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This data release provides the georeferenced boundaries that delimit each spatial unit of the Great Lakes Regional Aquatic Gap Analysis Project (GLGap) Coastal Hydrospatial Framework at each spatial scale from the local 90m cell to the entire Laurentian Great Lakes system and from the shoreline to the deepest offshore waters. The U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service collaborated to design a universal framework of spatial areas that encompass all space of the Laurentian Great Lakes proper. Agglomeration of the finest units (90m cells) form coarser, broader scale units. Finer units are nested within the coarser units at six spatial scales, labeled as Local Cells, Aquatic Habitat Areas, Coastal...
The need for integrated and widely accessible sources of species traits data to facilitate studies of ecology, conservation, and management has motivated development of traits databases for various taxa. In spite of the increasing number of traits-based analyses of freshwater fishes in the United States, no consolidated database of traits of this group exists publicly, and much useful information on these species is documented only in obscure sources. The largely inaccessible and unconsolidated traits information makes large-scale analysis involving many fishes and/or traits particularly challenging. We have compiled a database of >100 traits for 809 (731 native and 78 nonnative) fish species found in freshwaters...
These data depict the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2.1 (NHDPlusV2.1) flowline representation of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System throughout the conterminous United States as of 2018. U.S. Forest Service geospatial data on National Wild and Scenic River segments (USFS WSR Segment) from 3/1/2016 were joined to the NHDPlusV2.1 to create the Wild and Scenic Rivers 2018 Linked to the NHDPlusV2.1 (wsr_nhdpv2.1) data. To ensure these data correctly represented the NHDPlusV2.1 flowline delineation of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, each wsr_nhdpv2.1 river segment was examined against the USFS WSR Segment data to check for duplication and/or omission of Wild and Scenic River segments. Spatial...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, All tags...
Fish occurrence data to support high-resolution distribution models and test various community and macroecological hypotheses have not been available at the national scale. We present IchthyMaps, a database of high-quality historical fish occurrences covering fishes of the conterminous United States. Designed on the principles of metacommunity ecology, IchthyMaps is a compilation of presence records from atlases up to 1990, at the resolution of the 1:100,000 National Hydrography Database Plus (NHDPlus) inter-confluence stream segment, readily aggregated into hierarchically coarser units (e.g. hydrologic unit code 8-digit and 12-digit watersheds). IchthyMaps contains about 606,550 presence records for 1,038 species...
Categories: Data, Publication; Types: Citation; Tags: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Biological Data, Biological sampling, All tags...
Species occurrence records of the taxonomic class of Bivalvia in oceans within 1000 kilometers of the United States shoreline. This is a subset of the OBIS-USA dataset where Bivalvia records were queried on December 2, 2014. After initial queries, the remaining data were further queried to retain only samples within 1000 kilometers of the U.S. shoreline. Spatial queries were then used to remove samples overlaying land masses. Data are provided in a geodatabase format, as well as a comma seperated values format. OBIS-USA provides aggregated, interoperable biogeographic data collected primarily from U.S. waters and oceanic regions--the Arctic, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and...
This database is the result of an extensive literature search aimed at identifying documents relevant to the emerging field of dam removal science. In total the database contains 296 citations that contain empirical monitoring information associated with 207 different dam removals across the United States and abroad. Data includes publications through 2020 and supplemented with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers National Inventory of Dams database, U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System and aerial photos to estimate locations when coordinates were not provided. Publications were located using the Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Clearinghouse for Dam Removal Information.
Abstract (from The growing quality and availability of spatial map layers (e.g., climate, geology, and land use) allow stream studies, which historically have occurred over small areas like a single watershed or stream reach, to increasingly explore questions from a landscape perspective. This large-scale perspective for fluvial studies depends on the ability to characterize influences on streams resulting from throughout entire upstream networks or catchments. While acquiring upstream information for a single reach is relatively straight-forward, this process becomes demanding when attempting to obtain summaries for all streams throughout a stream network and across...
Note: This item is being used in a data pipeline that supports the Dam Removal Information Portal. We recommend users directly access the American River's Dam Removal Database from Figshare: In the last century, the U.S. led the world in dam building for many purposes, including hydropower, irrigation, flood control and water storage. While dams can benefit society, they also cause considerable harm to rivers. Dams have depleted fisheries, degraded river ecosystems, and altered recreational opportunities on nearly all of our nation’s rivers. Today, many dams that were once at the epicenter of a community’s livelihood are now old, unsafe or no longer serving their intended...
