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The Pectoral Sandpiper is one of the most abundant breeding birds on the Arctic Coastal Plain ofAlaska. They typically have low nest site fidelity which is likely related to their promiscuousmating strategy, thus nest densities are highly variable from year to year at a given site (Holmesand Pitelka 1998). In Arctic Alaska, primary breeding habitat includes low-lying ponds in a mixof marshy to hummocky tundra and nests are typically placed in slightly raised or better drainedsites (Holmes and Pitelka 1998). Pectoral Sandpipers spend their winters primarily in southernSouth America (Holmes and Pitelka 1998). The current North American population estimate is500,000 and they are believed to be declining (Morrison et...
The Gyrfalcon, the largest falcon, is an iconic bird of the circumpolar arctic and subarctic. Thisspecies nests primarily on precipitous cliff faces and typically utilizes nests built by other species(particularly Common Raven, Golden Eagle, and Rough-legged Hawk) (Booms et al. 2008).Gyrfalcon main prey includes bird species ranging in size from passerines to geese whileptarmigan are the preferred prey. Although not well documented, in winter this species movessouth throughout Canada and sometimes into the northern lower 48. Current population on theNorth Slope (tundrius subspecies) is estimated at 250 breeding pairs (USFWS 2000).
The Red-necked Phalarope commonly breeds in both the Brooks Range foothills and ArcticCoastal Plain of Alaska. In Alaska, this species typically nests in wet tundra near water’s edge.It differs from the Red Phalarope in that it breeds further inland and at higher elevations (Rubegaet al. 2000). Like other phalaropes, this species depends on aquatic food sources for much of itsdiet (Rubega et al. 2000). Red-necked Phalaropes spend winter at sea in tropical waters in largenumbers off the west coast of South America (Rubega et al. 2000). Current North Americanpopulation estimate is 2.5 million with a declining trend (Morrison et al. 2006).
The Arctic Tern completes annual epic migrations from pole to pole covering at least 40,000 kmon their round-trip journeys. They breed throughout Arctic Alaska from boreal to tundra habitatsand have their highest nesting densities inland (Lensink 1984). Arctic Terns typically choose nestsites on open ground near water and often on small islands in ponds and lakes (Hatch 2002).Arctic terns consume a wide variety of fish and invertebrate prey, fish are particularly importantduring the breeding season for feeding young (Hatch 2002). This species spends their winters(austral summers) in offshore waters near Antarctica (Hatch 2002). Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plainpopulation estimates from 2011 range from 7-12,000 (Larned...
The Wildlife Conservation Society will assess the climate change vulnerability of bird species that regularly breed in substantial populations in Alaska using the NatureServe Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) tool. Initial work will focus on breeding birds in Arctic Alaska including shorebirds, waterfowl and waterbird species (loons, gulls, terns, jaegers), and land bird species (passerines, raptors, ptarmigan).
A vector line file of public/private streets compiled from orthoimagery and other sources that is attributed with street names, addresses, route numbers, routing attributes, and includes a related table of alternate/alias street names. If the purpose of using NYS Streets is for geocoding, the New York State Office of Information Technology Services (NYS ITS) has a publicly available geocoding service which includes the NYS Streets along with other layers. For more information about the geocoding service, please visit
The Long-billed Dowitcher is a medium-sized shorebird that commonly breeds on the ArcticCoastal Plain of Alaska. This species nests in higher densities in the western portion of thecoastal plain compared to the east (Johnson et al. 2007). They prefer wet grassy meadows fornesting often showing an affinity for sedge-willow, wet meadow or sedge marsh along drainagesor near ponds (Takekawa and Warnock 2000). Long-billed Dowitchers generally migrate west ofthe Mississippi River and winter primarily along the Pacific and Gulf Coasts of North Americainto Mexico (Takekawa and Warnock 2000). Current population estimate of the North Americanpopulation is 400,000 (Morrison et al. 2006).
