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Publication from the NALCC co-funded project Identifying Important Migratory Landbird Stopover Sites in the Northeast.With many of the world’s migratory bird populations in alarming decline, broad‐scale assessments of responses to migratory hazards may prove crucial to successful conservation efforts. Most birds migrate at night through increasingly light‐polluted skies. Bright light sources can attract airborne migrants and lead to collisions with structures, but might also influence selection of migratory stopover habitat and thereby acquisition of food resources. We demonstrate, using multi‐year weather radar measurements of nocturnal migrants across the northeastern U.S., that autumnal migrant stopover density...
In response to the threats of land use and changing environmental conditions, the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) coordinated a team of partners from 13 states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, nongovernmental organizations, and universities, who worked for more than a year to develop a regional conservation design that provides a foundation for unified conservation action from Maine to Virginia. Drawing on the data and models generated by projects supported over the years by the North Atlantic LCC, and building on smaller-scale conservation designs in the region, Nature’s Network is an overarching design that represents...
NOTE: The data are available online four times based on four different attributes (the current, plus 2 degrees C, plus 4 degrees C, and plus 6 degrees C probability of occurrence), the dataset is the same and the download includes the layer files for all the attributes, you do NOT need to download the data more than once.This dataset is one of a suite of products from the Nature’s Network project ( Nature’s Network is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conservation in the Northeast, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural areas they inhabit. Brook Trout probability of occurrence is intended to provide predictions of occupancy (probability of presence)...
This project is being closely coordinated with a companion project funded by the North Atlantic LCC.In 2011, intense and sustained rain from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee washed out roads throughout mountains of New York and New England as culverts running under those roads were not designed to handle such enormous volumes of water. Additional flooding from Hurricane Sandy, which lashed the Northeast coast and adjacent inland areas in October 2012, caused additional damage. The widespread effects of these massive storms underscore the need for a regional science-based approach to prioritize and increase the resiliency of roads to floods.Improving the resiliency of roads has multiple benefits beyond protecting...
Hydrography represents stream centerlines and off centerlines with greater than 30 hectare flow accumulation for the Northeast region. This dataset was developed as part of the Designing Sustainable Landscapes project led by Professor Kevin McGarigal of the University of Massachusetts and sponsored by the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative; for more information about the entire project see: The purpose of this dataset is to improve the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) for the Northeast region. The NHD is a national framework for assigning reach addresses to water-related entities, such as industrial discharges, drinking water supplies, fish habitat...
Tidal marshes serve a variety of important functions valued by Maine communities. Unfortunately, tidal marsh habitats are highly vulnerable to damage or loss from sea level rise. Scientists expect marsh habitats will be more frequently flooded in the future and marsh vegetation lost or significantly altered as a result. Salt marshes do, however, have the ability to ‘migrate’ landward with sea level rise-induced changes in shoreline position. The potential and ability for marsh migration is crucial to sustaining these important ecosystems and their functions for the future.Recognizing this, and with financial support from the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Collaborative (NALCC) and other sources, a team of...
This dataset was developed as part of the Designing Sustainble Landscapes project led by Professor Kevin McGarigal of UMass Amherst and sponsored by the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (; for more information about the entire project see: dataset was last updated 02/2017. The revised version incorporates the addition of a simplified version of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification, visit for more details.This dataset represents terrestrial...
To create a wall-to-wall surface of landscape permeability we used the software CIRCUITSCAPE (McRae and Shah 2009), an innovative program that models species and population movements as if they were electric current flowing through a landscape of variable resistance. Circuit modeling is conceptually aligned with the concept of landscape permeability because it recognizes that movement through a landscape is affected by a variety of impediments, and it quantifies the degree and the directional outcomes of the compounding effects. One output is a “flow” map that shows the behavior of directional flows and highlights concentration areas and pinch-points.The results can highlight locally and regionally significant places...
This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy’s Northeast lakes and ponds classification.The Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) is a small, blue, migratory songbird that breeds in mature and older deciduous forests across much of the eastern United States. It has been chosen to represent the habitat needs of other species of wildlife that also use mature deciduous forests along riparian bottomlands or dry mountain slopes and ridges.This dataset depicts the potential capability of...
This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy’s Northeast lakes and ponds classification.The Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga fusca) is a small, brilliantly colored, migratory songbird that breeds in the northeastern coniferous forests of North America. It has been chosen to represent the habitat needs of other species of wildlife that also use mature mixed deciduous-coniferous forest. This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United...
This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy’s Northeast lakes and ponds classification. The Sanderling (Calidris alba) is a small sandpiper that stops during spring and fall migration (and in the winter) on sandy coastal beaches throughout the North Atlantic region. It has been chosen to represent the habitat needs of other species of wildlife that also use sandy beaches and similar coastal intertidal areas. This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout...
