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Geophysical measurements and related field data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX) site in Interior Alaska from 2018 to 2020 to characterize subsurface thermal and hydrologic conditions along a permafrost thaw gradient. The APEX site is managed by the Bonanza Creek LTER (Long Term Ecological Research). In July 2018, soil temperature and moisture sensors were installed at six out of the nine instrument locations (APEX1, APEX2, APEX3, APEX4, APEX7, APEX9). Thermistors (PS103J2, US Sensor, Orange, CA, USA) were placed at depths of 5, 30, 60, 120, and 180 centimeters (cm) with three replicates. Three sites (APEX1, APEX4, APEX9) contained an additional single...
The purpose of this data release and associated data series (Carr and Fancher, 2021) was to compile occurrence records and map the distribution of a freshwater mussel assemblage for the Bureau of Land Management Rapid Ecoregional Assessment for the Southern Great Plains. The freshwater mussel assemblage includes Amblema plicata (threeridge), Fusconaia flava (Wabash pigtoe), Lampsilis cardium (plain pocketbook), Lampsilis teres (yellow sandshell), Pyganodon grandis (giant floater), and Uniomerus tetralasmus (pondhorn). The focal species in the assemblage were selected based on the following criteria: (1) the species are regionally significant, (2) occurrence records are sufficient to map the distribution of the species...
This data release provides a digital inventory of the Robert S. Thompson packrat midden collection consisting of 1,740 midden samples and subsamples primarily collected in the Great Basin region of Nevada, as well as in Arizona, California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Utah, and Washington, USA, by Robert S. Thompson (USGS scientist emeritus) and others between 1977 and 2006. Middens are waste piles composed of the urine and feces of packrats (Neotoma spp.) also containing plant materials, bones, and insects. Radiocarbon dating of middens indicates they can be preserved for as long as 50,000 years, and their fossil plant assemblages document changes in plant community composition through time, providing important records...
The main contents of this data release are estimates of daily and annual abundances of federally-threatened natural-origin age-0 fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) passing Lower Granite Dam, Washington. Fish from this population are sampled as they pass Lower Granite Dam, but these sample data cannot be used directly to infer abundance because capture probability at Lower Granite Dam varies throughout the migration and because of the contemporaneous presence of unmarked hatchery-origin fish which are visually indistinguishable from natural-origin fish. Estimates of abundance were obtained by fitting a statistical mark-recapture model that integrated four related datasets: 1) the release/recapture data...
Here, we present changes in greater sage-grouse nesting habitat suitability that represents habitat before a simulated fire event and post-fire event after simulating the planting of sagebrush. The planting design used here reflects the multi-year (my) habitat restoration effort where we used several moderate (sm) patches with high density (hd) planting of sagebrush. The planting was targeted for nesting habitat, and the data reflects the change in simulated habitat conditions between 2015 and 2030. To assess the degree to which transplanting sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) could quickly restore former sage-grouse habitat and the strategies by which greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse)...
All data layers included in this data release were created using the Prioritizing Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems Tool (PReSET) tool, which relies on spatial inputs on species distributions and likelihood of restoration success to select parcels for sagebrush restoration. The PReSET is a workflow that relies on the prioritizr package in program R to identify parcels for effective and meaningful sagebrush restoration.Inputs into the tool included occupancy data layers for six focal species (Brewer’s sparrow (Spizella breweri), sagebrush sparrow (Artemisiospiza nevadensis), sage thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus), greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) and greater short-horned...
This shapefile represents the offshore grid-based sampling frame intended for use with the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat). The grid consists of 10 km x 10 km cells spanning the oceanic waters surrounding Mexico.
This data package includes 40 geospatial rasters (maps) depicting various metrics about eelgrass (Zostera marina) coverage at Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, during 2016 and 2020. Two maps were produced from two Sentinel-2 satellite images collected on July 1, 2016, and August 14, 2020. Spectral classes derived from each satellite image were annotated and mapped based on data collected in the field at plots within each spectral class.
