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This dataset contains sample information about the origin of the butterflies sequenced, and their corresponding SNP genotype data. These data were used to examine patterns of genomic structure of the Karner blue butterfly from throughout its range. The raw sequence data are archived in the GenBank Bioproject PRJNA995790 at:
This data set was collected as part of a structured decision-making workshop designed to identify sources of uncertainty and articulate alternative hypotheses about prescribed fire in high marshes of the Gulf of Mexico. Workshop participants independently scored alternative hypotheses based on a standard rubric using an online system. Following the workshop, we used the scores to compute QVoI for each participant. We used QVoI to prioritize the sources of uncertainty based on their magnitude of uncertainty, relevance for decision making, and reducibility.
Values for area of all occupied habitat were only obtained for species whose occupancy models predicted a marked proportion of the species' population was likely present in non-forest habitats.
These data identify the time (0-1 min, 1-2 min,or 2-3 min) and distance (≤50 meters, >50 meters) category when birds were first detected during 3-minutes point counts at stop locations associated with North American Breeding Bird Survey routes or route equivalents that were surveyed on dates between 2009 and 2016 and provide point location coordinates of stop locations along North American Breeding Bird Survey routes or route equivalents within (or within 60 miles) the Gulf Coastal Plains & Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative boundary.
This data product consists of a database of population change and abundance estimates for North American birds, estimated from North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data. Data are presented for 548 species of birds in 4 spreadsheets containing trend estimates and annual indices for 2 time periods. Estimates are derived for each species using the 1 of 4 alternative models, and a cross-validation model selection procedure was used to select the best model for each species.
This dataset includes microsatellite genotypes for 44 collections of Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis and 14 collections of H. d. media distributed from Massachusetts to Florida, United States.
In order to allow for a comparison across years we visually digitized landcover of Poplar Island from a single image per year at a 1:1000 spatial extent with a minimum mapping unit of 300 square meters (no minimum dimensions aside from area). Images used to assign landcover were provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and were captured between July and October of their respective years. All images were 1 foot resolution.
This is an antiquated version of the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) dataset that has been superseded by a more recent release. Unless visitors have a specific need for these archived data, they should return to the Main BBS Dataset Page and choose the most recent data release, as that one will include all BBS data released to date. The 1966-2021 North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) dataset contains avian point count data for more than 700 North American bird taxa (species, races, and unidentified species groupings). These data are collected annually during the breeding season, primarily in June, along thousands of randomly established roadside survey routes in the United States and Canada. Routes...
This data set is comprised of 3 files of information collected on amphibians and vernal pool habitats at Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge from 2004 - 2016.
Here we provide data used to report on changes in tidal marsh elevation in relation to our network of 20 fixed benchmarks located across a geographically broad network of coastal elevation monitoring stations with standard monitoring protocols. This dataset includes Surface Elevation Table (SET) measurements taken from 10 sites along the US Atlantic coast, ranging from Virginia to Maine. Each site includes 2 SETs where repeat measurements of wetland surface elevation were made from 2005-2019.
This data release links benthic macroinvertebrate sites to both the NHDPlus Version 2 and NHDPlus High Resolution Region 02 networks, hereafter referred to as V2 and HR, using the hydrolink methodology. Linked benthic macroinvertebrate sites are those included in the Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide Index of Biotic Integrity (Chessie BIBI) developed by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) and available from the Chesapeake Bay Program ( The data set contains a unique sample identifier created by ICPRB, survey program, coordinates of sample, linked V2 COMID and HR Permanent Identifier, and information regarding uncertainty in the attribution. We strongly...
These data support a paired USGS publication and document the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry farms by wild waterfowl.
Raw data were collected in Shenandoah National Park during summer 2012. Air and temperature data were collected using temperature loggers at several stations throughout the park. These data were used in the publication of the manuscript "Accounting for groundwater influence on headwater stream thermal sensitivity to climate change" through the journal Ecological Applications. Water temperature data were collected at all 78 reach locations during the summer of 2012 (23 June–7 September). Temperature was measured every hour with a logger.
Forest- Data collected once using GIS prior to fish sampling. Our approach was to focus the study on smaller, headwater catchments because larger streams drained areas containing both hemlock and mixed hardwood forest, making forest-specific comparison intractable. In addition, most of these larger watersheds were impacted by humans (e.g., impoundments, agriculture, quarries) that could confound our assessment of the influence of hemlock. Even after limiting the study to headwater catchments, other possible confounding factors remained; we controlled for landscape variability (i.e., terrain and stream size) through the sampling design and we excluded others (i.e., minimum catchment area,beaver activity) through...
