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Research of nearshore arctic fish.
This data set documents the dry mass energy density, distribution, and stomach contents of age-0 chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) captured in the Kuskokwim Bay estuary in May and June 2004. The analysis of this data was published in Burrill et al. 2018 (DOI :10.1007/s00300-018-2297-2.).
Research data for chum salmon.
This dataset provides information on fish species composition and their diet information for 16 lakes and 16 ponds at two locations on the central Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. In one table, we provide the presence of fish species and the total species count for each lake or pond sampled. This table also includes metrics of surface water connectivity to the stream network. In a second table, stomach content information is provided for fish collected during summer sampling periods (late June to mid-August) over three years (2011–2013). The third table includes stable carbon isotope and stable nitrogen isotope signature data for fish species and snails (the baseline organism) from 16 water bodies at one study location...
Data releases pertaining to multiple species of salmon.
This dataset contains two tables comprising catch per unit effort (CPUE) data and length measurements from fish surveys conducted in the nearshore Beaufort Sea, Alaska, between 1988 and 2019. Historical data collected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) includes fish catch and fish length data (measured from a subset of the total catch) from two eras, 1988-1991 and 2003-2005, in the eastern Beaufort Sea (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge). Similar data was collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from a subset of the historical eastern Beaufort Sea sites and some additional central Beaufort Sea (Simpson Lagoon and Stefansson Sound) sites more recently, 2017-2019. Here we have compiled and standardized...
This data set documents the age, length, dry mass energy density, and dry mass of age-0 and age-1 Pacific sand lance captured in Prince William Sound Alaska each July from 2012 to 2016. The analysis of this data was published in von Biela et al. 2019 (doi:10.3354/meps12891).
This data set contains a single table of descriptions of benthic samples collected in 1998 at Nelson and Izembek lagoons, Alaska. This includes: the weight of the sample, the species or species group of benthic animals (also vegetation) and their number, size and weight, and the amount of sand and gravel. These data provide a basis for additional studies that includes sampling of the benthos in Nelson and/or Izembek lagoons. These data are important as historic information useful in examining long-term changes in the lagoons in light of changing climate. The samples were collected to identify and describe potential contaminants in the benthic prey of Steller’s eiders (Polysticta stelleri) at major molting areas...
This dataset provides information on the identity and number of insects that emerged from thaw pond basins on the central Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska, during the summer growing season in 2012 and 2013. Collections were made using passive floating emergence traps in pond centers and margins from four types of ponds: low centered polygons, troughs, small coalescent, and large coalescent. A single table provides detail on the family level identity and number of insects captured, the day and year of capture, and the duration of trapping.
The dataset is the daily count of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) passing through a fish counting weir on the Pilgrim River from 2003 to 2014. Also, included in the data set is the daily temperature and river height measured at the weir (65.103071°, -164.824046°).The fish weir was operated during the summer (late June to mid-September) by the Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation.
These data consist of larval (< 60 mm) and age-1+ (> 60 mm) Capelin CPUE (Catch per unit effort) from various catch efforts throughout the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) from 1996 – 2017. The dataset contains the following information: fishing gear type, date, time, catch location (latitude and longitude), tow distance, number of capelin caught, and CPUE for capelin greater than and less than 60 millimeters. Gear types include beach seines and trawls.
This dataset provides nine tables of data from an experimental study in which juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were reared in floating net pens (limnocorrals) and exposed to Elodea spp. (a potential invasive species in high latititude lakes) and native aquatic vegetation. Data include: (1) coho salmon body, otolith, and stable isotope measurements, (2) abundance of macroinvertebrates, (3) zooplankton, (4) periphyton, (5) aquatic vegetation, (7) measurement of chlorphyll A, (8) dissolved oxygen, and (9) water temperature.
This data set documents the stomach contents of age-0 Arctic cisco (Coregonus autumnalis) captured in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska in August 2009. The analysis of this data was published in von Biela et al. 2013 (Polar Biology 36:137-146, doi:10.1007/s00300-012-1244-x). The data consists of counts of specific zooplankton taxa from individual fish stomachs.
Categories: Data
Data releases pertaining to multiple species of salmon.
This dataset provides annual summaries of information on age-0 sablefish in Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata) chick diets from Middleton Island, Alaska. This includes number of diet samples, number of sablefish sampled, proportion of total biomass, catch per unit effort, and frequency of occurrence for each year. We calculated an annual growth index for age-0 sablefish using the relationship between mean length by day and Julian day for each year (OLS[F = 24.44, df = 61, 184]: R^2 = 0.85, p < 0.001). From this model, growth (in mm per day) is the slope, and predicted length (in mm) is the length on the median Julian day = 205 (July 24). Annual anomalies of growth and length are calculated for each variable...
Data regarding shifts in aquatic ecology.
This data set includes 15-minute interval data on stream temperature from low-order streams and main-stem rivers in the Noatak and Kobuk River valleys in Northwestern Alaska, collected during the summer months. The water temperatures were determined using a HOBO Water Temp Pro v2 (Onset Computer Corporation, Bourne, MA, USA)with ±0.2 °C accuracy. Sensors were place in several locations within each stream as well as in the main river below the tributary junction in order to assess stream thermal state.
This data set is four tables with: 1) the body condition and egg counts of Sockeye Salmon captured at several sites along the Pilgrim River 2013-2016, 2) water temperature from 10 automated temperature dataloggers during the summers of 2013-2016, 3) results from an experiment to determine the effect of elevated water temperature on levels of Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) in captive juvenile Sockeye Salmon and 4) the geographic coordinates of temperature dataloggers and fish capture sites.
These data are a compilation of geographically widespread observations of premature mortality in Pacific salmon across their range in Alaska in 2019. Premature mortality observations primarily spanned an area of western and southcentral Alaska that is approximately one million km2 and included all five species of Pacific salmon. Observations were obtained and compiled in a single database from four sources including reports to a citizen science reporting network (, from Alaska Department of Fish and Game's Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim region by community members or staff, traditional media and social media, and directed emails by the lead author. Occasional observations of species other than Pacific salmon...

map background search result map search result map Fish Species Composition and Diet Information in Lakes of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska, 2011-2013 Kuskokwim Bay chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) energy density, distribution, and stomach data, 2004 Observations Documenting Premature Mortality Among Alaska's Pacific Salmon in 2019 Fish Species Composition and Diet Information in Lakes of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska, 2011-2013 Kuskokwim Bay chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) energy density, distribution, and stomach data, 2004 Observations Documenting Premature Mortality Among Alaska's Pacific Salmon in 2019