Species distributions are governed by processes occurring at multiple spatial scales. For species with complex life cycles, the needs of all life stages must be met within the dispersal limitations of the species. Multi-scale processes can be particularly important for these species, where small-scale patterns in specific habitat components can affect the distribution of one life stage, whereas large-scale patterns in land cover might better explain the distribution of other life stages. Using a conditional multi-scale model, we evaluated which aspects of the landscape and local environment are most strongly related to occupancy patterns of western spadefoots (Spea hammondii). These data describe the survey, pool,...
This dataset is one table with results of tests to determine exposure of Chukchi Sea polar bears to a suite of pathogens. Results are serological tests for antibodies and tests of fecal samples for presence of parasites. Serologic assays were conducted for Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Francisella tularensis, Coxiella burnetii, Leptospira spp., Brucella canis, Brucella abortus/suis, and canine distemper virus. Parasitology analyses were conducted for presence of Giardia cysts and Cryptospiridium oocysts in fecal samples. Polar bears were sampled on sea ice in the Chukchi Sea between mid-March and early May 1987-1994 and 2008-2017. The dataset includes relevant information about the bears that were captured...
This data package contains location data collected by the Argos System (CLS America, Inc.) from satellite transmitters attached to 116 Lesser Yellowlegs captured at multiple sites across their breeding and nonbreeding range in North America, 2018-2021. The raw data were processed to accomplish two goals: 1) flag implausible location and 2) remove locations within Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER) and Eielson Air Force Base boundaries. Removal of locations in military land boundaries is required due to federal guidelines by Department of Defense (DoD) Public Affairs office and DoD Partners in Flight. Due to data sharing constraints of participating agencies, not all the locations (i.e., latitude and longitude)...
This dataset is one table with data collected and derived from polar bears sampled in Alaska's southern Beaufort Sea during 1983-2018. Collected data includes demographic and morphometric information. Derived data includes blood-based analyte values determined from whole blood and serum samples. Serum samples were analyzed on an Abaxis VS2 Biochemistry Analyzer and whole blood samples were analyzed on an Abaxis HM5 Diagnostic Analyzer. VS2 analysis quantified values of 13 biochemistry analytes for the period 1983-2016. Complete blood count (CBC) analyte values were quantified from the HM5 analysis for the period 2005-2018. These data were used to (i) generate reference ranges of serum biochemistry analyte values...
These data are in three folders of Keyhole Markup Language (KML) geospatial polygons representing the outlines of walrus herds apparent in satellite imagery. Each KML file contains one or more geospatial polygons of walrus herd outlines created by one observer who visually interpreted the images. The attribute values from all KML files are collected in a CSV table included with this data package. Additional walrus satellite image-derived Chukchi Sea walrus haulout outlines are available in another USGS data release (Fischbach and Douglas 2022;
The imagery and annotations presented here were generated while testing an aerial photographic survey design to improve repeatability, transparency, and estimation of variance for annual population estimates of geese staging at Izembek Lagoon, Alaska. This dataset includes 1) 131,031 .JPG images captured from a small fixed-wing occupied aircraft, usually at an altitude of about 457 m, over Izembek Lagoon; 2) annotations of objects (geese, ducks, and gulls) assigned by an automated algorithm, and 3) manually corrected annotations that were edited by project staff for only those photos automatically identified as containing geese of any species. The photos were captured at predetermined points to systematically sample...
This dataset provides one table of bioenergetic and morphological measurements of Pacific blue mussels (Mytilus trossulus; N = 444) collected at three intertidal sites in Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska. Mussels were collected at the same tidal height across all three sites on a nearly monthly basis from 2014-2015.
This data package contains geospatial layers used for selecting bird survey locations in Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve. 1)"ANIA_original_sample_sitesAlb83" represents the nine 10-km X 10-km sample plots selected for the Aniakchak bird surveys. 2)"ANIA_sample_location_waypointsAlb83" is a summary of the 136 locations at which Aniakchak bird surveys were conducted. 3)"ANIA_sampled_plotsAlb83" represents the nine 10-km X 10-km sample plots inventoried during the Aniakchak bird surveys. 4)"ANIA_savage_site_checksAlb83" represents unique sites within Aniakchak that were identified for site visits based on expert opinion.
