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This dataset is a single comma-delimited text file (.csv). Data include the name of lakes where samples were obtained, soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), water content (VWC), and bulk density (BD) of soil core samples within organic soil horizon in lake-margin wetland plant communities. This is a child item of the USGS Data Release:
Total and organic carbon values from soil samples taken from the Yukon River Basin, Alaska. These samples were used to create a relationship between total carbon and organic carbon for samples which were only run for total carbon. This is a child item of the USGS Data Release:
This is a child item of the USGS Data Release: These data are part of the Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA) long-term monitoring program, nearshore monitoring component. The dataset has six comma separated values (.csv) file exported from a Microsoft Access relational database. The data consist of percent cover and point contact data from algae and invertebrates at intertidal rocky substrate sampling sites. Tables include: 1) intertidal cover, 2) intertidal percent cover, 3) intertidal top layer percent cover, 4) intertidal substrate percent cover, 5) taxonomic classification, and 6) Gulf Watch Alaska contributors. Version History: First release: September 2022 Revised: October 2023 (ver....
These data are part of the Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA) long term monitoring program, nearshore monitoring component. Specifically, these data describe sea otter (Enhydra lutris) aerial survey observations from the waters around Katmai National Park and Preserve from surveys conducted in 2008, 2012, 2015, and 2018. Sea otters are a keystone predator, well known for structuring the nearshore marine ecosystem through their consumption of invertebrate prey. The dataset consists of 3 comma-delimited files (CSV) exported from Microsoft Excel. The data consists of (1) Strip transect counts, (2) Intensive Search Unit (ISU) counts, and (3) Transect coordinates. For each aerial survey, a pilot flew an airplane at an altitude...
The data support a study that surveyed the spatial distribution of Oncorhynchus mykiss and Cottus aleuticus eDNA in coastal streams of Big Sur, California, 2021-2022 following post-fire debris flows. The metadata represent qPCR quantification cycle (Cq) values for O. mykiss and C. aleuticus assays performed on water samples collected during June and July of 2021 and 2022 from the following streams: Big Creek, Mill Creek, Prewitt Creek, and Willow Creek. The metadata also includes the distance (meters) of each eDNA sample site from the stream mouth, volume of water (Liters) collected for eDNA analysis at each site, and the Y-intercept, slope, and R-squared value for each assay run.
This project contains five datasets which are reported in "Understanding metrics of stress in the context of invasion history: the case of the brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis)". Overall, this dataset describes metrics of individual and demographic stress (baseline and 1 hour post-capture corticosterone, body condition, and bacterial killing ability) in the invasive snake Boiga irregularis on Guam collected in intervals of 10-15 years from 1992 to 2018. It also contains corticosterone values obtained from different methods of measuring hormones ( radioimmunoassay; RIA versus enzyme immunoassay; EIA) for 2018 data. The first dataset is from the file "boiga_18cort_method.csv", which contains baseline and 1 hour-after-capture...
Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at two sites in Interior Alaska in September 2019 for the purposes of imaging permafrost structure and quantifying variations in subsurface moisture content in relation to thaw features. First, ERT data were collected at Big Trail Lake, a thermokarst lake outside of Fairbanks, Alaska, to quantify permafrost characteristics beneath the lake and across its shorelines. Three 222 m ERT survey lines were collected perpendicular to the North, East, and South shorelines, and two 110 m lines were collected parallel to the southeast and northeast shorelines. Models of electrical resistivity produced from these data revealed...
Monitoring change in genetic diversity in wildlife populations across multiple scales could facilitate prioritization of conservation efforts. We used microsatellite genotypes from 7,080 previously collected genetic samples from across the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) range to develop a modelling framework for estimating genetic diversity within a recently developed hierarchically nested monitoring framework (clusters). The majority of these genetic samples (n=6560) were used in previous research (Oyler-McCance et al. 2014; Cross et. al 2018; Row et. al. 2018). Genetic diversity values associated with clusters across multiple scales could facilitate the identification of areas with low genetic...
These data include down-looking images of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in either cobble or sand substrates within clear acrylic enclosures (0.86-meters (m) long, by 0.56-m wide, by 1.07-m high). Ten individual round goby were added to enclosures for imaging to ensure known abundances in each tank. Images were collected to evaluate the efficiency of image-based methodologies for estimating round goby abundance. All data were collected with Sony a6100 cameras in the wet lab at the USGS Great Lakes Science Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
We initiated a project in 2011 to identify lake-wide movement patterns and spawning areas of invasive lake trout in Yellowstone Lake, WY. We implanted acoustic transmitters in lake trout and established a network of stationary telemetry receivers in Yellowstone Lake. Lake Trout tagged with acoustic transmitters (Vemco V - series) were tracked with stationary acoustic receivers (Vemco VR2W - 69 kHz) from 2011 to 2015. The number of active receivers ranged from 17 - 65 as short term goals of the project changed. Coordinates for each detection represent the location of the receiver reading the transmitter. Additionally, detection ranges can vary from apporximately 500 - 1200 meters (but see for more details)....
