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The 2002 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard Maps display earthquake ground motions for various probability levels across the United States and are applied in seismic provisions of building codes, insurance rate structures, risk assessments, and other public policy. This update of the maps incorporates new findings on earthquake ground shaking, faults, seismicity, and geodesy. The resulting maps are derived from seismic hazard curves calculated on a grid of sites across the United States that describe the frequency of exceeding a set of ground motions.
Wildfire can significantly alter the hydrologic response of a watershed to the extent that even modest rainstorms can produce dangerous flash floods and debris flows. The USGS conducts post-fire debris-flow hazard assessments for select fires in the Western U.S. We use geospatial data related to basin morphometry, burn severity, soil properties, and rainfall characteristics to estimate the probability and volume of debris flows that may occur in response to a design storm.
ShakeMap is a product of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program in conjunction with the regional seismic networks. ShakeMaps provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes. These maps are used by federal, state, and local organizations, both public and private, for post-earthquake response and recovery, public and scientific information, as well as for preparedness exercises and disaster planning.
A scenario represents one realization of a potential future earthquake by assuming a particular magnitude, location, and fault-rupture geometry and estimating shaking using a variety of strategies. In planning and coordinating emergency response, utilities, local government, and other organizations are best served by conducting training exercises based on realistic earthquake situations—ones similar to those they are most likely to face. ShakeMap Scenario earthquakes can fill this role. They can also be used to examine exposure of structures, lifelines, utilities, and transportation corridors to specified potential earthquakes. A ShakeMap earthquake scenario is a predictive ShakeMap with an assumed magnitude and...
The NEIC global earthquake bulletin is called the Preliminary Determination of Epicenters or PDE, and is one of many discrete products in the ANSS Comprehensive Catalog (ComCat). We use the word "Preliminary" for our final bulletin because the Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre is considered to be the final global archive of parametric earthquake data, in other words phase arrival (“pick”) times and amplitudes.
The data from the borehole strainmeter network set consists of raw data from the telemetry, state of health measurements, environmental measurement of temperature and pressure, and processed borehole strainmeter data. For each strainmeter site in this network, there will be a mix of raw data, SOH, environmental data, and processed strain. Each channel of data consists of a time of observation, usually 10-minute intervals, and a number that is either telemetry counts (which is proportional to the voltage output by the instrument), or in units of strain, which are either in part per million or parts per billion. Processed strain will be free of glitches and other artifacts and are corrected for changes in atmospheric...
Compiled Vs30 measurements obtained by studies funded by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and other governmental agencies. Thus far, there are 2,997 sites in the United States, along with metadata for each measurement from government-sponsored reports, Web sites, and scientific and engineering journals. Most of the data originated from publications directly reporting the work of field investigators. A small subset (less than 20 percent) of Vs30 values was previously compiled by the USGS and other research institutions. Whenever possible, Vs30 originating from these earlier compilations were crosschecked against published reports. Both downhole and surface-based Vs30 estimates are represented. Most of the VS30 data...
The USGS Geologic Hazards Science Center (GHSC) in Golden, CO maintains a GIS server with services pertaining to various geologic hazard disciplines involving earthquakes and landslides. The online link provides an overview of the structure of this server and also outlines the GIS data it contains. The folders named eq (earthquakes), haz (earthquake hazards), and ls (landlsides) contain services with data associated with each discipline.
These data provide measures of aseismic slip (creep) at approximately 40 sites located on the San Andreas, Hayward, and Calaveras faults in Central California from Point Pinole located in the San Francisco Bay area to south of Parkfield, California. The earliest measurement of creep followed the 1966 Parkfield earthquake. Currently, we maintain approximately 20 creepmeters and those data are uploaded to the web daily. The data provided at include measurements for sites that have been abandoned. The table provides the location of each creepmeter, and where present, notes that might be relevant to interpreting the data from each instrument.
The Global Vs30 Server allows a user to select from a map or input a rectangular region of interest. It then provides (optionally) a Vs30 grid in ASCII or GMT grid format, and a JPEG Vs30 map. Wald et al. (2004) first, and Wald and Allen (BSSA, 2007, in press), more fully, describe a methodology for deriving maps of seismic site conditions using topographic slope as a proxy. Vs30 measurements (the average shear-velocity down to 30 m) are correlated against topographic slope to develop two sets of coefficients for deriving Vs30: one for active tectonic regions that possess dynamic topographic relief, and one for stable continental regions where changes in topography are more subdued.
The significant rise in seismicity rates in Oklahoma and Kansas (OK–KS) in the last decade has led to an increased interest in studying induced earthquakes. Although additional instruments have been deployed in the region, there are still relatively few recordings at the distances (<20 km) and magnitudes (M4+) most relevant to earthquake hazard. In contrast, the USGS Did You Feel It? (DYFI) system has collected more than 200,000 observations during this period with 22,000+ observations at distances less than 20 km. This dataset has already been used to study the unique characteristics of induced earthquakes, to evaluate the extent of felt area, shaking, and damage, to compare intensity and ground motion metrics,...