Reproductive Data for All Nests Monitored; Data for Mayfield Analysis; Eggshell thickness, nestling morphological measurements, nestling plasma stable isotopes, and nestling red blood cell oxidative DNA damage; Egg organochlorine pesticide, total PCB, flame retardants, and PCB toxic equivalent concentrations; Fish capture by osprey; Fish pools and size for contaminant analysis; Fish organochlorine pesticide, total PCB and flame retardants concentrations; Data for estimation of p,p’-DDE and total PCB biomagnification from fish to osprey eggs
These data describe the status of eggs in nests which had a foster egg added to them as part of an effort to relocate a common tern colony on Poplar Island. One data file (McGowanEtAl2018_FosterNestData_Data.csv) contains the data regarding the observations, while one definitions file (McGowanEtAl2018_FosterNestData_Definitions.csv) details the data.
These data have been collected by a collaborative and coordinated research network, SPARCnet (Salamander Population and Adaptation Research Collaboration network). We collected these data to examine patterns in seasonal and latitudinal variation in population density. This data can be used to estimate local salamander biomass, correcting for imperfect detection, and then compare these to estimates of biomass for other vertebrate species in North America that are known to have out-sized roles in ecosystem processes.
Nest number, description of nest structure and location, longitude, latitude, dates of observations, presence of adults, eggs, nestlings, outcome of reproductive effort, number of young fledged, and osprey nest platforms occupied by Canada geese.
This study examined effects of the brominated flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) on the avian endocrine system. Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) were exposed to multiple doses of HBCD over multiple generations through feed and by maternal deposition into the egg. Liver transcriptomes were examined to identify genes and pathways directly affected by HBCD to better understand the mechanisms of action in birds. RNA was extracted from liver of adults and embryos and analyzed (1x50 bp) on an Illumina HiSeq 2000. NCBI Biosample accessions and the raw counts that were input into the differential expression analysis are provided in this dataset. The raw sequence data are available at the NCBI Sequence Read...

map background search result map search result map 2012 Air and Temperature Data from Shenandoah National Park Fish Population and Hemlock data in Delware Water Gap Examination of contaminant exposure and reproduction of ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) nesting in Delaware Bay and River in 2015 Promoting Change in Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Nest Site Selection to Minimize Construction Related Disturbance Time and Distance of Detection and Stop Locations along North American Breeding Bird Survey routes within the Gulf Coastal Plains & Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Area of Occupied Habitat Poplar Island Digitizing Population genetic data for two species of tiger beetles, Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis and H. d. media xLegacy Data Releases Qualitative value of information for the effects of prescribed fire in Gulf of Mexico marshes: Expert judgment scores from a 2020 adaptive management workshop Long-term effects of timber harvest on vernal pool availability and occupancy of two obligate amphibians Surface Elevation Tablet Measurements from 10 USGS Sites Along the US Atlantic Coast (2005-2020) Data describing the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry facilities on Delmarva by wild waterfowl Attribution of benthic macroinvertebrate sampling data to NHDPlus V2 and NHDPlus HR catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed SNP data for Karner blue butterfly samples from across the species range Hemingway Site: Range-wide salamander densities reveal a key component of terrestrial vertebrate biomass in eastern North American forests Transcriptomic Responses to Hexabromocyclododecane in Japanese Quail Osprey Reproduction in vicinity of the Choptank River 2024 Transcriptomic Responses to Hexabromocyclododecane in Japanese Quail Poplar Island Digitizing Promoting Change in Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Nest Site Selection to Minimize Construction Related Disturbance Long-term effects of timber harvest on vernal pool availability and occupancy of two obligate amphibians Osprey Reproduction in vicinity of the Choptank River 2024 Hemingway Site: Range-wide salamander densities reveal a key component of terrestrial vertebrate biomass in eastern North American forests Fish Population and Hemlock data in Delware Water Gap 2012 Air and Temperature Data from Shenandoah National Park xLegacy Data Releases Data describing the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry facilities on Delmarva by wild waterfowl Examination of contaminant exposure and reproduction of ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) nesting in Delaware Bay and River in 2015 Area of Occupied Habitat Attribution of benthic macroinvertebrate sampling data to NHDPlus V2 and NHDPlus HR catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Qualitative value of information for the effects of prescribed fire in Gulf of Mexico marshes: Expert judgment scores from a 2020 adaptive management workshop Surface Elevation Tablet Measurements from 10 USGS Sites Along the US Atlantic Coast (2005-2020) Time and Distance of Detection and Stop Locations along North American Breeding Bird Survey routes within the Gulf Coastal Plains & Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Population genetic data for two species of tiger beetles, Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis and H. d. media SNP data for Karner blue butterfly samples from across the species range