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__Fort Collins Science Center (FORT)
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We used the 1981 historical imagery of the Escalante River, Utah in ArcGIS to quantify channel area and average width and quantify woody riparian vegetation cover in two reaches of the river. Reach 1 was approximately 15 river kilometers (rkms) long and located between Sand and Boulder creeks within Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Reach 2 was approximately 16 rkms in length, extending from the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area boundary to just upstream of Choprock Canyon. We delineated the extent of active channel. Active channel was defined as the portion of the channel free of vegetation. We also delineated fluvial geomorphic features such as point bars, mid-channel bars, lateral bars and floodplain....
The “Biophysical assessment for indemnity selection of federal lands in Colorado: Indemnity Unit locations” dataset delineates the spatial locations of 89 Indemnity Units, comprising 339 parcels of federal lands. These lands, currently managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), are under consideration for transfer of ownership to the State of Colorado in compensation for federal lands not available for transfer at the time of statehood. The Indemnity Units total 23,130 acres of surface and mineral estate and 6,150 acres of mineral estate only. The specific land parcels to be transferred to the State will be finalized after an environmental analysis is completed, as required by the National Environmental Policy...
This study uses growth in vegetation during the monsoon season measured from LANDSAT imagery as a proxy for measured rainfall. NDVI values from 26 years of pre- and post-monsoon season Landsat imagery were derived across Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) in southwestern Arizona, USA. The LANDSAT imagery (1986-2011) was downloaded from USGS’s GlobeVis website ( Change in NDVI was calculated within a set of 2,843 Riparian Area Polygons (RAPs) up to 1 km in length defined in ESRI ArcMap 10.2.
These bat location estimates have been reported by Bogan and others (In press) and come in the form of a GIS shape file. Three species of nectar-feeding phyllostomid bats migrate north from Mexico into deserts of the United States (U.S.) each spring and summer to feed on blooms of columnar cacti and century plants (Agave spp). However, the habitat needs of these important desert pollinators are poorly understood. We followed the nighttime movements of two species of long-nosed bats (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae and L. nivalis) in an area of late-summer sympatry at the northern edges of their migratory ranges. We radiotracked bats in extreme southwestern New Mexico during 22 nights over two summers and acquired location...
We used the 1951/1960 historical imagery of the Escalante River, Utah in ArcGIS to quantify channel area and average width and quantify woody riparian vegetation cover in two reaches of the river. Reach 1 was approximately 15 river kilometers (rkms) long and located between Sand and Boulder creeks within Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. For Reach 1 we used the earliest available imagery which was from 1960. Reach 2 was approximately 16 rkms in length, extending from the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area boundary to just upstream of Choprock Canyon. For Reach 2 the earliest imagery was from 1951. We delineated the extent of active channel. Active channel was defined as the portion of the channel free...
The USGS Southwest Repeat Photography Collection (‘Collection’), formerly named the Desert Laboratory Repeat Photography Collection, is now housed by the Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) in Flagstaff, Arizona. It contains images from the late 1800s to mid-2000s, and was assembled over decades by now retired USGS scientists Drs. Robert H. Webb and Raymond M. Turner. There are 80 camera points, or stakes, along Kanab Creek in the Collection, with images and fields notes taken between 1872 and 2010 (a 138-year span). About one-fourth of the Kanab Creek film had been previously digitized, but none of the associated materials, including field notes, were digitized. The goal of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Kanab...
Point locations for Russian olive stems aged in the field in two reaches along the Escalante River in fall of 2014 and spring through fall of 2015. Dataset includes information for each stem on diameter at stump height (DSH), age when the tree was cut, year it was cut, estimated year of establishment, and ArcGIS-estimated distances to the mapped 1981 active stream channel of the Escalante River.
7 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1949. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
8 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1958. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
Data on factors that affect the grooming behaviors of black-tailed prairie dogs in Phillips County, Montana, 2006. Each line of data presents information for a focal observation of a single black-tailed prairie dog. The data includes information on the date of each observation, the approximate coordinates of sites, the time of each observation, indexed wind speed, indexed temperature, the presence or absence of deltamethrin dust (pulicide) treatment, the amount of time a human spent observing the prairie dog, the proportion of time spent scratching by the prairie dog, the proportion of time spent oral autogrooming by the prairie dog, the proportion of time spent allogrooming by the prairie dog, and the overall proportion...
4 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1982. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
8 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1939. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
Aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 2003, however the 2003 IKONOS satellite imagery is proprietary and therefore cannot be served here. The channel delineations for all years, including 2003, and the delineation of the outer flood-plain boundary are stored as shapefiles and are included in this data release. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved...
The spatial context of invasions is increasingly recognized as important for the success and efficiency of management actions. This information can be key for managing invasive grasses that threaten native ecosystems. We calculated landscape metrics and circuit-based centrality for invasive grasses using a source input raster of weighted-average annual herbaceous cover from 2016-2018 (Maestas et al. 2020, 30 meter resolution) in the Great Basin, USA. This shapefile data product includes the summarized landscape metrics and connectivity metrics for 15 kilometer grid cells (n = 2408) across the Great Basin, USA. Metrics for each grid cell include: mean patch area (area_mn), class area (ca), number of patches (np),...
We developed a hierarchical clustering approach that identifies biologically relevant landscape units that can 1) be used as a long-term population monitoring framework, 2) be repeated across the Greater sage-grouse range, 3) be used to track the outcomes of local and regional populations by comparing population changes across scales, and 4) be used to inform where to best spatially target studies that identify the processes and mechanisms causing population trends to change among spatial scales. The spatial variability in the amount and quality of habitat resources can affect local population success and result in different population growth rates among smaller clusters. Equally so, the spatial structure and ecological...