False positive occupancy analysis predictions with model uncertainty based on summertime data provided to support the status assessment (SSA) for Myotis lucifigus (MYLU). The objectives outlined by the Fish and Wildlife Service’s SSA team were to estimate summertime distributions across the entire species range. Statistical analysis included five types of response data requested from the North American Bat Monitoring Program database (NABat): automatically identified stationary acoustic calls, manually vetted stationary acoustic calls, automatically identified mobile acoustic calls, manually vetted mobile acoustic calls, and capture records. Statistical analysis was for the summertime distribution modeling, data...
This dataset contains simple sequence repeat genotypes from Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae infecting the tissue of fish collected from various locations throughout western and central Montana, USA.
This dataset contains molecular diagnostic results of the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides byrosalmonae in fish tissue collected from the inter-mountain West, USA.
We apply a monthly water-balance model (MWBM) to simulate components of the water balance for the period 1950-2099 under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 for the Contiguous United States. We use the statistically downscaled MACAv2-METDATA temperature and precipitation data from 20 General Circulation Models (GCMs) from the Climate Model Intercomparison Program Phase 5 (CMIP5) as input to the water balance model. This dataset supports the USGS National Climate Change Viewer. The statistically downscaled dataset is: MACAv2-METDATA: Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (Abatzoglou & Brown, 2012, bias corrected by METDATA, Abatzoglou, 2013) Users interested in the downscaled temperature and precipitation files are referred to...
We apply a monthly water-balance model (MWBM) to simulate components of the water balance for the period 1950-2099 under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 for the Contiguous United States. We use the statistically downscaled MACAv2-METDATA temperature and precipitation data from 20 General Circulation Models (GCMs) from the Climate Model Intercomparison Program Phase 5 (CMIP5) as input to the water balance model. This dataset supports the USGS National Climate Change Viewer. The statistically downscaled dataset is: MACAv2-METDATA: Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (Abatzoglou & Brown, 2012, bias corrected by METDATA, Abatzoglou, 2013) Users interested in the downscaled temperature and precipitation files are referred to...
The data set contains raw data for pesticide (naled) residues on samplers collected after aerial applications over the National Key Deer Refuge in the Florida Keys, and biological response (cholinesterase activity in butterflies and mosquito mortality) for organisms co-located with the residue samplers.
Using juvenile individuals of 3 species of carp (Family: Cyprinidae), we tested the potential for six amino acids to elicit an extracellular electro-olfactory response within the naris using gelatin-based electrodes. The amino acids L-alanine, L-arginine, L-aspartic acid, L-asparagine, L-glutamine, and L‑glutamic acid were tested on Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), and Silver Carp (H. molitrix) to provide a comparison among amino acids both within and among species. Each row in the data set represents exposure to a single amino acid. Each individual fish was exposed to up to four amino acids sequentially in a random order, representing a trial; each individual was...
This data set contains sampling information, allele sizes of 11 microsatellite loci, and Genbank accession numbers of ddRAD seq results for scoters (Melanitta sp.). Microsatellite data is provided for three North American species of scoter (black scoter, M. americana n = 61; white-winged scoter, M. deglandi, n = 208; surf scoter, M. perspicillata, n = 145) and their European congeners (common scoter, M. nigra, n = 19; velvet scoter, M. fusca, n = 20). Individuals with ddRAD results include 27 black scoters, 4 common scoters, 32 surf scoters, 28 white-winged scoters, and 4 velvet scoters.
Categories: Data; Tags: Alaska, Alleles, Animals/Vertebrates, Baja California, Biota, All tags...
This data release has been SUPERSEDED. No data are provided here. The geospatial outlines and herd size estimates of Chukchi Sea autumn walrus haulouts, interpreted from Satellite imagery, have been combined into a single updated U.S. Geological Survey data release: This data release contains maps, geospatial files, and a table of the satellite imagery types with the dates when they were collected and examined to interpret the presence of, and area occupied by, walruses at terrestrial haulouts. Estimates of the land area occupied by walruses are provided based on interpretation by experienced image reviewers. The images are from a variety of Earth observing satellite imagery sources...
