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contains an excel format and shapefile format of the vegetation survey data collected within Humboldt Bay during the summer of 2012.We recorded vegetation data within a 0.25 m2 quadrat concurrently with elevation surveys. Data were taken at every fourth (25%) elevation point (n=740 quadrats; Fig. 4). We measured height (mean and maximum, measured within 0.05 m) and visually estimated percent cover for each species within each quadrat. This allowed us to develop a relationship between plant species, elevation and tidal datum across all sites. We also characterized the most common species, which were defined as those found at>10 % of the plots. Plant species frequency was plotted relative to MHW. This comprehensive...
In 2005, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) adopted Canada’s Policy for the Conservation of Wild Salmon Policy (the WSP) (DFO 2005). Implementation of the WSP consists of six strategies, the first of which requires the standardized monitoring of wild salmon status. Standardized monitoring begins with the identification of species-specific Conservation Units or CUs. The CUs serve two roles under the WSP. First, each CU is, in some sense, a significant element of biodiversity that the WSP seeks to conserve and manage. Second, each CU is a unit for reporting on the success (or failure) of actions taken under the WSP to conserve wild Pacific salmon. Subsequent steps in the Policy’s implementation, including...
Land & Resource Management Plan (L&RMP) Land Suitability Class This is a derived layer of forestland capability, suitability and availability for timber production. Water is assigned census or non-census water using the water bodies layer. Land is assigned to forest or non-forest using existing vegetation. Forestland both capable (productive) and other (non-productive) forestland, as well as non-forest are determined by CALVEG types (TABLE 38). Each CALVEG type is assigned a forest productivity code (TABLE 43). Suitability information is derived from productive forest CALVEG types that are available, minus the unsuitable forestlands (UNSU). Availability (TABLE 11) is derived by determining all forestland from...
The Interagency Vegetation Mapping Project (IVMP) provides maps of existing vegetation, canopy cover, size, and cover type for the entire range of the Northern Spotted Owl using satellite imagery from the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM). This area is commonly called the FEMAT area, in reference to the area's analysis by the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team. A regression modeling approach was used to predict vegetation characteristics from this Landsat data. This process involved the use of numerous sources of ancillary data, the most crucial being USFS, BLM, and Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plot field data and plot photo interpreted information. This data served as training data in the regression...
This theme shows the Key Watersheds that are located on BLM lands and adjacent Forest Service Lands, as identified during the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment effort (Northwest Forest Plan - Record of Decision 1994). The initial mapping done in 1994 was a very generalized representation and was done prior to the development of the interagency standard 5th and 6th field watershed boundaries. The line work has been made coincident with the 5th and 6th field watershed lines where the Key Watershed Boundaries clearly intended to use a watershed as the boundary. District personnel have reviewed these edits to conform to the 5th and 6th field boundaries and have incorporated other edits to follow operationally identifiable...
The rasters 22 classes of forest vegetation from potential forest (value 1) through large multistory conifer (value 22) plus water, barren lands, etc. at 25 meter resolution. Source data was Interagency Vegetation Mapping Project (IVMP) coverages for quadratic mean diameter (QMD), stand structure, and conifer vegetation from Landsat TM ca. 1996. Accuracy Assessment not valid for land areas smaller than physiographic province. Mapped by the Regional Interagency Effectiveness Monitoring Program, NW Forest Plan, R6/PNW in 2005. LANDSAT TM ca. 1996; IVMP quadratic mean diameter, species, canopy structure
The Fish_KeyWatershed feature class contains polygon corporate data which depicts fish key watersheds. This feature class is a product of the Pacific Northwest Region Coverage to Geodatabase Conversion Project in an effort to standardize data throughout the Region. Anadromous fish watersheds
Ecoregional assessment portfolios of priority conservation areas for all ecoregions intersecting Washington. This includes terrestrial, freshwater, marine, and integrated portfolios that were developed for each ecoregional assessment.
The Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is a geodatabase that illustrates and describes public land ownership, management and conservation lands nationally, including voluntarily provided privately protected areas. The lands included in PAD-US are assigned conservation measures that qualify their intent to manage lands for the preservation of biological diversity and to other natural, recreational and cultural uses; managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means. The geodatabase includes: 1) Geographic boundaries of public land ownership and voluntarily provided private conservation lands (e.g., Nature Conservancy Preserves); 2) The combination land owner, land manager, management...
This is a clip of the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre World Protected Database. For full metadata, please refer to the pdf document attached to this record.
The Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Plan (AREMP) characterizes the ecological condition of watersheds and aquatic ecosystems to answer the core question: “Are the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) and the BLM Western Oregon Resource Management Plans maintaining and restoring the conditions of aquatic and riparian ecosystems on federal lands in the Forest Plan area?” AREMP determines the status and trend of inchannel and upslope-riparian watershed condition for sixth-field watersheds (HUC12) within the NWFP area. Upslope and riparian condition are based on mapped data (e.g. road density, vegetation) for all watersheds with ≥5% federal ownership. Inchannel condition is based on stream data (e.g. substrate,...