THIS IS A HISTORICAL RECORD. As of December 17, 2021, the BISON application will no longer be available online and has been replaced by The BISON APIs are still available at and the Integrated Publishing Toolkit is still available at The USGS Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation (BISON) project is an online all-species mapping information system consisting of a large collection of species occurrence datasets (e.g., plants and animals) found in the United States, U.S. Territories, U.S. marine Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), and Canada, with relevant geospatial layers. Species occurrences are records of organisms at a particular...
Categories: Data; Types: Citation; Tags: Alabama, Alaska, Alberta, American Samoa, Arizona, All tags...
This geodatabase contains the official partnership boundaries of the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP). Several boundaries were originally developed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and were updated in 2013 to reflect revisions from the recognized Fish Habitat Partnerships (FHPs) of the National Fish Habitat Partnership. For the remaining FHPs, the boundaries were developed in 2013 to reflect the boundary as defined by the respective partnerships. The geodatabase contains two feature datasets. The 'Boundaries' feature dataset includes official partnership boundaries. The 'Subregions_States' feature dataset includes partnership boundaries along with state and/or subregion boundaries.
Using a combination of tabular and spatial data queries, we identified 129,773 flowlines in the hydrological framework of the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) that were created due to breaks in flowlines resulting from flowline intersection with quadrangle map boundaries. We found instances of this occurring in all 18 processing units of the NHDPlusV1 dataset. To aid in managing for this characteristic of the NHDPlus, we developed this EcoReach table (nhdplusv1_ecoreachv2.0.csv) that assigns all flowlines into units that are representative of ecological stream reaches. These "ecological stream reaches" may be defined by: stream origins, stream confluences, lake or reservoir inflows or outflows,...
Tags: Alabama, Aquatic habitats, Arizona, Arkansas, California, All tags...
Using a combination of tabular and spatial data queries, we identified 133,111 flowlines in the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) that were created due to breaks in flowlines resulting from flowline intersection with quadrangle map boundaries. We found instances of this occurring in all 18 processing units of the NHDplusV2 dataset. To aid in managing for this characteristic of the NHDPlus, this EcoReach table (nhdplusv2_ecoreachv2.0.csv) assigns all flowlines into units that are representative of ecological stream reaches. These "ecological stream reaches" may be defined by: stream origins, stream confluences, lake or reservoir inflows or outflows, and/or stream outflows (described in more...
Tags: Alabama, Aquatic habitats, Arizona, Arkansas, California, All tags...
MARIS is an internet-based information sharing network that allows multiple states to provide a common set of variables via a single web interface. MARIS is not a “dataset” but rather links specific content of multiple states’ datasets. MARIS does not capture all of the information from a state’s aquatic dataset – only a subset of data collected as part of aquatic species sampling surveys. The MARIS structure was developed by a consortium of state fish and wildlife agencies and implemented through contracts with various universities. In the past, federal agency partners have provided the core funding for developing and implementing MARIS as well as broad guidance on the content of the system. In 2014 the U.S. Geological...
This database contains physical and biological data for the Lower Colorado River Basin. The metrics include information on geology, hydrology, landcover, stewardship, topography, soil types and characteristics, stream characteristics, connectivity, and watershed position (information on where a stream segment or catchment is located in relationship to other segments or catchments; e.g. distance from a catchment to the mouth of the Colorado River, Shreve Link). In addition, there is a table with predicted probability of species occurrence for the connected stream segments and tables with the data used in those models. The species distribution models were completed for 18 native fish species and 21 non-native fish...
These data include species occurrence records of fish in oceans within 1000 kilometers of the United States shoreline. This dataset is a subset of the OBIS-USA dataset as of December 2, 2014 and includes records of the taxonomic groups of Actinopterygii, Chondrichthyes, Myxini, Osteichthyes, and Petromyzontida. After initial taxonomic queries, the remaining data were further queried to retain only samples within 1000 kilometers of the U.S. shoreline. Spatial queries were then used to remove samples overlaying land masses. Data are provided in a geodatabase format, as well as a comma seperated values format. OBIS-USA provides aggregated, interoperable biogeographic data collected primarily from U.S. waters and oceanic...