These data are part of the Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA) long-term monitoring program, nearshore monitoring component. The dataset is comprised of six comma separated values (.csv) file exported from a relational database. The data consist of 1) summer marine bird and mammal densities, 2) winter marine bird and mammal densities, 3) summer marine bird and mammal observations, 4) winter marine bird and mammal observations, 5) summer marine bird and mammal survey strip transects, and 6) winter marine bird and mammal survey strip transects. Version History: First release: December 2017 Revised: July 2024 (ver. 2.0)

map background search result map search result map Cholinesterase inhibition in butterflies on the National Key Deer Refuge following aerial application of a mosquito control pesticide Marine Bird and Mammal Survey Data from Kachemak Bay, Katmai National Park and Preserve, and Kenai Fjords National Park Gulf Watch Alaska Nearshore Component: Sea Otter Aerial Survey Data Katmai National Park and Preserve, 2008-2018 Telemetry detection data for Lake Trout in Yellowstone Lake, 2011-2015 Scoter (Melanitta sp.) ddRAD SNP and Microsatellite Genetic Data, North America and Europe, 1977-2012 Alaska permafrost characterization: Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data & Models from 2019 Molecular detection of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae DNA from fish tissues and environmental DNA water samples collected throughout the Inter-mountain West, USA from 2011 to 2019 Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae parasites in kidney tissue collected from various water bodies in Montana, USA from 2016 to 2019 Metrics of individual and demographic stress in the invasive Brown treesnake on Guam from 1992-2018 Rangewide summertime model predictions for Myotis lucifigus from acoustic and mist net data 2010 to 2019 Soil Moisture Storage Actual Evapotranspiration Child Item 3: Soil Properties of Lake-Margin Wetlands of the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Genotypes and cluster definitions for a range-wide greater sage-grouse dataset collected 2005-2017 (ver 1.1, January 2023) Child Item 6: Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, and Nitrogen Data from a Subset of Soils Within the Yukon River Basin Electro-olfactory responses of Grass Carp, Bighead Carp, and Silver Carp to the amino acids L-alanine, L-arginine, L-aspartic acid, L-asparagine, L-glutamine, and L‑glutamic acid Down-looking camera images of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) within constructed sand and cobble habitats in laboratory microcosms Nov. 2021 – Jan. 2022 Environmental DNA survey results for Oncorhynchus mykiss and Cottus aleuticus in coastal streams of Big Sur, California, 2021-2022 SUPERSEDED: Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Occurrences Interpreted from Satellite Imagery, 2023 Child Item 3: Rocky Intertidal Invertebrate and Algae Cover from Prince William Sound, Katmai National Park and Preserve, and Kenai Fjords National Park Electro-olfactory responses of Grass Carp, Bighead Carp, and Silver Carp to the amino acids L-alanine, L-arginine, L-aspartic acid, L-asparagine, L-glutamine, and L‑glutamic acid Cholinesterase inhibition in butterflies on the National Key Deer Refuge following aerial application of a mosquito control pesticide Alaska permafrost characterization: Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data & Models from 2019 Telemetry detection data for Lake Trout in Yellowstone Lake, 2011-2015 Metrics of individual and demographic stress in the invasive Brown treesnake on Guam from 1992-2018 Gulf Watch Alaska Nearshore Component: Sea Otter Aerial Survey Data Katmai National Park and Preserve, 2008-2018 Child Item 6: Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, and Nitrogen Data from a Subset of Soils Within the Yukon River Basin SUPERSEDED: Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Occurrences Interpreted from Satellite Imagery, 2023 Child Item 3: Soil Properties of Lake-Margin Wetlands of the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Child Item 3: Rocky Intertidal Invertebrate and Algae Cover from Prince William Sound, Katmai National Park and Preserve, and Kenai Fjords National Park Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae parasites in kidney tissue collected from various water bodies in Montana, USA from 2016 to 2019 Molecular detection of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae DNA from fish tissues and environmental DNA water samples collected throughout the Inter-mountain West, USA from 2011 to 2019 Marine Bird and Mammal Survey Data from Kachemak Bay, Katmai National Park and Preserve, and Kenai Fjords National Park Genotypes and cluster definitions for a range-wide greater sage-grouse dataset collected 2005-2017 (ver 1.1, January 2023) Soil Moisture Storage Actual Evapotranspiration Rangewide summertime model predictions for Myotis lucifigus from acoustic and mist net data 2010 to 2019 Scoter (Melanitta sp.) ddRAD SNP and Microsatellite Genetic Data, North America and Europe, 1977-2012