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Model archive summary (MAS) describing the development of a suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) surrogate regression model for the Hookton Slough near Loleta, CA water quality station (USGS site ID# 404038124131801). A continuous 15-minute SSC record was computed using this regression model for the period of record (03-04-2016 to 09-10-2019). The computed SSC record can be found on NWIS Web at The SSC record was used to assess ambient SSC conditions, the availability of suspended sediment to support surface deposition and elevation gain in adjacent salt marshes, and to characterize salt marsh resiliency to climate change impacts in Humboldt Bay, CA.
These data represent trapping effort and captures of deer mice at Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin County, California. Deer mice were captured and marked with ear tags to allow identification of individuals. The location of captures can be used in a spatially explicit capture recapture model to estimate density of mice and how mouse density varies by site and habitat type.
Arsenic concentrations from 20,450 domestic wells in the U.S. were used to develop a logistic regression model of the probability of having arsenic > 10 µg/L (“high arsenic”), which is presented at the county, state, and national scales. Variables representing geologic sources, geochemical, hydrologic, and physical features were among the significant predictors of high arsenic. For U.S. Census blocks, the mean probability of arsenic > 10 µg/L was multiplied by the population using domestic wells to estimate the potential high-arsenic domestic-well population. Approximately 44.1 M people in the U.S. use water from domestic wells. The population in the conterminous U.S. using water from domestic wells with predicted...
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads, and changes in loads, in major rivers across the Chesapeake Bay watershed have been calculated using monitoring data from the Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring Network (RIM) stations for the period 1985 through 2019. Nutrient and suspended-sediment loads and changes in loads were determined by applying a weighted regression approach called WRTDS (Weighted Regression on Time, Discharge, and Season). The load results represent the total mass of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment that was exported from each of the RIM watersheds.
Water used for hydraulic fracturing treatments in and near the Williston Basin during 2000-2015, was estimated using data reported in IHS Markit (TM) (2016). Hydraulic fracturing treatment data from IHS Markit (TM) (2016) may include volumes in a variety of measurement units, and they may include multiple treatments per well. All listed treatments within the study area were converted to gallons and summed on a per-well basis, discounting any treatments for which the specified measurement units were unclear (for example, “sacks”, or “feet”), which were minor. Of 3,734,380 treatments listed within the study area during the timeframe of interest, 0.7% (26,373 records) were not included. For each well, the date listed...
Water surface elevations within seven Willamette River off-channel features (OCF; alcoves and side channels) were measured using submerged pressure transducers. Transducers were installed from late May through mid-October, 2016, when discharge of the Willamette River was between approximately 5,500 and 45,000 cubic feet per second at Salem, Oregon (USGS gage 14191000) and 3,500 to 17,500 cubic feet per second at Harrisburg, Oregon (USGS gage 14166000). Pressure transducer sensor depth was measured at all seven sites. For five of the sites, pressure transducer sensor depths were converted to water surface elevations by surveying the water surface at each transducer with a real-time kinematic global positioning system...
This landing page contains peak-flow frequency analyses by the U.S. Geological Survey Wyoming - Montana Water Science Center. Sets of analyses are published as data releases which are child items to this landing page.
The files consist of two types: tabulated data files and graphical map files. Data files consist of six .csv files, representing six experiment dates (2016_06_14, 2016_16_15, 2016_18_15, 2016_16_21, 2016_16_22, 2016_16_23). Each of these files contains multiple columns of data, with each column representing either a time measurement or the value of a physical quantity measured at that time (e.g., flow depth, pore pressure, normal stress, etc.). Map files consist of six .pdf files, each representing an experiment date listed above. The maps show the thickness of the sediment deposited onto the runout pad after each experiment. Sediment thickness was determined using photogrammetery software from Adam Technology.
This dataset contains reflectance and transmission spectra of unexpanded and expanded vermiculite ore, and handpicked flakes of phlogopite, hydrobiotite, and vermiculite. These samples were collected from mines near Enoree, South Carolina; Libby, Montana; Louisa, Virginia; Palabora, Llano, Texas; and South Africa. Spectra are identified as either reflectance or transmission in the alphanumeric file names and correlate to specpr record numbers designated in the manuscript figures in which they are shown. These transmission spectra were converted to absorbance in many of the figures. Spectra of talc, fibrous richterite amphibole, and serpentine are from well characterized samples from Feiser Mine, Ruby Mountains,...
In cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), the U.S. Geological Survey prepared geospatial layers illustrating the boundaries of the regions used in the South Carolina (SC) Stream Hydrograph Methods presented in Bohman (1990,1992). The region limits were described in written text and depicted in figures in Bohman (1990, 1992), but have not been provided as geospatial layers (due to the age of the original publications). This project used best-available geospatial data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) ecoregions (2013) to create equivalent geospatial representations of the Bohman (1990, 1992) region boundaries for the SC Stream Hydrograph Methods. These layers...