This dataset contains information about waterfall locations and estimated waterfall heights on five of the main Hawaiian Islands including Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, and Hawaii. Initial spatial information was gathered from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), the Hawaii Statewide GIS Program, and the World Waterfall Database. Where image quality permitted, the coordinates and spatial attributes from source data were used to verify and improve the quality of waterfall locations using Google Earth Pro (Google Inc. 2017)and the USGS HydroLink Tool. The HydroLink Tool was also used to link data to both the NHDPlusV2.1 and NHD High Resolution datasets by adding NHD addressing...
This GeoJSON dataset contains information about 10780 waterfall and 1080 rapid locations (referred to as falls throughout the metadata) and characteristics (e.g. type and height) for the conterminous United States. This dataset centralizes known information about falls while providing basic quality control (i.e. resolving duplicate records and spatial accuracy checks) and linkages to stream networks intended to facilitate stream network analyses. Locations of falls were sourced from the World Waterfall Database (WWD,, the US Forest Service Center for Aquatic Technology Transfer (acquired from Southeast Aquatic Barrier Inventory), and Geographic Names Information System (GNIS,
This dataset is a static view of available data from the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Monitoring Site Manager on 201412. The Monitoring Site Manager describes locations of data collection events for various aquatic monitoring programs in the Pacific Northwest. It includes locations for the US Forest Service Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program (AREMP), Bonneville Power Administration’s Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP), Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s (ODEQ) Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Program, the National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) in Oregon, the US Forest Service PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion Effectiveness Monitoring Program...

    map background search result map search result map Conservation Assessment for Native Fish in the Lower Colorado River Basin Official Recognized Boundaries of Fish Habitat Partnerships of the National Fish Habitat Partnership, 2013 Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) static dataset for NFHP Thematic Viewer 201412 Fish Subset of Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) - USA Dataset Collection for NFHP Thematic Viewer 20141202 Historical Stream Fish Distribution Database for the Conterminous United States (1950-1990): IchthyMaps An approach for aggregating upstream catchment information to support research and management of fluvial systems across large landscapes Ecological Reach Identification Table For NHDPlusV2: Version 2.0 Ecological Reach Identification Table For NHDPlusV1: Version 2.0 Bivalvia Subset of Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) - USA Dataset Collection for NFHP Thematic Viewer 20141202 Multistate Aquatic Resources Information System (MARIS) complete database (all states) - published 20141222 Hydrospatial Framework for the Laurentian Great Lakes American Rivers Dam Removal Database FishTraits Database USGS Dam Removal Science Database v4.0 Hawaii Waterfalls Linked to the National Hydrography Datasets Wild and Scenic Rivers 2018 Linked to the NHDPlusV2.1 Waterfalls and Rapids in the Conterminous United States Linked to the National Hydrography Datasets V2.0 Hawaii Waterfalls Linked to the National Hydrography Datasets Conservation Assessment for Native Fish in the Lower Colorado River Basin Hydrospatial Framework for the Laurentian Great Lakes Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) static dataset for NFHP Thematic Viewer 201412 Waterfalls and Rapids in the Conterminous United States Linked to the National Hydrography Datasets V2.0 Ecological Reach Identification Table For NHDPlusV2: Version 2.0 Ecological Reach Identification Table For NHDPlusV1: Version 2.0 An approach for aggregating upstream catchment information to support research and management of fluvial systems across large landscapes FishTraits Database USGS Dam Removal Science Database v4.0 Historical Stream Fish Distribution Database for the Conterminous United States (1950-1990): IchthyMaps Wild and Scenic Rivers 2018 Linked to the NHDPlusV2.1 American Rivers Dam Removal Database Multistate Aquatic Resources Information System (MARIS) complete database (all states) - published 20141222 Official Recognized Boundaries of Fish Habitat Partnerships of the National Fish Habitat Partnership, 2013 Bivalvia Subset of Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) - USA Dataset Collection for NFHP Thematic Viewer 20141202 Fish Subset of Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) - USA Dataset Collection for NFHP Thematic Viewer 20141202