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This part of the Data Release contains the raster representation of the water-level altitude and water-level change maps developed every 5 years from 1980-2015 for the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study. The input point data used to generate the water-level altitude maps can be found in the "Groundwater level measurement data used to develop water-level altitude maps in the upper Rio Grande Alluvial Basins" child item of this data release. These digital data accompany Houston, N.A., Thomas, J.V., Foster, L.K., Pedraza, D.E., and Welborn, T.L., 2020, Hydrogeologic framework, groundwater-level altitudes, groundwater-level changes, and groundwater-storage changes in selected alluvial basins of the upper Rio Grande...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Ahumada, Alamosa, Alamosa County, Alamosa Creek, All tags...
More than 11,500 well records, such as geophysical logs, drilling descriptions, and published hydrogeologic framework information, were evaluated to help characterize the framework of hydrogeologic units in and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas. Additional geophysical data were collected to improve the spatial coverage across the study area and to reduce uncertainty with regard to hydrogeologic unit extents. The evaluation of existing data plus the collection of new geophysical data provided that basis for developoing a refined understanding of how the saturated thickness of the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity aquifers vary throughout the study area.
Declining groundwater levels in and near Gaines, Yoakum, and Terry Counties in the Texas Panhandle have raised concerns about the amount of available groundwater and the potential for water-quality changes resulting from dewatering and increased vertical groundwater movement between adjacent water-bearing hydrogeologic units. More than 9,800 well records, such as geophysical logs, drilling descriptions, and published hydrogeologic framework information, were evaluated to help characterize the framework of hydrogeologic units in the study area. Additional geophysical data were collected to improve the spatial coverage across the study area and to reduce uncertainty with regard to hydrogeologic unit extents. Of greatest...
To help characterize the groundwater system at Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, the U.S. Geological Survey collected borehole geophysical and groundwater-quality data in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency during July–October 2016. The following borehole geophysical data were collected from wells at or near the Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site: induction, fluid resistivity, natural gamma, spectral gamma, fluid temperature, caliper, casing collar locator, optical televiewer, and electromagnetic flow meter logging (ambient and stressed). The geophysical data were used to evaluate well construction, stratigraphy, distribution of potassium, uranium, and thorium,...
This part of the data release contains historical streamflow data compiled from the literature and evaporation loss estimates used in the streamflow gain loss equation. These digital data accompany Houston, N.A., Thomas, J.V., Ging, P.B., Teeple, A.P., Pedraza, D.E., and Wallace, D.S., 2019, Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment, Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas,2015: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5071,
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Andrews County, Avalon Lake, Black River, Blue Hole, Brantley Lake, All tags...
This Data Release contains various types of hydrologic and geologic data from the Pecos River Basin during1900–2015, including water-quality data compiled and synthesized from various sources (including data from water-quality samples collected by the USGS in 2015 from 26 sites), streamflow gain-loss data collected by the USGS in 2015 and historical streamflow gain-loss data compiled from the literature, the horizontal extent of and depth to the base of the 16 geologic and hydrogeologic units that underlie the study area, and geospatial data collected by the USGS. The data were used to complete a detailed salinity assessment of the Pecos River from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Andrews County, Avalon Lake, Black River, Blue Hole, Brantley Lake, All tags...
This part of the Data Release contains the water-quality data compiled and synthesized from various sources(including data from water-quality samples collected by the USGS in 2015 from 26 sites). This collection includes three main tables that contain (1) the list of site locations that water-quality data were collected, and information about those sites, such as the spatial coordinates of a well (Site_information); (2)the list of samples that were collected, and information about those samples, such as the date the sample was collected (Sample_information); and (3) the results of the measured constituent, and information about the result such as amount of concentration measured in a constituent(Water_quality_results)....
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Andrews County, Avalon Lake, Black River, Blue Hole, Brantley Lake, All tags...
Alluvial basin boundaries in the Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) were a needed dataset for the groundwater component of the URGB Focus Area Study (FAS). A literature and data search revealed not all of the alluvial fill basins existed in a digital format that could be imported and used in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Available resources such as georeferenced report figures, digital elevation models (DEMs), principal aquifer dataset, surficial geology, and structural features, such as faults, were used to aid in defining the alluvial basin boundaries. An Esri ArcGIS geodatabase was created to house the final digitized dataset of the following alluvial basins: San Luis, Espanola, Socorro, La Jencia, San Marcial,...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Ahumada, Alamosa, Alamosa, Alamosa County, All tags...
This part of the data release contains the water-level measurement data compiled and synthesized from various sources. This collection includes two tables that contain all the water-level measurements that were considered to develop the water-level altitude maps (Input_VisGWDB), and a table of median water-level data that were used to develop the water-level altitude maps (MedianWaterLevelData). These digital data accompany Houston, N.A., Thomas, J.V., Foster, L.K., Pedraza, D.E., and Welborn, T.L., 2020, Hydrogeologic framework, groundwater-level Altitudes, groundwater-level changes, and groundwater-storage changes in selected alluvial basins of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Ahumada, Alamosa, Alamosa County, Alamosa Creek, All tags...
This part of the data release contains geospatial data collected and compiled during the Pecos River Basin salinity assessment of the Pecos River Basin from Santa Rosa Lake in New Mexico to the confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande in Texas. Raster representations of horizontal extent, and depth below land surface to the base of sixteen Quaternary through Permian aged geologic units that underlie the Pecos River Basin are provided in image format. These units include: the San Andres Limestone; the Artesia Group which includes the Grayburg, Queen, Seven Rivers, Yates, and Tansill Formations; Capitan Limestone; Castile, Salado, and Rustler Formations; the Dewey Lake Redbeds; the Dockum Group (divided into...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Andrews County, Avalon Lake, Black River, Blue Hole, Brantley Lake, All tags...