U.S. Geological Survey and partners are testing the effects of prescribed fire on Black Rails, Yellow Rails, and Mottled Ducks in the high marsh habitats of the northern Gulf of Mexico region. The study is conducted in cooperation with Mississippi State University, Illinois Natural History Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, state agencies, universities, and non-governmental organizations. The objectives of this project are to develop an adaptive management framework that allows land managers to reduce our uncertainty about the effects of prescribed fire on these species and the habitats on which they depend, and give managers tools and information that will help them determine the best management actions to...
Summarization of US Geological Survey National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, and 2019 Land Cover datasets for the NLCD 2019 update with the Spatial Hydro-Ecological Decision System (SHEDS) framework. These NLCD data were summarized using the local and upstream total accumulation methods within SHEDS. These datasets contain the area in square meters covered by each land cover class within all the land cover datasets for the local SHEDS catchments along with the area-weighted sum of the local and all upstream SHEDS catchment values. Additionally, these data were summarized into percent coverage for each land cover class within all land cover datasets for the local SHEDS catchments...
These are genetic data collected from over 700 individual coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from 17 streams and rivers within Glacier Bay Alaska and 2 rivers outside the bay. Data collected from all samples include one nuclear gene intron, Growth Hormone-1, and eight microsatellite loci.

map background search result map search result map Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Genetic Data, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (1994-1999) Change in greater sage-grouse habitat suitability 15-years post simulated fire event and targeted sagebrush transplants (2015-2030) Distribution of a freshwater mussel assemblage in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma APEX Soil Temperature and Moisture Data from 2018-2020 Spatial layers generated by the Prioritizing Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems Tool (PReSET) applied in Southern Wyoming Western spadefoot survey data in northern and central California (2019) Walrus Haulout Outlines Apparent from Satellite Imagery Near Point Lay Alaska, Autumn 2018-2020 North American Grid-Based Offshore Sampling Frame: Mexico Bioenergetics and Morphology of Mussels (Mytilus trossulus) in Kenai Fjords National Park Aerial Photo Imagery from Fall Waterfowl Surveys, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, 2017-2019 Fire Effects in Gulf of Mexico Marshes: Adaptive Management for Black Rails, Yellow Rails, and Mottled Ducks Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bear Blood Based Analyte Data, 1983-2018 Pathogen Exposure Data for Chukchi Sea Polar Bears 1988-1994 and 2008-2017 Daily and annual abundances of natural- and hatchery-origin age-0 fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) passing Lower Granite Dam, Washington 1992 - 2021 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Argos GPS Satellite Tracking Data for Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Maps from 2016 and 2020, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska Genetic Data from Barrow's Goldeneye and Common Goldeneye Child Item 2: Geospatial Sampling Information from the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska APEX Soil Temperature and Moisture Data from 2018-2020 Walrus Haulout Outlines Apparent from Satellite Imagery Near Point Lay Alaska, Autumn 2018-2020 Bioenergetics and Morphology of Mussels (Mytilus trossulus) in Kenai Fjords National Park Aerial Photo Imagery from Fall Waterfowl Surveys, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, 2017-2019 Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Maps from 2016 and 2020, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska Change in greater sage-grouse habitat suitability 15-years post simulated fire event and targeted sagebrush transplants (2015-2030) Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Genetic Data, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (1994-1999) Child Item 2: Geospatial Sampling Information from the Inventory of Montane-nesting Birds in Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska Daily and annual abundances of natural- and hatchery-origin age-0 fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) passing Lower Granite Dam, Washington 1992 - 2021 Western spadefoot survey data in northern and central California (2019) Spatial layers generated by the Prioritizing Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems Tool (PReSET) applied in Southern Wyoming Distribution of a freshwater mussel assemblage in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma Fire Effects in Gulf of Mexico Marshes: Adaptive Management for Black Rails, Yellow Rails, and Mottled Ducks Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bear Blood Based Analyte Data, 1983-2018 North American Grid-Based Offshore Sampling Frame: Mexico Pathogen Exposure Data for Chukchi Sea Polar Bears 1988-1994 and 2008-2017 Genetic Data from Barrow's Goldeneye and Common Goldeneye U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Argos GPS Satellite Tracking Data for Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes)