements of two species of migratory nectar-feeding bats (Leptonycteris) in Hidalgo County, New Mexico, late-summer 2004 and 2005 Long-term video surveillance and automated analyses of hibernating bats in Virginia and Indiana, winters 2011-2014. Results of a U.S. General Public Survey to Inform the 2018 North American Waterfowl Management Plan Update (2017) Compilation and Assessment of Resource Values and Hazards to Inform Transportation and Associated Land-use Planning