4 aerial photographs were taken along the Little Missouri River in 1974. All images were geo-referenced to the 1995 digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles as described by Miller and Friedman (2009). Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. The separate images (geoTIFFs) can be viewed as a composite along with that year's channel delineation (SHP file) using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Reference: Miller, J.R., and J.M. Friedman. 2009. Influence of flow variability...
The Wyoming wind turbine data set was developed for the project "Seasonal predictive habitat models for Greater Sage-grouse in Wyoming". This project is aimed at developing spatially-explicit seasonal distribution models for Sage-Grouse in Wyoming, which will provide resource managers tools for conservation planning. These specific data are being used for assessing the impact of disturbance resulting from wind energy development within Wyoming on sage-grouse populations. Additionally, this data will also support the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI). WLCI is a long-term, science-based, collaborative effort to ensure that the Southwest Wyoming's wildlife and its habitats are sustained over time with...
This data release contains the results from the North American Bat Monitoring Program's report titled 'Status and Trends of North American Bats Summer Occupancy Analysis 2010-2019'. Specifically, these data include tabular data and geospatial data for the species-specific results related to the status and trends of 12 bat species at multiple spatial scales including: 10 km x 10 km grid cells, state/province/territories, and range-wide across the geographic extent of monitoring data for each species (i.e., across 'modeled species ranges'). They were produced using an analytical pipeline supported by web-based infrastructure for integrating continental scale bat monitoring data (stationary acoustic, mobile acoustic,...
The pre1939 shapefile displays the boundary between the floodplain and the uplands (a boundary that remains constant), while the 1939-2003 shapefiles (assicated with the geoTIFFs) display both the constant boundary between the floodplain and uplands and the changing boundary between the channel and the floodplain. The pre1939 shapefile is included to represent the floodplain formed before the earliest imagery in 1939. Both the flood plain and active channel of the river were delineated on the 1995 digital orthophoto quadrangles and overlaid on rectified photos. ArcGIS was used to draw the polygons that delineate the flood plain and active channel; the delineation was saved as a SHP file. There are no aerial images...
We used the 2010 historical imagery of the Escalante River, Utah in ArcGIS to quantify channel area and average width and quantify woody riparian vegetation cover in two reaches of the river. Reach 1 was approximately 15 river kilometers (rkms) long and located between Sand and Boulder creeks within Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Reach 2 was approximately 16 rkms in length, extending from the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area boundary to just upstream of Choprock Canyon. We delineated the extent of active channel. Active channel was defined as the portion of the channel free of vegetation. We also delineated fluvial geomorphic features such as point bars, mid-channel bars, lateral bars and floodplain....

map background search result map search result map WY_Wind_Turbine_Locations_2009_Currentness USGS Southwest Repeat Photography Collection: Kanab Creek, southern Utah and northern Arizona, 1872-2010 Mean of the Top Ten Percent of NDVI Values in the Yuma Proving Ground during Monsoon Season, 1986-2011 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1939 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1949 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1958 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1974 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1982 Radio telemetry data on nighttime movements of two species of migratory nectar-feeding bats (Leptonycteris) in Hidalgo County, New Mexico, late-summer 2004 and 2005 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 2003 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, pre1939 Grooming behaviors of black-tailed prairie dogs in Phillips County, Montana, 2006 Biophysical assessment for indemnity selection of federal lands in Colorado: Indemnity Unit locations A polygon shapefile of bottomland vegetation cover and geomorphic features of the Escalante River, Utah mapped from 2010 aerial imagery Point locations of field-aged Russian olive stems along the Escalante River, Utah 2014-2015 A polygon shapefile of bottomland vegetation cover and geomorphic features of the Escalante River, Utah mapped from 1981 aerial imagery A polygon shapefile of bottomland vegetation cover and geomorphic features of the Escalante River, Utah mapped from 1951/1960 aerial imagery Hierarchically nested and biologically relevant monitoring frameworks for Greater Sage-grouse, 2019, Cluster Level 1 (Nevada), Interim Status and Trends of North American Bats Summer Occupancy Analysis 2010-2019 Data Release Landscape and connectivity metrics based on invasive annual grass cover from 2016-2018 summarized at 15 kilometer grid cells in the Great Basin, USA Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 2003 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, pre1939 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1958 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1939 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1982 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1949 Shapefiles and Historical Aerial Photographs, Little Missouri River, 1974 Grooming behaviors of black-tailed prairie dogs in Phillips County, Montana, 2006 A polygon shapefile of bottomland vegetation cover and geomorphic features of the Escalante River, Utah mapped from 1981 aerial imagery A polygon shapefile of bottomland vegetation cover and geomorphic features of the Escalante River, Utah mapped from 1951/1960 aerial imagery A polygon shapefile of bottomland vegetation cover and geomorphic features of the Escalante River, Utah mapped from 2010 aerial imagery Point locations of field-aged Russian olive stems along the Escalante River, Utah 2014-2015 Mean of the Top Ten Percent of NDVI Values in the Yuma Proving Ground during Monsoon Season, 1986-2011 Radio telemetry data on nighttime movements of two species of migratory nectar-feeding bats (Leptonycteris) in Hidalgo County, New Mexico, late-summer 2004 and 2005 WY_Wind_Turbine_Locations_2009_Currentness Biophysical assessment for indemnity selection of federal lands in Colorado: Indemnity Unit locations Hierarchically nested and biologically relevant monitoring frameworks for Greater Sage-grouse, 2019, Cluster Level 1 (Nevada), Interim Landscape and connectivity metrics based on invasive annual grass cover from 2016-2018 summarized at 15 kilometer grid cells in the Great Basin, USA Status and Trends of North American Bats Summer Occupancy Analysis 2010-2019 Data Release