During 2018, Kīlauea Volcano, on the Island of Hawaiʻi, had a large effusive eruption (~1 cubic kilometer of lava) on the lower East Rift Zone that caused widespread destruction (Neal and others, 2019; Dietterich and others, 2021). This lower flank eruption was accompanied by one of the largest collapses of the summit caldera in two hundred years, with portions of the caldera floor subsiding more than 500 m (Anderson and others, 2019; Neal and others, 2019). On July 25, 2019, approximately one year after the summit collapse sequence, a small pond of water was first observed in the deepest portion of the collapse pit, within Halemaʻumaʻu crater (Nadeau and others, 2020). The water level rose gradually over the...
Members from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Patterns in the Landscape - Analyses of Cause and Effect (PLACE) team are releasing monthly surface water maps for the conterminous United States (U.S.) from 2003 through 2019 as 250-meter resolution geoTIFF files. The maps were produced using the Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWE) algorithm applied to daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery (DSWEmod) (Soulard et al., 2021) - see associated items. The DSWEmod model classifies the landscape (i.e., each MODIS pixel) into different classes of surface water based on quantified levels of confidence, including, i) high-confidence surface water (class 1), ii) moderate-confidence surface water (class...
Members from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Patterns in the Landscape - Analyses of Cause and Effect (PLACE) team are releasing monthly surface water maps for the conterminous United States (U.S.) from 2003 through 2019 as 250-meter resolution geoTIFF files. The maps were produced using the Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWE) algorithm applied to daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery (DSWEmod) (Soulard et al., 2021) - see associated items. The DSWEmod model classifies the landscape (i.e., each MODIS pixel) into different classes of surface water based on quantified levels of confidence, including, i) high-confidence surface water (class 1), ii) moderate-confidence surface water (class...
The LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data Product was utilized for evaluation and validation of the Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) land cover and land cover change products for Hawaii. The LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data Product includes the collection of an independent dataset of 600 30-meter by 30-meter plots across Hawaii. This dataset was collected via manual image interpretation to aid in validation of the land cover and land cover change products as well as area estimates. The LCMAP Reference Data Product collected variables related to primary and secondary land use, primary and secondary land cover(s), change processes, and other ancillary variables annually across Hawaii from 2000–2019.
To support coordinated conservation, wetland restoration, and climate adaptation planning, we have developed five future scenarios of the Central Valley's seasonally flooded cropland and wetland waterbird habitat based on the State’s most recent climate and land use projections (Wilson et al. 2021).The USGS Western Geographic Science Center and Point Blue Conservation Science modeled a Business-as-Usual scenario plus the four scenarios developed for the Central Valley Landscape Conservation Project, which diverged along two key themes: water availability and management for conservation. Scenarios varied by climate projection (hot and wet vs. warm and dry) and management priorities (wetland restoration rate, crop...
This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections made from xenolith samples collected from the Sliderock Mountain and Susie Peak plutons, Montana, along with a shapefile representing the locations of the samples. The plutons are located north of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, which is exposed along the northern side of the Beartooth Mountains in Montana. To the north of the Stillwater Complex, a gravity anomaly is located where Phanerozoic rocks may unconformably overlie the complex. These Phanerozoic rocks are intruded by Cretaceous plutons that have gabbroid inclusions that resemble other metamorphosed rocks of the Stillwater Complex. Samples of the inclusions were collected, and thin sections were...
This USGS data release represents field surveyed elevation points and source lidar points used to develop an objective method for estimating boundary roughness from publicly available elevation data. Also included is the Python script written to execute a routine to convert a 1 meter digital elevation model into a 1 meter boundary roughness raster. This data set has two separate items: 1. The Supplemental Information used to validate the bare earth surface within a forested floodplain. 2. The Python script and associated ArcGIS toolbox
This data release documents spatiotemporal water-quality, landscape, and climatic conditions in Fairfax County, Virginia from 2007 through 2018. These data were used to evaluate the water-quality and ecological condition of 20 Fairfax County watersheds monitored since 2007. Data include measures of water-quality, precipitation, air temperature, land use, land cover, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, soil properties, geologic setting, and stream networks. Annual values from 2007 through 2018 are reported for data expected to change over time. Watershed-specific values are reported for data that differ across the landscape. Annual values for the 20 study watersheds and Fairfax County are reported in the file...