The risk mapping effort was initiated in 1995 with the formation of a group of specialists from several disciplines including representatives from state and other federal agencies to map and identify risk to insect caused tree mortality. An area is defined to be at risk if 25% or more tree mortality (beyond the normal level of approximately 0.6% annually) is expected over the next 15 years. This effort developed a statewide insect mortality risk layer based upon rules and statistics developed for the National forests and expanded to cover all state and private forest land. Rule structures were based primarily upon stand density index and also included, precipitation, percent canopy cover of host species, and host...
Kuchler's Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV) map refined by the Fire Science Laboratory, Rocky Mountain Research Station (US Forest Service) to match terrain using a 500 meter Digital Elevation Model,4th Code Hydrologic Units, and Ecological Subregions (Bailey's Sections). These biophysical data layers were integrated with current vegetation layers to develop generalized successional pathway diagrams. Expert regional panels refined the PNV map based on these successional pathways. Originally, these coarse-scale data were developed for national-level planning. Specifically, we used this data set in the Sage-grouse Conservation Assessment. Kuchler (1964) defined potential natural vegetation as "the vegetation...
Hydrologic landscape regions (HLRs) in the United States were delineated by using geographic information system (GIS) tools and statistical methods including principal components and cluster analyses. The GIS and statistical analyses were applied to land-surface form, geologic texture (permeability of the soil and bedrock), and climate variables that describe the physical and climatic setting of 43,931 small (roughly 200 square kilometers) watersheds in the United States. The analyses then grouped the watersheds into 20 noncontiguous regions (the HLRs) on the basis of similarities in land-surface form, geologic texture, and climate characteristics.
Here we describe one conservation tool that will help to identify particularly significant river basins of the North Pacific for the conservation of salmon: the first Pacific-Rim wide assessment of salmon populations at a consistent scale. In conjunction with a scientific advisory panel and a peer review workshop we developed four criteria for the Pacific Salmon Conservation Assessment (PSCA) to provide an indication of aquatic ecosystem and salmon population resilience at the basin scale. These criteria are salmon abundance, diversity, hatchery influence, and landscape suitability. Highly abundant salmon populations have more “cushion” with which to absorb anthropogenic or natural disturbance (Quigley and...
Terrestrial Ecological Unit Inventory within the Fremont-Winema National Forest
The NFHAP Coastal Spatial Framework and Indicator Datasets consist of a geospatial base layer developed in ArcGIS, and associated data fields joined to the spatial framework. The Coastal Spatial Framework is a layer of 612 distinct polygons covering coastal areas of the Continental U.S. Polygons represent either coastal watersheds (land) or coastal waters (estuaries, inshore marine, offshore marine),and are classified into six regions and 22 nested subregions. Each polygon is assigned a unique code (UniqueID) to provide location reference for indicator data, and enable joins to separate data tables.s for information recorded in the Bibliography and Assessment tables. Key indicator data fields attributed to each...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 2010 National Assessment, 2010 National Assessment, ACFHP, Alabama, Assessment, All tags...
Across the Pacific Northwest, both public and private agents are working to improve riverine habitat for a variety of reasons, including improving conditions for threatened and endangered salmon. These projects are moving forward with little or no knowledge of specific linkages between restoration actions and the responses of target species. Targeted effectiveness monitoring of these actions is required to redress this lack of mechanistic understanding, but such monitoring is in turn dependant on detailed restoration information; i.e. implementation monitoring. We assembled a database of restoration projects intended to improve stream and river habitat throughout the Pacific Northwest. The database was designed...

map background search result map search result map Hydrologic landscape regions of the United States Protected Areas Database of the United States (PADUS) version 1.2 USFS and BLM Interagency Vegetation Mapping Project Potential Natural Vegetation of the Conterminous United States (modified Kuchler) NFHP 2010 National Estuary Assessment Results GAP Ecological Systems for Columbia Plateau World Protected Areas, NPLCC USFS Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program Northwest Forest Plan Key Watersheds 2002 (Polygon) Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund & Pacific Northwest Salmon Habitat Project Database Pacific Northwest Ecoregional Portfolios Geodatabase NW Forest Plan Late Successional and Old Growth Forest (LSOG) British Columbia Salmon Conservation Units Fremont-Winema National Forest Terrestrial Ecological Units Six Rivers National Forest Timber Suitability Risk of Insect-caused tree mortality, California Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Key Watersheds for Fish Humboldt Marsh Vegetation Humboldt Marsh Vegetation Fremont-Winema National Forest Terrestrial Ecological Units Six Rivers National Forest Timber Suitability Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Key Watersheds for Fish USFS and BLM Interagency Vegetation Mapping Project GAP Ecological Systems for Columbia Plateau USFS Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program Northwest Forest Plan Key Watersheds 2002 (Polygon) NW Forest Plan Late Successional and Old Growth Forest (LSOG) Risk of Insect-caused tree mortality, California Protected Areas Database of the United States (PADUS) version 1.2 Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund & Pacific Northwest Salmon Habitat Project Database Pacific Northwest Ecoregional Portfolios Geodatabase British Columbia Salmon Conservation Units World Protected Areas, NPLCC NFHP 2010 National Estuary Assessment Results Potential Natural Vegetation of the Conterminous United States (modified Kuchler) Hydrologic landscape regions of the United States