This data release contains waterborne self-potential (WaSP) and surface-water (SW) temperature, conductivity, and specific conductance data measured by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) along a 43.2-kilometer (km) long profile in the Elm Fork of the Trinity River upstream from the Dallas, Texas, metropolitan area. The WaSP data were measured from a kayak during January 25–27, 2022, along three survey segments between Lewisville Lake Dam and Frasier Dam Recreational Area. The first segment was surveyed on January 25, began a short distance downstream from Lewisville Lake Dam, and ended about 19.2 river-km downstream, a few meters upstream from Carrollton Dam in McInnish Park. The second was surveyed on January 26,...
In cooperation with the Llano Estacado Underground Water Conservation District (LEUWCD), the Sandy Land Underground Water Conservation District (SLUWCD), and the South Plains Underground Water Conservation District (SPUWCD), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) compiled historical geophysical and geochemical data in Gaines, Yoakum, and Terry Counties, Texas, and collected additional data where gaps were evident to assist with building a conceptual hydrogeologic model of the Gaines, Yoakum, and Terry Counties region. The compiled historical data includes all data available from predevelopment (pre-1945) through present day. For this study, predevelopment is considered everything prior to 1945 when the large-scale groundwater...
This part of the data release contains the geospatial data collected by the USGS during the Pecos River salinity assessment. The data includes a feature class of the study area boundary and the Pecos River Basin boundary, the picks that were used to develop the depth to the base of the 16 geologic units, a feature class of springs, seeps and sinkholes compiled in the study area, a feature class of the USGS streamflow-gaging stations locations in the study area, a feature class of the locations of the saltwater disposal wells in the study area, and a feature class of areas of interest with respect to salinity. These digital data accompany Houston, N.A., Thomas, J.V., Ging, P.B., Teeple, A.P., Pedraza, D.E., and...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Andrews County, Avalon Lake, Black River, Blue Hole, Brantley Lake, All tags...
The data set contained herein were collected as part of a cooperative U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) project entitled "Field Investigations to Help Support the Assessment of Background Concentrations for Uranium (U) at the Homestake Mining Company, Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, July 2016.” The site is underlain by alluvial and several consolidated rock units (Chinle and San Andreas aquifers) that contain in some cases elevated concentrations of U above the EPA MCL (maximum contaminant level). Borehole geophysical data were collected from six alluvial wells at the site. Borehole geophysical logs included: induction, fluid resistivity, natural gamma, spectral gamma,...
This Data Release contains various types of hydrologic and geologic data from the Upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study from 1921-2017, including groundwater-level measurement data compiled and synthesized from various sources, water-level altitude and water-level change maps developed from the water-level measurement data every 5 years from 1980-2015, and the horizontal extent of 13 alluvial basins in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Ahumada, Alamosa, Alamosa County, Alamosa Creek, All tags...

    map background search result map search result map Data Associated with Uranium Background Concentrations at Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, July 2016 through October 2016 (ver. 1.2, September 2018) Borehole Geophysical Data Associated with Uranium Background Concentrations at Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, July 2016 through October 2016 Hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017 Water Quality, Streamflow Gain Loss, Geologic, and Geospatial Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 1900-2015 Alluvial basin boundary data associated with the hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017 Data Used to Assess the Hydrogeologic Framework with Emphasis on the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity Aquifers, in and Near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas, 2018 Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data Used in the Hydrogeologic Framework Development and Refinement for the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity Aquifers In and Near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas Geologic Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 2015 Geospatial Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 2015 Compilation of Time-Domain Electromagnetic Surface Geophysical Soundings, Historical Borehole Characteristics, Water Level, Water Quality and Hydraulic Properties Data Throughout Gaines, Yoakum, and Terry Counties in Texas, 1929-2019 Streamflow Gain Loss Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 2015 Water-quality Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 1900-2015 Groundwater-level altitude and groundwater-level change maps developed for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study Groundwater-level measurement data used to develop water-level altitude maps in the upper Rio Grande alluvial basins Waterborne Self-potential, Temperature, and Conductivity Logging Data from the Elm Fork of the Trinity River between Lewisville Lake Dam and Frasier Dam Recreational Area, January 2022. Data Associated with Uranium Background Concentrations at Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, July 2016 through October 2016 (ver. 1.2, September 2018) Borehole Geophysical Data Associated with Uranium Background Concentrations at Homestake Mining Company Superfund Site near Milan, New Mexico, July 2016 through October 2016 Waterborne Self-potential, Temperature, and Conductivity Logging Data from the Elm Fork of the Trinity River between Lewisville Lake Dam and Frasier Dam Recreational Area, January 2022. Data Used to Assess the Hydrogeologic Framework with Emphasis on the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity Aquifers, in and Near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas, 2018 Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data Used in the Hydrogeologic Framework Development and Refinement for the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity Aquifers In and Near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties, Texas Compilation of Time-Domain Electromagnetic Surface Geophysical Soundings, Historical Borehole Characteristics, Water Level, Water Quality and Hydraulic Properties Data Throughout Gaines, Yoakum, and Terry Counties in Texas, 1929-2019 Hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017 Groundwater-level altitude and groundwater-level change maps developed for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study Water-quality Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 1900-2015 Alluvial basin boundary data associated with the hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017 Groundwater-level measurement data used to develop water-level altitude maps in the upper Rio Grande alluvial basins Geologic Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 2015 Geospatial Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 2015 Streamflow Gain Loss Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 2015 Water Quality, Streamflow Gain Loss, Geologic, and Geospatial Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 1900-2015