This dataset contains the supplemental information for the article "Oklahoma experiences largest earthquake during ongoing regional wastewater injection hazard mitigation efforts" published in Geophysical Research Letters (Yeck and others, 2017). Included is a table of relocated earthquake hypocenters and the velocity model used in the event relocations. These locations form the basis of the analysis presented in the article.
The 2014 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard Maps display earthquake ground motions for various probability levels across the United States and are applied in seismic provisions of building codes, insurance rate structures, risk assessments, and other public policy. The updated maps represent an assessment of the best available science in earthquake hazards and incorporate new findings on earthquake ground shaking, faults, seismicity, and geodesy. The USGS National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project developed these maps by incorporating information on potential earthquakes and associated ground shaking obtained from interaction in science and engineering workshops involving hundreds of participants,...
OpenSHA is an effort to develop object-oriented, web- & GUI-enabled, open-source, and freely available code for conducting Seismic Hazard Analyses (SHA). Our goal is to provide a framework where any arbitrarily complex (e.g., physics based) earthquake-rupture forecast, ground-motion, or engineering-response model can “plug in” for analysis without having to change what’s being plugged into.
A Finite Fault is a modeled representation of the spatial extent, amplitude and duration of fault rupture (slip) of an earthquake, and is generated via the inversion of teleseismic body waveforms and long period surface waves. It may indicate that a location of major fault-slip and source of seismic energy has occurred at a significant distance from the earthquake epicenter, which is the location on the fault where the earthquake rupture nucleated. For many earthquakes, the preferred model represents the distribution of slip on one of the two alternative fault-planes that are implied by the earthquake moment-tensor. For some earthquakes, the seismographic data are fit equally well by models involving slip on either...
The DYFI system collects observations from people who felt an earthquake and then maps out the extent of shaking and damage they reported. The ComCat online Search interface allows users to select query criteria that return events with DYFI data and products.
On January 15, 1997, a landslide of approximately 100,000-m3 from a coastal bluff swept five cars of a freight train into Puget Sound at Woodway, Washington, USA, 25 km north of downtown Seattle. The landslide resulted from failure of a sequence of dense sands and hard silts of glacial and non-glacial origin, including hard, jointed clayey silt that rarely fails in natural slopes. Joints controlled ground-water seepage through the silt and break-up of the landslide mass. During September of 1997, the U.S. Geological Survey began measuring rainfall, ground-water pressures, and ground movement at the bluff where the landslide occurred. The original sensor array comprised a tipping-bucket rain gauge, four extensometers...
The USGS is offering earthquake alerts via two twitter accounts: @USGSted and @USGSBigQuakes. On average, @USGSted and @USGSBigQuakes will produce about one tweet per day, however, aftershocks following major earthquakes can greatly increase this number. Users interested in custom alerts based on specific geographic regions and magnitude thresholds should sign up for e-mail alerts distributed by our Earthquake Notification Service (ENS).
The ANSS Comprehensive Catalog (ComCat) contains earthquake source parameters and other products produced by contributing seismic networks. Important digital catalogs of earthquake source parameters (e.g. Centennial Catalog, Global Centroid Moment Tensor Catalog) are loaded into ComCat. New and updated data are added to the catalog dynamically as sources publish or update products. Access to the ComCat is via the online search page, on which a user can select a wide variety of criteria to locate earthquake events of interest. Source Parameters: -amplitude - hypocenter - magnitude - phase data - finite fault - focal mechanism - moment tensor - tectonic summary - regional information Products: - Did You Feel It? -...
The USGS collaborates with organizations (such as the Building Seismic Safety Council) that develop model building and bridge design codes to make seismic design parameter values available to engineers. The design code developers first decide how USGS earthquake hazard information should be applied in design practice. Then the USGS calculates gridded values of seismic design parameters based on USGS hazard values in accordance with design code procedures. The U.S. Seismic Design Maps application provides seismic design parameter values from the following design code editions: 2013 ASCE/SEI 41, 2012/09/06 International Building Code, 2010/05 ASCE/SEI 7 Standard, 2009/03 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions, 2009...

map background search result map search result map High resolution measurements of aseismic slip (creep) on the San Andreas fault system from Parkfield to San Francisco Bay area; 1966 to the present Catalog of relocated earthquake hypocenters and local velocity model for the 2016 Mw 5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma, sequence Catalog of relocated earthquake hypocenters and local velocity model for the 2016 Mw 5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma, sequence High resolution measurements of aseismic slip (creep) on the San Andreas fault system from Parkfield to San Francisco Bay area; 1966 to the present