The White-rumped Sandpiper is a small shorebird that is a relatively rare breeder in ArcticAlaska. They nest in coastal wetlands between Barrow and Cape Halkett on the Arctic CoastalPlain of Alaska
The Western Sandpiper is one of the most abundant sandpipers in the western hemisphere. InAlaska, the core of its breeding population is in the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta. It alsobreeds less commonly in the western portion of the North Slope (Johnson et al. 2007). Thisspecies nests in well-drained moist to upland tundra habitats dominated by dwarf shrubs andtussock grasses (Wilson 1994).
The American Tree Sparrow is a common breeding bird of boreal and tundra dominated habitatsin northern Canada and Alaska. This species breeds in open scrubby areas; willow, birch, andalder thickets, stunted spruce, open tundra with scattered shrubs, often near lakes or bogs(Naugler 1993). In summer American Tree Sparrows consume a wide variety of animal prey(primarily both larval and adult insects). Alaskan birds are short-distance migrants and winter intemperate North America (Naugler 1993). This species’ population is very large (>10 million)although the overall population has undergone a small (statistically insignificant) decrease overthe last 40 years in North America (Butcher and Niven 2007).
This case study project is on the Upper Pajaro River, which crosses a 9,000-acre natural floodplain in the Central Coast. A portion of the riparian corridor within the floodplain is highly degraded due to intensive agricultural land use that has diminished its wildlife value and severed habitat connectivity. If restored, the corridor would connect 2 million acres of core habitat in adjacent uplands and link exceptionally rich natural communities in three climatically diverse coastal mountain ranges. This project developed a suite of climate-smart restoration practices in the Central Coast Ecoregion and pilot those practices on the Upper Pajaro River as a case study. Project goals are to: 1) Establish native riparian...
Purpose:The purpose of this Walker Basin Meadows Condition Report is twofold. First, it provides condition data and explains why the Walker Working Group chose the first set of meadows as the top priority for restoration. Second, the working group will use information presented here to plan subsequent restoration efforts once the first group of meadows is restored.Introduction:Meadows of the Walker River basin are an extremely valuable component of the landscape. Meadows provide diverse habitat, including habitat critical to endangered species. They reduce peak flows during storms and soak up spring runoff, recharging groundwater supplies. Meadows filter sediment, provide forage, and are important cultural and recreational...
Thanks to the generous support of the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative,Point Blue Conservation Science, The Nature Conservancy, and the Elkhorn Slough CoastalTraining Program were able to develop a suite of climate-smart restoration practices in theCentral Coast Ecoregion, pilot those practices on the Upper Pajaro River, and shareknowledge gained and developed with the local community as well as with the broaderrestoration community in California.This report provides high level results of our work with links to the products developed.
Students, teachers, and community members are key to implementing climate-smart restoration. Involving the community, through students, teachers, and families, has been a successful model for the past 15 years of Point Blue’s Students and Teachers Restoring A Watershed Program (STRAW).The following curriculum was designed and implemented with the help of 34 teachers from San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz counties. The four-lesson program involves three classroom sessions and one restoration day where students are actually doing the professional habitat restoration, working side-by-side with the staff from the STRAW Program.We welcome you to use our curriculum and materials as a model to do climate-smart restoration...
The Spectacled Eider is a medium-sized sea duck with males easily recognized by their striking“clown-like” head plumage. This species was listed as threatened in 1993 under the EndangeredSpecies Act as it has suffered severe population declines in western Alaska. The Arctic CoastalPlain population may also be declining. In Arctic Alaska, breeding Spectacled Eiders use riverdeltas and wet tundra habitats, including drained-lake basins, flooded wetlands, and islets withina matrix of thaw lakes for both nesting and foraging (Petersen et al. 2000). During the breedingseason, their diet consists primarily of both adult and larval aquatic insects (Petersen et al. 2000).Alaskan breeders spend their winters offshore in...