This dataset includes gravity observations collected on the Coconino Plateau, Arizona, from 2015 to 2019 and reductions that were used to arrive at the gravity residual reported in the associated publication (Wildermuth, 2022). Relative-gravity surveys were carried out using a ZLS Burris relative-gravity meter. Absolute gravity values were taken from the closest NGS stations and relative-gravity differences were combined with nearby absolute gravity values using a least-squared network adjustment, as implemented in the software Gravnet (Hwang, C., Wang, C., Lee, L., 2002. Adjustment of relative gravity measurements using weighted and datum-free constraints. Comput. Geosci. 28, 1005–1015). Additional information...
Near-surface site characteristics are critical for accurately modeling ground motion, which in turn influences seismic hazard analysis and design of critical infrastructure. Currently, there are many strong motion accelerometers within the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) that are missing this information. We use a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based framework to intersect the site coordinates of approximately 5,500 ANSS accelerometers located throughout the United States and its territories with geology and velocity information. We consider: (1) surficial geology from digitized geologic maps (Horton, 2017; Wilson et al., 2015; Sherrod et al., 2007; Bawiec, 1999; Saucedo, 2005; Bedrossian et al., 2012;...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: ANSS, Alabama, American Samoa, Arizona, Arkansas, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Data validating computation of boundary roughness from QL2 lidar derived digital elevation models for 2D hydraulic modeling applications Peak-Flow Frequency Analyses by the U.S. Geological Survey Wyoming - Montana Water Science Center Spectra Used in Figures Sensor data from debris-flow experiments conducted in June, 2016, at the USGS debris-flow flume, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Blue River, Oregon Water surface elevations recorded by submerged water level loggers in off-channel features of the middle and upper Willamette River, Oregon, Summer, 2016 Probability of arsenic concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter in groundwater used by domestic wells in the United States Water Use Data for Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in and near the Williston Basin, United States, 2000-2015 Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring Network 1985-2019: WRTDS output data Water-level data for the crater lake at the summit of Kīlauea Volcano, Island of Hawaiʻi, 2019–2020 Thin section images of xenoliths from north of the Stillwater Complex, Montana LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data Product land cover, land use and change process attributes Monthly Dynamic Surface Water Extent MODIS (DSWEmod) Images for the Conterminous United States – 2011 Monthly Dynamic Surface Water Extent MODIS (DSWEmod) Images for the Conterminous United States – 2012 Model Output Tabular Summaries for Central Valley Water and Land Use Futures: Land Use Change, Flooded Area, and Flooded Habitat Change Data from "Gravity surveys for estimating possible width of enhanced porosity zones across structures on the Coconino Plateau, Coconino County, North-Central Arizona" Compilation of Geologic and Seismic Velocity Characteristics at Advanced National Seismic System Strong Motion Accelerometer Sites Model Archive Summary for a Suspended-Sediment Concentration Surrogate Regression Model for Station 404038124131801; Hookton Slough near Loleta, CA Climate, Landscape, and Water-Quality Metrics for Selected Watersheds in Fairfax County, Virginia, 2007 – 2018 Region Layers for USGS South Carolina Bohman Method Hydrograph in StreamStats Captures and Trapping Effort for Deer Mice (Peromyscus sonoriensis) at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA from 2021 to 2022 Sensor data from debris-flow experiments conducted in June, 2016, at the USGS debris-flow flume, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Blue River, Oregon Data validating computation of boundary roughness from QL2 lidar derived digital elevation models for 2D hydraulic modeling applications Thin section images of xenoliths from north of the Stillwater Complex, Montana Water-level data for the crater lake at the summit of Kīlauea Volcano, Island of Hawaiʻi, 2019–2020 Data from "Gravity surveys for estimating possible width of enhanced porosity zones across structures on the Coconino Plateau, Coconino County, North-Central Arizona" Climate, Landscape, and Water-Quality Metrics for Selected Watersheds in Fairfax County, Virginia, 2007 – 2018 Model Output Tabular Summaries for Central Valley Water and Land Use Futures: Land Use Change, Flooded Area, and Flooded Habitat Change Water Use Data for Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in and near the Williston Basin, United States, 2000-2015 Region Layers for USGS South Carolina Bohman Method Hydrograph in StreamStats LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data Product land cover, land use and change process attributes Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring Network 1985-2019: WRTDS output data Peak-Flow Frequency Analyses by the U.S. Geological Survey Wyoming - Montana Water Science Center Probability of arsenic concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter in groundwater used by domestic wells in the United States Monthly Dynamic Surface Water Extent MODIS (DSWEmod) Images for the Conterminous United States – 2011 Monthly Dynamic Surface Water Extent MODIS (DSWEmod) Images for the Conterminous United States – 2012 Spectra Used in Figures Compilation of Geologic and Seismic Velocity Characteristics at Advanced National Seismic System Strong Motion Accelerometer Sites