This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy’s Northeast lakes and ponds classification.The Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) is a small cavity-nesting duck common in forested wetlands throughout the eastern U.S. It has been chosen to represent the habitat needs of other species of wildlife that also use floodplain forests, forested wetlands, and other forested riparian areas. This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United States to provide...
This dataset depicts imperviousness for the Northeastern United States. Imperviousness is the percentage of the ground surface area that is impervious to water infiltration. Development such as roads and buildings increase imperviousness, which can have large effects on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.The dataset is derived from two sources: 1) the 2006 National Land Cover Database (NLCD 2006), percent impervious product, and 2) OpenStreetMaps ( The NLCD 2006 was developed by the Multi-Resolution Land Cover Consortium (MRLC), which makes available metadata for the NLCD 2006 , NLCD 2001, and other information that describes how the imperviousness product was developed (
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation.This dataset represents the climate stress metric, which is a measure of the estimated climate stress that may be exerted on a focal cell in 2080. Specifically, the climate stress metric reflects the 2080 departure from the current climate conditions that a cell may be exposed to in relation to its...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation. This dataset represents the local conductance index, which is a measure of the total potential amount of movement of plants and animals (ecological flow) through a cell from neighboring cells as a function of the ecological similarity between the focal cell and neighboring cells at the scale of one...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation.This dataset represents the sea level rise metric based on a model developed by Rob Theiler and associates at USGS Woods Hole, which is a measure of the probability of a focal cell being unable to adapt to predicted inundation by sea level rise. Specifically, whether a site gets inundated by salt water...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation. This dataset represents the climate response index for American Woodcock. Climate response is one of several different measures of landscape capability that reflect different decisions (or assumptions) regarding how to incorporate current versus future land use and climate changes. The climate response...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation. This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the CT River Watershed to provide habitat for American black bear based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. All locations are scored on a scale from 0 to 1, with a value of 0 indicating no capacity to...
These data consist of Level 2 field-verified and remotely-sensed (potential) vernal pool locations submitted to the Vernal Pool Data Cooperative (VPDC) by cooperators from Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Nova Scotia, and Virginia. Data submitted to the VPDC were subject to any of three data restriction categories established by the original data source. The data restriction categories are: Level 1:Unrestricted– Available for visualization and download through the NALCC Conservation Planning Atlas; Level 2:Visualization only– Available for visualization in the Conservation Planning Atlas (; download requires permission from data source;...
This document is the final report of the project that initiated the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC), funded by the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperatuive (LCC). Contents consist of:IntroductionProject Overview and StructureDeveloping a Regional Road-Stream Crossing Assessment ProtocolPrioritizing for Field SurveysDatabase and Data CollectionData Quality and TrainingClassification and Scoring SystemsNAACC Regional NetworkNext StepsQuarterly Progress Report: Summary by TaskReferencesAcknowledgmentsAppendices

map background search result map search result map Imperviousness, Northeast U.S., 2010 Hydrography High Resolution, 1:24,000, Northeast Climate Stress, CT River Watershed Sea Level Rise, CT River Watershed Local Conductance, CT River Watershed Landscape Capability for Black Bear, CT River Watershed Landscape Capability for Wood Duck, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Climate Response for American Woodcock, 2080, CT River Watershed Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1, Northeast U.S. Vernal Pools (Level 2), 2015, Northeast Landscape Capability for Blackburnian Warbler, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Landscape Capability for Cerulean Warbler, Version 3.1, Northeast U.S. Landscape Capability for Sanderling, Version 3.1, Northeast U.S. Regional Flow 2016, Eastern U.S. and Canada Brook Trout Probability of Occurrence, Plus 2 degrees C, Northeast U.S. Nature's Network: A Regional Conservation Design for the Northeast Integrating Science into Policy: Local Adaptation for Marsh Migration Integrating Science into Policy: Local Adaptation for Marsh Migration Local Conductance, CT River Watershed Climate Stress, CT River Watershed Sea Level Rise, CT River Watershed Landscape Capability for Black Bear, CT River Watershed Climate Response for American Woodcock, 2080, CT River Watershed Vernal Pools (Level 2), 2015, Northeast Hydrography High Resolution, 1:24,000, Northeast Nature's Network: A Regional Conservation Design for the Northeast Imperviousness, Northeast U.S., 2010 Landscape Capability for Wood Duck, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1, Northeast U.S. Landscape Capability for Blackburnian Warbler, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Landscape Capability for Cerulean Warbler, Version 3.1, Northeast U.S. Landscape Capability for Sanderling, Version 3.1, Northeast U.S. Brook Trout Probability of Occurrence, Plus 2 degrees C, Northeast U.S. Regional Flow 2016, Eastern U.S. and Canada