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Airborne geophysical surveys were conducted in the eastern Adirondacks from Dec. 7, 2015 - Dec. 21, 2015, by Goldak Airborne Surveys. The area was flown along a draped surface with a nominal survey height above ground of 200 meters. The flight line spacing was 250 meters for traverse lines and 2500 meters for control lines. Here we present downloadable magnetic and radiometric (gamma spectrometry) data from those surveys as image (Geotiff) and flight line data (csv format). Background The Eastern Adirondacks region was known for iron mining in the 1800's and 1900's but it also contains deposits of rare earth minerals. Rare earth minerals are used in advanced technology such as in cell phones, rechargeable batteries...
Gravity data were collected from 2006 through 2015 to assist in mapping subsurface geology in the southern San Luis Basin, northern New Mexico. This data release provides principal facts for 566 new gravity stations that were acquired to fill in gaps in the existing public gravity data coverage.
This dataset accompanies the publication, 'In situ LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating of cassiterite without a known-age matrix-matched reference material: Examples from worldwide tin deposits spanning the Proterozoic to Tertiary', published in Chemical Geology (, which reports a LA-ICPMS analytical procedure for dating cassiterite, a main ore mineral in tin deposits, with no need for an independently dated matrix-matched cassiterite standard.
Thirty-four ore, twenty-nine mine waste, seven host rock, two pegmatite, and one slag sample were collected from iron oxide-apatite (IOA) mines in the eastern Adirondack Highlands near Mineville and Ticonderoga, New York, from March 2016 to August 2018. The waste pile samples included twenty-five samples collected from rubble-sized mine waste piles and four samples from processed tailings piles. The ore from historic iron mines of the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York, contain abundant quantities of rare earth element (REE)-bearing apatite crystals. These apatite crystals are especially enriched in Y, La, Ce, and Nd. In-ground ore, mine waste piles, and tailings piles could contain apatite...
Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and magnetic survey data were collected during October 2014 in a 553-square-kilometer area that includes the East Poplar oil field on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in northeastern Montana, USA. Data surround the city of Poplar and extend south into the Missouri River floodplain. Data were acquired with the SkyTEM301 transient electromagnetic helicopter-borne system together with a Geometrics G-822 magnetometer. The AEM average depth of investigation is about 80 m. The survey was flown at a nominal flight height of 30 m above terrain along north-south oriented flight lines; the majority of lines had a nominal spacing of 200 m with a sub-block area in the central portion of the oil...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: CGGSC, City of Poplar, Crustal Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center, East Poplar Oil Field, Energy Resources Program, All tags...
The Geochemical Database for Iron Oxide-Copper-Cobalt-Gold-Rare Earth Element Deposits of Southeast Missouri (IOCG-REE_GX) contains new geochemical data compilations for samples from IOCG-REE type deposits in which each rock sample has one "best value" determination for each analyzed species, greatly improving speed and efficiency of use. IOCG-REE_GX was created and designed to compile whole-rock and trace element data from southeast Missouri in order to facilitate petrologic studies, mineral resource assessments, and the definition and statistics of geochemical baseline values. This relational database serves as a data archive in support of present and future geologic and geochemical studies of IOCG-REE type deposits,...
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Boss-Bixby deposit, Bourbon deposit, Camel's Hump deposit, Carter County, Cedar Hill deposit, All tags...
This publication provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution magnetic and radiometric survey over an area of northwest Arkansas. The airborne geophysical survey was jointly funded by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program and the Earth Mapping Resource Initiative and was designed to meet the complimentary needs related to geologic mapping and mineral resource research. The survey covers an irregular area 225 by 110 kilometer over the transition between the Ouachita and Ozarks Plateau physiographic provinces and includes 67,614 line-kilometers of magnetic and radiometric data. Data were collected from a fixed-wing aircraft flown at mean terrain clearance of 167 meters (m) above topography...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: AASG, Association of American State Geologists, Barry County, Baxter County, Boone County, All tags...
This data release includes geochemical, x-ray diffraction mineralogical, and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) data on rocks, soils, and sediments collected near the Orange Hill and Bond Creek porphyry copper deposits, Nabesna quadrangle, Alaska. Geochemical analyses were completed by a laboratory under contract with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Electron microprobe and x-ray diffraction mineralogical analyses were completed by personnel of the Central Region Minerals Program in Denver, Colorado. The samples were collected and analyzed during 2014 to 2016, selected to help characterize the distribution and composition of mineralized and unmineralized geologic materials in this remote part of the eastern Alaska...
Categories: Data; Types: Citation, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Alaska, Alaska Range, Alder Gulch, Bond Creek, Chathenda Creek, All tags...
In 1968, the Missouri Geological Survey (MGS) established the Operation Basement program to address three objectives: a) to obtain drill hole and underground mining data relative to the structure and composition of the buried Precambrian basement; b) to expand mapping in the Precambrian outcrop area and conduct research related to Precambrian geology and mineral resources; and c) to publish the results of the first two objectives in the Contribution to Precambrian Geology series (Kisvarsanyi, 1976). The database presented here represents the first of those objectives. It was originally compiled in close cooperation with exploration and mining companies operating in Missouri, who provided drillhole data, core and...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Adair County, Andrew County, Atchison County, Audrain County, Barry County, All tags...
This dataset includes the magnetotelluric (MT) sounding data collected in 2005 along an east-west profile north of Wells, Nevada. It is important to know whether major mining districts in the Northern Nevada Gold Province are underlain by rocks of the Archean Wyoming craton, which are known to contain orogenic gold deposits, or by accreted rocks of the Paleoproterozoic Mojave province. It is also important to know the location and orientation of the Archean/Proterozoic suture zone between these provinces as well as major basement structures within these terranes because they may influence subsequent patterns of sedimentation, deformation, magmatism, and hydrothermal activity. This study was funded by the U.S. Geological...
This dataset includes the magnetotelluric (MT) sounding data collected in 2009 in and near the San Luis Basin, New Mexico. The U.S. Geological Survey conducted a series of multidisciplinary studies, including MT surveys, in the San Luis Basin to improve understanding of the hydrogeology of the Santa Fe Group and the nature of the sedimentary deposits comprising the principal groundwater aquifers of the Rio Grande rift. The shallow unconfined and the deeper confined Santa Fe Group aquifers in the San Luis Basin are the main sources of municipal water for the region. The population of the San Luis Basin region is growing rapidly and water shortfalls could have serious consequences. Future growth and land management...
This publication provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution horizontal magnetic gradient and radiometric survey over the Ironton, Missouri area of southeast Missouri. Data were collected using a fixed wing aircraft with magnetometers mounted in the tail stinger and each wing tip pod and a fully calibrated gamma ray spectrometer. The survey operated out of the Farmington, Missouri airport during January to mid-February of 2016. The survey covers an irregularly shaped region within a 54 x 53 square-kilometer area centered on the town of Ironton, Missouri. Data were collected along north-south flight lines spaced 300 meters (m) apart with east-west tie lines flown every 3000 m. A mean terrain clearance...
Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), downhole nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and manual permafrost-probe measurements were used to quantify permafrost characteristics along transects within several catchments in interior Alaska in late summer 2016 and 2017. Geophysical sites were chosen to coincide with additional soil, hydrologic, and geochemical measurements adjacent to various low-order streams and tributaries in a mix of burned and unburned watersheds in both silty and rocky environments. Data were collected in support of the Striegl-01 NASA ABoVE project, "Vulnerability of inland waters and the aquatic carbon cycle to changing permafrost and climate across boreal northwestern North America." Additional...
This release provides the data for a comprehensive survey of geologic structures in the eastern Española Basin of the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico. The release includes data and analyses from 53 individual fault zones and 22 other brittle structures, such as breccia zones, joints, and veins, investigated at a total of just over 100 sites. Structures were examined and compared from poorly lithified Tertiary sediments, as well as Paleozoic sedimentary and Proterozoic crystalline rocks. Data and analyses, include geologic maps; field observations and measurements; orientation, kinematic paleostress analyses and modeling; statistical examination of 575 fault trace lengths derived from aeromagnetic data in the Española...
Categories: Data; Types: Citation, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: CGGSC, Crustal Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center, Deformation (geologic), Faulting (geologic), Fracture (geologic), All tags...
Airborne electromagnetic (AEM), magnetic, and radiometric data were acquired November 2018 to February 2019 along 16,816 line-kilometers (line-km) over the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP). Data were acquired by CGG Canada Services, Ltd. with three different helicopter-borne sensors: the CGG Canada Services, Ltd. Resolve frequency-domain AEM instrument that is used to map subsurface geologic structure at depths up to 100 meters, depending on the subsurface resistivity; a Scintrex CS-3 cesium vapor magnetometer that detects changes in deep (hundreds of meters to kilometers) geologic structure based on variations in the magnetic properties of different formations; and a Radiation Solutions RS-500 spectrometer that...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Arkansas, Bayou Bartholomew, Bayou Meto, Boeuf River, Cache River, All tags...
The data release for Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area and the Magruder Corridor and Special Mining Management Zone Additions to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area, and adjacent areas Idaho and Montana, contains a subset of previously unpublished geochemical data from the 1979-1984 projects. In the case of Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area study (Lund and Esparza, 1990), the purpose of the project was to determine petrologic and geochemical characteristics and to investigate effects of historic mine drainage in the study area. Data for the Magruder Corridor Addition reflect rock geochemistry to document petrologic and geochemical characteristics (Mosier and others, 1981; Lund and others, 1992). Included in...
This data release includes audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) sounding data collected in July 2018 in the Silverton Caldera complex, Colorado, in the Southern Rocky Mountain Volcanic Field, by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Along with geologic mapping, airborne magnetics, airborne electromagnetics, and magnetotellurics, the USGS collected AMT data at 24 sites along four profiles ranging from 3 to 6 kilometers in length across the north-western structural margin of the Silverton caldera in Mineral Basin (MB01-MB05), across the south-eastern margin of the caldera along Cunningham Creek (CC01-CC05), within the caldera in Eureka Graben (EG01-EG05), and within the caldera along upper Cement Creek near the Gold King mine...
This dataset includes the locations of magnetotelluric (MT) stations collected in 2006 in the Southern San Luis Valley, Colorado. The U.S. Geological Survey conducted a series of multidisciplinary studies, including MT surveys, in the San Luis Valley to improve understanding of the hydrogeology of the Santa Fe Group and the nature of the sedimentary deposits comprising the principal groundwater aquifers of the Rio Grande rift. The shallow unconfined and the deeper confined Santa Fe Group aquifers in the San Luis Basin are the main sources of municipal water for the region. The population of the San Luis Valley region is growing rapidly and water shortfalls could have serious consequences. Future growth and land...
Cassiterite (SnO2) samples were collected throughout Devon and Cornwall Counties in southwest England, United Kingdom. Samples were prepared and analyzed for direct age dating on a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICPMS) system at the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver, Colorado in February and April 2018. This data release accompanies the publication, 'U-Pb geochronology of tin deposits associated with the Cornubian Batholith of southwest England: Direct dating of cassiterite by in situ LA-ICPMS' (Moscati and Neymark, in press). The publication describes a greater chronologic control and refinement of Cornubian tin ore deposition and allows comparison of its timing with previously published...

map background search result map search result map Geochemical Database for Iron Oxide-Copper-Cobalt-Gold-Rare Earth Element Deposits of Southeast Missouri Magnetotelluric sounding locations, stations 1 to 22, Southern San Luis Valley, Colorado, 2006 Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Ironton, Missouri area Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey data, East Poplar Oil Field and surrounding area, October 2014, Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana Data for a Comprehensive Survey of Fault Zones, Breccias, and Fractures in and Flanking the Eastern Española Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico Airborne Geophysical Surveys over the Eastern Adirondacks, New York State Principal facts of gravity data in the southern San Luis Basin, northern New Mexico Magnetotelluric sounding data, stations 1-9, Taos Plateau Volcanic Field, New Mexico, 2009 Geochemical Data Release for Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area, Magruder Corridor and Special Mining Management Zone Additions to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area, and adjacent areas Idaho and Montana Magnetotelluric survey to characterize the Sunnyside Porphyry Copper System in the Patagonia Mountains, Arizona Operation Basement: Missouri Precambrian Sample Database Magnetotelluric sounding data, stations 26 to 36, north of Wells, Nevada, 2005 Whole rock, soil, sediment, x-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analyses of samples from the Orange Hill-Bond Creek area, Nabesna Quadrangle, Alaska U-Pb data for: In situ LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating of cassiterite without a known-age matrix-matched reference material: Examples from worldwide tin deposits spanning the Proterozoic to Tertiary Alaska permafrost characterization: Geophysical and related field data collected from 2016-2017 Geochemistry of ore, host rock, and mine waste pile samples of iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits of the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York, in relation to potential rare earth elements resources, 2016-2018 U-Pb data for: U-Pb geochronology of tin deposits associated with the Cornubian Batholith of southwest England: Direct dating of cassiterite by in situ LA-ICPMS Audiomagnetotelluric sounding data in the Silverton Caldera complex, Colorado, 2018 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, November 2018 - February 2019 Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over northwest Arkansas, 2019-2020 Magnetotelluric survey to characterize the Sunnyside Porphyry Copper System in the Patagonia Mountains, Arizona Audiomagnetotelluric sounding data in the Silverton Caldera complex, Colorado, 2018 Magnetotelluric sounding data, stations 1-9, Taos Plateau Volcanic Field, New Mexico, 2009 Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey data, East Poplar Oil Field and surrounding area, October 2014, Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana Geochemistry of ore, host rock, and mine waste pile samples of iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits of the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York, in relation to potential rare earth elements resources, 2016-2018 Magnetotelluric sounding locations, stations 1 to 22, Southern San Luis Valley, Colorado, 2006 Principal facts of gravity data in the southern San Luis Basin, northern New Mexico U-Pb data for: U-Pb geochronology of tin deposits associated with the Cornubian Batholith of southwest England: Direct dating of cassiterite by in situ LA-ICPMS Geochemical Data Release for Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area, Magruder Corridor and Special Mining Management Zone Additions to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area, and adjacent areas Idaho and Montana Data for a Comprehensive Survey of Fault Zones, Breccias, and Fractures in and Flanking the Eastern Española Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over northwest Arkansas, 2019-2020 Geochemical Database for Iron Oxide-Copper-Cobalt-Gold-Rare Earth Element Deposits of Southeast Missouri Alaska permafrost characterization: Geophysical and related field data collected from 2016-2017 Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, November 2018 - February 2019 Operation Basement: Missouri Precambrian Sample Database U-Pb data for: In situ LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating of cassiterite without a known-age matrix-matched reference material: Examples from worldwide tin deposits spanning the Proterozoic to Tertiary