The Madison Valley is an important wildlife linkage zone between core habitats at the center of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) and habitats at the western edge of the GYE and beyond. This report identifies lands in the Madison Valley watershed which are significant for conservation based on the common occurrence of key threats to wildlife and their critical habitats and migration corridors. The species emphasized in this report - grizzly bear, wolverine, and pronghorn antelope - were selected for their need to move across or along the valley to maintain traditional migration routes, enable genetic exchange across the valley, or expand into unoccupied habitat. The selected species are also intended to serve...
Using Automated Identification System (AIS) point data acquired from Alaska Marine Exchange’s station-based networks in the Aleutians and Bering Strait and satellite platforms maintained by ExactEarth to produce monthly and seasonal summaries of commercial shipping intensity by ship type. AIS data evaluation and spatial characterization will be completed by a University of Alaska, Fairbanks PhD student in cooperation with the Wildlife Conservation Society. Final layers will be made available to managers and stakeholders through the Arctic E. Their expanded regional layers will be analyzed by a group of leading NGOs including: Alaska Marine Conservation Council, Audubon Alaska, Oceana and the Wildlife Conservation...
The Peregrine Falcon is one of the most ubiquitous bird species with a breeding distributionranging from tundra to the tropics. In Arctic Alaska this bird’s breeding stronghold is found inmajor river systems where cliff ledges abound and serve as preferred nesting sites. PeregrineFalcons prey on a wide variety of bird species ranging from small passerines to medium-sizedducks and will also take small mammals (White et al. 2002). This species travels widely andArctic-breeding Peregrine Falcons make some of the longest migrations of any bird species. TheNorth American subspecies (tundrius) winters in Central and South America (White et al. 2002).The global population is estimated at ~1.2 million individuals (BirdLife...
The Red-throated Loon is the smallest of the world’s five loon species. This species typicallybreeds in low wetlands in both tundra and forested terrain (Barr et al. 2000). They nest on pondedges, sometimes along very small ponds (<1 ha), particularly in parts of their range sympatricwith Pacific Loons (Barr et al. 2000). Red-throated Loons are unique in that they regularlyforage on fish away from their nesting ponds.In Arctic Alaska this often involves flights to theArctic Ocean (Andres 1993). Like Yellow-billed Loons, the North American breedingpopulation, north of 68° latitude, appear to winter primarily in East Asia from the western KurilIslands to the Yellow Sea (J. Schmutz et al., unpublished data). In 1993,...
The Northeast Ecological System dataset was last updated: 7/2014 This dataset represents terrestrial and wetland ecological systems of the Northeast (based on NatureServe’s Ecological Systems Classifications) combined with human-modified land types such as roads and agriculture. Download includes Ecosystem Type, Macrogroup, and Formation, you do not need to download each individually.This dataset was created by substantially modifying The Nature Conservancy’s Northeast Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Classification System (NETHCS) using these steps: -Replaced the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) ‘roads’ embedded in the NETHCS with more accurate roads and trains that are distinguished from developed classes -Removed...

map background search result map search result map High-Quality Wildlife Connectivity Areas in the Madison Valley Watershed Roads, New York Ecological Systems Model, New York State Pectoral Sandpiper Red-necked Phalarope White-rumped Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Peregrine Falcon Gyrfalcon Long-billed Dowitcher Climate Change Vulnerability of Migrating Bird Species Breeding in Arctic Alaska Red-throated Loon American Tree Sparrow Spectacled Eider Arctic Tern High-Quality Wildlife Connectivity Areas in the Madison Valley Watershed Roads, New York Ecological Systems Model, New York State Pectoral Sandpiper Red-necked Phalarope White-rumped Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Peregrine Falcon Gyrfalcon Long-billed Dowitcher Climate Change Vulnerability of Migrating Bird Species Breeding in Arctic Alaska Red-throated Loon American Tree Sparrow Spectacled Eider Arctic Tern