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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative
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This shapefile contains landscape factors representing human disturbances summarized to local and network catchments of river reaches for the Desert Fish Habitat Partnership. This dataset is the result of clipping the feature class 'NFHAP 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data for the Conterminous United States linked to NHDPLUSV1.gdb' to the boundary of the Desert Fish Habitat Partnership. Landscape factors include land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, and point-source pollution sites. The source datasets that were compiled and attributed to catchments were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled;...
This is a subfolder of the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SRLCC) community in ScienceBase. For more information about the SRLCC, see the SRLCC website or the U.S. Department of Interior’s website describing the LCCs.
This map shows the location of herd management areas (HMAs).
This map shows Class I Federal PSD Areas using features selected from the CBI Protected Areas Database. Non-attainment areas are not mapped.
This map shows the potential current distribution of Golden Eagle, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
The Colorado Division of Wildlife has created a gallery in Data Basin with 140 GIS layers showing species ranges, nesting areas, foraging areas, concentration areas etc. for species including bald eagle, albert's squirrel, gunnison sage-grouse, mule deer, and many others. Also available for public download from this link in
Categories: Data, Web Site; Tags: Colorado, Wildlife
A GAP Analysis uses GIS layers provided by the GAP Analysis Program (species distribution models, stewardship data) to determine which areas within a species distribution have protected status and to identify possible conservation gaps. This GAP Analysis was conducted for Greater Sage-grouse within the boundary of the Southern Rockies LCC. About 7.6% of the Sage-grouse's total predicted distribution is within the SRLCC (based on GAP distribution models). There are four products in this ScienceBase item: an Excel spreadsheet with analysis data (see list below), a GIF image map of the SRLCC (displaying predicted sage-grouse distribution and areas with protected status), a map package containing the GIS layers used...
This map shows the potential current distribution of white-tailed prairie dog, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
This map shows areas of high current, near-term, and long-term potential landscape development, based on factors such as urban areas, agriculture, roads, and energy development.
This map shows the major terrestrial ecosystems from LANDFIRE EVT (v1.1) and NatureServe National Landcover (v2.7).
This zipped file contains grazing data (shapefiles and tables) for the Carson National Forest in New Mexico. Descriptions from attached metadata: The rmu_unit feature class depicts the boundaries of the range Allotments, General Resource Areas, and Wild Horse and Burro territories on the Carson National Forest. The rmu_subunit feature class depicts the boundaries of the range pastures and range exclosures on the Carson National Forest.
This USGS Energy Resources Program website contains news, research and links related to energy in the Colorado Plateau region.
Categories: Web Site
This map package displays hydrologic unit codes, hydologic features, USGS gage sites and 303(d) listed impaired waters within the Southern Rockies LCC. All layers were clipped to the boundary of the SRLCC. GIS data downloaded from: 1. The Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water ( Link to Metadata 2. The Natural Resource Conservation Service's Data Gateway ( See attached text file for metadata. 3. The National Atlas ( See attached text files for metadata. 4. U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Information System (, using the NWIS Web Services Snapshot tool....
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS Map Package; Tags: Hydrology, LCC
This map shows the current distribution of major invasive vegetation species (primarily cheatgrass and tamarisk), and predicted near-term future distribution of these species. Current distribution was derived from LANDFIRE EVT v1.1, NatureServe National Landcover v2.7, Early Season Invasives (USGS), Predicted Tamarisk Probability (USGS), and mapped areas of tamarisk. Predicted future distribution included these areas in addition to the invasive vegetation class from the LANDFIRE Succession Class v1.0 dataset.
This map shows conservation element summaries within areas of potential near-term and long-term energy development. These summaries help highlight areas of potential conflict between conservation elements and energy development.
GIS data in Data Basin showing relationship between major soil types and recent pinyon pine dieback in the southwest.
Categories: Data, Web Site; Tags: pinyon pine
Press Release: Interior Releases Report Highlighting Impacts of Climate Change to Western Resources. Citation: Reclamation, SECURE Water Act Section 9503(c) – Reclamation Climate Change and Water, Report to Congress, 2011 Authors, Contributors, and Editors (in alphabetical order): Alexander, Patty; Brekke, Levi; Davis, Gary; Gangopadhyay, Subhrendu; Grantz, Katrina; Hennig, Charles; Jerla, Carly; Llewellyn, Dagmar; Miller, Paul; Pruitt, Tom; Raff, David; Scott, Tom; Tansey, Michael; Turner, Toni
Categories: Publication
From attached metadata: "Regional range allotment coverage of Region 2, Rocky Mountain Region, USDA Forest Service. The regional coverage reflects the range allotment data from each of the National Forests and Grasslands within the region. The regional allotment coverage was compiled by the Regional Office's Geospatial Services office."
This map shows potential areas with high terrestrial biodiversity from TNC Ecoregional Portfolio Core dataset.

map background search result map search result map National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP) 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data (linked to NHDPLUSV1) for Desert Fish Habitat Partnership Complete SRLCC Hydrology Map Package (displays all shapefiles available in this ScienceBase folder) GAP Analysis for the SRLCC: Greater Sage-grouse Link to Colorado Division of Wildlife GIS data in Data Basin Colorado Plateau REA Change Agents - Development - Current, Near-Term, and Long-Term Potential High Landscape Development Colorado Plateau REA Conservation Elements - Terrestrial Species: Golden Eagle Colorado Plateau REA Conservation Elements - Terrestrial Species: White-Tailed Prairie Dog Colorado Plateau REA Conservation Elements: Potential Areas of High Terrestrial Biodiversity Colorado Plateau REA Terrestrial Ecosystems Colorado Plateau REA MQ D7: Where are HMAs located? Colorado Plateau REA MQ F2: Where are the areas of potential future encroachment from this invasive species? Colorado Plateau REA MQ G2: Where are areas of potential development (e.g., under lease), including renewable energy sites and transmission corridors and where are potential conflicts with CEs? Colorado Plateau REA MQ I3: Where are the designated non-attainment areas and Class I PSD areas? Link to Colorado Division of Wildlife GIS data in Data Basin Colorado Plateau REA Conservation Elements - Terrestrial Species: Golden Eagle Colorado Plateau REA Conservation Elements - Terrestrial Species: White-Tailed Prairie Dog Colorado Plateau REA Terrestrial Ecosystems Colorado Plateau REA MQ F2: Where are the areas of potential future encroachment from this invasive species? Colorado Plateau REA MQ G2: Where are areas of potential development (e.g., under lease), including renewable energy sites and transmission corridors and where are potential conflicts with CEs? Colorado Plateau REA MQ I3: Where are the designated non-attainment areas and Class I PSD areas? Colorado Plateau REA Change Agents - Development - Current, Near-Term, and Long-Term Potential High Landscape Development Colorado Plateau REA Conservation Elements: Potential Areas of High Terrestrial Biodiversity Colorado Plateau REA MQ D7: Where are HMAs located? Complete SRLCC Hydrology Map Package (displays all shapefiles available in this ScienceBase folder) GAP Analysis for the SRLCC: Greater Sage-grouse National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP) 2010 HCI Scores and Human Disturbance Data (linked to NHDPLUSV1) for Desert Fish Habitat Partnership